def dci_orient_order_independent(
        skeletons: Union[Dict[float, set], set],
        nodes_cond_set: set,
        rh1: RegressionHelper = None,
        rh2: RegressionHelper = None,
        alpha: float = 0.1,
        max_set_size: int = 3,
        verbose: int = 0
    if verbose > 0:
        print("DCI edge orientation...")

    assert 0 <= alpha <= 1, "alpha must be in [0,1] range."

    if rh1 is None or rh2 is None:
        # obtain sufficient statistics
        suffstat1 = gauss_ci_suffstat(X1)
        suffstat2 = gauss_ci_suffstat(X2)
        rh1 = RegressionHelper(suffstat1)
        rh2 = RegressionHelper(suffstat2)

    if isinstance(skeletons, dict):
        return {
            alpha: dci_orient_order_independent(
            for alpha, skeleton in skeletons.items()

    skeleton = {frozenset({i, j}) for i, j in skeletons}
    nodes = {i for i, j in skeleton} | {j for i, j in skeleton}
    d_nx = nx.DiGraph()
    nodes_with_decided_parents = set()

    n1 = rh1.suffstat['n']
    n2 = rh2.suffstat['n']
    for parent_set_size in range(max_set_size + 2):
        if verbose > 0: print(f"Trying parent sets of size {parent_set_size}")
        pvalue_dict = dict()
        for i in nodes - nodes_with_decided_parents:
            for cond_i in itertools.combinations(nodes_cond_set - {i}, parent_set_size):
                beta1_i, var1_i, _ = rh1.regression(i, list(cond_i))
                beta2_i, var2_i, _ = rh2.regression(i, list(cond_i))
                pvalue_i = ncfdtr(n1 - parent_set_size, n2 - parent_set_size, 0, var1_i / var2_i)
                pvalue_i = 2 * min(pvalue_i, 1 - pvalue_i)
                pvalue_dict[(i, frozenset(cond_i))] = pvalue_i
        # sort p-value dict
        sorted_pvalue_dict = [
            (pvalue, i, cond_i)
            for (i, cond_i), pvalue in sorted(pvalue_dict.items(), key=op.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
            if pvalue > alpha
        while sorted_pvalue_dict:
            _, i, cond_i = sorted_pvalue_dict.pop(0)
            i_children = {j for j in nodes - cond_i - {i} if frozenset({i, j}) in skeleton}

            # don't use this parent set if it contradicts the existing edges
            if any(j in d_nx.successors(i) for j in cond_i):
            if any(j in d_nx.predecessors(i) for j in i_children):

            # don't use this parent set if it creates a cycle
            if any(j in nx.descendants(d_nx, i) for j in cond_i):
            if any(j in nx.ancestors(d_nx, i) for j in i_children):

            edges = {(j, i) for j in cond_i if frozenset({i, j}) in skeleton} | \
                    {(i, j) for j in nodes - cond_i - {i} if frozenset({i, j}) in skeleton}
            if verbose > 0: print(f"Adding {edges}")

    # orient edges via graph traversal
    oriented_edges = set(d_nx.edges)
    unoriented_edges_before_traversal = skeleton - {frozenset({j, i}) for i, j in oriented_edges}
    unoriented_edges = unoriented_edges_before_traversal.copy()
    g = nx.DiGraph()
    for i, j in oriented_edges:
        g.add_edge(i, j)

    for i, j in unoriented_edges_before_traversal:
        chain_path = list(nx.all_simple_paths(g, source=i, target=j))
        if len(chain_path) > 0:
            oriented_edges.add((i, j))
            unoriented_edges.remove(frozenset({i, j}))
            if verbose > 0:
                print("Oriented (%d, %d) as %s with graph traversal" % (i, j, (i, j)))
            chain_path = list(nx.all_simple_paths(g, source=j, target=i))
            if len(chain_path) > 0:
                oriented_edges.add((j, i))
                unoriented_edges.remove(frozenset({i, j}))
                if verbose > 0:
                    print("Oriented (%d, %d) as %s with graph traversal" % (i, j, (j, i)))

    # form an adjacency matrix containing directed and undirected edges
    num_nodes = X1.shape[1]
    adjacency_matrix = edges2adjacency(num_nodes, unoriented_edges, undirected=True) + edges2adjacency(num_nodes,
    return adjacency_matrix
def dci_orient(
        skeleton: set,
        nodes_cond_set: set,
        rh1: RegressionHelper = None,
        rh2: RegressionHelper = None,
        alpha: float = 0.1,
        max_set_size: int = 3,
        verbose: int = 0
    Orients edges in the skeleton of the difference DAG.

