Exemple #1
    async def create_resolved_entity_async(self, new_ent_name: str, res_opt: Optional['ResolveOptions'] = None, folder: 'CdmFolderDefinition' = None,
                                           new_doc_name: str = None) -> 'CdmEntityDefinition':
        """Create a resolved copy of the entity."""

        if not res_opt:
            res_opt = ResolveOptions(self, self.ctx.corpus.default_resolution_directives)

        if not res_opt.wrt_doc:
            logger.error(self._TAG, self.ctx, 'No WRT document was supplied.', self.create_resolved_entity_async.__name__)
            return None

        if not new_ent_name:
            logger.error(self._TAG, self.ctx, 'No Entity Name provided.', self.create_resolved_entity_async.__name__)
            return None

        folder = folder or self.in_document.folder
        file_name = new_doc_name or new_ent_name + PersistenceLayer.CDM_EXTENSION
        orig_doc = self.in_document.at_corpus_path

        # Don't overwite the source document.
        target_at_corpus_path = self.ctx.corpus.storage.create_absolute_corpus_path(folder.at_corpus_path, folder) + file_name
        if StringUtils.equals_with_ignore_case(target_at_corpus_path, orig_doc):
            logger.error(self._TAG, self.ctx, 'Attempting to replace source entity\'s document \'{}\''.format(
                target_at_corpus_path), self.create_resolved_entity_async.__name__)
            return None

        if not await res_opt.wrt_doc._index_if_needed(res_opt, True):
            logger.error(self._TAG, self.ctx, 'Couldn\'t index source document.', self.create_resolved_entity_async.__name__)
            return None

        # Make the top level attribute context for this entity.
        # for this whole section where we generate the attribute context tree and get resolved attributes
        # set the flag that keeps all of the parent changes and document dirty from from happening
        was_resolving = self.ctx.corpus._is_currently_resolving
        self.ctx.corpus._is_currently_resolving = True
        ent_name = new_ent_name
        ctx = self.ctx
        att_ctx_ent = ctx.corpus.make_object(CdmObjectType.ATTRIBUTE_CONTEXT_DEF, ent_name, True)  # type: CdmAttributeContext
        att_ctx_ent.ctx = ctx
        att_ctx_ent.in_document = self.in_document

        # Cheating a bit to put the paths in the right place.
        acp = AttributeContextParameters()
        acp._under = att_ctx_ent
        acp._type = CdmAttributeContextType.ATTRIBUTE_GROUP
        acp._name = 'attributeContext'

        att_ctx_ac = CdmAttributeContext._create_child_under(res_opt, acp)
        acp_ent = AttributeContextParameters()
        acp_ent._under = att_ctx_ac
        acp_ent._type = CdmAttributeContextType.ENTITY
        acp_ent._name = ent_name
        acp_ent._regarding = ctx.corpus.make_ref(CdmObjectType.ENTITY_REF, self.get_name(), True)

        # Use this whenever we need to keep references pointing at things that were already found.
        # Used when 'fixing' references by localizing to a new document.
        res_opt_copy = CdmObject._copy_resolve_options(res_opt)
        res_opt_copy._save_resolutions_on_copy = True

        # Resolve attributes with this context. the end result is that each resolved attribute points to the level of
        # the context where it was created.
        ras = self._fetch_resolved_attributes(res_opt_copy, acp_ent)

        if ras is None:
            self._resolving_attributes = False
            return None

        # Create a new copy of the attribute context for this entity.
        # TODO: all_att_ctx type ideally should be ordered set
        all_att_ctx = []  # type: List[CdmAttributeContext]
        new_node = cast('CdmAttributeContext', att_ctx_ent.copy_node(res_opt))
        att_ctx_ent = att_ctx_ent._copy_attribute_context_tree(res_opt, new_node, ras, all_att_ctx, 'resolvedFrom')
        att_ctx = cast('CdmAttributeContext', cast('CdmAttributeContext', att_ctx_ent.contents[0]).contents[0])

        self.ctx.corpus._is_currently_resolving = was_resolving

        # make a new document in given folder if provided or the same folder as the source entity
        doc_res = folder.documents.append(file_name)
        # add a import of the source document
        orig_doc = self.ctx.corpus.storage.create_relative_corpus_path(orig_doc, doc_res)  # just in case we missed the prefix
        doc_res.imports.append(orig_doc, "resolvedFrom")

