Exemple #1
    def bind(self, app):
        was_bound, self.__bound__ = self.__bound__, True
        self._app = app
        conf = app.conf

        for attr_name, config_name in self.from_config:
            if getattr(self, attr_name, None) is None:
                setattr(self, attr_name, conf[config_name])
        self.accept_magic_kwargs = app.accept_magic_kwargs
        if self.accept_magic_kwargs is None:
            self.accept_magic_kwargs = app.accept_magic_kwargs
        if self.backend is None:
            self.backend = app.backend

        # decorate with annotations from config.
        if not was_bound:

        self.request_stack = LocalStack()

        # PeriodicTask uses this to add itself to the PeriodicTask schedule.

        return app
Exemple #2
class BaseTask(object):
    """Task base class.

    When called tasks apply the :meth:`run` method.  This method must
    be defined by all tasks (that is unless the :meth:`__call__` method
    is overridden).

    __metaclass__ = TaskType
    __tracer__ = None

    ErrorMail = ErrorMail
    MaxRetriesExceededError = MaxRetriesExceededError

    #: Execution strategy used, or the qualified name of one.
    Strategy = "celery.worker.strategy:default"

    #: This is the instance bound to if the task is a method of a class.
    __self__ = None

    #: The application instance associated with this task class.
    _app = None

    #: Name of the task.
    name = None

    #: If :const:`True` the task is an abstract base class.
    abstract = True

    #: If disabled the worker will not forward magic keyword arguments.
    #: Deprecated and scheduled for removal in v3.0.
    accept_magic_kwargs = False

    #: Destination queue.  The queue needs to exist
    #: in :setting:`CELERY_QUEUES`.  The `routing_key`, `exchange` and
    #: `exchange_type` attributes will be ignored if this is set.
    queue = None

    #: Overrides the apps default `routing_key` for this task.
    routing_key = None

    #: Overrides the apps default `exchange` for this task.
    exchange = None

    #: Overrides the apps default exchange type for this task.
    exchange_type = None

    #: Override the apps default delivery mode for this task.  Default is
    #: `"persistent"`, but you can change this to `"transient"`, which means
    #: messages will be lost if the broker is restarted.  Consult your broker
    #: manual for any additional delivery modes.
    delivery_mode = None

    #: Mandatory message routing.
    mandatory = False

    #: Request immediate delivery.
    immediate = False

    #: Default message priority.  A number between 0 to 9, where 0 is the
    #: highest.  Note that RabbitMQ does not support priorities.
    priority = None

    #: Maximum number of retries before giving up.  If set to :const:`None`,
    #: it will **never** stop retrying.
    max_retries = 3

    #: Default time in seconds before a retry of the task should be
    #: executed.  3 minutes by default.
    default_retry_delay = 3 * 60

    #: Rate limit for this task type.  Examples: :const:`None` (no rate
    #: limit), `"100/s"` (hundred tasks a second), `"100/m"` (hundred tasks
    #: a minute),`"100/h"` (hundred tasks an hour)
    rate_limit = None

    #: If enabled the worker will not store task state and return values
    #: for this task.  Defaults to the :setting:`CELERY_IGNORE_RESULT`
    #: setting.
    ignore_result = False

    #: When enabled errors will be stored even if the task is otherwise
    #: configured to ignore results.
    store_errors_even_if_ignored = False

    #: If enabled an email will be sent to :setting:`ADMINS` whenever a task
    #: of this type fails.
    send_error_emails = False
    disable_error_emails = False                            # FIXME

    #: List of exception types to send error emails for.
    error_whitelist = ()

    #: The name of a serializer that are registered with
    #: :mod:`kombu.serialization.registry`.  Default is `"pickle"`.
    serializer = None

    #: Hard time limit.
    #: Defaults to the :setting:`CELERY_TASK_TIME_LIMIT` setting.
    time_limit = None

    #: Soft time limit.
    #: Defaults to the :setting:`CELERY_TASK_SOFT_TIME_LIMIT` setting.
    soft_time_limit = None

    #: The result store backend used for this task.
    backend = None

    #: If disabled this task won't be registered automatically.
    autoregister = True

    #: If enabled the task will report its status as "started" when the task
    #: is executed by a worker.  Disabled by default as the normal behaviour
    #: is to not report that level of granularity.  Tasks are either pending,
    #: finished, or waiting to be retried.
    #: Having a "started" status can be useful for when there are long
    #: running tasks and there is a need to report which task is currently
    #: running.
    #: The application default can be overridden using the
    #: :setting:`CELERY_TRACK_STARTED` setting.
    track_started = False