    X1: array, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
        First dataset.    
    X2: array, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
        Second dataset.
    skeleton: set
        Set of edges in the skeleton of the difference-DAG.
    nodes_cond_set: set
        Nodes to be considered as conditioning sets.
    rh1: RegressionHelper, default = None
        Sufficient statistics estimated based on samples in the first dataset, stored in RegressionHelper class.
    rh2: RegressionHelper, default = None
        Sufficient statistics estimated based on samples in the second dataset, stored in RegressionHelper class.
    alpha: float, default = 0.1
        Significance level parameter for determining orientation of an edge.
        Lower alpha results in more directed edges in the difference-DAG.
    max_set_size: int, default = 3
        Maximum conditioning set size used to test regression invariance.
        Smaller maximum conditioning set size results in faster computation time. For large datasets recommended max_set_size is 3.
    verbose: int, default = 0
        The verbosity level of logging messages.

    See Also
    dci, dci_undirected_graph, dci_skeleton

    oriented_edges: set
        Set of edges in the skeleton of the difference-DAG for which directionality could be determined.
    unoriented_edges: set
        Set of edges in the skeleton of the difference-DAG for which directionality could not be determined.

    if verbose > 0:
        print("DCI edge orientation...")

    assert 0 <= alpha <= 1, "alpha must be in [0,1] range."

    if rh1 is None or rh2 is None:
        # obtain sufficient statistics
        suffstat1 = gauss_ci_suffstat(X1)
        suffstat2 = gauss_ci_suffstat(X2)
        rh1 = RegressionHelper(suffstat1)
        rh2 = RegressionHelper(suffstat2)

    nodes = {i for i, j in skeleton} | {j for i, j in skeleton}
    oriented_edges = set()

    n1 = rh1.suffstat['n']
    n2 = rh2.suffstat['n']
    for i, j in skeleton:
        for cond_i, cond_j in zip(powerset(nodes_cond_set - {i}, r_max=max_set_size),
                                  powerset(nodes_cond_set - {j}, r_max=max_set_size)):
            # compute residual variances for i
            beta1_i, var1_i, _ = rh1.regression(i, list(cond_i))
            beta2_i, var2_i, _ = rh2.regression(i, list(cond_i))
            # compute p-value for invariance of residual variances for i
            pvalue_i = ncfdtr(n1 - len(cond_i), n2 - len(cond_i), 0, var1_i / var2_i)
            pvalue_i = 2 * min(pvalue_i, 1 - pvalue_i)

            # compute residual variances for j
            beta1_j, var1_j, _ = rh1.regression(j, list(cond_j))
            beta2_j, var2_j, _ = rh2.regression(j, list(cond_j))
            # compute p-value for invariance of residual variances for j
            pvalue_j = ncfdtr(n1 - len(cond_j), n2 - len(cond_j), 0, var1_j / var2_j)
            pvalue_j = 2 * min(pvalue_j, 1 - pvalue_j)

            if ((pvalue_i > alpha) | (pvalue_j > alpha)):
                # orient the edge according to highest p-value
                if pvalue_i > pvalue_j:
                    edge = (j, i) if j in cond_i else (i, j)
                    pvalue_used = pvalue_i
                    edge = (i, j) if i in cond_j else (j, i)
                    pvalue_used = pvalue_j

                if verbose > 0:
                    print("Oriented (%d, %d) as %s since p-value=%.5f > alpha=%.5f" % (i, j, edge, pvalue_used, alpha))

    # orient edges via graph traversal
    unoriented_edges_before_traversal = skeleton - oriented_edges - {(j, i) for i, j in oriented_edges}
    unoriented_edges = unoriented_edges_before_traversal.copy()
    g = nx.DiGraph()
    for i, j in oriented_edges:
        g.add_edge(i, j)

    for i, j in unoriented_edges_before_traversal:
        chain_path = list(nx.all_simple_paths(g, source=i, target=j))
        if len(chain_path) > 0:
            oriented_edges.add((i, j))
            unoriented_edges.remove((i, j))
            if verbose > 0:
                print("Oriented (%d, %d) as %s with graph traversal" % (i, j, (i, j)))
            chain_path = list(nx.all_simple_paths(g, source=j, target=i))
            if len(chain_path) > 0:
                oriented_edges.add((j, i))
                unoriented_edges.remove((i, j))
                if verbose > 0:
                    print("Oriented (%d, %d) as %s with graph traversal" % (i, j, (j, i)))

