def bias_combine(refresh=0): tbiascollection = ImageFileCollection('Trimmed_Bias') print('found', len(tbiascollection.values('file')), 'trimmed biases') combined_bias = ccdp.combine(tbiascollection.files_filtered( imtype='trimmed bias', include_path=True), sigma_clip=True, sigma_clip_low_thresh=5, sigma_clip_high_thresh=5, sigma_clip_func=np.nanmedian, sigma_clip_dev_func=mad_std) combined_bias.meta['combined'] = True combined_bias.write('Master_Files/mbias.fits', overwrite=True) return tbiascollection
def combine_flats(refresh='2', method='2'): if method == '1': meta = 'med' source = 'Trimmed_Flat/subflatsmed' dest = 'Master_Files/mflat_median.fits' elif method == '2': meta = 'sig' source = 'Trimmed_Flat/subflatssig' dest = 'Master_Files/mflat.fits' subflatcollection = ImageFileCollection(source) combtime = 0 if refresh == '1': print('found', len(subflatcollection.values('file')), 'subflats') start = time.time() if method == '1': mflat = ccdp.combine(subflatcollection.files_filtered( imtype='subflat', include_path=True), method='median') mflat.meta['flatcom'] = 'median' combtime = time.time() - start print('combination took', combtime, 'seconds') elif method == '2': mflat = ccdp.combine(subflatcollection.files_filtered( imtype='subflat', include_path=True), sigma_clip=True, sigma_clip_low_thresh=5, sigma_clip_high_thresh=5, sigma_clip_func=np.nanmedian, sigma_clip_dev_func=mad_std) mflat.meta['flatcom'] = 'sigma' combtime = time.time() - start print('combination took', combtime, 'seconds') mflat.meta['normmed'] = (np.nanmedian(mflat), 'nanmedian of the master flat') mflat.meta['subflats'] = meta mflat.write(dest[0:-5] + '_' + meta + '.fits', overwrite=True) else: try: if method == '1': mflat ='Master_Files/mflat_median_med.fits', unit='adu') elif method == '2': mflat ='Master_Files/mflat_sig.fits', unit='adu') except: print('can\'t locate master flat, create or check directory') sys.exit() return subflatcollection, mflat, dest, combtime
def bias_combine(refresh='2', method='2'): tbiascollection = ImageFileCollection('Trimmed_Bias') combtime = 0 if refresh == '1': print('found', len(tbiascollection.values('file')), 'trimmed biases') start = time.time() if method == '1': combined_bias = ccdp.combine(tbiascollection.files_filtered( imtype='trimmed bias', include_path=True), method='median') combbiaspath = 'Master_Files/mbias_median.fits' combined_bias.meta['combined'] = 'median' combtime = time.time() - start print('combination took', combtime, 'seconds') combined_bias.write(combbiaspath, overwrite=True) elif method == '2': combined_bias = ccdp.combine(tbiascollection.files_filtered( imtype='trimmed bias', include_path=True), sigma_clip=True, sigma_clip_low_thresh=5, sigma_clip_high_thresh=5, sigma_clip_func=np.nanmedian, sigma_clip_dev_func=mad_std) combbiaspath = 'Master_Files/mbias.fits' combined_bias.meta['combined'] = 'sigma_clip average' combtime = time.time() - start print('combination took', combtime, 'seconds') combined_bias.write(combbiaspath, overwrite=True) else: try: if method == '1': combined_bias ='Master_Files/mbias_median.fits', unit='adu') combbiaspath = 'Master_Files/mbias_median.fits' elif method == '2': combined_bias ='Master_Files/mbias.fits', unit='adu') combbiaspath = 'Master_Files/mbias.fits' except: print('can\'t locate master bias, create or check directory') sys.exit() return tbiascollection, combined_bias, combbiaspath, combtime
def bias_combine(refresh=False, method=1): if refresh == 0: tbiascollection = ImageFileCollection('Trimmed_Bias') print('found', len(tbiascollection.values('file')), 'trimmed biases') start=time.time() if method == 1: combined_bias = ccdp.combine(tbiascollection.files_filtered( imtype='trimmed bias', include_path=True), method='median') combbiaspath = 'Master_Files/mbias_median.fits' combined_bias.meta['combined'] = 'median' elif method == 2: combined_bias = ccdp.combine(tbiascollection.files_filtered( imtype='trimmed bias', include_path=True), sigma_clip=True, sigma_clip_low_thresh=5, sigma_clip_high_thresh=5, sigma_clip_func=np.nanmedian, sigma_clip_dev_func=mad_std) combbiaspath = 'Master_Files/mbias.fits' combined_bias.meta['combined'] = 'sigma_clip average' combtime=time.time()-start print('combination took',combtime,'seconds') combined_bias.write('Master_Files/mbias_median.fits', overwrite=True) return tbiascollection,combined_bias,combbiaspath,combtime