    #: When enabled messages for this task will be acknowledged **after**
    #: the task has been executed, and not *just before* which is the
    #: default behavior.
    #: Please note that this means the task may be executed twice if the
    #: worker crashes mid execution (which may be acceptable for some
    #: applications).
    #: The application default can be overridden with the
    #: :setting:`CELERY_ACKS_LATE` setting.
    acks_late = None

    #: Default task expiry time.
    expires = None

    #: The type of task *(no longer used)*.
    type = "regular"

    __bound__ = False

    from_config = (
        ("exchange_type", "CELERY_DEFAULT_EXCHANGE_TYPE"),
        ("delivery_mode", "CELERY_DEFAULT_DELIVERY_MODE"),
        ("send_error_emails", "CELERY_SEND_TASK_ERROR_EMAILS"),
        ("error_whitelist", "CELERY_TASK_ERROR_WHITELIST"),
        ("serializer", "CELERY_TASK_SERIALIZER"),
        ("rate_limit", "CELERY_DEFAULT_RATE_LIMIT"),
        ("track_started", "CELERY_TRACK_STARTED"),
        ("acks_late", "CELERY_ACKS_LATE"),
        ("ignore_result", "CELERY_IGNORE_RESULT"),

    __bound__ = False

    # - Tasks are lazily bound, so that configuration is not set
    # - until the task is actually used

    def bind(self, app):
        was_bound, self.__bound__ = self.__bound__, True
        self._app = app
        conf = app.conf

        for attr_name, config_name in self.from_config:
            if getattr(self, attr_name, None) is None:
                setattr(self, attr_name, conf[config_name])
        self.accept_magic_kwargs = app.accept_magic_kwargs
        if self.accept_magic_kwargs is None:
            self.accept_magic_kwargs = app.accept_magic_kwargs
        if self.backend is None:
            self.backend = app.backend

        # decorate with annotations from config.
        if not was_bound:

        self.request_stack = LocalStack()

        # PeriodicTask uses this to add itself to the PeriodicTask schedule.

        return app

    def on_bound(self, app):
        """This method can be defined to do additional actions when the
        task class is bound to an app."""

    def _get_app(self):
        if not self.__bound__ or self._app is None:
            # The app property's __set__  method is not called
            # if Task.app is set (on the class), so must bind on use.
        return self._app
    app = class_property(_get_app, bind)

    def annotate(self):
        for d in resolve_all_annotations(self.app.annotations, self):
            for key, value in d.iteritems():
                if key.startswith('@'):
                    self.add_around(key[1:], value)
                    setattr(self, key, value)

    def add_around(self, attr, around):
        orig = getattr(self, attr)
        if getattr(orig, "__wrapped__", None):
            orig = orig.__wrapped__
        meth = around(orig)
        meth.__wrapped__ = orig
        setattr(self, attr, meth)

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.run(*args, **kwargs)

    # - tasks are pickled into the name of the task only, and the reciever
    # - simply grabs it from the local registry.
    def __reduce__(self):
        return (_unpickle_task, (self.name, ), None)

    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """The body of the task executed by workers."""
        raise NotImplementedError("Tasks must define the run method.")

    def start_strategy(self, app, consumer):
        return instantiate(self.Strategy, self, app, consumer)

    def get_logger(self, **kwargs):
        """Get task-aware logger object."""
        logger = get_logger(self.name)
        if logger.parent is logging.root:
            logger.parent = get_logger("celery.task")
        return logger

    def establish_connection(self, connect_timeout=None):
        """Establish a connection to the message broker."""
        return self._get_app().broker_connection(

    def get_publisher(self, connection=None, exchange=None,
            connect_timeout=None, exchange_type=None, **options):
        """Get a celery task message publisher.

        :rtype :class:`~celery.app.amqp.TaskProducer`:

        .. warning::

            If you don't specify a connection, one will automatically
            be established for you, in that case you need to close this
            connection after use::

                >>> publisher = self.get_publisher()
                >>> # ... do something with publisher
                >>> publisher.connection.close()

        exchange = self.exchange if exchange is None else exchange
        if exchange_type is None:
            exchange_type = self.exchange_type
        connection = connection or self.establish_connection(connect_timeout)
        return self._get_app().amqp.TaskProducer(connection,
                exchange=exchange and Exchange(exchange, exchange_type),
                routing_key=self.routing_key, **options)

    def get_consumer(self, connection=None, queues=None, **kwargs):
        """Get message consumer.