    # form an adjacency matrix containing directed and undirected edges
    num_nodes = X1.shape[1]
    adjacency_matrix = edges2adjacency(num_nodes, unoriented_edges, undirected=True) + edges2adjacency(num_nodes,
    return adjacency_matrix
def dci_skeleton(
        difference_ug: list,
        nodes_cond_set: set,
        rh1: RegressionHelper = None,
        rh2: RegressionHelper = None,
        alpha: float = 0.1,
        max_set_size: int = 3,
        verbose: int = 0,
        lam: float = 0,
        progress: bool = False
    Estimates the skeleton of the difference-DAG.

    X1: array, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
        First dataset.    
    X2: array, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
        Second dataset.
    difference_ug: list
        List of tuples that represents edges in the difference undirected graph.
    nodes_cond_set: set
        Nodes to be considered as conditioning sets.
    rh1: RegressionHelper, default = None
        Sufficient statistics estimated based on samples in the first dataset, stored in RegressionHelper class.
    rh2: RegressionHelper, default = None
        Sufficient statistics estimated based on samples in the second dataset, stored in RegressionHelper class.
    alpha: float, default = 0.1
        Significance level parameter for determining presence of edges in the skeleton of the difference graph.
        Lower alpha results in sparser difference graph.
    max_set_size: int, default = 3
        Maximum conditioning set size used to test regression invariance.
        Smaller maximum conditioning set size results in faster computation time. For large datasets recommended max_set_size is 3.
    verbose: int, default = 0
        The verbosity level of logging messages.
    lam: float, default = 0
        Amount of regularization for regression (becomes ridge regression if nonzero).

    See Also
    dci, dci_undirected_graph, dci_orient

    skeleton: set
        Set of edges in the skeleton of the difference-DAG.

    if verbose > 0:
        print("DCI skeleton estimation...")

    assert 0 <= alpha <= 1, "alpha must be in [0,1] range."

    if rh1 is None or rh2 is None:
        # obtain sufficient statistics
        suffstat1 = gauss_ci_suffstat(X1)
        suffstat2 = gauss_ci_suffstat(X2)
        rh1 = RegressionHelper(suffstat1)
        rh2 = RegressionHelper(suffstat2)

    n1 = rh1.suffstat['n']
    n2 = rh2.suffstat['n']

    skeleton = {(i, j) for i, j in difference_ug}

    difference_ug = tqdm(difference_ug) if (progress and len(difference_ug) != 0) else difference_ug
    for i, j in difference_ug:
        for cond_set in powerset(nodes_cond_set - {i, j}, r_max=max_set_size):
            cond_set_i, cond_set_j = [*cond_set, j], [*cond_set, i]

            # calculate regression coefficients (j regressed on cond_set_j) for both datasets
            beta1_i, var1_i, precision1 = rh1.regression(i, cond_set_i, lam=lam)
            beta2_i, var2_i, precision2 = rh2.regression(i, cond_set_i, lam=lam)

            # compute statistic and p-value
            j_ix = cond_set_i.index(j)
            stat_i = (beta1_i[j_ix] - beta2_i[j_ix]) ** 2 * \
                     inv(var1_i * precision1 / (n1 - 1) + var2_i * precision2 / (n2 - 1))[j_ix, j_ix]
            pval_i = 1 - ncfdtr(1, n1 + n2 - len(cond_set_i) - len(cond_set_j), 0, stat_i)

            #  remove i-j from skeleton if i regressed on (j, cond_set) is invariant
            i_invariant = pval_i > alpha
            if i_invariant:
                if verbose > 1:
                        f"Removing edge {j}->{i} since p-value={pval_i:.5f} > alpha={alpha:.5f} with cond set {cond_set_i}")
                skeleton.remove((i, j))
            elif verbose > 1:
                    f"Keeping edge {i}-{j} for now, since p-value={pval_i:.5f} < alpha={alpha:.5f} with cond set {cond_set_i}")

