Exemple #1
def eval_byexp(model_name, size, partition, userstrata=-1, window=50, sliding_step=50, write=False):
	exp_filter = ExpFilter(size, partition, userstrata=userstrata)
	device_and_exps = exp_filter.get_expId_bydevice()

	convnet = cPickle.load(open('../models/%s.pkl' % model_name))

	results = {}
	results['total'] = [0, 0]
	for device, exp in device_and_exps:
		dataset = load_data([exp], window=window, sliding_step=sliding_step)
		if dataset.start_idx < 1:
		sharedset = shared_dataset(dataset)
		convnet_inst_num = dataset.start_idx

		convnet_scores = convnet.score(sharedset)
		convnet_errors = 1 - convnet_scores
		res = (dataset.start_idx, convnet_errors)
		results[exp] = res

		results['total'][0] = results['total'][0] + res[0]
		results['total'][1] = results['total'][1] + res[0] * res[1]

	if write is False:
	with open("../../results/%s_results.txt" % model_name, 'w') as f:
		line = "The total error is %r" % (results['total'][1] / results['total'][0])
		f.write(line + "\n")
		print line
		for device, exp in device_and_exps:
			res = results.get(exp, None)
			if res is None:
				"%s, %s skipped" % (device, exp)
			line = "%s, %s the error is %r for %i insts" % (device, exp, res[1], res[0])
			f.write(line + "\n")
			print line
Exemple #2
	def eval_exps(self, exp_ids):
		preparedset = load_prepared_data(exp_ids)
		prepared_x = preparedset[0]
		prepared_y = numpy.asarray(preparedset[1][:,0], 'int32')

		mv_logreg_error = 1-self.mv_logreg.score(prepared_x, prepared_y)

		# dataset = load_data(exp_ids, window=self.window, sliding_step=self.sliding_step)
		# if dataset is None:
		# 	return 0, 0, 0, 0
		# sharedset = shared_dataset(dataset, self.convnet.static_sensor)
		# convnet_inst_num = dataset[1].shape[0]
		dataset = cc_preprocessor.load_data(exp_ids, window=self.window, sliding_step=self.sliding_step)
		if dataset.start_idx < 1:
			return 0, 0, 0, 0
		sharedset = cc_multimodal_conv.shared_dataset(dataset)
		convnet_inst_num = dataset.start_idx

		shared_x = theano.shared(prepared_x, borrow=True)
		shared_y = theano.shared(prepared_y, borrow=True)
		sharedset = [shared_x, shared_y]

		if self.mv_rf is None:
			convnet_scores = self.convnet.score(sharedset)
			print convnet_scores
			repr_x, repr_y = self.convnet.input_to_feature(sharedset, layer=self.layer)
			print repr_x.shape
			convnet_scores = self.mv_rf.score(repr_x, repr_y[:,0])

		convnet_errors = 1-convnet_scores
		logreg_inst_num = len(preparedset[1])

		return logreg_inst_num, mv_logreg_error, convnet_inst_num, convnet_errors
Exemple #3
		y_preds = [predict_model(i) for i in xrange(n_test_batches)]
		y_preds = numpy.reshape(y_preds, (n_test_batches * batch_size + batch_size, len(self.label_struct)))

		y_preds = y_preds[:test_size,]
		return y_preds

def shared_dataset(data, borrow=True):
	shared_a = theano.shared(numpy.asarray(data.accData.get(), dtype=theano.config.floatX), borrow=borrow)
	shared_l = theano.shared(numpy.asarray(data.linData.get(), dtype=theano.config.floatX), borrow=borrow)
	shared_g = theano.shared(numpy.asarray(data.gyroData.get(), dtype=theano.config.floatX), borrow=borrow)
	shared_m = theano.shared(numpy.asarray(data.magData.get(), dtype=theano.config.floatX), borrow=borrow)
	shared_y = theano.shared(numpy.asarray(data.targetData.get(), dtype='int32'), borrow=borrow)

	return shared_a, shared_l, shared_g, shared_m, shared_y

if __name__ == '__main__':
	data_size = 3 # 0: mini, 1: small, 2: medium, 3: large
	sliding_step = 50
	window = 50

	train_set = load_data(ExpFilter(data_size, 'train').get_expId(), window=window, sliding_step=sliding_step)
	train_shared = shared_dataset(train_set)
	valid_shared = None

	label_struct = [2]
	ccnet = ConvNet(label_struct, train_set.n_features(), filter_h=1, presample_size=1, nkerns=[10,10,10,30])
	ccnet.learn(train_shared, valid_shared, learning_rate=0.05, momentum_params={'start':0.05, 'end':0.95, 'interval':100}, n_epochs=200)