        :rtype :class:`kombu.messaging.Consumer`:

        .. warning::

            If you don't specify a connection, one will automatically
            be established for you, in that case you need to close this
            connection after use::

                >>> consumer = self.get_consumer()
                >>> # do something with consumer
                >>> consumer.close()
                >>> consumer.connection.close()

        app = self._get_app()
        connection = connection or self.establish_connection()
        return app.amqp.TaskConsumer(connection,
            queues or app.amqp.queue_or_default(self.queue), **kwargs)

    def delay(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Star argument version of :meth:`apply_async`.

        Does not support the extra options enabled by :meth:`apply_async`.

        :param \*args: positional arguments passed on to the task.
        :param \*\*kwargs: keyword arguments passed on to the task.

        :returns :class:`celery.result.AsyncResult`:

        return self.apply_async(args, kwargs)

    def apply_async(self, args=None, kwargs=None,
            task_id=None, publisher=None, connection=None,
            router=None, link=None, link_error=None, **options):
        """Apply tasks asynchronously by sending a message.

        :keyword args: The positional arguments to pass on to the
                       task (a :class:`list` or :class:`tuple`).

        :keyword kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass on to the
                         task (a :class:`dict`)

        :keyword countdown: Number of seconds into the future that the
                            task should execute. Defaults to immediate
                            execution (do not confuse with the
                            `immediate` flag, as they are unrelated).

        :keyword eta: A :class:`~datetime.datetime` object describing
                      the absolute time and date of when the task should
                      be executed.  May not be specified if `countdown`
                      is also supplied.  (Do not confuse this with the
                      `immediate` flag, as they are unrelated).

        :keyword expires: Either a :class:`int`, describing the number of
                          seconds, or a :class:`~datetime.datetime` object
                          that describes the absolute time and date of when
                          the task should expire.  The task will not be
                          executed after the expiration time.

        :keyword connection: Re-use existing broker connection instead
                             of establishing a new one.

        :keyword retry: If enabled sending of the task message will be retried
                        in the event of connection loss or failure.  Default
                        is taken from the :setting:`CELERY_TASK_PUBLISH_RETRY`
                        setting.  Note you need to handle the
                        publisher/connection manually for this to work.

        :keyword retry_policy:  Override the retry policy used.  See the
                                :setting:`CELERY_TASK_PUBLISH_RETRY` setting.

        :keyword routing_key: The routing key used to route the task to a
                              worker server.  Defaults to the
                              :attr:`routing_key` attribute.

        :keyword exchange: The named exchange to send the task to.
                           Defaults to the :attr:`exchange` attribute.

        :keyword exchange_type: The exchange type to initialize the exchange
                                if not already declared.  Defaults to the
                                :attr:`exchange_type` attribute.

        :keyword immediate: Request immediate delivery.  Will raise an
                            exception if the task cannot be routed to a worker
                            immediately.  (Do not confuse this parameter with
                            the `countdown` and `eta` settings, as they are
                            unrelated).  Defaults to the :attr:`immediate`

        :keyword mandatory: Mandatory routing. Raises an exception if
                            there's no running workers able to take on this
                            task.  Defaults to the :attr:`mandatory`

        :keyword priority: The task priority, a number between 0 and 9.
                           Defaults to the :attr:`priority` attribute.

        :keyword serializer: A string identifying the default
                             serialization method to use.  Can be `pickle`,
                             `json`, `yaml`, `msgpack` or any custom
                             serialization method that has been registered
                             with :mod:`kombu.serialization.registry`.
                             Defaults to the :attr:`serializer` attribute.

        :keyword compression: A string identifying the compression method
                              to use.  Can be one of ``zlib``, ``bzip2``,
                              or any custom compression methods registered with
                              :func:`kombu.compression.register`. Defaults to
                              the :setting:`CELERY_MESSAGE_COMPRESSION`
        :keyword link: A single, or a list of subtasks to apply if the
                       task exits successfully.
        :keyword link_error: A single, or a list of subtasks to apply
                      if an error occurs while executing the task.