            # calculate regression coefficients (i regressed on cond_set_i) for both datasets
            beta1_j, var1_j, precision1 = rh1.regression(j, cond_set_j)
            beta2_j, var2_j, precision2 = rh2.regression(j, cond_set_j)

            # compute statistic and p-value
            i_ix = cond_set_j.index(i)
            stat_j = (beta1_j[i_ix] - beta2_j[i_ix]) ** 2 * \
                     inv(var1_j * precision1 / (n1 - 1) + var2_j * precision2 / (n2 - 1))[i_ix, i_ix]
            pval_j = 1 - ncfdtr(1, n1 + n2 - len(cond_set_i) - len(cond_set_j), 0, stat_j)

            #  remove i-j from skeleton if j regressed on (i, cond_set) is invariant
            j_invariant = pval_j > alpha
            if j_invariant:
                if verbose > 1:
                        f"Removing edge {i}->{j} since p-value={pval_j:.5f} > alpha={alpha:.5f} with cond set {cond_set_j}")
                skeleton.remove((i, j))
            elif verbose > 1:
                    f"Keeping edge {i}-{j} for now, since p-value={pval_j:.5f} < alpha={alpha:.5f} with cond set {cond_set_j}")

    return skeleton
def dci(
        alpha_ug: float = 1.0,
        alpha_skeleton: float = 0.1,
        alpha_orient: float = 0.1,
        max_set_size: Optional[int] = 3,
        difference_ug: list = None,
        nodes_cond_set: set = None,
        max_iter: int = 1000,
        edge_threshold: float = 0,
        verbose: int = 0,
        lam: float = 0,
        progress: bool = False,
        order_independent: bool = True
    Uses the Difference Causal Inference (DCI) algorithm to estimate the difference-DAG between two settings.

    X1: array, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
        First dataset.    
    X2: array, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
        Second dataset.
    alpha_ug: float, default = 1.0
        L1 regularization parameter for estimating the difference undirected graph via KLIEP algorithm.
    alpha_skeleton: float, default = 0.1
        Significance level parameter for determining presence of edges in the skeleton of the difference graph. 
        Lower alpha_skeleton results in sparser difference graph.
    alpha_orient: float, default = 0.1
        Significance level parameter for determining orientation of an edge. 
        Lower alpha_orient results in more directed edges in the difference-DAG.
    max_set_size: int, default = 3
        Maximum conditioning set size used to test regression invariance.
        Smaller maximum conditioning set size results in faster computation time. For large datasets recommended max_set_size is 3.
        If None, conditioning sets of all sizes will be used.
    difference_ug: list, default = None
        List of tuples that represents edges in the difference undirected graph. If difference_ug is None, 
        KLIEP algorithm for estimating the difference undirected graph will be run. 
        If the number of nodes is small, difference_ug could be taken to be the complete graph between all the nodes.
    nodes_cond_set: set
        Nodes to be considered as conditioning sets.
    max_iter: int, default = 1000
        Maximum number of iterations for gradient descent in KLIEP algorithm.
    edge_threshold: float, default = 0
        Edge weight cutoff for keeping an edge for KLIEP algorithm (all edges above or equal to this threshold are kept).
    verbose: int, default = 0
        The verbosity level of logging messages.
    lam: float, default = 0
        Amount of regularization for regression (becomes ridge regression if nonzero).

    See Also
    dci_undirected_graph, dci_skeleton, dci_orient

    adjacency_matrix: array, shape  = [n_features, n_features]
        Estimated difference-DAG. Edges that were found to be different between two settings but the orientation
        could not be determined, are represented by assigning 1 in both directions, i.e. adjacency_matrix[i,j] = 1
        and adjacency_matrix[j,i] = 1. Otherwise for oriented edges, only adjacency_matrix[i,j] = 1 is assigned. 
        Assignment of 0 in the adjacency matrix represents no edge.

