Exemple #1
def test_get_specs_for_module():
    Test that 'get_specs_for_module()' works

    # Return None for non-existent modules...
    specs = m.get_specs_for_module(module_name='SomeModuleThatDoesNotExist')
    assert specs is None

    # ... but raise an error if explicitly told to do so
    with pytest.raises(ImportError):
def create_settings_gui(cpacs_path, cpacs_out_path, submodule_list):
    """Create a GUI with Tkinter to fill CEASIOMpy settings

        cpacs_path (str): Path to the CPACS file
        cpacs_out_path (str): Path to the output CPACS file
        submodule_list (list): List of module to inclue in the GUI


    root = tk.Tk()
    root.title("CEASIOMpy Settings GUI")

    # Automatically set the size of the windows
    gui_modules = 1
    max_inputs = 0
    for module_name in submodule_list:
        specs = mi.get_specs_for_module(module_name)
        if specs:
            inputs = specs.cpacs_inout.get_gui_dict()
            if inputs:
                gui_modules += 1
                max_inputs = max(max_inputs, len(inputs))

    tot_width = max(415, gui_modules * 82)
    tot_height = max(350, max_inputs * 50)

    my_setting_gui = SettingGUI(root, cpacs_path, cpacs_out_path, submodule_list)
Exemple #3
def add_subsystems(prob, ivc):
    """Add subsystems to problem.

    All subsystem classes are added to the problem model.

        prob (om.Problem object): Current problem that is being defined
        ivc (om.IndepVarComp object): Independent variables of the problem


    global mod
    geom = geom_param()
    obj = objective()

    # Independent variables
    prob.model.add_subsystem('indeps', ivc, promotes=['*'])

    # Geometric parameters
    mod = [Rt.modules[0], Rt.modules[-1]]
    prob.model.add_subsystem('Geometry', geom, promotes=['*'])

    # Modules
    for name in Rt.modules:
        mod = name
        spec = mif.get_specs_for_module(name)
        if spec.cpacs_inout.inputs or spec.cpacs_inout.outputs:
            prob.model.add_subsystem(name, moduleComp(), promotes=['*'])

    # Objectives
    prob.model.add_subsystem('objective', obj, promotes=['*'])
    def setup(self):
        """ Setup inputs and outputs"""
        declared = []
        spec = mif.get_specs_for_module(self.module_name)

        for entry in spec.cpacs_inout.inputs:
            if entry.var_name in declared:
                log.info('Already declared')
            elif entry.var_name in optim_var_dict:
                var = optim_var_dict[entry.var_name]
                if entry.var_name in optim_var_dict:
                    self.add_input(entry.var_name, val=var[1][0])

        if declared == []:
            self.add_input(self.module_name + '_in')
        declared = []

        # Outputs
        # To remove
        #is_skf = (self.module_name == 'SkinFriction')

        for entry in spec.cpacs_inout.outputs:
            # Replace special characters from the name of the entry and checks for accronyms
            entry.var_name = tls.change_var_name(entry.var_name)

            if entry.var_name in declared:
                log.info('Already declared')
            elif entry.var_name in optim_var_dict:
                var = optim_var_dict[entry.var_name]
                self.add_output(entry.var_name, val=var[1][0])
            elif 'aeromap' in entry.var_name and self.module_name == last_am_module:  #== 'PyTornado':  #not skf^is_skf:
                # Condition to avoid any conflict with skinfriction
                for name in apmf.XSTATES:
                    if name in optim_var_dict:
                        var = optim_var_dict[name]
                        self.add_input(name, val=var[1][0])
                for name in apmf.COEF_LIST:
                    if name in optim_var_dict:
                        var = optim_var_dict[name]
                        if tls.is_digit(var[1][0]):
                            self.add_output(name, val=var[1][0])

        if declared == []:
            self.add_output(self.module_name + '_out')
    def setup(self):
        """Setup inputs and outputs"""
        declared = []
        spec = mif.get_specs_for_module(self.module_name)

