def __init__(self, graph: Graph): self.graph = graph self.mdr_graph = MdrGraph(graph)
"""CCDH Concept References: classes and endpoints""" from fastapi import Request from ccdh.api.cache import cache from starlette.responses import StreamingResponse from tccm_api.routers import concept_reference from ccdh.api.routers.mappings import generate_sssom_tsv from ccdh.api.routers.models import MappingSet from ccdh.config import neo4j_graph from ccdh.db.mdr_graph import MdrGraph # TODO: Architecturally, why is 'concept_reference' in TCCM-API when so much else # in CCDH terminology service? What is the logic behind what is and isn't # TCCM? - joeflack4 2021/10/27 router = concept_reference.router mdr_graph = MdrGraph(neo4j_graph()) @router.get( '/{curie}/mappings', description= 'An SSSOM TSV file depending on request headers, otherwise a list of mappings', response_model=MappingSet) @cache() def get_concept_reference_mappings(curie: str, request: Request): """Get concept reference mappings""" mapping_set = mdr_graph.find_mappings_of_concept_reference(curie) if request.headers['accept'] == 'text/tab-separated-values+sssom': return StreamingResponse(generate_sssom_tsv( MappingSet.parse_obj(mapping_set.__dict__)), media_type='text/tab-separated-values+sssom')
class Importer: def __init__(self, graph: Graph): self.graph = graph self.mdr_graph = MdrGraph(graph) def import_node_attribute(self, node_attribute): entity = node_attribute['entity'] attribute = node_attribute['attribute'] system = node_attribute['system'] f'Importing NodeAttribute {system}.{entity}.{attribute} ...') na_node = self.mdr_graph.get_node_attribute(system, entity, attribute) if na_node is not None: # already exists. Skip # TODO: Update the node return na_node = self.mdr_graph.create_node_attribute(system, entity, attribute) na_node['definition'] = node_attribute['definition'] if 'cadsr_cde' in node_attribute: if node_attribute["cadsr_cde"]: na_node[ 'reference'] = f'{node_attribute["cadsr_cde"]}' subgraph = Subgraph([na_node]) permissible_values = node_attribute['permissible_values'] enum_node = self.mdr_graph.create_enumeration() subgraph |= enum_node subgraph |= Relationship(na_node, 'USES', enum_node) for value, description in permissible_values.items(): pv_node = self.mdr_graph.create_permissible_value( value, description) subgraph |= pv_node subgraph |= Relationship(enum_node, 'HAS_PERMISSIBLE_VALUE', pv_node) tx = self.graph.begin() tx.create(subgraph) self.graph.commit(tx)'Importing {system}.{entity}.{attribute} was successful') def import_node_attributes(self, node_attributes: Dict[str, Dict]): for key, node_attribute in node_attributes.items(): self.import_node_attribute(node_attribute) def import_harmonized_attributes(self, harmonized_attributes: Dict[str, Dict]):"Importing CRDC-H model -- started") for key, harmonized_attribute in harmonized_attributes.items(): self.import_harmonized_attribute(harmonized_attribute)"Processed attributes: " + str(len(harmonized_attributes)))"Importing CRDC-H model -- completed") def import_harmonized_attribute(self, harmonized_attribute): system = harmonized_attribute['system'] entity = harmonized_attribute['entity'] attribute = harmonized_attribute['attribute'] f'Importing HarmonizedAttribute {system}.{entity}.{attribute} ...') ha_node = self.mdr_graph.get_harmonized_attribute( system, entity, attribute) if ha_node is not None: # already exists. Skip # TODO: Update return ha_node = self.mdr_graph.create_harmonized_attribute( system, entity, attribute) ha_node['definition'] = harmonized_attribute['definition'] subgraph = Subgraph([ha_node]) # to-do: What's created here is empty. Is it updated later anywhere? If not, # this just something that Dazhi never got to? - joeflack4 2021/11/30 cs_node = self.mdr_graph.create_code_set() subgraph |= cs_node subgraph |= Relationship(ha_node, 'HAS_MEANING', cs_node) # node_attributes: Looks like will only be mappings, of the format: # ...<MODEL>:<ENTITY>.<ATTR> - joeflack4 2021/11/19 if 'node_attributes' in harmonized_attribute: # TODO: Shouldn't exact_mapping be nested within node_attributes or # ...node_attributes/mappings?= instead? (updated here and in # ...CRDCH.import_harmonized_attributes() for node_attribute in harmonized_attribute['node_attributes']: try: system, entity_attribute = node_attribute.split(':') entity, attribute = entity_attribute.split('.') except ValueError as e: logger.error( f'Failed to parse the mapping attribute name: {node_attribute}' ) logger.error(e) continue na_node = self.mdr_graph.get_node_attribute( system, entity, attribute) if na_node is None: logger.warning(node_attribute + ' not found in database') else: subgraph |= Relationship(na_node, 'MAPS_TO', ha_node) tx = self.graph.begin() tx.create(subgraph) self.graph.commit(tx) f'Importing HarmonizedAttribute {system}.{entity}.