        # make the empty entity
        ent_resolved = doc_res.definitions.append(ent_name)
        # set the context to the copy of the tree. fix the docs on the context nodes
        ent_resolved.attribute_context = att_ctx

        def visit_callback(obj: 'CdmObject', path: str) -> bool:
            obj.in_document = doc_res
            return False

        att_ctx.visit('{}/attributeContext/'.format(ent_name), visit_callback, None)

        # add the traits of the entity
        rts_ent = self._fetch_resolved_traits(res_opt)
        for rt in rts_ent.rt_set:
            trait_ref = CdmObject._resolved_trait_to_trait_ref(res_opt_copy, rt)

        # The attributes have been named, shaped, etc. for this entity so now it is safe to go and make each attribute
        # context level point at these final versions of attributes.
        att_path_to_order = {}  # type: Dict[str, int]

        def point_context_at_resolved_atts(ras_sub: 'ResolvedAttributeSet', path: str) -> None:
            for ra in ras_sub._set:
                ra_ctx_in_ent = []  # type: List[CdmAttributeContext]
                ra_ctx_set = ras_sub.rattr_to_attctxset.get(ra)

                # find the correct attctx for this copy, intersect these two sets
                # (interate over the shortest list)
                if len(all_att_ctx) < len(ra_ctx_set):
                    for curr_att_ctx in all_att_ctx:
                        if curr_att_ctx in ra_ctx_set:
                    for curr_att_ctx in ra_ctx_set:
                        if curr_att_ctx in all_att_ctx:
                for ra_ctx in ra_ctx_in_ent:
                    refs = ra_ctx.contents

                    #  there might be more than one explanation for where and attribute came from when things get merges as they do
                    # This won't work when I add the structured attributes to avoid name collisions.
                    att_ref_path = path + ra.resolved_name
                    if isinstance(ra.target, CdmObject):
                        if not att_ref_path in att_path_to_order:
                            att_ref = self.ctx.corpus.make_object(CdmObjectType.ATTRIBUTE_REF, att_ref_path, True)  # type: CdmObjectReference
                            # only need one explanation for this path to the insert order
                            att_path_to_order[att_ref.named_reference] = ra.insert_order
                        att_ref_path += '/members/'
                        point_context_at_resolved_atts(cast('ResolvedAttributeSet', ra.target), att_ref_path)

        point_context_at_resolved_atts(ras, ent_name + '/hasAttributes/')

        # generated attribute structures may end up with 0 attributes after that. prune them
        def clean_sub_group(sub_item, under_generated) -> bool:
            if sub_item.object_type == CdmObjectType.ATTRIBUTE_REF:
                return True  # not empty

            ac = sub_item  # type: CdmAttributeContext

            if ac.type == CdmAttributeContextType.GENERATED_SET:
                under_generated = True
            if not ac.contents:
                return False  # empty

            # look at all children, make a set to remove
            to_remove = []  # type: List[CdmAttributeContext]
            for sub_sub in ac.contents:
                if not clean_sub_group(sub_sub, under_generated):
                    potential_target = under_generated
                    if not potential_target:
                        # cast is safe because we returned false meaning empty and not a attribute ref
                        # so is this the set holder itself?
                        potential_target = sub_sub.type == CdmAttributeContextType.GENERATED_SET
                    if potential_target:
            for to_die in to_remove:
            return bool(ac.contents)

        clean_sub_group(att_ctx, False)