import glob from astropy import units as u from import fits from ccdproc import CCDData, Combiner import numpy as np from ccdproc import Combiner, ImageFileCollection, fits_ccddata_writer from t120_init import t120 listimg = ImageFileCollection( t120.t120_flat_dir) #,glob_include='*.fit',glob_exclude='*.fits') list_filters = listimg.values('filter', unique=True) #for filter_name in listimg.values('filter',unique=True): for filter_name in list_filters:'*** filter: ' + filter_name) my_files = listimg.files_filtered(filter=filter_name)'my_files=' + my_files) pouet for filter_name in listimg.values('filter', unique=True):'*** filter: ' + filter_name) listccd = [] for ccd, file_name in listimg.ccds(ccd_kwargs={'unit': 'adu'}, filter=filter_name, return_fname=True):'now considering file ' + file_name) listccd.append(ccd) """'now making the Combiner object') combiner = Combiner(listccd)
print('not combining zeros') print('\t reading in bias-combined.fits instead') hdu1 ='bias-combined.fits') header = hdu1[0].header gaincorrected_master_bias = CCDData(hdu1[0].data, unit=u.electron, meta=header) hdu1.close() else: print('not using a bias frame') ################################################### # COMBINE DARKS ################################################### # identify darks and combine darks with longest exposure time # change to use the dark with the closest exposure time exptimes = np.array(ic.values('exptime')) image_types = np.array(ic.values('imagetyp')) if args.darkcombine: # select all files with imagetyp=='dark' # want to read in one set of long exposure dark frames, like 120 s # observers should take a set of darks that correspond to longest exposure time # e.g. 120s set_exptime=set(exptimes[image_types == ccdkeyword['dark']]) dark_exptimes_set = np.array(list(set_exptime),'f') max_exposure = max(exptimes[image_types == ccdkeyword['dark']]) ''' * subtract bias from combined dark frames
def na_back_pipeline(directory=None, glob_include='Jupiter*', calibration=None, photometry=None, n_back_boxes=N_BACK_BOXES, num_processes=None, outdir=None, create_outdir=True, **kwargs): outdir = outdir or reduced_dir(directory, create=False) collection = ImageFileCollection(directory, glob_include=glob_include) if collection is None: return [] summary_table = collection.summary #print(summary_table['raoff']) try: raoffs = collection.values('raoff', unique=True) decoffs = collection.values('decoff', unique=True) except Exception as e: log.error(f'Problem with RAOFF/DECOFF in {directory}: {e}') return [] f_pairs = [] for raoff in raoffs: for decoff in decoffs: try: subc = collection.filter(raoff=raoff, decoff=decoff) except: log.debug(f'No match for RAOFF = {raoff} DECOFF = {decoff}') continue fp = closest_in_time(subc, ('Na_on', 'Na_off'), valid_long_exposure, directory=directory) f_pairs.extend(fp) if len(f_pairs) == 0: log.warning(f'No matching set of Na background files found ' f'in {directory}') return [] if calibration is None: calibration = Calibration(reduce=True) if photometry is None: photometry = Photometry(precalc=True, n_back_boxes=n_back_boxes, **kwargs) # Eventually put back in cmp = CorMultiPipe(auto=True, calibration=calibration, photometry=photometry, create_outdir=create_outdir, post_process_list=[ multi_filter_proc, combine_masks, na_back_process, no_outfile ], num_processes=num_processes, process_expand_factor=15, **kwargs) # but get ready to write to reduced directory if necessary #pout = cmp.pipeline([f_pairs[0]], outdir=outdir, overwrite=True) pout = cmp.pipeline(f_pairs, outdir=outdir, overwrite=True) pout, _ = prune_pout(pout, f_pairs) return pout
def go_swarp(inputfiles, output_filename = None, configfile = None, verbose = True): """Do SWARP""" # Make sure we have a configuration file: if configfile == None: # TODO: replace this with default config file in LBCgo directories. configfile = 'swarp.lbc.conf' # Gather some information about the input files keywds = ['object', 'filter', 'exptime', 'imagetyp', 'propid', 'lbcobnam', 'airmass', 'HA', 'objra', 'objdec'] ic_swarp = ImageFileCollection('./', keywords=keywds, filenames = inputfiles) # Check all are the same filter: # TODO: Set exception if not all are same filter rather than just bail. fltrs = ic_swarp.values('filter',unique=True) if np.size(fltrs) != 1: print('Warning: not all files in SWARP call use the same filter.') return None # Calculate mean airmass (weighted by exposure time) exp_airmass = np.array(ic_swarp.values('airmass')) exp_time = np.array(ic_swarp.values('exptime')) airmass = np.average(exp_airmass,weights=exp_time) # from IPython import embed ; embed() # For now grab the information from the first header: if output_filename == None: imhead = fits.getheader(inputfiles[0]) # Shorten the filter names used: filter_text = imhead['FILTER'] filter_text = filter_text.replace('-SLOAN','').replace('-BESSEL','').replace('SDT_Uspec','Uspec') # Create final output filename # TODO: Check if file exists. output_filename = (imhead['object']).