Exemple #1
    def _diff(cls, base, cmp, check_variant=True, label=None):
        lbl = {'base': 'base', 'cmp': 'cmp'}
        if label:
        ret, line_no = [], 1
        s = CSequenceMatcher(None, base, cmp, autojunk=False)
        for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in s.get_opcodes():
            t1, t2 = base[i1:i2], cmp[j1:j2]
            # print('{:7}   a[{}:{}] --> b[{}:{}] {!r:>8} --> {!r}'.format(tag, i1, i2, j1, j2, t1, t2))
            if '\n' in t1:  # 换行符
                lst1 = t1.split('\n')
                for k, _t1 in enumerate(lst1):
                    if _t1 != '':
                            'line_no': line_no,
                            'is_same': False,
                            lbl['base']: _t1,
                            lbl['cmp']: t2
                        t2 = ''
                    elif k == len(lst1) - 1 and t2:
                            'line_no': line_no,
                            'is_same': False,
                            lbl['base']: _t1,
                            lbl['cmp']: t2
                    if k < len(lst1) - 1:  # 换行
                            'line_no': line_no,
                            'is_same': True,
                            lbl['base']: '\n'
                        line_no += 1
                is_same = True if tag == 'equal' else False
                r = {
                    'line_no': line_no,
                    'is_same': is_same,
                    lbl['base']: t1,
                    lbl['cmp']: t2
                if check_variant and len(t1) == 1 and len(
                        t2) == 1 and t1 != t2 and is_variant(t1, t2):
                    r['is_variant'] = True

        # 设置起止位置
        line_no, start = 1, 0
        for r in ret:
            if r['line_no'] != line_no:  # 换行
                line_no += 1
                start = 0
            end = start + len(r[lbl['base']])
            r['range'] = (start, end)
            start = end

        return ret
Exemple #2
    def fix_string(self, verbosity=0):
        """Obtain the changes to a path as a string.

        We use the file_mask to do a safe merge, avoiding any templated
        sections. First we need to detect where there have been changes
        between the fixed and templated versions. The file mask is of
        the format: (raw_file, templated_file, fixed_file).

        We use difflib.SequenceMatcher.get_opcodes
        See: https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/difflib.html#difflib.SequenceMatcher.get_opcodes
        It returns a list of tuples ('equal|replace|delete|insert', ia1, ia2, ib1, ib2).

        bencher = BenchIt()
        bencher("fix_string: start")

        # Do we have enough information to actually fix the file?
        if any(elem is None for elem in self.file_mask):
                "Insufficient information to fix file: {0}".format(
            return None, False

        verbosity_logger("Persisting file masks: {0}".format(self.file_mask),
        # Compare Templated with Raw
        diff_templ = SequenceMatcher(autojunk=None,
        bencher("fix_string: Match 0&1")
        diff_templ_codes = diff_templ.get_opcodes()
        verbosity_logger("Templater diff codes: {0}".format(diff_templ_codes),

        bencher("fix_string: Got Opcodes 0&1")
        # Compare Fixed with Templated
        diff_fix = SequenceMatcher(autojunk=None,
        bencher("fix_string: Matched 1&2")
        # diff_fix = SequenceMatcher(autojunk=None, a=self.file_mask[1][0], b=self.file_mask[2][0])
        diff_fix_codes = diff_fix.get_opcodes()
        verbosity_logger("Fixing diff codes: {0}".format(diff_fix_codes),
        bencher("fix_string: Got Opcodes 1&2")

        # If diff_templ isn't the same then we should just keep the template. If there *was*
        # a fix in that space, then we should raise an issue
        # If it is the same, then we can apply fixes as expected.
        write_buff = ''
        fixed_block = None
        templ_block = None
        # index in raw, templ and fix
        idx = (0, 0, 0)
        loop_idx = 0
        bencher("fix_string: Loop Setup")
        while True:
            loop_idx += 1
            verbosity_logger("{0:04d}: Write Loop: idx:{1}, buff:{2!r}".format(
                loop_idx, idx, write_buff),

            if templ_block is None:
                if diff_templ_codes:
                    templ_block = diff_templ_codes.pop(0)
                # We've exhausted the template. Have we exhausted the fixes?
                elif fixed_block is None and not diff_fix_codes:
                    # Yes - excellent. DONE
                # Deal with the case that we only have inserts left.
                elif all(elem[0] == 'insert' for elem in diff_fix_codes):
                    for fixed_block in diff_fix_codes:
                        write_buff += self.file_mask[2][
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "Fix Block(s) left over! Don't know how to handle this! aeflf8wh"
            if fixed_block is None:
                if diff_fix_codes:
                    fixed_block = diff_fix_codes.pop(0)
                # One case is that we just consumed the last block of both, so check indexes
                # to see if we're at the end of the raw file.
                elif idx[0] >= len(self.file_mask[0]):
                    # Yep we're at the end
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "Unexpectedly depleted the fixes. Panic!")
            verbosity_logger("{0:04d}: Blocks: template:{1}, fix:{2}".format(
                loop_idx, templ_block, fixed_block),

