Exemple #1
    def add(issn=None, print_issn=None, electronic_issn=None, journal_title=None, journal_abbreviation=None, **kwargs):
        d = {}
        d["issn"] = issn
        d["print_issn"] = print_issn
        d["electronic_issn"] = electronic_issn
        d["journal_title"] = journal_title
        d["journal_abbreviation"] = journal_abbreviation

        required = d.keys()
        ok = False

        for k, v in d.items():
            if v:
                ok = True
                # don't pass on None-s
                del d[k]  # safe, iterating over a copy of the items in d
        if not ok:
            raise ValueError("You have to provide a value for at least one of these keyword args: " + required)

        d.update(kwargs)  # you can't repeat keyword args (SyntaxError) so no chance of overwriting values here


        # we need to refresh so that bulk loading operations can access the current data straight away
def deduplicate(fname, q=None):
    # TODO do this using the scroll API http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/search/search-type/
    everything = Journal.query(q=q, size=10000000)
    processed = 0

        if everything['hits']['total'] <= 0:
            raise Exception('Nothing to deduplicate')
    except KeyError:
        print 'ES returned a strange result, probably an error. Is ' \
              'your index missing? Here is the original response:' \
              '\n ', everything

    for record in everything['hits']['hits']:
        instance = Journal(**record['_source'])

        if fname not in instance:
        # The field we're deduplicating is not in this record. Move on.

        if not isinstance(instance[fname], list):
            strange.write(instance['id'] + ' - ' + fname + ' not a '
                                           'list' + '\n')

        before = len(instance[fname])
        instance[fname] = list(set(instance[fname]))  # deduplicate
        after = len(instance[fname])

        if before != after:
            processed += 1

    return processed
def rename_field(src, dst, q=None):
    # TODO do this using the scroll API http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/search/search-type/
    everything = Journal.query(q=q, size=10000000)

        if everything['hits']['total'] <= 0:
            raise Exception('Nothing to rename')
    except KeyError:
        print 'ES returned a strange result, probably an error. Is ' \
              'your index missing? Here is the original response:' \
              '\n ', everything

    for record in everything['hits']['hits']:
        instance = Journal(**record['_source'])

        if src not in instance:
        # The field we're renaming is not in this record. Move on.
        elif src in instance and dst in instance:
        # If both source and destination are present, merge them as
        # a list.
            new_data, instance[dst] = Journal.make_merge_list(
                instance[dst], instance[src]
            instance[dst] = instance[src]

        del instance[src]  # delete original field
    return everything['hits']['total']
def delete_field(name, q=None):
    # TODO do this using the scroll API http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/search/search-type/
    everything = Journal.query(q=q, size=10000000)

        if everything['hits']['total'] <= 0:
            raise Exception('Nothing to delete')
    except KeyError:
        print 'ES returned a strange result, probably an error. Is ' \
              'your index missing? Here is the original response:' \
              '\n ', everything

    for record in everything['hits']['hits']:
        instance = Journal(**record['_source'])

        if name not in instance:
        # The field we're deleting is not in this record. Move on.

        del instance[name]
    return everything['hits']['total']