        [1] Wang, Y., Squires, C., Belyaeva, A., & Uhler, C. (2018). Direct estimation of differences in causal graphs. 
        In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (pp. 3770-3781).

    assert 0 <= alpha_skeleton <= 1, "alpha_skeleton must be in [0,1] range."
    assert 0 <= alpha_orient <= 1, "alpha_orient must be in [0,1] range."

    num_nodes = X1.shape[1]
    # obtain sufficient statistics
    suffstat1 = gauss_ci_suffstat(X1)
    suffstat2 = gauss_ci_suffstat(X2)
    rh1 = RegressionHelper(suffstat1)
    rh2 = RegressionHelper(suffstat2)

    # compute the difference undirected graph via KLIEP if the differece_ug is not provided
    if difference_ug is None or nodes_cond_set is None:
        difference_ug, nodes_cond_set = dci_undirected_graph(
        if verbose > 0: print(f"{len(difference_ug)} edges in the difference UG, over {len(nodes_cond_set)} nodes")

    # estimate the skeleton of the difference-DAG 
    skeleton = dci_skeleton(
    if verbose > 0: print(f"{len(skeleton)} edges in the difference skeleton")

    # orient edges of the skeleton of the difference-DAG
    orient_algorithm = dci_orient if not order_independent else dci_orient_order_independent
    adjacency_matrix = orient_algorithm(

    return adjacency_matrix
def dci_skeleton_multiple(
        alpha_skeleton_grid: list = [0.1, 0.5],
        max_set_size: int = 3,
        difference_ug: list = None,
        nodes_cond_set: set = None,
        rh1: RegressionHelper = None,
        rh2: RegressionHelper = None,
        verbose: int = 0,
        lam: float = 0,
        progress: bool = False,
        true_diff: Optional[Set] = None
    if verbose > 0:
        print("DCI skeleton estimation...")

    if rh1 is None or rh2 is None:
        # obtain sufficient statistics
        suffstat1 = gauss_ci_suffstat(X1)
        suffstat2 = gauss_ci_suffstat(X2)
        rh1 = RegressionHelper(suffstat1)
        rh2 = RegressionHelper(suffstat2)

    n1 = rh1.suffstat['n']
    n2 = rh2.suffstat['n']

    for alpha in alpha_skeleton_grid:
        assert 0 <= alpha <= 1, "alpha must be in [0,1] range."
    min_alpha = min(alpha_skeleton_grid)

    skeletons = {alpha: {(i, j) for i, j in difference_ug} for alpha in alpha_skeleton_grid}
    difference_ug = tqdm(difference_ug) if (progress and len(difference_ug) != 0) else difference_ug

    for i, j in difference_ug:
        for cond_set in powerset(nodes_cond_set - {i, j}, r_max=max_set_size):
            cond_set_i, cond_set_j = [*cond_set, j], [*cond_set, i]

            # calculate regression coefficients (j regressed on cond_set_j) for both datasets
            beta1_i, var1_i, precision1 = rh1.regression(i, cond_set_i, lam=lam)
            beta2_i, var2_i, precision2 = rh2.regression(i, cond_set_i, lam=lam)

            # compute statistic and p-value
            j_ix = cond_set_i.index(j)
            stat_i = (beta1_i[j_ix] - beta2_i[j_ix]) ** 2 * \
                     inv(var1_i * precision1 / (n1 - 1) + var2_i * precision2 / (n2 - 1))[j_ix, j_ix]
            pval_i = 1 - ncfdtr(1, n1 + n2 - len(cond_set_i) - len(cond_set_j), 0, stat_i)

            #  remove i-j from skeleton if i regressed on (j, cond_set) is invariant
            i_invariant = pval_i > min_alpha
            if i_invariant:
                removed_alphas = [alpha for alpha in alpha_skeleton_grid if pval_i > alpha]
                if verbose > 1:
                        f"Removing edge {j}->{i} for alpha={removed_alphas} since p-value={pval_i:.5f} with cond set {cond_set_i}")
                for alpha in removed_alphas:
                    skeletons[alpha].discard((i, j))
                if true_diff is not None and (i, j) in true_diff or (j, i) in true_diff:
                        f"Incorrectly removing edge {j}->{i} for alpha={removed_alphas} since p-value={pval_i:.6f} with cond set {cond_set_i}")
                if len(removed_alphas) == len(alpha_skeleton_grid):
            elif verbose > 1:
                print(f"Keeping edge {i}-{j} for now, since p-value={pval_i:.5f} with cond set {cond_set_i}")

            # calculate regression coefficients (i regressed on cond_set_i) for both datasets
            beta1_j, var1_j, precision1 = rh1.regression(j, cond_set_j)
            beta2_j, var2_j, precision2 = rh2.regression(j, cond_set_j)