            if templ_block[0] == 'equal':
                if fixed_block[0] == 'equal':
                    # No templating, no fixes, go with middle and advance indexes
                    # Find out how far we can advance (we use the middle version because it's common)
                    if templ_block[4] == fixed_block[2]:
                        buff = self.file_mask[1][idx[1]:fixed_block[2]]
                        # consume both blocks
                        fixed_block = None
                        templ_block = None
                    elif templ_block[4] > fixed_block[2]:
                        buff = self.file_mask[1][idx[1]:fixed_block[2]]
                        # consume fixed block
                        fixed_block = None
                    elif templ_block[4] < fixed_block[2]:
                        buff = self.file_mask[1][idx[1]:templ_block[4]]
                        # consume templ block
                        templ_block = None
                    idx = (idx[0] + len(buff), idx[1] + len(buff),
                           idx[2] + len(buff))
                    write_buff += buff
                elif fixed_block[0] == 'replace':
                    # Consider how to apply fixes.
                    # Can we implement the fix while staying in the equal segment?
                    if fixed_block[2] <= templ_block[4]:
                        # Yes! Write from the fixed version.
                        write_buff += self.file_mask[2][idx[2]:fixed_block[4]]
                        idx = (idx[0] + (fixed_block[2] - fixed_block[1]),
                               fixed_block[2], fixed_block[4])
                        # Consume the fixed block because we've written the whole thing.
                        fixed_block = None
                        raise NotImplementedError("DEF")
                elif fixed_block[0] == 'delete':
                    # We're deleting items, nothing to write but we can consume some
                    # blocks and advance some indexes.
                    idx = (idx[0] + (fixed_block[2] - fixed_block[1]),
                           fixed_block[2], fixed_block[4])
                    fixed_block = None
                elif fixed_block[0] == 'insert':
                    # We're inserting items, Write from the fix block, but only that index moves.
                    write_buff += self.file_mask[2][idx[2]:fixed_block[4]]
                    idx = (idx[0], idx[1], fixed_block[4])
                    fixed_block = None
                    raise NotImplementedError((
                        "Unexpected opcode {0} for fix block! Please report this "
                        "issue on github with the query and rules you're trying to "
            elif templ_block[0] == 'replace':
                # We're in a templated section - we should write the templated version.
                # we should consume the whole replace block and then deal with where
                # we end up.
                buff = self.file_mask[0][idx[0]:templ_block[2]]
                new_templ_idx = templ_block[4]

                # Fast forward through fix blocks until we catch up. We're not implementing
                # any changes in a templated section.
                while True:
                    if fixed_block[2] > new_templ_idx >= fixed_block[1]:
                        # this block contains the end point
                        # We're not at the end point yet, continue to fast forward through.
                        if fixed_block[0] != 'equal':
                            print("WARNING: Skipping edit block: {0}".format(
                        if diff_fix_codes:
                            fixed_block = diff_fix_codes.pop(0)
                            raise NotImplementedError(
                                "Unexpectedly depleted the fixes. Panic!")
                # Are we exactly on a join?
                if new_templ_idx == fixed_block[1]:
                    # GREAT - this makes things easy because we have an equality point already
                    idx = (templ_block[2], new_templ_idx, fixed_block[3])
                    if fixed_block[0] == 'equal':
                        # If it's in an equal block, we can use the same offset from the end.
                        idx = (templ_block[2], new_templ_idx, fixed_block[3] +
                               (new_templ_idx - fixed_block[1]))
                        # TODO: We're trying to move through an templated section, but end up
                        # in a fixed section. We've lost track of indexes.
                        # We might need to panic if this happens...
                        raise NotImplementedError("ABC")
                write_buff += buff
                # consume template block
                templ_block = None
            elif templ_block[0] == 'delete':
                # The comparison, things that the templater has deleted
                # some characters. This is just a quirk of the differ.
                # In reality this means we just write these characters
                # and don't worry about advancing the other indexes.
                buff = self.file_mask[0][idx[0]:templ_block[2]]
                # consume templ block
                templ_block = None
                idx = (idx[0] + len(buff), idx[1], idx[2])
                write_buff += buff
            elif templ_block[0] == 'insert':
                # The templater has inserted something here. We don't need
                # to write anything here (because whatever we're looking at
                # was inserted by the templater), but we do need to keep
                # track of what happened to the rest of the section we're in.
                # If nothing was fixed then it's easy because the indices
                # will be the same. Otherwise... great question...

