def test_point_parse(self):
        This test exercises the parsing logic our POINT WKT object
        @since 1.2
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-641
        @test_category dse geometric
        @expected_result We should be able to form POINT objects from properly formatted WKT strings

        # Test basic point
        ps = "POINT (1.0 2.0)"
        po = Point.from_wkt(ps)
        self.assertEqual(po.x, 1.0)
        self.assertEqual(po.y, 2.0)

        # Test bad point strings
        bps = "POIN (1.0 2.0)"
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            bpo = Point.from_wkt(bps)
        bps = "POINT (1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0"
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            bpo = Point.from_wkt(bps)

        # Points get truncated automatically
        tps = "POINT (9.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0)"
        tpo = Point.from_wkt(tps)
        self.assertEqual(tpo.x, 9.0)
        self.assertEqual(tpo.y, 2.0)

        # Test point with NAN
        ps = "POINT (NAN NAN)"
        po = Point.from_wkt(ps)
 def test_empty_wkb(self):
     for cls in (LineString, Polygon):
         class_name = cls.__name__
         cql_type = lookup_casstype(class_name + 'Type')
             str(cql_type.from_binary(cql_type.to_binary(cls(), 0), 0)),
             class_name.upper() + " EMPTY")
         str(PointType.from_binary(PointType.to_binary(Point(), 0), 0)),
         "POINT (nan nan)")
 def test_both_endian(self):
     self._verify_both_endian(PointType, "dd",
                              (WKBGeometryType.POINT, 1, 2), Point(1, 2))
         LineStringType, "Idddddd",
         (WKBGeometryType.LINESTRING, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
         LineString(((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6))))
         PolygonType, "IIdddddd",
         (WKBGeometryType.POLYGON, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
         Polygon(((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6))))
    def test_str_wkt(self):
        self.assertEqual(str(Point(1., 2.)), 'POINT (1.0 2.0)')
        self.assertEqual(str(Point()), "POINT (nan nan)")
        self.assertEqual(str(LineString(((1., 2.), (3., 4.), (5., 6.)))),
                         'LINESTRING (1.0 2.0, 3.0 4.0, 5.0 6.0)')
        self.assertEqual(str(_LinearRing(((1., 2.), (3., 4.), (5., 6.)))),
                         'LINEARRING (1.0 2.0, 3.0 4.0, 5.0 6.0)')
                Polygon([(10.1, 10.0), (110.0, 10.0), (110., 110.0),
                         (10., 110.0), (10., 10.0)],
                        [[(20., 20.0), (20., 30.0), (30., 30.0), (30., 20.0),
                          (20., 20.0)],
                         [(40., 20.0), (40., 30.0), (50., 30.0), (50., 20.0),
                          (40., 20.0)]])),
            'POLYGON ((10.1 10.0, 110.0 10.0, 110.0 110.0, 10.0 110.0, 10.0 10.0), (20.0 20.0, 20.0 30.0, 30.0 30.0, 30.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0), (40.0 20.0, 40.0 30.0, 50.0 30.0, 50.0 20.0, 40.0 20.0))'

        class LinearRing(_LinearRing):

        for cls in (LineString, LinearRing, Polygon):
            self.assertEqual(str(cls()), cls.__name__.upper() + " EMPTY")
Exemple #5
class BasicGeometricPointTypeTest(AbstractGeometricTypeTest,
    Runs all the geometric tests against PointType
    cql_type_name = "'{0}'".format(PointType.typename)
    original_value = Point(.5, .13)

    @unittest.skip("Empty String")
    def test_insert_empty_with_string(self):

    @unittest.skip("Empty String")
    def test_insert_empty_with_object(self):
 def test_hash(self):
     for geo in (Point(1., 2.), LineString(((1., 2.), (3., 4.), (5., 6.))),
                 _LinearRing(((1., 2.), (3., 4.), (5., 6.))),
                 Polygon([(10.1, 10.0), (110.0, 10.0), (110., 110.0),
                          (10., 110.0), (10., 10.0)], [[(20., 20.0),
                                                        (20., 30.0),
                                                        (30., 30.0),
                                                        (30., 20.0),
                                                        (20., 20.0)],
                                                       [(40., 20.0),
                                                        (40., 30.0),
                                                        (50., 30.0),
                                                        (50., 20.0),
                                                        (40., 20.0)]])):
         self.assertEqual(len(set((geo, geo))), 1)
    def _test_geometric_graph_types(self, schema, graphson):
        Test to validate that geometric types function correctly