        # Create an all-up ordering of attributes at the leaves of this tree based on insert order. Sort the attributes
        # in each context by their creation order and mix that with the other sub-contexts that have been sorted.
        def get_order_num(item: 'CdmObject') -> int:
            if item.object_type == CdmObjectType.ATTRIBUTE_CONTEXT_DEF:
                return order_contents(item)
            if item.object_type == CdmObjectType.ATTRIBUTE_REF:
                return att_path_to_order[item.named_reference]
            # put the mystery item on top.
            return -1

        def order_contents(under: 'CdmAttributeContext') -> int:
            if under._lowest_order is None:
                under._lowest_order = -1
                if len(under.contents) == 1:
                    under._lowest_order = get_order_num(under.contents[0])
                    def get_and_update_order(item1: 'CdmObject', item2: 'CdmObject'):
                        left_order = get_order_num(item1)
                        right_order = get_order_num(item2)
                        if left_order != -1 and (under._lowest_order == -1 or left_order < under._lowest_order):
                            under._lowest_order = left_order
                        if right_order != -1 and (under._lowest_order == -1 or right_order < under._lowest_order):
                            under._lowest_order = right_order
                        return left_order - right_order
            return under._lowest_order


        # Resolved attributes can gain traits that are applied to an entity when referenced since these traits are
        # described in the context, it is redundant and messy to list them in the attribute. So, remove them. Create and
        # cache a set of names to look for per context. There is actually a hierarchy to this. All attributes from the
        # base entity should have all traits applied independently of the sub-context they come from. Same is true of
        # attribute entities. So do this recursively top down.
        ctx_to_trait_names = {}  # type: Dict[CdmAttributeContext, Set[str]]

        def collect_context_traits(sub_att_ctx: 'CdmAttributeContext', inherited_trait_names: Set[str]) -> None:
            trait_names_here = set(inherited_trait_names)
            traits_here = sub_att_ctx.exhibits_traits
            if traits_here:
                for tat in traits_here:

            ctx_to_trait_names[sub_att_ctx] = trait_names_here
            for cr in sub_att_ctx.contents:
                if cr.object_type == CdmObjectType.ATTRIBUTE_CONTEXT_DEF:
                    # do this for all types?
                    collect_context_traits(cast('CdmAttributeContext', cr), trait_names_here)

        collect_context_traits(att_ctx, set())

        # add the attributes, put them in attribute groups if structure needed.
        res_att_to_ref_path = {}  # type: Dict[ResolvedAttribute, str]

        def add_attributes(ras_sub: 'ResolvedAttributeSet', container: 'Union[CdmEntityDefinition, CdmAttributeGroupDefinition]', path: str) -> None:
            for ra in ras_sub._set:
                att_path = path + ra.resolved_name
                # use the path of the context associated with this attribute to find the new context that matches on path.
                ra_ctx_set = ras_sub.rattr_to_attctxset[ra]
                # find the correct att_ctx for this copy.
                # ra_ctx = next((ac for ac in all_att_ctx if ac in ra_ctx_set), None) # type: CdmAttributeContext

                if len(all_att_ctx) < len(ra_ctx_set):
                    for curr_att_ctx in all_att_ctx:
                        if curr_att_ctx in ra_ctx_set:
                            ra_ctx = curr_att_ctx
                    for curr_att_ctx in ra_ctx_set:
                        if curr_att_ctx in all_att_ctx:
                            ra_ctx = curr_att_ctx

                if isinstance(ra.target, ResolvedAttributeSet) and cast('ResolvedAttributeSet', ra.target)._set:
                    # this is a set of attributes. Make an attribute group to hold them.
                    att_grp = self.ctx.corpus.make_object(CdmObjectType.ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_DEF, ra.resolved_name)  # type: CdmAttributeGroupDefinition
                    att_grp.attribute_context = self.ctx.corpus.make_object(CdmObjectType.ATTRIBUTE_CONTEXT_REF, ra_ctx.at_corpus_path, True)
                    # take any traits from the set and make them look like traits exhibited by the group.
                    avoid_set = ctx_to_trait_names[ra_ctx]
                    rts_att = ra.resolved_traits
                    for rt in rts_att.rt_set:
                        if not rt.trait.ugly:  # Don't mention your ugly traits.
                            if not avoid_set or rt.trait_name not in avoid_set:  # Avoid the ones from the context.
                                trait_ref = CdmObject._resolved_trait_to_trait_ref(res_opt_copy, rt)
                                cast('CdmObjectDefinition', att_grp).exhibits_traits.append(trait_ref, isinstance(trait_ref, str))