            # compute statistic and p-value
            i_ix = cond_set_j.index(i)
            stat_j = (beta1_j[i_ix] - beta2_j[i_ix]) ** 2 * \
                     inv(var1_j * precision1 / (n1 - 1) + var2_j * precision2 / (n2 - 1))[i_ix, i_ix]
            pval_j = 1 - ncfdtr(1, n1 + n2 - len(cond_set_i) - len(cond_set_j), 0, stat_j)

            #  remove i-j from skeleton if j regressed on (i, cond_set) is invariant
            j_invariant = pval_j > min_alpha
            if j_invariant:
                removed_alphas = [alpha for alpha in alpha_skeleton_grid if pval_j > alpha]
                if verbose > 1:
                        f"Removing edge {i}->{j} for alpha={removed_alphas} since p-value={pval_j:.5f} with cond set {cond_set_j}")
                for alpha in removed_alphas:
                    skeletons[alpha].discard((i, j))
                if true_diff is not None and (i, j) in true_diff or (j, i) in true_diff:
                        f"Incorrectly removing edge {j}->{i} for alpha={removed_alphas} since p-value={pval_j:.6f} with cond set {cond_set_i}")
                if len(removed_alphas) == len(alpha_skeleton_grid):
            elif verbose > 1:
                print(f"Keeping edge {i}-{j} for now, since p-value={pval_j:.5f}with cond set {cond_set_j}")

    return skeletons
Exemple #6
def dci_orient(
        skeleton: set,
        rh1: RegressionHelper,
        rh2: RegressionHelper,
        alpha: float = 0.1,
        max_set_size: int = 3,
        verbose: int = 0
    Orients edges in the skeleton of the difference DAG.

    skeleton: set
        Set of edges in the skeleton of the difference-DAG.
    rh1: RegressionHelper
        Sufficient statistics estimated based on samples in the first dataset, stored in RegressionHelper class.
    rh2: RegressionHelper
        Sufficient statistics estimated based on samples in the second dataset, stored in RegressionHelper class.
    alpha: float, default = 0.1
        Significance level parameter for determining orientation of an edge.
        Lower alpha results in more directed edges in the difference-DAG.
    max_set_size: int, default = 3
        Maximum conditioning set size used to test regression invariance.
        Smaller maximum conditioning set size results in faster computation time. For large datasets recommended max_set_size is 3.
    verbose: int, default = 0
        The verbosity level of logging messages.

    See Also
    dci, dci_undirected_graph, dci_skeleton

    oriented_edges: set
        Set of edges in the skeleton of the difference-DAG for which directionality could be determined.
    unoriented_edges: set
        Set of edges in the skeleton of the difference-DAG for which directionality could not be determined.

    if verbose > 0:
        print("DCI edge orientation...")

    assert 0 <= alpha <= 1, "alpha must be in [0,1] range."

    nodes = {i for i, j in skeleton} | {j for i, j in skeleton}
    oriented_edges = set()

    n1 = rh1.suffstat['n']
    n2 = rh2.suffstat['n']
    for i, j in skeleton:
        for cond_i, cond_j in zip(powerset(nodes - {i}, r_max=max_set_size), powerset(nodes - {j}, r_max=max_set_size)):
            # compute residual variances for i
            beta1_i, var1_i, _ = rh1.regression(i, cond_i)
            beta2_i, var2_i, _ = rh2.regression(i, cond_i)
            # compute p-value for invariance of residual variances for i
            pvalue_i = ncfdtr(n1 - len(cond_i), n2 - len(cond_i), 0, var1_i / var2_i)
            pvalue_i = 2 * min(pvalue_i, 1 - pvalue_i)

