Exemple #1
def circles_of_hell(request, project_id=None):
    """ Given a set of one or more skeleton IDs, find all skeletons that connect
    them (n_circles=1), or that connect to others that connect them (n_circles=2), etc.
    Returns a list of unique skeleton IDs that exclude the ones provided as argument.
    n_circles = int(request.POST.get('n_circles', 1))
    if n_circles < 1:
        raise Exception("Requires at least one circle.")

    first_circle = set(int(v) for k,v in request.POST.iteritems() if k.startswith('skeleton_ids['))

    if not first_circle:
        raise Exception("No skeletons were provided.")

    cursor = connection.cursor()
    mins, _ = _clean_mins(request, cursor, int(project_id))

    current_circle = first_circle
    all_circles = first_circle

    while n_circles > 0 and current_circle:
        n_circles -= 1
        connections = _next_circle(current_circle, cursor)
        next_circle = set(skID for c in connections.itervalues() for relationID, cs in c.iteritems() for skID, count in cs.iteritems() if count >= mins[relationID])
        current_circle = next_circle - all_circles
        all_circles = all_circles.union(next_circle)

    skeleton_ids = tuple(all_circles - first_circle)
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps([skeleton_ids, _neuronnames(skeleton_ids, project_id)]))
Exemple #2
def circles_of_hell(request, project_id=None):
    """ Given a set of one or more skeleton IDs, find all skeletons that connect
    them (n_circles=1), or that connect to others that connect them (n_circles=2), etc.
    Returns a list of unique skeleton IDs that exclude the ones provided as argument.
    n_circles = int(request.POST.get('n_circles', 1))
    if n_circles < 1:
        raise Exception("Requires at least one circle.")

    first_circle = set(
        int(v) for k, v in six.iteritems(request.POST)
        if k.startswith('skeleton_ids['))

    if not first_circle:
        raise Exception("No skeletons were provided.")

    cursor = connection.cursor()
    mins, relations = _clean_mins(request, cursor, int(project_id))

    current_circle = first_circle
    all_circles = first_circle

    while n_circles > 0 and current_circle:
        n_circles -= 1
        connections = _next_circle(current_circle, relations, cursor)
        next_circle = set(skID for c in six.itervalues(connections) \
                          for relationID, cs in six.iteritems(c) \
                          for skID, count in six.iteritems(cs) if count >= mins[relationID])
        current_circle = next_circle - all_circles
        all_circles = all_circles.union(next_circle)

    skeleton_ids = tuple(all_circles - first_circle)
    return JsonResponse(
        [skeleton_ids, _neuronnames(skeleton_ids, project_id)], safe=False)
Exemple #3
def circles_of_hell(request: HttpRequest, project_id) -> JsonResponse:
    """ Given a set of one or more skeleton IDs, find all skeletons that connect
    them (n_circles=1), or that connect to others that connect them (n_circles=2), etc.
    Returns a list of unique skeleton IDs that exclude the ones provided as argument.
        - name: skeleton_ids[]
          description: IDs of the skeletons to start expanding from.
          required: true
          type: array
            type: integer
          paramType: form
        - name: n_circles
          description: (Optional) The numbers of recursive expansions.
          required: false
          defaultValue: 1
          type: integer
          paramType: form
        - name: allowed_connector_ids[]
          description: (Optional) IDs of connector nodes that are allowed to be used for expansion.
          required: false
          type: array
            type: integer
          paramType: form
    n_circles = int(request.POST.get('n_circles', 1))
    if n_circles < 1:
        raise Exception("Requires at least one circle.")

    first_circle = set(
        get_request_list(request.POST, 'skeleton_ids', map_fn=int))

    if not first_circle:
        raise Exception("No skeletons were provided.")