                    # wrap it in a reference and then recurse with this as the new container.
                    att_grp_ref = self.ctx.corpus.make_object(CdmObjectType.ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_REF, None)  # type: CdmAttributeGroupReference
                    att_grp_ref.explicit_reference = att_grp
                    # isn't this where ...
                    add_attributes(cast('ResolvedAttributeSet', ra.target), att_grp, att_path + '/(object)/members/')
                    att = self.ctx.corpus.make_object(CdmObjectType.TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_DEF, ra.resolved_name)  # type: CdmTypeAttributeDefinition
                    att.attribute_context = self.ctx.corpus.make_object(CdmObjectType.ATTRIBUTE_CONTEXT_REF, ra_ctx.at_corpus_path, True)
                    avoid_set = ctx_to_trait_names[ra_ctx]
                    rts_att = ra.resolved_traits
                    for rt in rts_att.rt_set:
                        if not rt.trait.ugly:  # Don't mention your ugly traits.
                            if not avoid_set or rt.trait_name not in avoid_set:  # Avoid the ones from the context.
                                trait_ref = CdmObject._resolved_trait_to_trait_ref(res_opt_copy, rt)
                                cast('CdmTypeAttributeDefinition', att).applied_traits.append(trait_ref, isinstance(trait_ref, str))

                    # none of the dataformat traits have the bit set that will make them turn into a property
                    # this is intentional so that the format traits make it into the resolved object
                    # but, we still want a guess as the data format, so get it and set it.
                    implied_data_format = att.data_format
                    if implied_data_format:
                        att.data_format = implied_data_format

                    res_att_to_ref_path[ra] = att_path

        add_attributes(ras, ent_resolved, ent_name + '/hasAttributes/')

        # Any resolved traits that hold arguments with attribute refs should get 'fixed' here.
        def replace_trait_att_ref(tr: 'CdmTraitReference', entity_hint: str) -> None:
            if tr.arguments:
                for arg in tr.arguments:
                    v = arg._unresolved_value or arg.value
                    # Is this an attribute reference?
                    if v and isinstance(v, CdmObject) and cast('CdmObject', v).object_type == CdmObjectType.ATTRIBUTE_REF:
                        # Only try this if the reference has no path to it (only happens with intra-entity att refs).
                        att_ref = cast('CdmAttributeReference', v)
                        if att_ref.named_reference and att_ref.named_reference.find('/') == -1:
                            if not arg._unresolved_value:
                                arg._unresolved_value = arg.value
                            # Give a promise that can be worked out later.
                            # Assumption is that the attribute must come from this entity.
                            new_att_ref = self.ctx.corpus.make_object(CdmObjectType.ATTRIBUTE_REF, entity_hint +
                                                                      '/(resolvedAttributes)/' + att_ref.named_reference, True)
                            # inDocument is not propagated during resolution, so set it here
                            new_att_ref.in_document = arg.in_document

        # Fix entity traits.
        if ent_resolved.exhibits_traits:
            for et in ent_resolved.exhibits_traits:
                replace_trait_att_ref(et, new_ent_name)

        # Fix context traits.
        def fix_context_traits(sub_att_ctx: 'CdmAttributeContext', entity_hint: str) -> None:
            traits_here = sub_att_ctx.exhibits_traits
            if traits_here:
                for tr in traits_here:
                    replace_trait_att_ref(tr, entity_hint)

            for cr in sub_att_ctx.contents:
                if cr.object_type == CdmObjectType.ATTRIBUTE_CONTEXT_DEF:
                    # If this is a new entity context, get the name to pass along.
                    sub_sub_att_ctx = cast('CdmAttributeContext', cr)
                    sub_entity_hint = entity_hint
                    if sub_sub_att_ctx.type == CdmAttributeContextType.ENTITY:
                        sub_entity_hint = sub_sub_att_ctx.definition.named_reference
                    # Do this for all types.
                    fix_context_traits(sub_sub_att_ctx, sub_entity_hint)

        fix_context_traits(att_ctx, new_ent_name)

        # And the attribute traits.
        ent_atts = ent_resolved.attributes
        if ent_atts:
            for attribute in ent_atts:
                att_traits = attribute.applied_traits
                if att_traits:
                    for tr in att_traits:
                        replace_trait_att_ref(tr, new_ent_name)

