Exemple #1
def get_likely_xor_keysizes(ciphertext, number_of_keysizes=1):
    """Return the most likely repeating keysize for a ciphertext encrypted with a repeating key XOR.

    This is a helper function for break_repeating_key_xor used further down the list of key sizes we need to try.

    :param ciphertext: The ciphertext to find likely key sizes for
    :param number_of_keysizes: An optional variable to set the number of likely key sizes to return
    :return: A list of likely key sizes with the most likely key sizes at smaller indexes.
    normalized_distances = []
    for keysize in xrange(2, 40):
        key_size_chunks = list(chunks(ciphertext, keysize))
        total_distance = 0

        max_blocks = len(key_size_chunks)-1 if len(key_size_chunks) < 40 else 40
        number_of_blocks = 0
        # If the number of blocks in the average distance calculation is too low
        # we may end up with the wrong keysize. Using 40 blocks seems to give
        # results.
        for i in xrange(0, max_blocks, 2):
            total_distance += get_hamming_distance(key_size_chunks[i], key_size_chunks[i + 1])
            number_of_blocks += 1

        avg_distance = float(total_distance) / (number_of_blocks / 2)
        normalized_distances.append((keysize, avg_distance / keysize))

    # The most likely keysizes will have the lowest hamming weight
    normalized_distances.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])

    return [i[0] for i in normalized_distances[:number_of_keysizes]]
def test_get_hamming_distance():
    assert cc_util.get_hamming_distance('this is a test', 'wokka wokka!!!') == 37