    cursor = connection.cursor()
    mins, relations = _clean_mins(request, cursor, int(project_id))

    allowed_connector_ids = get_request_list(request.POST,
                                             'allowed_connector_ids', None)

    current_circle = first_circle
    all_circles = first_circle

    while n_circles > 0 and current_circle:
        n_circles -= 1
        connections = _next_circle(current_circle, relations, cursor,
        next_circle = set(skID for c in connections.values() \
                          for relationID, cs in c.items() \
                          for skID, count in cs.items() if count >= mins[relationID])
        current_circle = next_circle - all_circles
        all_circles = all_circles.union(next_circle)

    skeleton_ids = tuple(all_circles - first_circle)
    return JsonResponse(
        [skeleton_ids, _neuronnames(skeleton_ids, project_id)], safe=False)
Exemple #4
def find_directed_paths(request, project_id=None):
    """ Given a set of two or more skeleton IDs, find directed paths of connected neurons between them, for a maximum inner path length as given (i.e. origin and destination not counted). A directed path means that all edges are of the same kind, e.g. presynaptic_to. """

    sources = set(
        int(v) for k, v in request.POST.iteritems()
        if k.startswith('skeleton_ids['))
    if len(sources) < 2:
        raise Exception('Need at least 2 skeleton IDs to find directed paths!')

    path_length = int(request.POST.get('n_circles', 1))
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    mins, relations = _clean_mins(request, cursor, int(project_id))
    presynaptic_to = relations['presynaptic_to']
    graph = nx.DiGraph()
    next_sources = sources
    all_sources = sources
    length = path_length

    def rev_args(fn):
        def f(arg1, arg2):
            fn(arg2, arg1)

        return f

    # Create a graph by growing the sources
    while length > 0 and next_sources:
        length -= 1
        next_circles = _next_circle(next_sources, cursor)
        next_sources = set()
        for skid1, c in next_circles.iteritems():
            for relationID, targets in c.iteritems():
                threshold = mins[relationID]
                add_edge = graph.add_edge if relationID == presynaptic_to else rev_args(
                for skid2, count in targets.iteritems():
                    if count < threshold:
                    add_edge(skid1, skid2)
        next_sources = next_sources - all_sources
        all_sources = all_sources.union(next_sources)

    # Find all directed paths between all pairs of inputs
    unique = set()
    for start, end in combinations(sources, 2):
        for paths in [
                nx.all_simple_paths(graph, start, end, path_length + 1),
                nx.all_simple_paths(graph, end, start, path_length + 1)
            for path in paths:
                for node in path:

    skeleton_ids = tuple(unique - sources)
    return HttpResponse(
                    _neuronnames(skeleton_ids, project_id)]))
Exemple #5
def find_directed_paths(request, project_id=None):
    """ Given a set of two or more skeleton IDs, find directed paths of connected neurons between them, for a maximum inner path length as given (i.e. origin and destination not counted). A directed path means that all edges are of the same kind, e.g. presynaptic_to. """

    sources = set(int(v) for k,v in request.POST.iteritems() if k.startswith('skeleton_ids['))
    if len(sources) < 2:
        raise Exception('Need at least 2 skeleton IDs to find directed paths!')

    path_length = int(request.POST.get('n_circles', 1))
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    mins, relations = _clean_mins(request, cursor, int(project_id))
    presynaptic_to = relations['presynaptic_to']
    graph = nx.DiGraph()
    next_sources = sources
    all_sources = sources
    length = path_length

    def rev_args(fn):
        def f(arg1, arg2):
            fn(arg2, arg1)
        return f

    # Create a graph by growing the sources
    while length > 0 and next_sources:
        length -= 1
        next_circles = _next_circle(next_sources, cursor)
        next_sources = set()
        for skid1, c in next_circles.iteritems():
            for relationID, targets in c.iteritems():
                threshold = mins[relationID]
                add_edge = graph.add_edge if relationID == presynaptic_to else rev_args(graph.add_edge)
                for skid2, count in targets.iteritems():
                    if count < threshold:
                    add_edge(skid1, skid2)
        next_sources = next_sources - all_sources
        all_sources = all_sources.union(next_sources)

    # Find all directed paths between all pairs of inputs
    unique = set()
    for start, end in combinations(sources, 2):
        for paths in [nx.all_simple_paths(graph, start, end, path_length + 1),
                      nx.all_simple_paths(graph, end, start, path_length + 1)]:
            for path in paths:
                for node in path:

    skeleton_ids = tuple(unique - sources)
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps([skeleton_ids, _neuronnames(skeleton_ids, project_id)]))