        # We are about to put this content created in the context of various documents (like references to attributes
        # from base entities, etc.) into one specific document. All of the borrowed refs need to work. so, re-write all
        # string references to work from this new document. The catch-22 is that the new document needs these fixes done
        # before it can be used to make these fixes. The fix needs to happen in the middle of the refresh trigger the
        # document to refresh current content into the resolved OM.
        cast('CdmAttributeContext', att_ctx).parent = None  # Remove the fake parent that made the paths work.
        res_opt_new = CdmObject._copy_resolve_options(res_opt)
        res_opt_new.wrt_doc = doc_res
        res_opt_new._localize_references_for = doc_res
        if not await doc_res.refresh_async(res_opt_new):
            logger.error(self._TAG, self.ctx, 'Failed to index the resolved document.', self.create_resolved_entity_async.__name__)
            return None

        # Get a fresh ref.
        ent_resolved = cast('CdmEntityDefinition', doc_res._fetch_object_from_document_path(ent_name, res_opt_new))

        self.ctx.corpus._res_ent_map[self.at_corpus_path] = ent_resolved.at_corpus_path

        return ent_resolved
Exemple #2
    def _construct_projection_context(
            proj_directive: 'ProjectionDirective',
            attr_ctx: 'CdmAttributeContext',
            ras: Optional['ResolvedAttributeSet'] = None
    ) -> 'ProjectionContext':
        A function to construct projection context and populate the resolved attribute set that ExtractResolvedAttributes method can then extract
        This function is the entry point for projection resolution.
        This function is expected to do the following 3 things:
        - Create an condition expression tree & default if appropriate
        - Create and initialize Projection Context
        - Process operations
        if not attr_ctx:
            return None

        proj_context = None

        # Add projection to context tree
        acp_proj = AttributeContextParameters()
        acp_proj._under = attr_ctx
        acp_proj._type = CdmAttributeContextType.PROJECTION
        acp_proj._name = self.fetch_object_definition_name()
        acp_proj._regarding = proj_directive._owner_ref
        acp_proj._include_traits = False

        ac_proj = CdmAttributeContext._create_child_under(
            proj_directive._res_opt, acp_proj)

        acp_source = AttributeContextParameters()
        acp_source._under = ac_proj
        acp_source._type = CdmAttributeContextType.SOURCE
        acp_source._name = 'source'
        acp_source._regarding = None
        acp_source._include_traits = False

        ac_source = CdmAttributeContext._create_child_under(
            proj_directive._res_opt, acp_source)

        # Initialize the projection context
        ctx = proj_directive._owner.ctx if proj_directive._owner else None

        if self.source:
            source = self.source.fetch_object_definition(
            if source.object_type == CdmObjectType.PROJECTION_DEF:
                # A Projection

                proj_context = source._construct_projection_context(
                    proj_directive, ac_source, ras)
                # An Entity Reference

                acp_source_projection = AttributeContextParameters()
                acp_source_projection._under = ac_source
                acp_source_projection._type = CdmAttributeContextType.ENTITY
                acp_source_projection._name = self.source.named_reference if self.source.named_reference else self.source.explicit_reference.get_name(
                acp_source_projection._regarding = self.source
                acp_source_projection._include_traits = False

                ras = self.source._fetch_resolved_attributes(
                    acp_source_projection)  # type: ResolvedAttributeSet
                # clean up the context tree, it was left in a bad state on purpose in this call
                    proj_directive._res_opt, ac_source.at_corpus_path,
                    self.in_document, self.in_document, None, False)

                # if polymorphic keep original source as previous state
                poly_source_set = None
                if proj_directive._is_source_polymorphic:
                    poly_source_set = ProjectionResolutionCommonUtil._get_polymorphic_source_set(
                        proj_directive, ctx, self.source, ras)

                # Now initialize projection attribute state
                pas_set = ProjectionResolutionCommonUtil._initialize_projection_attribute_state_set(
                    proj_directive, ctx, ras,
                    proj_directive._is_source_polymorphic, poly_source_set)

                proj_context = ProjectionContext(proj_directive,
                proj_context._current_attribute_state_set = pas_set
            # A type attribute