        Creates a very simple graph, and tries to insert a simple point type

        @since 1.0.0
        @jira_ticket DSP-8087
        @expected_result json types associated with insert is parsed correctly

        @test_category dse graph
        vertex_label = VertexLabel([('pointP', "Point()")])
        ep = self.get_execution_profile(graphson)
        schema.create_vertex_label(self.session, vertex_label, ep)
        # import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.geometry.Point;
        rs = schema.add_vertex(self.session, vertex_label, 'pointP', Point(0, 1), ep)

        # if result set is not parsed correctly this will throw an exception
    def test_eq(self):
        for geo in (Point(1., 2.), LineString(((1., 2.), (3., 4.), (5., 6.))),
                    _LinearRing(((1., 2.), (3., 4.), (5., 6.))),
                    Polygon([(10.1, 10.0), (110.0, 10.0), (110., 110.0),
                             (10., 110.0), (10., 10.0)], [[(20., 20.0),
                                                           (20., 30.0),
                                                           (30., 30.0),
                                                           (30., 20.0),
                                                           (20., 20.0)],
                                                          [(40., 20.0),
                                                           (40., 30.0),
                                                           (50., 30.0),
                                                           (50., 20.0),
                                                           (40., 20.0)]])):
            # same type
            self.assertEqual(geo, geo)

            # does not blow up on other types
            # specifically use assertFalse(eq) to make sure we're using the geo __eq__ operator
            self.assertFalse(geo == object())
Exemple #9
 def deserialize(cls, value, reader=None):
     return Point.from_wkt(value)
Exemple #10
def _convert_point(val):
    coords = _get_coords(val, 'Point')
    _validate_point(coords, val)
    point = Point(*coords)
    return point
class GeoTypes(unittest.TestCase):

    samples = (Point(1, 2), LineString(((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6))),
               Polygon([(10.1, 10.0), (110.0, 10.0), (110., 110.0),
                        (10., 110.0), (10., 10.0)], [[(20., 20.0), (20., 30.0),
                                                      (30., 30.0), (30., 20.0),
                                                      (20., 20.0)],
                                                     [(40., 20.0), (40., 30.0),
                                                      (50., 30.0), (50., 20.0),
                                                      (40., 20.0)]]))

    def test_marshal_platform(self):
        for proto_ver in protocol_versions:
            for geo in self.samples:
                cql_type = lookup_casstype(geo.__class__.__name__ + 'Type')
                    cql_type.from_binary(cql_type.to_binary(geo, proto_ver),
                                         proto_ver), geo)

    def _verify_both_endian(self, typ, body_fmt, params, expected):
        for proto_ver in protocol_versions:
                typ.from_binary(struct.pack(">BI" + body_fmt, wkb_be, *params),
                                proto_ver), expected)
                typ.from_binary(struct.pack("<BI" + body_fmt, wkb_le, *params),
                                proto_ver), expected)

    def test_both_endian(self):
        self._verify_both_endian(PointType, "dd",
                                 (WKBGeometryType.POINT, 1, 2), Point(1, 2))
            LineStringType, "Idddddd",
            (WKBGeometryType.LINESTRING, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
            LineString(((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6))))
            PolygonType, "IIdddddd",
            (WKBGeometryType.POLYGON, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
            Polygon(((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6))))

    def test_empty_wkb(self):
        for cls in (LineString, Polygon):
            class_name = cls.__name__
            cql_type = lookup_casstype(class_name + 'Type')
                str(cql_type.from_binary(cql_type.to_binary(cls(), 0), 0)),
                class_name.upper() + " EMPTY")
            str(PointType.from_binary(PointType.to_binary(Point(), 0), 0)),
            "POINT (nan nan)")