        # Inputs
        for entry in spec.cpacs_inout.inputs:
            if entry.var_name in declared:
                log.info("Already declared")
            elif entry.var_name in Rt.optim_var_dict:
                var = Rt.optim_var_dict[entry.var_name]
                if entry.var_name in Rt.optim_var_dict:
                    self.add_input(entry.var_name, val=var[1][0])

        if declared == []:
            self.add_input(self.module_name + "_in")
        declared = []

        for entry in spec.cpacs_inout.outputs:
            # Replace special characters from the name of the entry and checks for accronyms
            entry.var_name = change_var_name(entry.var_name)

            if entry.var_name in declared:
                log.info("Already declared")
            elif entry.var_name in Rt.optim_var_dict:
                var = Rt.optim_var_dict[entry.var_name]
                self.add_output(entry.var_name, val=var[1][0])
            elif (
                "aeromap" in entry.var_name and self.module_name == Rt.last_am_module
            ):  # == 'PyTornado':  #not skf^is_skf:
                # Condition to avoid any conflict with skinfriction
                for name in PARAMS:
                    if name in Rt.optim_var_dict:
                        var = Rt.optim_var_dict[name]
                        self.add_input(name, val=var[1][0])
                for name in COEFS:
                    if name in Rt.optim_var_dict:
                        var = Rt.optim_var_dict[name]
                        if is_digit(var[1][0]):
                            self.add_output(name, val=var[1][0])

        if declared == []:
            self.add_output(self.module_name + "_out")
def add_subsystems(prob, ivc):
    """Add subsystems to problem.

    All subsystem classes are added to the problem model.

        prob (om.Problem object): Current problem that is being defined
        ivc (om.IndepVarComp object): Independent variables of the problem


    global mod, geom_dict
    geom = Geom_param()
    obj = Objective()

    # Independent variables
    prob.model.add_subsystem('indeps', ivc, promotes=['*'])

    # Geometric parameters
    mod = [Rt.modules[0], Rt.modules[-1]]
    geom_dict = {k: v for k, v in optim_var_dict.items() if v[5] != '-'}
    if geom_dict:
        prob.model.add_subsystem('Geometry', geom, promotes=['*'])

    # Find last module to use an aeromap
    am_module = ['SU2Run', 'PyTornado', 'SkinFriction']
    global last_am_module
    last_am_module = ''
    for name in Rt.modules:
        if name in am_module:
            last_am_module = name

    # Modules
    for n, name in enumerate(Rt.modules):
        if name == 'SMUse':
            prob.model.add_subsystem(name, SmComp(), promotes=['*'])
            mod = name
            spec = mif.get_specs_for_module(name)
            if spec.cpacs_inout.inputs or spec.cpacs_inout.outputs:
                prob.model.add_subsystem(name, ModuleComp(), promotes=['*'])

    # Objectives
    prob.model.add_subsystem('objective', obj, promotes=['*'])
Exemple #7
    def _update_all(self):

        # Remove existing AutoTab
        if len(self.tab_list) > 0 :
            for i in range(len(self.tab_list)):
            self.tab_list = []

        # Generate new Auto Tab
        for module_name in self.submodule_list:

            specs = mif.get_specs_for_module(module_name)
            if specs is None:  # Specs does not exist
            self.gui_dict = specs.cpacs_inout.get_gui_dict()
            if not self.gui_dict:  # Empty dict --> nothing to do

            tab = AutoTab(self.tabs, self.tixi, module_name)
def add_subsystems(prob, ivc):
    """Add subsystems to problem.

    All subsystem classes are added to the problem model.

        prob (om.Problem object): Current problem that is being defined
        ivc (om.IndepVarComp object): Independent variables of the problem


    geom = Geom_param()
    obj = Objective()

    # Independent variables
    prob.model.add_subsystem("indeps", ivc, promotes=["*"])

    # Geometric parameters
    Rt.geom_dict = {k: v for k, v in Rt.optim_var_dict.items() if v[5] != "-"}
    if Rt.geom_dict:
        prob.model.add_subsystem("Geometry", geom, promotes=["*"])