            # Initialize projection attribute state
            pas_set = ProjectionResolutionCommonUtil._initialize_projection_attribute_state_set(

            proj_context = ProjectionContext(proj_directive,
            proj_context._current_attribute_state_set = pas_set

        is_condition_valid = False
        input_values = InputValues(proj_directive)
        is_condition_valid = ExpressionTree._evaluate_condition(
            self.condition, input_values)

        if is_condition_valid and self.operations and len(self.operations) > 0:
            # Just in case operations were added programmatically, reindex operations
            for i in range(len(self.operations)):
                self.operations[i]._index = i + 1

            # Operation

            acp_gen_attr_set = AttributeContextParameters()
            acp_gen_attr_set._under = attr_ctx
            acp_gen_attr_set._type = CdmAttributeContextType.GENERATED_SET
            acp_gen_attr_set._name = '_generatedAttributeSet'

            ac_gen_attr_set = CdmAttributeContext._create_child_under(
                proj_directive._res_opt, acp_gen_attr_set)

            # Start with an empty list for each projection
            pas_operations = ProjectionAttributeStateSet(

            # The attribute set that the operation will execute on
            operation_working_attribute_set = None  # type: ProjectionAttributeStateSet

            # The attribute set containing the attributes from the source
            source_attribute_set = proj_context._current_attribute_state_set  # type: ProjectionAttributeStateSet

            # Specifies if the operation is the first on the list to run
            first_operation_to_run = True
            for operation in self.operations:
                operation_condition = ExpressionTree._evaluate_condition(
                    operation.condition, input_values)

                if not operation_condition:
                    # Skip this operation if the condition does not evaluate to true

                # If run_sequentially is not true then all the operations will receive the source input
                # Unless the operation overwrites this behavior using the source_input property
                source_input = operation.source_input if operation.source_input is not None else not self.run_sequentially

                # If this is the first operation to run it will get the source attribute set since the operations attribute set starts empty
                if source_input or first_operation_to_run:
                    proj_context._current_attribute_state_set = source_attribute_set
                    operation_working_attribute_set = pas_operations
                    # Needs to create a copy since this set can be modified by the operation
                    proj_context._current_attribute_state_set = pas_operations._copy(
                    operation_working_attribute_set = ProjectionAttributeStateSet(

                # Evaluate projections and apply to empty state
                new_pas_operations = operation._append_projection_attribute_state(
                    proj_context, operation_working_attribute_set,

                # If the operations fails or it is not implemented the projection cannot be evaluated so keep previous valid state.
                if new_pas_operations is not None:
                    first_operation_to_run = False
                    pas_operations = new_pas_operations

            # If no operation ran successfully pas_operations will be empty
            if not first_operation_to_run:
                # Finally update the current state to the projection context
                proj_context._current_attribute_state_set = pas_operations

        return proj_context
    def _construct_projection_context(self, proj_directive: 'ProjectionDirective', attr_ctx: 'CdmAttributeContext', ras: Optional['ResolvedAttributeSet'] = None) -> 'ProjectionContext':
        A function to construct projection context and populate the resolved attribute set that ExtractResolvedAttributes method can then extract
        This function is the entry point for projection resolution.
        This function is expected to do the following 3 things:
        - Create an condition expression tree & default if appropriate
        - Create and initialize Projection Context
        - Process operations
        proj_context = None

        condition =  self.condition if self.condition  else "(true)"

        # create an expression tree based on the condition
        tree = ExpressionTree()
        self._condition_expression_tree_root = tree._construct_expression_tree(condition)

        if attr_ctx:
            # Add projection to context tree
            acp_proj = AttributeContextParameters()
            acp_proj._under = attr_ctx
            acp_proj._type = CdmAttributeContextType.PROJECTION
            acp_proj._name = self.fetch_object_definition_name()
            acp_proj._regarding = proj_directive._owner_ref
            acp_proj._include_traits = False

            ac_proj = CdmAttributeContext._create_child_under(proj_directive._res_opt, acp_proj)

            acp_source = AttributeContextParameters()
            acp_source._under = ac_proj
            acp_source._type = CdmAttributeContextType.SOURCE
            acp_source._name = 'source'
            acp_source._regarding = None
            acp_source._include_traits = False

            ac_source = CdmAttributeContext._create_child_under(proj_directive._res_opt, acp_source)

