def run2( reset = False, base_net = 'kn', comp_net = 'fn', demand_bdtnp = False): bd = nio.getBDTNP() ktgs,ktfs = nio.getKNet() tgs,tfs = nio.getNet() sush = nio.getSush(on_fail = 'compute') tfset = set(ktfs.keys()) tgset = set(ktgs.keys()) tg_int = set(tgs.keys()).intersection(ktgs.keys()) tf_int = set(tfs.keys()).intersection(ktfs.keys()) if demand_bdtnp: tg_int = tg_int.intersection(bd.keys()) tf_int = tf_int.intersection(bd.keys()) if base_net =='kn': b_edges = [(tf, tg, float(wt)) for tg, elt in ktgs.iteritems() if tg in tg_int for tf, wt in zip(elt['tfs'], elt['weights']) if tf in tf_int] if comp_net == 'fn': c_edges = [(tf, tg, float(wt)) for tg, elt in tgs.iteritems() if tg in tg_int for tf, wt in zip(elt['tfs'], elt['weights']) if tf in tf_int] elif comp_net == 'sn': #Sushmita network with signed edges c_edges = [(tf, tg, float(wt)) for tg, elt in sush.iteritems() if tg in tg_int for tf, wt in zip(elt['tfs'], elt['weights']) if tf in tf_int] elif comp_net == 'sna': #Sushmita network with unsigned edges c_edges = [(tf, tg, abs(float(wt))) for tg, elt in sush.iteritems() if tg in tg_int for tf, wt in zip(elt['tfs'], elt['weights']) if tf in tf_int] elif comp_net == 'kn': c_edges = [(tf, tg, float(wt)) for tg, elt in ktgs.iteritems() if tg in tg_int for tf, wt in zip(elt['tfs'], elt['weights']) if tf in tf_int] ng = 4 nodes = array(list(tf_int.union(tg_int))) bg = nx.DiGraph() bg.add_nodes_from(nodes) bg.add_weighted_edges_from(b_edges) cg = nx.DiGraph() cg.add_nodes_from(nodes) cg.add_weighted_edges_from(c_edges) cgraphs = {comp_net:cg} v0 = cgraphs.values() k0 = cgraphs.keys() for k,g in zip(k0,v0): for prc in [10]: thr = percentile([e[2]['weight'] for e in nx.to_edgelist(g)], prc) cgraphs.update([('{0}_thr{1:2.2}'.format(k,thr), nfu.thr_graph(g,thr))]) gt = nfu.thr_graph(g,thr) v0 = cgraphs.values() k0 = cgraphs.keys() for k, v in zip(k0,v0): tot_edges = len(nx.to_edgelist(v)) for n_c in [1,2,4]: for max_edges in array([.2,.5,1.]) * tot_edges : if not 'thr' in k: continue gfilt = nfu.filter_graph(v, n_c = n_c) gfilt = nfu.top_edges(gfilt, max_edges = max_edges) gthr = nfu.thr_graph(gfilt, 1e-8) cgraphs.update([('{0}_flt{1}_nedge{2}'.format(k,n_c,max_edges),gfilt)]) cgraphs.update([('{0}_flt{1}_nedge{2}_thr0'.format(k,n_c,max_edges),gthr)]) ''' When you don't have hidden variables, networks can be modelled mby information criterion. In what settings can you incur causality from datasets. You need a prior to limit the number of arrowsin your graph: The idea: come up with an idea from computational learning theory and come up with a model for interventions. Spatial, genetic, time data to penalize network edges... Granger causality uses time varying data to ''',pos,node_color = 'none'),pos,node_color = 'white', alpha = .2, with_labels = False) return bg, cgraphs
def run( reset = False, base_net = 'kn', comp_net = 'fn', demand_bdtnp = False): tgs,tfs = nio.getNet() ktgs,ktfs = nio.getKNet() bd = nio.getBDTNP() #btgs,btfs = nio.getBDTNP() sush = nio.getSush(on_fail = 'compute') tfset = set(ktfs.keys()) tgset = set(ktgs.keys()) tg_int = set(tgs.keys()).intersection(ktgs.keys()) tf_int = set(tfs.keys()).intersection(ktfs.keys()) if demand_bdtnp: tg_int = tg_int.intersection(bd.keys()) tf_int = tf_int.intersection(bd.keys()) sfRN = [(tf, tg, float(wt)) for tg, elt in tgs.iteritems() if tg in tg_int for tf, wt in zip(elt['tfs'], elt['weights']) if tf in tf_int] kRN = [(tf, tg, float(wt)) for tg, elt in ktgs.iteritems() if tg in tg_int for tf, wt in zip(elt['tfs'], elt['weights']) if tf in tf_int] #Sushmita network with signed edges suRN = [(tf, tg, float(wt)) for tg, elt in sush.iteritems() if tg in tg_int for tf, wt in zip(elt['tfs'], elt['weights']) if tf in tf_int] #Sushmita network with unsigned edges suaRN = [(tf, tg, abs(float(wt))) for tg, elt in sush.iteritems() if tg in tg_int for tf, wt in zip(elt['tfs'], elt['weights']) if tf in tf_int] edges = [ kRN, sfRN, suRN, suaRN] ng = 4 fg, kg, sug, suag = [nx.DiGraph() for i in range(4)] nodes = array(list(tf_int.union(tg_int))) graphs = {'kg':kg,'fg':fg,'sug':sug,'suag':suag} for g, edges in zip(graphs.values(), edges): g.add_nodes_from(nodes) g.add_weighted_edges_from(edges) for gname in ['fg','suag']: for prc in [10,50,75,85,90,95,98,99]: thr = percentile([e[2]['weight'] for e in nx.to_edgelist(graphs[gname])], prc) graphs.update([('{0}_thr{1:2.2}'.format(gname,thr), nfu.thr_graph(graphs[gname],thr))]) v0 = graphs.values() k0 = graphs.keys() tot_edges = len(nx.to_edgelist(graphs['fg'])) for k, v in zip(k0,v0): for n_c in [2,4,8 ,12]: for max_edges in array([.5,1.,2.,5.]) * tot_edges : if not 'thr' in k: continue gfilt = nfu.filter_graph(v, n_c = n_c) gfilt = nfu.top_edges(gfilt, max_edges = max_edges) gthr = nfu.thr_graph(gfilt, 1e-8) graphs.update([('{0}_flt{1}'.format(k,n_c),gfilt)]) graphs.update([('{0}_flt{1}_thr0'.format(k,n_c),gthr)]),pos,node_color = 'none'),pos,node_color = 'white', alpha = .2, with_labels = False) return graphs