    # Loop throuth Modules
    for module in Rt.modules:

        if module.name in ["SU2Run", "PyTornado", "SkinFriction"]:
            Rt.last_am_module = module.name

        if module.name == "SMUse":
            prob.model.add_subsystem(module.name, SmComp(module), promotes=["*"])
            spec = mif.get_specs_for_module(module.name)
            if spec.cpacs_inout.inputs or spec.cpacs_inout.outputs:
                prob.model.add_subsystem(module.name, ModuleComp(module), promotes=["*"])

    # Objectives
    prob.model.add_subsystem("objective", obj, promotes=["*"])
Exemple #9
    def setup(self):
        """ Setup inputs and outputs"""
        spec = mif.get_specs_for_module(self.module_name)

        for entry in spec.cpacs_inout.inputs:
            if entry.var_name in optim_var_dict:
                var = optim_var_dict[entry.var_name]
                if var[0] == 'des':
                    self.add_input(entry.var_name, val=var[1][0])
                elif var[0] in ['const', 'obj']:
                    self.add_output(entry.var_name, val=var[1][0])

        # Outputs
        for entry in spec.cpacs_inout.outputs:
            if entry.var_name in optim_var_dict:
                var = optim_var_dict[entry.var_name]
                self.add_output(entry.var_name, val=var[1][0])
            elif 'aeromap' in entry.var_name:
                for name in [
                        'altitude', 'machNumber', 'angleOfAttack',
                    if name in optim_var_dict:
                        var = optim_var_dict[name]
                        self.add_input(name, val=var[1][0])
                for name in ['cl', 'cd', 'cs', 'cml', 'cmd', 'cms']:
                    if name in optim_var_dict:
                        var = optim_var_dict[name]
                        if tls.is_digit(var[1][0]):
                            self.add_output(name, val=var[1][0])
            # Add output by default as it may be an input for the next module
Exemple #10
    def __init__(self, tabs, tixi, module_name):
        """Tab class

            A tab will only be created if the module actually has
            any settings which are to be shown

            tabs (TODO): TODO
            tixi (handle): Tixi handle
            module_name (str): String of the module name for which a tab is to be created

        self.var_dict = {}
        self.group_dict = {}

        self.module_name = module_name
        self.tabs = tabs
        self.tixi = tixi
        self.tab = tk.Frame(tabs, borderwidth=1)
        tabs.add(self.tab, text=module_name)

        # Get GUI dict from specs
        specs = mif.get_specs_for_module(module_name)

        self.gui_dict = specs.cpacs_inout.get_gui_dict()

        #canvas has replaced self.tab in the following lines
        space_label = tk.Label(self.tab, text=' ')
        space_label.grid(column=0, row=0)

        row_pos = 1

        for key, (name, def_value, dtype, unit, xpath, description, group) in self.gui_dict.items():
            # Create a LabelFrame for new groupe
            if group:
                if not group in self.group_dict:
                    self.labelframe = tk.LabelFrame(self.tab, text=group)
                    self.labelframe.grid(column=0, row=row_pos, columnspan=3,sticky= tk.W, padx=5, pady=5)
                    self.group_dict[group] = self.labelframe
                parent = self.group_dict[group]
            else:  # if not a group, use tab as parent
                parent = self.tab

            # Name label for variable
            if (name is not '__AEROMAP_SELECTION' and name is not '__AEROMAP_CHECHBOX'):
                self.name_label = tk.Label(parent, text= name)
                self.name_label.grid(column=0, row=row_pos, sticky= tk.W, padx=5, pady=5)

            # Type and Value
            if dtype is bool:
                self.var_dict[key] = tk.BooleanVar()
                value = cpsf.get_value_or_default(self.tixi,xpath,def_value)
                bool_entry = tk.Checkbutton(parent, text='', variable=self.var_dict[key])
                bool_entry.grid(column=1, row=row_pos, padx=5, pady=5)

            elif dtype is int:
                value = cpsf.get_value_or_default(self.tixi, xpath, def_value)
                self.var_dict[key] = tk.IntVar()
                value_entry = tk.Entry(parent, bd=2, textvariable=self.var_dict[key])
                value_entry.grid(column=1, row=row_pos, padx=5, pady=5)

