def poll_console_job(session, env_id, svc_id, task_id):
    while True:
        resp = console_job_status(session, env_id, svc_id, task_id)
        if resp["jobId"] is not None:
            return resp["jobId"]
        output.write(".", sameline = True)
def worker(target):
    """Starts a Procfile target as a worker. Worker containers are intended to be short-lived, one-off tasks."""
    settings = project.read_settings()
    session = client.acquire_session(settings)
    output.write("Initiating a background worker for Service: %s (procfile target = \"%s\")" % (settings['serviceId'], target))
    services.initiate_worker(session, settings["environmentId"], settings["serviceId"], target)
    output.write("Worker started.")
def support_ids():
    """Prints out various helpful IDs that can be pasted into support tickets."""
    settings = project.read_settings()
    session = client.acquire_session(settings)
    del settings["token"]
    for pair in settings.items():
        output.write("%s: %s" % pair)
Exemple #4
def rake(task_name):
    """Execute a rake task. This is only applicable to ruby-based applications."""
    settings = project.read_settings()
    session = client.acquire_session(settings)
    output.write("Executing Rake Task: {}".format(task_name))
    resp = services.initiate_rake(session, settings["environmentId"], settings["serviceId"], task_name)
    output.write("Rake task output viewable in the logging server.")
 def transform_single(self, data, prefix = ""):
     for job in data:
         for metric in job["metrics"]:
             output.write("%s%s | %8s (%s) | CPU: %6.2fs (%5.2f%%) | Net: RX: %.2f KB TX: %.2f KB | Mem: %.2f KB | Disk: %.2f KB read / %.2f KB write " % tuple([ \
                 time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(metric["ts"])),
                 job["id"]] + metric_to_list(metric)))
def redeploy():
    """Redeploy an environment's service manually."""
    settings = project.read_settings()
    session = client.acquire_session(settings)
    service_id = settings["serviceId"]
    output.write("Redeploying " + service_id)
    services.redeploy(session, settings["environmentId"], service_id)
    output.write("Redeploy successful, check status and logs for updates")
def list():
    """List all set variables."""
    settings = project.read_settings()
    session = client.acquire_session(settings)
    service = session.get("%s/v1/environments/%s/services/%s" % (config.paas_host, settings["environmentId"], settings["serviceId"]), verify = True)
    variables = service["environmentVariables"]
    for value, key in sorted(variables.items()):
        output.write("%s = %s" % (value, key))
def list_environments():
    """Lists all environments to which you have access."""
    settings = project.read_settings(required = False)
    session = client.acquire_session(settings)
    envs = environments.list(session)
    for env in envs:
        output.write("%s: %s (state: %s)" % (env["data"]["name"], env["environmentId"], env["state"]))
    if len(envs) == 0:
        output.write("no environments found")
def users():
    """Lists users in the associated environment."""
    settings = project.read_settings()
    session = client.acquire_session(settings)
    for user in environments.list_users(session, settings["environmentId"])["users"]:
        if user == settings["user_id"]:
            output.write("%s (you)" % (user,))
 def transform_single(self, data, service_id = None, service_label = None):
     for job in data:
         for metric in job["metrics"]:
             row = [metric["ts"], 
                     job["id"]] + metric_to_list(metric)
             row = row if service_id is None else [service_label, service_id] + row
     if service_id is None:
def create(service_label, skip_poll):
    settings = project.read_settings()
    session = client.acquire_session(settings)
    service_id = services.get_by_label(session, settings["environmentId"], service_label)
    task_id = services.create_backup(session, settings["environmentId"], service_id)
    print("Backup started (task ID = %s)" % (task_id,))
    if not skip_poll:
        output.write("Polling until backup finishes.")
        task = tasks.poll_status(session, settings["environmentId"], task_id, exit_on_error=False)
        output.write("\nEnded in status '%s'" % (task["status"],))
        logs.dump(session, settings, service_label, service_id, task_id, "backup", None)
        if task["status"] != "finished":
Exemple #12
def poll_status(session, env_id, task_id, exit_on_error=True):
    route = "%s/v1/environments/%s/tasks/%s" % (config.paas_host, env_id, task_id)
    while True:
        task = session.get(route, verify = True)
        if task["status"] not in ["scheduled", "queued", "started", "running"]:
            if task["status"] == "finished":
                return task
                output.error("Error - ended in status '%s'." % (task["status"],), exit=exit_on_error)
            output.write(".", sameline = True)
def status():
    """Check the status of the environment and every service in it."""
    settings = project.read_settings()
    session = client.acquire_session(settings)
    env = environments.retrieve(session, settings["environmentId"])
    output.write("environment state: " + env["state"])
    codes = []
    noncodes = []
    for service in services.list(session, settings["environmentId"]):
        if service["type"] != "utility":
            if service["type"] == "code":
                codes.append("\t%s (size = %s, build status = %s, deploy status = %s)" % (service["label"], service["size"], service["build_status"], service["deploy_status"]))
                noncodes.append("\t%s (size = %s, image = %s, status = %s)" % (service["label"], service["size"], service["name"], service["deploy_status"]))
    for item in (codes + noncodes):
Exemple #14
 def transform_single(self, data, prefix=""):
     for job in data:
         for metric in job["metrics"]:
                 "%s%s | %s (%s) | CPU: %d | Net: RX: %d KB TX: %d KB | Mem: %d KB | Disk: %d KB read / %d KB write "
                 % (
                     time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(metric["ts"])),
                     math.ceil(metric["cpu"]["usage"] / 1000.0),
                     math.ceil(metric["network"]["rx_bytes"]["ave"] / 1024.0),
                     math.ceil(metric["network"]["tx_bytes"]["ave"] / 1024.0),
                     math.ceil(metric["memory"]["ave"] / 1024.0),
                     math.ceil(metric["diskio"]["read"] / 1024.0),
                     math.ceil(metric["diskio"]["write"] / 1024.0),
Exemple #15
def dump(session, settings, service_label, service_id, task_id, task_type, file):
    Downloads and decrypts the logs for a given job. This job is typically a backup, restore, import, or
    export job. These logs are written to the path :param file: or output to the console if file is None.
    This should be called after every backup, restore, import, or export job.

