def getStoryList(): return storys.keys()
#coding:utf-8 # this is a simple game e... or a story teller version = '0.16' qq_group_num = '296386547' initmsg = u'Game init... \nVersion:'+version+'\nCreated by HIT.SF\nAll Copyrights Reserved\nWelcome to join us !QQ group:'+qq_group_num print initmsg import sys, os, stools from catstory_story import storys from catstory_story import variables current_chapter = 'start' save_suffix = '.hit.sf' split_symbol = '$$$' choosen_story = storys.get(storys.keys()[0]) def make_error(msg): print msg def getStoryList(): return storys.keys() def chooseStory(story_name): global choosen_story choosen_story = storys[story_name] return choosen_story def isMethod(obj): return obj.hasattr(obj, '__call__') def getOptions(chapter, story): options = [] secondOption = story[chapter][1]
#coding:utf-8 # this is a simple game e... or a story teller version = '0.20' qq_group_num = '296386547' initmsg = u'Game init... \nVersion:' + version + '\nCreated by HIT.SF\nAll Copyrights Reserved\nWelcome to join us !QQ group:' + qq_group_num print initmsg import sys, os, stools from catstory_story import storys from catstory_story import variables current_chapter = 'start' save_suffix = '.hit.sf' split_symbol = '$$$' choosen_story = storys.get(storys.keys()[0]) def make_error(msg): print msg def getStoryList(): return storys.keys() def chooseStory(story_name): global choosen_story choosen_story = storys[story_name] return choosen_story def isMethod(obj): return obj.hasattr(obj, '__call__')