def getBackhaulHTML(submitButtons=True, inputPrefix=""): othernets = {} output = "" try: ensureBackhaulUp() wiface = iwtools.get_interface(BACKHAUL_IFNAME) scanres = wiface.scanall() except: log_error("Could not complete scan on backhaul interface (%s)!" % \ BACKHAUL_IFNAME, sys.exc_info()) scanres = [] n=0 for network in scanres: if not network.essid.startswith(ESSID_PREFIX): # Skip non matching networks othernets[network.essid] = (, network.qual) continue # Get the AP name from the ESSID parts = network.essid.split("-") if len(parts) < 2: othernets[network.essid] = (, network.qual) continue name = "-".join(parts[1:]) # Write the record output += """<h3>%s</h3> <div id="ssmeter-%s" class="ssmeter">%s</div> <div style="clear: all;"> </div><br /> """ % (name, name, getSSMeter(network.qual)) if submitButtons: output += """<form action="/admin/setup_backhaul" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="essid" value="%s" /> <input type="submit" value="Connect to %s >>" /> </form><br />""" % (network.essid, name) else: output += """Connect to <b>'%s'</b> <input type="radio" """ \ """id="%sessid" name="%sessid" value="%s" /><br />""" % \ (name, inputPrefix, inputPrefix, network.essid) output += "<br />" n+=1 if n==0: output += "<br /><b>No access points found to connect to!</b>" \ "<br /><br />" return (output, othernets)
def admin_setupbackhaul(request, method): """Returns the HTML for backhaul setup page""" errmsg = "" if method == "POST": data = request.getPostData() # Incoming data if "essid" in data.keys(): if configureBhaulInterface(data["essid"]): return admin(request, "GET") # Failed parts = data["essid"].split("-") ap = "-".join(parts[1:]) errmsg = "Failed to associate with %s" % ap # Normal page GET output = """<div class="content"> <h2>CPE Administration - Select Access Point</h2><br /> Please select the access point to connect to from the following list. <br /><br /> """ if errmsg != "": output += """<span class="error">%s</span><br /><br />""" % errmsg (toutput, othernets) = getBackhaulHTML() output += toutput if len(othernets.keys()) > 0: output += """<h2>Other networks</h2><br /> The following other networks were detected. This CPE is not able to connect to these networks. You may need to co-ordinate channel usage with the operators of the listed networks to minimise the chance of interference.<br /><br /> """ for essid, (channel,qual) in othernets.items(): output += """<h3>%s on Channel %s</h3> <div id="ssmeter-%s" class="ssmeter">%s</div> <div style="clear: all;"> </div><br /><br /> """ % (essid, channel, essid, getSSMeter(qual)) output += """<a href="/admin"><< Return to CPE Administration page</a><br />""" return returnPage(request, "CPE Administration", output, \ scripts=["/resources/admin.js"])
def admin(request, method, returnDirect=True): """Returns the HTML for administration page""" isperr = "" reconnect = False if method == "POST": data = request.getPostData() # Incoming data invalid=True if "password" in data.keys(): try: if data["password"] == "": raise ccs_cpe_error("Cannot set blank password!") if len(data["password"]) < 8: raise ccs_cpe_error("Password must be at " \ "least 8 characters!") # Now change the password setCPEPassword(data["password"]) except ccs_cpe_error: (type, value, tb) = sys.exc_info() request.send_error(400, value) request.end_headers() request.finish() return except: log_error("Failed to change password!", \ sys.exc_info()) request.send_error(400, "Unexpected Error") request.end_headers() request.finish() return request.send_response(200, "Password updated") request.end_headers() request.finish() return if "isppassword" in data.keys(): try: # Now change the details setISPDetails(data["ispusername"], data["isppassword"]) except ccs_cpe_error: (type, value, tb) = sys.exc_info() isperr = value except: log_error("Failed to change password!", \ sys.exc_info()) isperr = "Could not change password!" if isperr == "": reconnect = True invalid = False elif "reconnect" in data.keys(): log_info("User Triggered reassociation to update credentials") log_command("/sbin/ifdown %s 2>&1" % BACKHAUL_IFNAME) ensureBackhaulUp() request.send_response(200, "Reconnected") request.end_headers() request.finish() return elif "reset" in data.keys(): try: resetCPE() except: remountro("factory-reset") log_error("Exception resetting device", sys.exc_info()) request.send_error(400, "Failed to reset device") request.end_headers() request.finish() return log_info("Device reset complete. Factory configuration restored") request.send_response(200, "Device reset") request.end_headers() request.finish() return elif "restart" in data.keys(): # Device config has been reset, restart crcnet-monitor log_info("Received restart request from %s. Restarting..." % \ request.client_address[0]) os.system("/etc/init.d/crcnet-monitor restart & 2>&1") request.send_response(200, "Device restarted") request.end_headers() request.finish() return if invalid: log_warn("Invalid POST request to /admin from %s" % request.client_address[0]) request.send_error(400, "Invalid method for this page!") request.end_headers() request.finish() return # Normal page GET output = """<div id="admin" class="content"> <h2>CPE Administration</h2><br /> <style> TH:first-child { width: 14em; } </style> <table> <tr> <th>CPE Serial no:</th> <td>%s</td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top">CPE Password:</th> <td><input id="password" value="*****"><br /> <small>Enter the new admin password in the box above.</small></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Reset Device:</th> <td><input type="button" value="Reset to Default Settings" id="factory_reset"></td> </tr> </table> <br /> """ % getCPESerial() # Configure the backhaul interface ################################# if reconnect: bhaul_status = "warning" bhaul_desc = """<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> remaining=30 function progress() { remaining--; if (remaining == 0) { clearInterval(id); reload(); return; } $("rem").innerHTML=remaining; } function reload() { l = document.location.toString(); document.location = l; } id = window.setInterval(progress, 1000); pars="reconnect=true"; myAjax = new Ajax.Request("/admin", {method: 'post', postBody: pars}); </script> Details updated. Reconnecting... <span id="rem">30</span> seconds left """ change = "" else: bhaul_status, bhaul_desc, stats = getBackhaulStatus() change = """<a href="/admin/setup_backhaul">[change]</a>""" if isperr != "": isperr = "<div class=\"statuserror\">%s</div>" % isperr output += """ <h2>Backhaul Settings (using %s interface)</h2><br /> <form method="post" action="/admin"> %s <table> <tr> <th>Access Point:</th> <td><span class="status%s">%s</span> %s </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Username:</th> <td><input name="ispusername" value="%s"></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Password:</th> <td><input name="isppassword" value="%s"></td> </tr> <tr> <tr> <th>Save Details:</th> <td><input type="submit" value="Save Username & Password"></td> </tr> <tr> </table> """ % (BACKHAUL_IFNAME, isperr, bhaul_status, bhaul_desc, change, getISPUsername(), getISPPassword()) if not reconnect: output += """<div id="ssmeter-%s" class="ssmeter">""" % BACKHAUL_IFNAME output += getSSMeter(stats) output += "</div><br clear=\"all\" />" output += "<a href=\"/status/interfaces\">Click here for detailed " \ "signal strength information</a><br /><br />" output += """ </div> <div id="reset" class="content hidden"> <h2>Resetting Device...</h2><br /> <br /> Please wait while your device is reset to its factory configuration. This process may take up to 30 seconds to complete successfully.<br /> <br /> <div id="resetstatus" style="font-weight:bold;"></div> </div> """ # Return the page if returnDirect: return returnPage(request, "CPE Administration", output, \ scripts=["/resources/admin.js"]) else: return output