    def test_str_wkt(self):
        self.assertEqual(str(Point(1., 2.)), 'POINT (1.0 2.0)')
        self.assertEqual(str(Point()), "POINT (nan nan)")
        self.assertEqual(str(LineString(((1., 2.), (3., 4.), (5., 6.)))),
                         'LINESTRING (1.0 2.0, 3.0 4.0, 5.0 6.0)')
        self.assertEqual(str(_LinearRing(((1., 2.), (3., 4.), (5., 6.)))),
                         'LINEARRING (1.0 2.0, 3.0 4.0, 5.0 6.0)')
                Polygon([(10.1, 10.0), (110.0, 10.0), (110., 110.0),
                         (10., 110.0), (10., 10.0)],
                        [[(20., 20.0), (20., 30.0), (30., 30.0), (30., 20.0),
                          (20., 20.0)],
                         [(40., 20.0), (40., 30.0), (50., 30.0), (50., 20.0),
                          (40., 20.0)]])),
            'POLYGON ((10.1 10.0, 110.0 10.0, 110.0 110.0, 10.0 110.0, 10.0 10.0), (20.0 20.0, 20.0 30.0, 30.0 30.0, 30.0 20.0, 20.0 20.0), (40.0 20.0, 40.0 30.0, 50.0 30.0, 50.0 20.0, 40.0 20.0))'

        class LinearRing(_LinearRing):

        for cls in (LineString, LinearRing, Polygon):
            self.assertEqual(str(cls()), cls.__name__.upper() + " EMPTY")

    def test_repr(self):
        for geo in (Point(1., 2.), LineString(((1., 2.), (3., 4.), (5., 6.))),
                    _LinearRing(((1., 2.), (3., 4.), (5., 6.))),
                    Polygon([(10.1, 10.0), (110.0, 10.0), (110., 110.0),
                             (10., 110.0), (10., 10.0)], [[(20., 20.0),
                                                           (20., 30.0),
                                                           (30., 30.0),
                                                           (30., 20.0),
                                                           (20., 20.0)],
                                                          [(40., 20.0),
                                                           (40., 30.0),
                                                           (50., 30.0),
                                                           (50., 20.0),
                                                           (40., 20.0)]])):
            self.assertEqual(eval(repr(geo)), geo)

    def test_hash(self):
        for geo in (Point(1., 2.), LineString(((1., 2.), (3., 4.), (5., 6.))),
                    _LinearRing(((1., 2.), (3., 4.), (5., 6.))),
                    Polygon([(10.1, 10.0), (110.0, 10.0), (110., 110.0),
                             (10., 110.0), (10., 10.0)], [[(20., 20.0),
                                                           (20., 30.0),
                                                           (30., 30.0),
                                                           (30., 20.0),
                                                           (20., 20.0)],
                                                          [(40., 20.0),
                                                           (40., 30.0),
                                                           (50., 30.0),
                                                           (50., 20.0),
                                                           (40., 20.0)]])):
            self.assertEqual(len(set((geo, geo))), 1)

    def test_eq(self):
        for geo in (Point(1., 2.), LineString(((1., 2.), (3., 4.), (5., 6.))),
                    _LinearRing(((1., 2.), (3., 4.), (5., 6.))),
                    Polygon([(10.1, 10.0), (110.0, 10.0), (110., 110.0),
                             (10., 110.0), (10., 10.0)], [[(20., 20.0),
                                                           (20., 30.0),
                                                           (30., 30.0),
                                                           (30., 20.0),
                                                           (20., 20.0)],
                                                          [(40., 20.0),
                                                           (40., 30.0),
                                                           (50., 30.0),
                                                           (50., 20.0),
                                                           (40., 20.0)]])):
            # same type
            self.assertEqual(geo, geo)

            # does not blow up on other types
            # specifically use assertFalse(eq) to make sure we're using the geo __eq__ operator
            self.assertFalse(geo == object())
Exemple #12
# A map of common types and their corresponding groovy declaration for use in schema creation and insertion
MAX_LONG = 9223372036854775807
MIN_LONG = -9223372036854775808

if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
    MAX_LONG = long(MAX_LONG)
    MIN_LONG = long(MIN_LONG)

deserializers = GraphSON1Deserializer()._deserializers

     Point(.5, .13), GraphSON1Deserializer.deserialize_point],
     Point(-5, .0), GraphSON1Deserializer.deserialize_point],
    "linestring1": [
        LineString(((1.0, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0), (-89.0, 90.0))),
    "polygon1": [
        Polygon([(10.0, 10.0), (80.0, 10.0), (80., 88.0), (10., 89.0),
                 (10., 10.0)], [[(20., 20.0), (20., 30.0), (30., 30.0),
                                 (30., 20.0), (20., 20.0)],
                                [(40., 20.0), (40., 30.0), (50., 30.0),
                                 (50., 20.0), (40., 20.0)]]),