    :param session: the project settings
    :param settings: the current session
    :param service_label: the human readable name of the service
    :param service_id: the unique identifier of the service
    :param task_id: the ID of the task for which the logs are being retrieved, this **should not** be a job ID
    :param task_type: the type of task for which the logs are being retrieved (`backup` or `restore`)
    :param file: the name of the file to dump the logs to or None for console output
    output.write("Retrieving %s logs for task %s ..." % (service_label, task_id))
    # translate the task_id into a job
    job = jobs.retrieve_from_task_id(session, settings["environmentId"], task_id)
    url = services.get_temporary_logs_url(session, settings["environmentId"], service_id, task_type, job["id"])
    r = requests.get(url, stream=True)
    basename = os.path.basename(str(uuid.uuid4()))
    dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    tmp_filepath = os.path.join(dir, basename)
    with open(tmp_filepath, 'wb+') as f:
        for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
            if chunk:
    decryption = AESCrypto.Decryption(tmp_filepath, job[task_type]["key"], job[task_type]["iv"])
    decrypted_tmp_filepath = os.path.join(dir, str(uuid.uuid4()))
    if file is not None:
        shutil.copy(decrypted_tmp_filepath, file)
        output.write("Logs written to %s", (file,))
        output.write("-------------------------- Begin %s logs --------------------------" % (service_label,))
        with open(decrypted_tmp_filepath, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
        output.write("--------------------------  End %s logs  --------------------------" % (service_label,))
Exemple #16
 def transform_single(self, data, service_id=None, service_label=None):
     for job in data:
         for metric in job["metrics"]:
             row = [
                 math.ceil(metric["cpu"]["usage"] / 1000),
                 math.ceil(metric["network"]["rx_bytes"]["ave"] / 1024),
                 math.ceil(metric["network"]["tx_bytes"]["ave"] / 1024),
                 math.ceil(metric["memory"]["ave"] / 1024.0),
                 math.ceil(metric["diskio"]["read"] / 1024.0),
                 math.ceil(metric["diskio"]["write"] / 1024.0),
             row = row if service_id is None else [service_label, service_id] + row
     if service_id is None:
def acquire_session(settings = None):
    if settings is not None and "token" in settings and "user_id" in settings:
        session = Session(token = settings["token"], user_id = settings["user_id"])
        resp = session.get(config.baas_host + "/v2/auth/verify")
        if resp.status_code == 200:
            return session
        elif resp.status_code == 401:
            output.write("Session has timed out. Please re-enter credentials.")
    username = os.getenv("CATALYZE_USERNAME") or config.username
    if username is None:
        username = raw_input("Username: "******"username" not in config.behavior else config.behavior["username"]
    password = os.getenv("CATALYZE_PASSWORD") or config.password
    if password is None:
        password = getpass.getpass("Password: "******"token"] = session.token
        settings["user_id"] = session.user_id
    return session
def download(service_label, backup_id, filepath):
    settings = project.read_settings()
    session = client.acquire_session(settings)
    service_id = services.get_by_label(session, settings["environmentId"], service_label)

    job = jobs.retrieve(session, settings["environmentId"], service_id, backup_id)
    if job["type"] != "backup" or job["status"] != "finished":
        output.error("Only 'finished' 'backup' jobs may be downloaded with this command")