            elif dtype is float:
                value = cpsf.get_value_or_default(self.tixi, xpath, def_value)
                self.var_dict[key] = tk.DoubleVar()
                value_entry = tk.Entry(parent, bd=2, textvariable=self.var_dict[key])
                value_entry.grid(column=1, row=row_pos, padx=5, pady=5)

            elif dtype is 'pathtype':

                value = cpsf.get_value_or_default(self.tixi,xpath,def_value)
                self.var_dict[key] = tk.StringVar()
                value_entry = tk.Entry(parent, textvariable=self.var_dict[key])
                value_entry.grid(column=1, row=row_pos, padx=5, pady=5)

                self.key = key
                self.browse_button = tk.Button(parent, text="Browse", command=self._browse_file)
                self.browse_button.grid(column=2, row=row_pos, padx=5, pady=5)

            elif dtype is list:
                if name == '__AEROMAP_SELECTION':

                    # Get the list of all AeroMaps
                    self.aeromap_uid_list = apm.get_aeromap_uid_list(self.tixi)

                    # Try to get the pre-selected AeroMap from the xpath
                        selected_aeromap = cpsf.get_value(self.tixi,xpath)
                        selected_aeromap_index = self.aeromap_uid_list.index(selected_aeromap)
                        selected_aeromap = ''
                        selected_aeromap_index = 0

                    self.labelframe = tk.LabelFrame(parent, text='Choose an AeroMap')
                    self.labelframe.grid(column=0, row=row_pos, columnspan=3, sticky=tk.W, padx=5, pady=5)

                    # The Combobox is directly use as the varaible
                    self.var_dict[key] = ttk.Combobox(self.labelframe, values=self.aeromap_uid_list)
                    self.var_dict[key].grid(column=1, row=row_pos, padx=5, pady=5)

                elif name == '__AEROMAP_CHECHBOX':

                    # Just to find back the name when data are saved
                    self.var_dict[key] = None
                    # __AEROMAP_CHECHBOX is a bit different, data are saved in their own dictionary
                    self.aeromap_var_dict = {}

                    # Get the list of all AeroMaps
                    self.aeromap_uid_list = apm.get_aeromap_uid_list(self.tixi)
                    self.labelframe = tk.LabelFrame(parent, text='Selecte AeroMap(s)')
                    self.labelframe.grid(column=0, row=row_pos, columnspan=3, sticky=tk.W, padx=5, pady=5)

                    # Try to get pre-selected AeroMaps from the xpath
                        selected_aeromap = cpsf.get_string_vector(self.tixi,xpath)
                        selected_aeromap = ''

                    # Create one checkbox for each AeroMap
                    for aeromap in self.aeromap_uid_list:
                        self.aeromap_var_dict[aeromap] = tk.BooleanVar()

                        #if aeromap in selected_aeromap:
                        # For now, set all to True

                        aeromap_entry = tk.Checkbutton(self.labelframe,text=aeromap,variable=self.aeromap_var_dict[aeromap])
                        aeromap_entry.pack()#side=tk.TOP, anchor='w')

                else: # Other kind of list (not aeroMap)

                    # 'def_value' will be the list of possibilies in this case

                    # Try to get the pre-selected AeroMap from the xpath
                    try: # TODO Should be retested...
                        selected_value = cpsf.get_value(self.tixi,xpath)
                        selected_value_index = def_value.index(selected_value)
                        selected_value = ''
                        selected_value_index = 0

                    # The Combobox is directly use as the varaible
                    self.var_dict[key] = ttk.Combobox(parent, values=def_value)
                    self.var_dict[key].grid(column=1, row=row_pos, padx=5, pady=5)

                value = cpsf.get_value_or_default(self.tixi,xpath,def_value)
                self.var_dict[key] = tk.StringVar()
                value_entry = tk.Entry(parent, textvariable=self.var_dict[key])
                value_entry.grid(column=1, row=row_pos, padx=5, pady=5)

            # Units
            if unit and unit != '1':
                unit_label = tk.Label(parent, text=pretty_unit(unit))
                unit_label.grid(column=2, row=row_pos, padx=5, pady=5)

            row_pos += 1