                # For now let's just deal with the happy case where the fixed
                # block is equal
                if fixed_block[0] == 'equal':
                    # Let's make sure we can consume enough to get through the
                    # templ block and not get to the end of the fix block.
                    if templ_block[4] <= fixed_block[2]:
                        insert_len = templ_block[4] - templ_block[3]
                        idx = (idx[0], idx[1] + insert_len,
                               idx[2] + insert_len)
                        # if things matched up perfectly, consume the fixed block
                        if templ_block[4] == fixed_block[2]:
                            fixed_block = None
                        # always consume templ block in this case
                        templ_block = None
                        raise NotImplementedError((
                            "Unexpected scenario during insert opcode! Please report "
                            "this issue on github with the query and rules you're trying "
                            "to fix."))
                    raise NotImplementedError((
                        "Unexpected opcode {0} for fix block! Please report this "
                        "issue on github with the query and rules you're trying to "
                raise NotImplementedError((
                    "Unexpected opcode {0} for template block! Please report this "
                    "issue on github with the query and rules you're trying to "

        bencher("fix_string: Fixing loop done")
        # The success metric here is whether anything ACTUALLY changed.
        return write_buff, write_buff != self.file_mask[0]
Exemple #3
    def _diff_two_v2(cls, base, cmp, label=None):
        lbl = {'base': 'base', 'cmp': 'cmp'}
        if label and isinstance(label, dict):

        # 和v1不同,v2在比较时,先去掉换行符,以免对diff算法干扰
        base = base.replace('|', '\n').rstrip('\n')
        base_lines = base.split('\n')
        base = cls.pre_base(base, False)
        cmp = cls.pre_cmp(cmp)
        segments = []
        s = CSequenceMatcher(None, base, cmp, autojunk=False)
        for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in s.get_opcodes():
            t1, t2 = base[i1:i2], cmp[j1:j2]
            # print('{:7}   a[{}:{}] --> b[{}:{}] {!r:>8} --> {!r}'.format(tag, i1, i2, j1, j2, t1, t2))
            is_same = True if tag == 'equal' else False
            r = {
                'line_no': None,
                'is_same': is_same,
                lbl['base']: t1,
                lbl['cmp']: t2

        # 合并diff时可能被异体字隔断的同文
        for i, seg in enumerate(segments):
            if seg.get('is_same'):
                # 往前找一个没有被delete的同文seg进行合并
                j = i - 1
                while j >= 0:
                    pre = segments[j]
                    if not pre['is_same']:
                    if not pre.get('deleted'):
                        pre[lbl['base']] += seg[lbl['base']]
                        pre[lbl['cmp']] += seg[lbl['cmp']]
                        seg['deleted'] = True
                    j -= 1
        segments = [s for s in segments if not s.get('deleted')]

        # 根据diff比较的结果,按照base设置换行
        line_segments, idx = [], 0
        for i, line in enumerate(base_lines):
            if not len(line):  # 如果line为空,则新增换行
                    'line_no': i + 1,
                    'is_same': True,
                    lbl['base']: '\n',
                    lbl['cmp']: '\n'
            # 从segments中找len(line)长作为第i+1行
            start, left_len = 0, len(line)
            while idx < len(segments) and left_len > 0:
                seg = segments[idx]
                if len(seg[lbl['base']]) <= left_len:  # seg比left_len短,seg入栈
                    seg['line_no'] = i + 1
                    seg_len = len(seg[lbl['base']])
                    # 更新变量
                    left_len -= seg_len
                    start += seg_len
                    idx += 1
                else:  # seg比left_len长,截断seg
                    front_part = {
                        'line_no': i + 1,
                        'is_same': seg['is_same'],
                        lbl['base']: seg[lbl['base']][:left_len],
                        lbl['cmp']: seg[lbl['cmp']][:left_len],
                        if len(seg[lbl['cmp']]) > left_len else '',
                    # 更新变量
                    left_len = 0
                    start = 0

                if left_len == 0:  # 换行
                        'line_no': i + 1,
                        'is_same': True,
                        lbl['base']: '\n',
                        lbl['cmp']: '\n'

        # 检查换行符后是否有base为空的异文,有则往前提
        for i, seg in enumerate(line_segments):
            pre = line_segments[i - 1] if i > 1 else {}
            if seg[lbl['base']] == '' and pre.get('is_same') and pre.get(
                    lbl['base']) == '\n':
                # 当前为空异文,之前为换行,则交换二者位置
                temp = seg.copy()

        # 设置range
        start = 0
        for seg in line_segments:
            seg['range'] = (start, start + len(seg[lbl['base']]))
            start += len(seg[lbl['base']])
            if seg['is_same'] and seg[lbl['base']] == '\n':
                start = 0

        return line_segments