            # compute residual variances for j
            beta1_j, var1_j, _ = rh1.regression(j, cond_j)
            beta2_j, var2_j, _ = rh2.regression(j, cond_j)
            # compute p-value for invariance of residual variances for j
            pvalue_j = ncfdtr(n1 - len(cond_j), n2 - len(cond_j), 0, var1_j / var2_j)
            pvalue_j = 2 * min(pvalue_j, 1 - pvalue_j)

            if ((pvalue_i > alpha) | (pvalue_j > alpha)):
                # orient the edge according to highest p-value
                if pvalue_i > pvalue_j:
                    edge = (j, i) if j in cond_i else (i, j)
                    edge = (i, j) if i in cond_j else (j, i)

                if verbose > 0:
                    print("Oriented (%d, %d) as %s" % (i, j, edge))

    unoriented_edges = skeleton - {frozenset({i, j}) for i, j in oriented_edges}
    return oriented_edges, unoriented_edges
Exemple #7
def dci_skeleton(
        difference_ug: list,
        rh1: RegressionHelper,
        rh2: RegressionHelper,
        alpha: float = 0.1,
        max_set_size: int = 3,
        verbose: int = 0
    Estimates the skeleton of the difference-DAG.

    difference_ug: list
        List of tuples that represents edges in the difference undirected graph.
    rh1: RegressionHelper
        Sufficient statistics estimated based on samples in the first dataset, stored in RegressionHelper class.
    rh2: RegressionHelper
        Sufficient statistics estimated based on samples in the second dataset, stored in RegressionHelper class.
    alpha: float, default = 0.1
        Significance level parameter for determining presence of edges in the skeleton of the difference graph.
        Lower alpha results in sparser difference graph.
    max_set_size: int, default = None
        Maximum conditioning set size used to test regression invariance.
        Smaller maximum conditioning set size results in faster computation time. For large datasets recommended max_set_size is 3.
    verbose: int, default = 0
        The verbosity level of logging messages.

    See Also
    dci, dci_undirected_graph, dci_orient

    skeleton: set
        Set of edges in the skeleton of the difference-DAG.

    if verbose > 0:
        print("DCI skeleton estimation...")

    assert 0 <= alpha <= 1, "alpha must be in [0,1] range."

    n1 = rh1.suffstat['n']
    n2 = rh2.suffstat['n']
    nodes = get_nodes_in_graph(difference_ug)
    skeleton = {frozenset({i, j}) for i, j in difference_ug}

    for i, j in difference_ug:
        for cond_set in powerset(nodes - {i, j}, r_max=max_set_size):
            cond_set_i, cond_set_j = [*cond_set, j], [*cond_set, i]

            # calculate regression coefficients (j regressed on cond_set_j) for both datasets
            beta1_i, var1_i, precision1 = rh1.regression(i, cond_set_i)
            beta2_i, var2_i, precision2 = rh2.regression(i, cond_set_i)

            # compute statistic and p-value
            j_ix = cond_set_i.index(j)
            stat_i = (beta1_i[j_ix] - beta2_i[j_ix]) ** 2 * \
                     inv(var1_i * precision1 / (n1 - 1) + var2_i * precision2 / (n2 - 1))[j_ix, j_ix]
            pval_i = ncfdtr(1, n1 + n2 - len(cond_set_i) - len(cond_set_j), 0, stat_i)
            pval_i = 2 * min(pval_i, 1 - pval_i)

            #  remove i-j from skeleton if i regressed on (j, cond_set) is invariant
            i_invariant = pval_i > alpha
            if i_invariant:
                if verbose > 0:
                    print("Removing edge %d-%d since p-value=%.5f < alpha=%.5f" % (i, j, pval_i, alpha))
                skeleton.remove(frozenset({i, j}))

            # calculate regression coefficients (i regressed on cond_set_i) for both datasets
            beta1_j, var1_j, precision1 = rh1.regression(j, cond_set_j)
            beta2_j, var2_j, precision2 = rh2.regression(j, cond_set_j)

            # compute statistic and p-value
            i_ix = cond_set_j.index(i)
            stat_j = (beta1_j[i_ix] - beta2_j[i_ix]) ** 2 * \
                     inv(var1_j * precision1 / (n1 - 1) + var2_j * precision2 / (n2 - 1))[i_ix, i_ix]
            pval_j = 1 - ncfdtr(1, n1 + n2 - len(cond_set_i) - len(cond_set_j), 0, stat_j)
            pval_j = 2 * min(pval_j, 1 - pval_j)

            #  remove i-j from skeleton if j regressed on (i, cond_set) is invariant
            j_invariant = pval_j > alpha
            if j_invariant:
                if verbose > 0:
                    print("Removing edge %d-%d since p-value=%.5f < alpha=%.5f" % (i, j, pval_j, alpha))
                skeleton.remove(frozenset({i, j}))

    return skeleton