    output.write("Downloading backup %s" % (backup_id,))
    url = services.get_temporary_url(session, settings["environmentId"], service_id, backup_id)
    r = requests.get(url, stream=True)
    basename = os.path.basename(filepath)
    dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    tmp_filepath = os.path.join(dir, basename)
    with open(tmp_filepath, 'wb+') as f:
        for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
            if chunk:
    decryption = AESCrypto.Decryption(tmp_filepath, job["backup"]["key"], job["backup"]["iv"])
    output.write("%s downloaded successfully to %s" % (service_label, filepath))
def associate(env_label, service_label, remote):
    """Associates the git repository in the current directory. This means that the service and environment IDs are stored locally, and a git remote is created (default name = "catalyze") so that code can be pushed, built, and deployed."""
    session = client.acquire_session()
    for env in environments.list(session):
        if env["data"]["name"] == env_label:
            settings = {
                    "token": session.token,
                    "user_id": session.user_id,
                    "environmentId": env["environmentId"]
            code_services = [svc for svc in services.list(session, env["environmentId"]) if svc["type"] == "code"]
            selected_service = None
            if len(code_services) == 0:
                output.error("No code service found for \"%s\" environment (%s)" % (env_label, env["environmentId"]))
            elif service_label:
                for svc in code_services:
                    if svc["label"] == service_label:
                        selected_service = svc
                if selected_service is None:
                    output.error("No code service found with label '%s'. Labels found: %s" % \
                            (service_label, ", ".join([svc["label"] for svc in code_services])))
            elif len(code_services) > 1:
                output.error("Found multiple code services. Must pass one specifically to associate with. Labels found: " + \
                        ", ".join([svc["label"] for svc in code_services]))
                selected_service = code_services[0]

            if remote in git.remote_list():
            git.remote_add(remote, selected_service["source"])
            settings["serviceId"] = selected_service["id"]
            output.write("\"%s\" remote added." % (remote,))
    output.error("No environment with label \"%s\" found." % (env_label,))
def open_console(service_label, command):
Opens a secure console to a code or database service.

For code services, a command is required. This command is executed as root in the context of the application root directory.

For database services, no command is needed - instead, the appropriate command for the database type is run. For example, for a postgres database, psql is run.
    global console_closed
    settings = project.read_settings()
    session = client.acquire_session(settings)

    service_id = services.get_by_label(session, settings["environmentId"], service_label)

    output.write("Opening console to service '%s'" % (service_id))

    task_id = services.request_console(session, settings["environmentId"], service_id, command)["taskId"]

    output.write("Waiting for the console to be ready... This might take a bit.")

    job_id = services.poll_console_job(session, settings["environmentId"], service_id, task_id)
    creds = services.get_console_tokens(session, settings["environmentId"], service_id, job_id)

        url = creds["url"].replace("http", "ws")
        token = creds["token"]

        sslopt = {
            "ssl_version": ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1
        if "skip_cert_validation" in config.behavior:
            sslopt["check_hostname"] = False
        ws = ConsoleClient(url, ssl_options = sslopt, headers = [("X-Console-Token", token)])
        ws.daemon = False

        with ContextedConsole() as c:
            while not console_closed:
                data = c.get_data()
                if data:
        output.write("Cleaning up")
        services.destroy_console(session, settings["environmentId"], service_id, job_id)
def restore(service_label, backup_id, skip_poll):
    settings = project.read_settings()
    session = client.acquire_session(settings)
    service_id = services.get_by_label(session, settings["environmentId"], service_label)
    task_id = services.restore_backup(session, settings["environmentId"], service_id, backup_id)
    output.write("Restoring (task = %s)" % (task_id,))
    if not skip_poll:
        output.write("Polling until restore is complete.")
        task = tasks.poll_status(session, settings["environmentId"], task_id, exit_on_error=False)
        output.write("\nEnded in status '%s'" % (task["status"],))
        logs.dump(session, settings, service_label, service_id, task_id, "restore", None)
        if task["status"] != "finished":
def exec_list(service_label, page, page_size):
    """List all created backups for the service, sorted from oldest to newest."""
    settings = project.read_settings()
    session = client.acquire_session(settings)
    service_id = services.get_by_label(session, settings["environmentId"], service_label)
    raw_backups = services.list_backups(session, settings["environmentId"], service_id, page, page_size)
    backup_list = []
    for id, body in raw_backups.items():
        body["id"] = id
    backup_list.sort(lambda a, b: int((parse_date(a["created_at"]) - parse_date(b["created_at"])).total_seconds()))
    if len(backup_list) > 0:
        for item in backup_list:
            output.write("%s %s (status = %s)" % (item["id"], item["created_at"], item["status"]))
        if len(backup_list) == page_size and page == 1:
            output.write("(for older backups, try with --page=2 or adjust --page-size)")
    elif page == 1:
        output.write("No backups created yet for this service.")
Exemple #23
 def transform_group(self, data):
     for service in data:
         output.write(service["serviceName"] + ":")
         self.transform_single(service["jobs"], prefix="    ")
def emulate_console(ws):
    output.write("I am a test")
Exemple #25
 def transform_group(self, data):
     for service in data:
         self.transform_single(service["jobs"], service["serviceId"], service["serviceName"])
Exemple #26
 def transform_group(self, data):
Exemple #27
 def transform_single(self, data):
 def opened(self):
     output.write("Connection opened")
 def closed(self, code, reason):
     global console_closed
     output.write("Connection closed: %s (%s))" % (reason, str(code)))
     console_closed = True
 def received_message(self, message):
     output.write(message, sameline = True)