Exemple #1
    def end_application(self, application):

        logging.info("Filtering violations")

        # All Cobol properties corresponding to bookmarked quality rules
        properties = get_properties(application)

        # 1. register each property as handled by this plugin : we will rewrite them
        for prop in properties:

        number_of_programs = 0
        number_of_cobol_programs = 0
        number_of_cobol_copybooks = 0
        number_of_hra_programs = 0
        number_of_violations = 0
        number_of_kept_violations = 0
        hra_LOC = 0
        total_LOC = 0

        for program in application.objects().has_type(

            # 1. get the violations for that program

            # a Cobol violation can be in a copybook, we group violations per file
            violations_per_file = {}
            number_of_programs += 1
            is_hra = False

            for prop in properties:

                for violation in program.get_violations(prop):

                    _file = violation[1].file
                    if _file not in violations_per_file:
                        violations_per_file[_file] = []


            # 2. filter the violations  that are in user code
            user_code_violations = []

            for _file, violations in violations_per_file.items():

                if program != _file:
                    #CobolFileType = 'CopyBook'     # we are in a Copybook
                    number_of_cobol_copybooks += 1
                    #CobolFileType = 'Program'    # we are not in the program not a Copybook
                    number_of_cobol_programs += 1

                # open the file, get the 'user code bookmarks'
                # those are the 'bookmarks' that represent the user code
                bookmarks = []

                with open_source_file(_file.get_path()) as f:

                    #logging.info('current file (%s) =[ %s ] ' % (CobolFileType, _file.get_path()))

                    begin_line = 0
                    current_line = 0
                    number_of_hra_LOC_in_current_file = 0

                    for line in f:
                        current_line += 1

                        if is_begin(line):
                            # store current portion begin
                            #logging.info('begin_line =[ %s ] ' % (line))
                            begin_line = current_line
                        elif is_end(line):
                            # add a user code bookmark
                            end_line = current_line
                            bookmark = Bookmark(_file, begin_line, 1,
                                                current_line, -1)

                            #logging.info('end_line =[ %s ] ' % (line))
                            #logging.info('bookmark file =[ %s ], begin_line = %s end_line = %s ' % (_file, begin_line, end_line))

                            is_hra = True
                            number_of_hra_LOC_in_current_file += (end_line -
                                                                  begin_line +

                # filter the violations that reside in at least one 'user code bookmark'
                for violation in violations:

                    number_of_violations += 1

                    for bookmark in bookmarks:
                        # use of contains operator
                        if bookmark.contains(violation[1]):
                    if not bookmarks:
                        # case where we do not have any marker : keep all violations : maybe we are not in HR Access environment

                if (number_of_hra_LOC_in_current_file != 0):
                        'Number of customer code LOC in current file [%s]: %s on a total of %s LOC'
                        % (_file.get_path(), number_of_hra_LOC_in_current_file,
                    total_LOC += current_line
                    hra_LOC += number_of_hra_LOC_in_current_file
                        'File [%s] does not contain any customer code, file LOC = %s'
                        % (_file.get_path(), current_line))
                    total_LOC += current_line

            if is_hra:
                number_of_hra_programs += 1

            # 3. save back user_code_violations
            for violation in user_code_violations:

                number_of_kept_violations += 1

                # violation 'format' is almost directly usable as parameter
                program.save_violation(violation[0], violation[1],

            # et hop !

        if (total_LOC > 0):
                'Found %s HR Access programs out of %s programs and %s copybooks'
                % (number_of_hra_programs, number_of_programs,
            logging.info('Kept %s violation bookmarks out of %s' %
                         (number_of_kept_violations, number_of_violations))
                'Number of HR Access LOC : %s on a total of %s LOC, which means %s percent of generated LOC'
                % (hra_LOC, total_LOC, round(hra_LOC * 100 / total_LOC, 2)))
            logging.info("Done filtering violations")
                '*** No Cobol files analyzed, so no HR Access code to filter')
Exemple #2
    def end_application(self, application):

        logging.info("Filtering violations")

        # All Cobol properties corresponding to bookmarked quality rules
        properties = get_properties(application)

        # 1. register each property as handled by this plugin : we wil rewrite them
        for prop in properties:

        number_of_programs = 0
        number_of_telon_programs = 0
        number_of_violations = 0
        number_of_kept_violations = 0
        telon_LOC = 0
        total_LOC = 0

        for program in application.objects().has_type(

            # 1. get the violations for that program

            # a Cobol violation can be in a copybook, we group violations per file
            violations_per_file = {}
            number_of_programs += 1
            is_telon = False

            for prop in properties:

                for violation in program.get_violations(prop):

                    _file = violation[1].file
                    if _file not in violations_per_file:
                        violations_per_file[_file] = []


            # 2. filter the violations  that are in user code
            user_code_violations = []

            for _file, violations in violations_per_file.items():

                # open the file, get the 'user code bookmarks'
                # those are the 'bookmarks' that represent the user code
                bookmarks = []

                with open_source_file(_file.get_path()) as f:

                    begin_line = 0
                    current_line = 0
                    number_of_telon_LOC_in_current_program = 0

                    for line in f:
                        current_line += 1

                        if is_begin(line):
                            # store current portion begin
                            begin_line = current_line
                        elif is_end(line):
                            # add a user code bookmark
                            end_line = current_line
                            bookmark = Bookmark(_file, begin_line, 1,
                                                current_line, -1)

                            is_telon = True
                            number_of_telon_LOC_in_current_program += (
                                end_line - begin_line + 1)

                # filter the violations that reside in at least one 'user code bookmark'
                for violation in violations:

                    number_of_violations += 1

                    for bookmark in bookmarks:
                        # use of contains operator
                        if bookmark.contains(violation[1]):
                    if not bookmarks:
                        # case where we do not have any marker : keep all violations : maybe we are not in TELON environment

            if is_telon:
                number_of_telon_programs += 1
                    'Number of TELON LOC in current program [%s]: %s on a total of %s LOC'
                    % (_file.get_path(),
                       number_of_telon_LOC_in_current_program, current_line))
                total_LOC += current_line
                telon_LOC += number_of_telon_LOC_in_current_program
                logging.info('File [%s] does not contain any Telon code' %

            # 3. save back user_code_violations
            for violation in user_code_violations:

                number_of_kept_violations += 1

                # violation 'format' is almost directly usable as parameter
                program.save_violation(violation[0], violation[1],

            # et hop !

        logging.info('Found %s TELON programs out of %s programs' %
                     (number_of_telon_programs, number_of_programs))
        logging.info('Kept %s violation bookmarks out of %s' %
                     (number_of_kept_violations, number_of_violations))
            'Number of TELON LOC : %s on a total of %s LOC, which means %s percent of generated LOC'
            % (telon_LOC, total_LOC, round(telon_LOC * 100 / total_LOC, 2)))
        logging.info("Done filtering violations")