Exemple #1
 def test_print(self):
     pt.print1("No print")
     pt.print2("No print")
     pt.print_progress(4, 10)
     pt.print_progress(10, 10)
     pt.print2("No print")
     pt.print_progress(4, 10)
     pt.print_progress(10, 10)
Exemple #2
def asmemmaps(basename, video, count = None):
    """Loads multi-frame video into numpy memmaps. 
    Actual data is written to numpy files with the provide basename and
    subscripted by source identifier (index), e.g. "basename_0.npy" and "basename_1.npy"
    in case of dual-frame video source.
    basename: str
       Base name for the filenames of the videos. 
    video : iterable
       A multi-frame iterator object.
    count : int, optional
       Defines how many multi-frames are in the video. If not provided it is determined
       by len().
    out : tuple of arrays
        A tuple of memmapped array(s) representing video(s)
    if count is None:
            count = len(video)
        except TypeError:
            raise ValueError("You must provide count")
    def _load(array, frame):
        array[...] = frame
    def _empty_arrays(frames):
        out = tuple( (np.lib.format.open_memmap(basename + "_{}.npy".format(i), "w+", shape = (count,) + frame.shape, dtype = frame.dtype) 
                      for i,frame in enumerate(frames)))
        return out

    print1("Writing to memmap...")
    print_progress(0, count)
    frames = next(video)
    out = _empty_arrays(frames)
    [_load(out[i][0],frame) for i,frame in enumerate(frames)]
    for j,frames in enumerate(video):
        print_progress(j+1, count)
        [_load(out[i][j+1],frame) for i,frame in enumerate(frames)]
    print_progress(count, count)   
    return out
Exemple #3
def asarrays(video, count = None):
    """Loads multi-frame video into numpy arrays. 
    video : iterable
        A multi-frame iterator object.
    count : int, optional
        Defines how many frames are in the video. If not provided it will calculate
        length of the video based on the length of the iterable. If that is not
        possible ValueError is raised
    out : tuple of arrays
        A tuple of array(s) representing video(s)
    t0 = time.time()
    def _load(array, frame):
        array[...] = frame
    print1("Loading array...")
    if count is None:
            count = len(video)
        except TypeError:
            raise ValueError("You must provide count")

    print_progress(0, count)
    video = iter(video)
    frames = next(video)
    out = tuple((np.empty(shape = (count,) + frame.shape, dtype = frame.dtype) for frame in frames))
    [_load(out[i][0],frame) for i,frame in enumerate(frames)]
    for j,frames in enumerate(video):
        print_progress(j+1, count)
        [_load(out[i][j+1],frame) for i,frame in enumerate(frames)]
    print_progress(count, count)
    return out
Exemple #4
def asarrays(video, count=None):
    """Loads multi-frame video into numpy arrays. 
    video : iterable
       A multi-frame iterator object.
    count : int, optional
       Defines how many frames are in the video. If not provided and video has
       an undefined length, it will try to load the video using np.asarray. 
       This means that data copying 
    def _load(array, frame):
        array[...] = frame

    print("Writing to array...")

    if count is None:
            count = len(video)
        except TypeError:
            out = np.asarray(video)
            out = tuple((out[:, i] for i in range(out.shape[1])))
            return out

    print_progress(0, count)

    frames = next(video)
    out = tuple((np.empty(shape=(count, ) + frame.shape, dtype=frame.dtype)
                 for frame in frames))
    [_load(out[i][0], frame) for i, frame in enumerate(frames)]
    for j, frames in enumerate(video):
        print_progress(j + 1, count)
        [_load(out[i][j + 1], frame) for i, frame in enumerate(frames)]

    print_progress(count, count)
    return out
Exemple #5
def cross_analyze_iter(data, t1, t2, period = 1, level = 4, 
                        chunk_size = 256,  binning = True, method = "corr",
                        auto_background = False, nlog = None, 
                        return_background = False):
    if method == "corr":
        f = ccorr
    elif method == "diff":
        f = cdiff
        #binning = False
        raise ValueError("Unknown method '{}'".format(method))
    half_chunk_size = chunk_size // 2
    assert chunk_size % 2 == 0
    assert level > 2
    n = 2 ** level
    assert n <= half_chunk_size 
    n_fast = period * n
    n_slow = n
    if nlog is None:
        n_decades = 0
        while len(t1)//(chunk_size * 2**(n_decades)) > 0:
            n_decades += 1
        n_decades = nlog + 1
        assert n_decades >= 1

    t_slow = np.arange(len(t1))
    print_progress(0, len(t1))
    for i,d in enumerate(data):