        .. note::
            If the :setting:`CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER` setting is set, it will
            be replaced by a local :func:`apply` call instead.

        app = self._get_app()
        router = router or self.app.amqp.router
        conf = app.conf

        # add 'self' if this is a bound method.
        if self.__self__ is not None:
            args = (self.__self__, ) + tuple(args)

        if conf.CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER:
            return self.apply(args, kwargs, task_id=task_id, **options)
        options = dict(extract_exec_options(self), **options)
        options = router.route(options, self.name, args, kwargs)

        if connection:
            publisher = app.amqp.TaskProducer(connection)
        publish = publisher or app.amqp.publisher_pool.acquire(block=True)
        evd = None
            evd = app.events.Dispatcher(channel=publish.channel,

            task_id = publish.delay_task(self.name, args, kwargs,
            if not publisher:

        result = self.AsyncResult(task_id)
        parent = get_current_task()
        if parent:
        return result

    def retry(self, args=None, kwargs=None, exc=None, throw=True,
            eta=None, countdown=None, max_retries=None, **options):
        """Retry the task.

        :param args: Positional arguments to retry with.
        :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to retry with.
        :keyword exc: Optional exception to raise instead of
                      when the max restart limit has been exceeded.
        :keyword countdown: Time in seconds to delay the retry for.
        :keyword eta: Explicit time and date to run the retry at
                      (must be a :class:`~datetime.datetime` instance).
        :keyword max_retries: If set, overrides the default retry limit.
        :keyword \*\*options: Any extra options to pass on to
        :keyword throw: If this is :const:`False`, do not raise the
                        :exc:`~celery.exceptions.RetryTaskError` exception,
                        that tells the worker to mark the task as being
                        retried.  Note that this means the task will be
                        marked as failed if the task raises an exception,
                        or successful if it returns.

        :raises celery.exceptions.RetryTaskError: To tell the worker that
            the task has been re-sent for retry. This always happens,
            unless the `throw` keyword argument has been explicitly set
            to :const:`False`, and is considered normal operation.


        .. code-block:: python

            >>> @task
            >>> def tweet(auth, message):
            ...     twitter = Twitter(oauth=auth)
            ...     try:
            ...         twitter.post_status_update(message)
            ...     except twitter.FailWhale, exc:
            ...         # Retry in 5 minutes.
            ...         raise tweet.retry(countdown=60 * 5, exc=exc)

        Although the task will never return above as `retry` raises an
        exception to notify the worker, we use `return` in front of the retry
        to convey that the rest of the block will not be executed.

        request = self.request
        max_retries = self.max_retries if max_retries is None else max_retries
        args = request.args if args is None else args
        kwargs = request.kwargs if kwargs is None else kwargs
        delivery_info = request.delivery_info

        # Not in worker or emulated by (apply/always_eager),
        # so just raise the original exception.
        if request.called_directly:
            raise exc or RetryTaskError("Task can be retried", None)

        if delivery_info:
            options.setdefault("exchange", delivery_info.get("exchange"))
            options.setdefault("routing_key", delivery_info.get("routing_key"))

        if not eta and countdown is None:
            countdown = self.default_retry_delay

        options.update({"retries": request.retries + 1,
                        "task_id": request.id,
                        "countdown": countdown,
                        "eta": eta})

        if max_retries is not None and options["retries"] > max_retries:
            if exc:
            raise self.MaxRetriesExceededError(
                    "Can't retry %s[%s] args:%s kwargs:%s" % (
                        self.name, options["task_id"], args, kwargs))

        # If task was executed eagerly using apply(),
        # then the retry must also be executed eagerly.
        if request.is_eager:
            self.apply(args=args, kwargs=kwargs, **options).get()
            self.apply_async(args=args, kwargs=kwargs, **options)
        ret = RetryTaskError(eta and "Retry at %s" % eta
                                  or "Retry in %s secs." % countdown, exc)
        if throw:
            raise ret
        return ret

    def apply(self, args=None, kwargs=None, **options):
        """Execute this task locally, by blocking until the task returns.