{attribute} was successful' ) def import_ncit_mapping(self, gdc_ncit_mappings: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]], system: str): """Cypher query notes: ON CREATE/MATCH SET: "SET" doesn't mean the mathematical concept of a set; it means "to set the value of a property". So, gramatically in English it would actally be "on create/match, set x property with y value". ON CREATE is a conditinoal where a creation is done, and ON MATCH is a conditional where a match is done. """ query = ''' MATCH (cs:CodeSet:Resource)<-[:HAS_MEANING]- (:HarmonizedAttribute)<-[:MAPS_TO]- (:NodeAttribute {system: $system, attribute: $attribute})-[:USES]-> (:Enumeration)-[:HAS_PERMISSIBLE_VALUE]->(pv:PermissibleValue {pref_label: $pv_label}) MATCH (cr:ConceptReference:Resource {uri: $cr_uri}) MERGE (cr)<-[:MAPPED_TO]-(m:Mapping:Resource)-[:MAPPED_FROM]->(pv) ON CREATE SET m.predicate_id = $predicate_id, m.creator_id = $creator_id ON MATCH SET m.predicate_id = $predicate_id, m.creator_id = $creator_id MERGE (cs)-[:HAS_MEMBER]->(cr) RETURN cr ''' for _, attr in gdc_ncit_mappings.items(): for _, value in attr.items(): code, _pref_label, predicate_id, attribute, pv_label = list( value[0:5]) # isnt it always list anyway?? if predicate_id == 'Has Synonym': predicate_id = SKOS.exactMatch elif predicate_id == 'Related To': predicate_id = SKOS.relatedMatch params = { 'system': system, 'attribute': attribute, 'predicate_id': str(predicate_id), 'pv_label': pv_label, 'creator_id': '', 'cr_uri': f'{code}', }, **params) # def import_mapping_set(self, mapping_set: MappingSet, curie_map: Dict[str, str]): def import_mapping_set(self, mapping_set: MappingSet): """Used by endpoint: /mappings/upload/""" for mapping in mapping_set.mappings: # self.import_mapping(mapping, curie_map) self.import_mapping(mapping) # def import_mapping(self, mapping: Mapping, curie_map: Dict[str, str]): def import_mapping(self, mapping: Mapping): """Used by: self.import_mapping_set()""" de_system, entity, attribute = mapping.subject_match_field.split('.') dec_system, dec_entity, dec_attribute = mapping.object_match_field.split( '.') curie = mapping.object_id if curie: # not mapped print(curie) in_scheme, notation = curie.split(':') vm_uri = decode_uri(mapping.object_id) query = ''' MATCH (cd:CodeSet:Resource)<-[:HAS_MEANING]- (c:HarmonizedAttribute {system: $dec_system, entity: $dec_entity, attribute: $dec_attribute})<-[:MAPS_TO]- (de:NodeAttribute {system: $de_system, entity: $entity, attribute: $attribute})-[:USES]-> (vd:Enumeration)-[:HAS_PERMISSIBLE_VALUE]->(pv:PermissibleValue {pref_label: $pv_pref_label}) MERGE (cr:ConceptReference:Resource {uri: $cr_uri}) ON CREATE SET vm.pref_label = $vm_pref_label, vm.notation = $vm_notation, vm.scheme = $vm_in_scheme ON MATCH SET vm.pref_label = $vm_pref_label, vm.notation = $vm_notation, vm.scheme = $vm_in_scheme MERGE (vm)<-[:HAS_MEMBER]-(cd) MERGE (p)<-[rpr:HAS_REPRESENTATION]-(vm) ON CREATE SET rpr.predicate_id = $predicate_id, rpr.creator_id = $creator_id, rpr.comment = $comment ON MATCH SET rpr.predicate_id = $predicate_id, rpr.creator_id = $creator_id, rpr.comment = $comment ''' params = { 'dec_system': dec_system, 'entity': entity, 'attribute': attribute, 'de_system': de_system, 'dec_entity': dec_entity, 'dec_attribute': dec_attribute, 'predicate_id': mapping.predicate_id, 'pv_pref_label': mapping.subject_label, 'vm_pref_label': mapping.object_label, 'vm_notation': notation, 'vm_in_scheme': in_scheme, 'vm_uri': vm_uri, 'creator_id': mapping.creator_id, 'comment': mapping.comment or '', }, **params) else: if mapping.comment: query = ''' MATCH (cd:ConceptualDomain:Resource:CodeSet)<-[:USES]- (c:DataElementConcept {system: $dec_system, entity: $dec_entity, attribute: $dec_attribute})<-[:HAS_MEANING]- (de:DataElement {system: $de_system, entity: $entity, attribute: $attribute})-[:USES]-> (vd:ValueDomain)-[:HAS_MEMBER]->(p:PermissibleValue {pref_label: $pv_pref_label}) SET p.comment = CASE EXISTS(p.comment) WHEN True THEN p.comment + $comment else [$comment] END ''' params = { 'dec_system': dec_system, 'entity': entity, 'attribute': attribute, 'de_system': de_system, 'dec_entity': dec_entity, 'dec_attribute': dec_attribute, 'predicate_id': mapping.predicate_id, 'pv_pref_label': mapping.subject_label, 'comment': mapping.comment, }, **params) def import_ncit(self): # CALL 'n10s.rdf.import.fetch("file:///var/lib/neo4j/import/ncit-termci.ttl", "Turtle", {predicateExclusionList : [ ""] })' # to-do: How to make this import work? Saw error message upon closer examination. Check GitHub issue: #125 path = 'file:///var/lib/neo4j/import/ncit-termci.ttl' # neo4j container location # path = 'file:///app/data/tccm/ncit-termci.ttl' # ccdh-api container location'n10s.rdf.import.fetch', path, "Turtle", { 'predicateExclusionList': [""] }) @staticmethod def import_all(): """Import data from all nodes / data sources""" Importer(neo4j_graph()).import_ncit() Importer(neo4j_graph()).import_node_attributes( PdcImporter.read_data_dictionary()) Importer(neo4j_graph()).import_node_attributes( GdcImporter.read_data_dictionary()) Importer(neo4j_graph()).import_harmonized_attributes( CrdcHImporter.read_harmonized_attributes()) Importer(neo4j_graph()).import_ncit_mapping( GdcImporter.read_ncit_mappings(), 'GDC') Importer(neo4j_graph()).import_ncit_mapping( GdcImporter.read_ncit_mappings(), 'PDC')