\ replace(' ','')+'.'+filter_text+'.mos.fits' # Rename the weight image weight_filename = output_filename.replace('.mos.fits','.mos.weight.fits') # Create the list of input files: inputfile_text = '' for fl in inputfiles: inputfile_text = inputfile_text+' '+fl cmd_flags = ' -c '+configfile+ \ ' -IMAGEOUT_NAME '+ output_filename + \ ' -WEIGHTOUT_NAME '+ weight_filename + \ ' -WEIGHT_TYPE NONE '+ \ ' -HEADER_SUFFIX ".head"'+ \ ' -FSCALE_KEYWORD NONE -FSCALE_DEFAULT 1.0 '+\ ' -CELESTIAL_TYPE EQUATORIAL -CENTER_TYPE ALL '+\ ' -COMBINE_BUFSIZE 4096 ' +\ ' -COPY_KEYWORDS '+\ ' OBJECT,OBJRA,OBJDEC,OBJEPOCH,PROPID,PI_NAME,'+\ 'FILTER,SATURATE,RDNOISE,GAIN,EXPTIME,AIRMASS,TIME-OBS' # Create the final command: cmd = 'swarp ' + inputfile_text + cmd_flags try: if verbose: print('########### SWARP image combination ' '########### \n') print(cmd) swarp = Popen(shlex.split(cmd), close_fds=True) else: swarp = Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, close_fds=True) except Exception as e: print('Oops: SWARP call:', (e)) return None swarp.wait() # Add airmass to header: fits.setval(output_filename,'AIRMASS',value=airmass)
def lbcgo(raw_directory='./raw/', image_directory='./', lbc_chips=True, lbcr=True, lbcb=True, filter_names=None, bias_proc=False, do_astrometry=True, scamp_iterations=3, verbose=True, clean=True): """Process a directory of LBC data. By default, all raw data are to be in the ./raw/ directory before processing (raw_directory='./raw/'). By default, all new images are written in the CWD (image_directory='./'). """ # It will go something like this... # Make sure the input directories have trailing slashes: if raw_directory[-1] != '/': raw_directory += '/' if image_directory[-1] != '/': image_directory += '/' ########## Collect basic image information # Find the raw files we'll use if lbcb & lbcr: lbc_file_base = 'lbc?.*.*.fits*' elif lbcb: lbc_file_base = 'lbcb.*.*.fits*' elif lbcr: lbc_file_base = 'lbcr.*.*.fits*' # What information do we want from the headers? keywds = [ 'object', 'filter', 'exptime', 'imagetyp', 'propid', 'lbcobnam', 'airmass', 'HA', 'objra', 'objdec' ] ##### Create an ImageFileCollection object to hold the raw data list. if[0]) == 2: ic0 = ImageFileCollection(raw_directory, keywords=keywds, glob_include=lbc_file_base) num_images = np.size(ic0.summary['object']) # Exit if (for some reason) no images are found in the raw_directory. if num_images == 0: print('WARNING: No images found.') return None else: raw_lbc_files = glob(raw_directory + lbc_file_base) ic0 = ImageFileCollection(raw_directory, keywords=keywds, filenames=raw_lbc_files) num_images = np.size(ic0.summary['object']) # Exit if (for some reason) no images are found in the raw_directory. if num_images == 0: print('WARNING: No images found.') return None ######### Create the master bias frame (if requested) if bias_proc == True: make_bias(ic0, image_directory=image_directory, raw_directory=raw_directory) ###### Define which chips to extract if default is chosen: if lbc_chips == True: lbc_chips = [1, 2, 3, 4] ###### Per filter: # # Step through the filters in the ImageCollection unless user gives filter # list. # # For now nights with V-band filters in both LBCB and LBCR require running # the code with 'lbcr=False' then 'lbcb=False' to avoid coadding the two # images. # TODO: Loop B/R to avoid issues w/V-band from LBCB/LBCR? # TODO: Check for co-pointing files if filter_names == None: icX = ImageFileCollection( raw_directory, keywords=keywds, filenames=(ic0.files_filtered(imagetyp='object')).tolist()) filter_names = icX.values('filter', unique=True) # Loop through each of the filters for filter in filter_names: # Find the images with the filter of interest. if verbose == True: print('Processing {0} files.'