        x1,x2 = d
        if i == 0:
            shape = x1.shape
            out_fast = np.zeros(shape[0:-1] + (n_fast,) + shape[-1:], FDTYPE)
            out_fast = _transpose_data(out_fast)
            count_fast = np.zeros((n_fast,),IDTYPE)
            out_slow = np.zeros((n_decades-1,) + shape[0:-1] + (n_slow,) + shape[-1:], FDTYPE)  
            out_slow = _transpose_data(out_slow)    
            count_slow = np.zeros((n_decades-1, n_slow,),IDTYPE)

            fdata1 = np.empty((n_decades,) + shape[0:-1] + (chunk_size,) + shape[-1:], CDTYPE)
            fdata2 = np.empty((n_decades,) + shape[0:-1] + (chunk_size,) + shape[-1:], CDTYPE)
        _add_data2(i,x1, x2, fdata1,fdata2, binning)
        if i % (half_chunk_size) == half_chunk_size -1: 

            ichunk = i//half_chunk_size
            fstart1 = half_chunk_size * (ichunk%2)
            fstop1 = fstart1 + half_chunk_size

            fstart2 = half_chunk_size * ((ichunk-1)%2)
            fstop2 = fstart2 + half_chunk_size
            istart1 = ichunk * half_chunk_size
            istop1 = istart1 + half_chunk_size
            istart2 = istart1 - half_chunk_size
            istop2 = istop1 - half_chunk_size            

            if auto_background == True:
                if ichunk == 0:
                    bg1 = np.mean(fdata1[0,...,fstart1:fstop1,:], axis = -2)
                    bg2 = np.mean(fdata2[0,...,fstart1:fstop1,:], axis = -2)
                np.subtract(fdata1[0,...,fstart1:fstop1,:], bg1[...,None,:], fdata1[0,...,fstart1:fstop1,:])
                np.subtract(fdata2[0,...,fstart1:fstop1,:], bg2[...,None,:], fdata2[0,...,fstart1:fstop1,:])

            if return_background == True:
                out_bg1 = np.mean(fdata1[0,...,fstart1:fstop1,:], axis = -2)
                out_bg2 = np.mean(fdata2[0,...,fstart1:fstop1,:], axis = -2)
            f(fdata1[0,...,fstart1:fstop1,:],fdata2[0,...,fstart1:fstop1,:],t1[istart1:istop1],t2[istart1:istop1],-2,out = (out_fast, count_fast)) 

            if istart2 >= 0 :
                f(fdata1[0][...,fstart1:fstop1,:],fdata2[0][...,fstart2:fstop2,:],t1[istart1:istop1],t2[istart2:istop2],-2,out = (out_fast, count_fast)) 
                f(fdata1[0][...,fstart2:fstop2,:],fdata2[0][...,fstart1:fstop1,:],t1[istart2:istop2],t2[istart1:istop1],-2,out = (out_fast, count_fast)) 

            for j in range(1, n_decades):

                if i % (half_chunk_size * 2**j) == half_chunk_size * 2**j -1: 
                    ichunk = i//(half_chunk_size * 2**j)
                    fstart1 = half_chunk_size * (ichunk%2)
                    fstop1 = fstart1 + half_chunk_size
                    fstart2 = half_chunk_size * ((ichunk-1)%2)
                    fstop2 = fstart2 + half_chunk_size
                    istart1 = ichunk * half_chunk_size
                    istop1 = istart1 + half_chunk_size
                    istart2 = istart1 - half_chunk_size
                    istop2 = istop1 - half_chunk_size  
                    if auto_background == True:
#                        bg1 = np.mean(fdata1[j,...,fstart1:fstop1,:], axis = -2)
#                        bg2 = np.mean(fdata2[j,...,fstart1:fstop1,:], axis = -2)
                        np.subtract(fdata1[j,...,fstart1:fstop1,:], bg1[...,None,:], fdata1[j,...,fstart1:fstop1,:])
                        np.subtract(fdata2[j,...,fstart1:fstop1,:], bg2[...,None,:], fdata2[j,...,fstart1:fstop1,:])
                    f(fdata1[j,...,fstart1:fstop1,:],fdata2[j,...,fstart1:fstop1,:], t_slow[istart1:istop1], t_slow[istart1:istop1],-2, out = (out_slow[j-1],count_slow[j-1]))

                    if istart2 >= 0 :
                        f(fdata1[j,...,fstart1:fstop1,:],fdata2[j,...,fstart2:fstop2,:], t_slow[istart1:istop1], t_slow[istart2:istop2], -2, out = (out_slow[j-1],count_slow[j-1]))
                        f(fdata1[j,...,fstart2:fstop2,:],fdata2[j,...,fstart1:fstop1,:], t_slow[istart2:istop2], t_slow[istart1:istop1], -2, out = (out_slow[j-1],count_slow[j-1]))
            print_progress(i+1, len(t1))
            if return_background == True:
                yield ((out_fast,count_fast), (out_slow,count_slow)), (out_bg1, out_bg2)
                yield ((out_fast,count_fast), (out_slow,count_slow))