            # Initialize the projection context
            ctx = proj_directive._owner.ctx if proj_directive._owner else None

            if self.source:
                source = self.source.fetch_object_definition(proj_directive._res_opt)
                if source.object_type == CdmObjectType.PROJECTION_DEF:
                    # A Projection

                    proj_context = self.source.explicit_reference._construct_projection_context(proj_directive, ac_source, ras)
                    # An Entity Reference

                    acp_source_projection = AttributeContextParameters()
                    acp_source_projection._under = ac_source
                    acp_source_projection._type = CdmAttributeContextType.ENTITY
                    acp_source_projection._name = self.source.named_reference if self.source.named_reference else self.source.explicit_reference.get_name()
                    acp_source_projection._regarding = self.source
                    acp_source_projection._include_traits = False

                    ras = self.source._fetch_resolved_attributes(proj_directive._res_opt, acp_source_projection)

                    # If polymorphic keep original source as previous state
                    poly_source_set = None
                    if proj_directive._is_source_polymorphic:
                        poly_source_set = ProjectionResolutionCommonUtil._get_polymorphic_source_set(proj_directive, ctx, self.source, acp_source_projection)

                    # Now initialize projection attribute state
                    pas_set = ProjectionResolutionCommonUtil._initialize_projection_attribute_state_set(

                    proj_context = ProjectionContext(proj_directive, ras.attribute_context)
                    proj_context._current_attribute_state_set = pas_set
                # A type attribute

                # Initialize projection attribute state
                pas_set = ProjectionResolutionCommonUtil._initialize_projection_attribute_state_set(

                proj_context = ProjectionContext(proj_directive, ras.attribute_context)
                proj_context._current_attribute_state_set = pas_set

            is_condition_valid = False
            if self._condition_expression_tree_root:
                input = InputValues()
                input.no_max_depth = proj_directive._has_no_maximum_depth
                input.is_array = proj_directive._is_array
                input.reference_only = proj_directive._is_reference_only
                input.normalized = proj_directive._is_normalized
                input.structured = proj_directive._is_structured
                input.is_virtual = proj_directive._is_virtual

                current_depth = proj_directive._current_depth
                current_depth += 1
                input.next_depth = current_depth
                proj_directive._current_depth = current_depth

                input.max_depth = proj_directive._maximum_depth
                input.min_cardinality = proj_directive._cardinality._minimum_number if proj_directive._cardinality else None
                input.max_cardinality = proj_directive._cardinality._maximum_number if proj_directive._cardinality else None

                is_condition_valid = ExpressionTree._evaluate_expression_tree(self._condition_expression_tree_root, input)

            if is_condition_valid and self.operations and len(self.operations) > 0:
                # Just in case operations were added programmatically, reindex operations
                for i in range(len(self.operations)):
                    self.operations[i]._index = i + 1

                # Operation

                acp_gen_attr_set = AttributeContextParameters()
                acp_gen_attr_set._under = attr_ctx
                acp_gen_attr_set._type = CdmAttributeContextType.GENERATED_SET
                acp_gen_attr_set._name = '_generatedAttributeSet'

                ac_gen_attr_set = CdmAttributeContext._create_child_under(proj_directive._res_opt, acp_gen_attr_set)

                # Start with an empty list for each projection
                pas_operations = ProjectionAttributeStateSet(proj_context._current_attribute_state_set._ctx)
                for operation in self.operations:
                    # Evaluate projections and apply to empty state
                    new_pas_operations = operation._append_projection_attribute_state(proj_context, pas_operations, ac_gen_attr_set)

                    # If the operations fails or it is not implemented the projection cannot be evaluated so keep previous valid state.
                    if new_pas_operations is not None:
                        pas_operations = new_pas_operations

                # Finally update the current state to the projection context
                proj_context._current_attribute_state_set = pas_operations

        return proj_context