.format(filter)) # List of images in the current filter ic1 = ImageFileCollection( raw_directory, keywords=keywds, filenames=(ic0.files_filtered(filter=filter)).tolist()) # Make master flat fields. # Check to see if flat exists; if so, skip making the flat (time # consuming) flatname = 'flat.' + filter + '.fits' if not os.path.lexists(flatname): make_flatfield(ic1, verbose=verbose, raw_directory=raw_directory, image_directory=image_directory) else: print('Using existing {0}'.format(flatname)) # Remove overscan, trim object files. overfiles = go_overscan(ic1, lbc_chips=lbc_chips, verbose=verbose, raw_directory=raw_directory, image_directory=image_directory) # Apply bias frames if bias_proc == True: # zero_files = go_bias(verbose=verbose) print('') # Image collection of object frames overscanned & bias subtracted ic2 = ImageFileCollection(image_directory, keywords=keywds, filenames=overfiles) # Apply the flatfields flatfiles = go_flatfield(ic2, return_files=True, image_directory=image_directory, verbose=verbose, cosmiccorrect=False) # Image collection of object frames overscanned & bias subtracted + flattened ic3 = ImageFileCollection(image_directory, keywords=keywds, filenames=flatfiles) # from IPython import embed ; embed() # Create directories for extracting individual chips. tgt_dirs, fltr_dirs = make_targetdirectories( ic3, image_directory=image_directory, verbose=verbose) # Extract individual chips go_extractchips(fltr_dirs, lbc_chips, verbose=verbose) # Register and coadd the images if do_astrometry: go_register(fltr_dirs, lbc_chips=lbc_chips, scamp_iterations=scamp_iterations) # Let's do some clean-up. if clean: # We will eventually ... #remove _over, _zero, _flat files. print('') else: # We will eventually ... # Move _over, _zero, _flat files. print('')
def make_targetdirectories(image_collection, image_directory='./', object_names=None, verbose=True): """ Make directories to store data from individual targets and move the data for those targets into the directories. :param image_collection: :param image_directory: :param object_names: :param verbose: :return: object_directories, filter_directories """ # If we specify objects, use only those objects if object_names == None: object_names = np.unique(image_collection.summary['object']) # Return a list of the directories object_directories = [] filter_directories = [] # Loop through the objects for obj in object_names: # Name of the target directory to be created dirname = image_directory + obj.replace(' ', '') + '/' object_directories.append(dirname) # Test that the directory doesn't already exist if not os.path.lexists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) if verbose == True: print('Creating directory for object {0}.'.format(obj)) else: if verbose == True: print('Directory exists for object {0}.'.format(obj)) # Move the data for each object into its directory. # object_files = image_collection.files_filtered(object=obj) object_files = \ image_collection.summary['file'][(image_collection.summary['object'] == obj)] for fl in object_files: cmd = 'mv {0} {1}'.format(fl, dirname) crap = call(cmd, shell=True) # Create filter-specific directories and fill them. For now this just # assumes that every object has the same filter list. This is fine, # since we're normally going through this step on a filter-by-filter # basis anyway (see # The following should select only the filters appropriate for this object: keywds = ['object', 'filter'] image_collectionObj = ImageFileCollection(dirname, keywords=keywds, filenames = \ (image_collection.files_filtered(object=obj.replace('+','\+').replace('-','\-'))).tolist()) # debug # from IPython import embed ; embed() # Now select the unique filters for this objects filters = image_collectionObj.values('filter', unique=True) # Step through each filter, creating directories and moving files. for filter in filters: filter_dirname = dirname + filter + '/' filter_directories.append(filter_dirname) # Test that the directory doesn't already exist if not os.path.lexists(filter_dirname): os.makedirs(filter_dirname) if verbose == True: print('Creating {1} directory for object {0}.'.format( obj, filter)) else: if verbose == True: print('Directory exists for {1} for object {0}.'.format( obj, filter)) filter_files = image_collection.files_filtered(object=obj.replace( '+', '\+').replace('-', '\-'), filter=filter) for fltfl in filter_files: cmd = 'mv {0} {1}'.format(dirname + fltfl, filter_dirname) print(cmd) crap = call(cmd, shell=True) return object_directories, filter_directories