        :param args: positional arguments passed on to the task.
        :param kwargs: keyword arguments passed on to the task.
        :keyword throw: Re-raise task exceptions.  Defaults to
                        the :setting:`CELERY_EAGER_PROPAGATES_EXCEPTIONS`

        :rtype :class:`celery.result.EagerResult`:

        # trace imports BaseTask, so need to import inline.
        from celery.task.trace import eager_trace_task

        app = self._get_app()
        args = args or []
        kwargs = kwargs or {}
        task_id = options.get("task_id") or uuid()
        retries = options.get("retries", 0)
        throw = app.either("CELERY_EAGER_PROPAGATES_EXCEPTIONS",
                           options.pop("throw", None))

        # Make sure we get the task instance, not class.
        task = app._tasks[self.name]

        request = {"id": task_id,
                   "retries": retries,
                   "is_eager": True,
                   "logfile": options.get("logfile"),
                   "loglevel": options.get("loglevel", 0),
                   "delivery_info": {"is_eager": True}}
        if self.accept_magic_kwargs:
            default_kwargs = {"task_name": task.name,
                              "task_id": task_id,
                              "task_retries": retries,
                              "task_is_eager": True,
                              "logfile": options.get("logfile"),
                              "loglevel": options.get("loglevel", 0),
                              "delivery_info": {"is_eager": True}}
            supported_keys = fun_takes_kwargs(task.run, default_kwargs)
            extend_with = dict((key, val)
                                    for key, val in default_kwargs.items()
                                        if key in supported_keys)

        tb = None
        retval, info = eager_trace_task(task, task_id, args, kwargs,
                                        request=request, propagate=throw)
        if isinstance(retval, ExceptionInfo):
            retval, tb = retval.exception, retval.traceback
        state = states.SUCCESS if info is None else info.state
        return EagerResult(task_id, retval, state, traceback=tb)

    def AsyncResult(self, task_id):
        """Get AsyncResult instance for this kind of task.

        :param task_id: Task id to get result for.

        return self._get_app().AsyncResult(task_id, backend=self.backend,

    def subtask(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Returns :class:`~celery.subtask` object for
        this task, wrapping arguments and execution options
        for a single task invocation."""
        from celery.canvas import subtask
        return subtask(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def s(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """``.s(*a, **k) -> .subtask(a, k)``"""
        return self.subtask(args, kwargs)

    def si(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """``.si(*a, **k) -> .subtask(a, k, immutable=True)``"""
        return self.subtask(args, kwargs, immutable=True)

    def chunks(self, it, n):
        """Creates a :class:`~celery.canvas.chunks` task for this task."""
        from celery import chunks
        return chunks(self.s(), it, n)

    def map(self, it):
        """Creates a :class:`~celery.canvas.xmap` task from ``it``."""
        from celery import xmap
        return xmap(self.s(), it)

    def starmap(self, it):
        """Creates a :class:`~celery.canvas.xstarmap` task from ``it``."""
        from celery import xstarmap
        return xstarmap(self.s(), it)

    def update_state(self, task_id=None, state=None, meta=None):
        """Update task state.

        :keyword task_id: Id of the task to update, defaults to the
                          id of the current task
        :keyword state: New state (:class:`str`).
        :keyword meta: State metadata (:class:`dict`).

        if task_id is None:
            task_id = self.request.id
        self.backend.store_result(task_id, meta, state)

    def on_success(self, retval, task_id, args, kwargs):
        """Success handler.

        Run by the worker if the task executes successfully.

        :param retval: The return value of the task.
        :param task_id: Unique id of the executed task.
        :param args: Original arguments for the executed task.
        :param kwargs: Original keyword arguments for the executed task.

        The return value of this handler is ignored.


    def on_retry(self, exc, task_id, args, kwargs, einfo):
        """Retry handler.

        This is run by the worker when the task is to be retried.

        :param exc: The exception sent to :meth:`retry`.
        :param task_id: Unique id of the retried task.
        :param args: Original arguments for the retried task.
        :param kwargs: Original keyword arguments for the retried task.

        :keyword einfo: :class:`~celery.datastructures.ExceptionInfo`
                        instance, containing the traceback.

        The return value of this handler is ignored.


    def on_failure(self, exc, task_id, args, kwargs, einfo):
        """Error handler.

        This is run by the worker when the task fails.

        :param exc: The exception raised by the task.
        :param task_id: Unique id of the failed task.
        :param args: Original arguments for the task that failed.
        :param kwargs: Original keyword arguments for the task
                       that failed.

        :keyword einfo: :class:`~celery.datastructures.ExceptionInfo`
                        instance, containing the traceback.

        The return value of this handler is ignored.


    def after_return(self, status, retval, task_id, args, kwargs, einfo):
        """Handler called after the task returns.

        :param status: Current task state.
        :param retval: Task return value/exception.
        :param task_id: Unique id of the task.
        :param args: Original arguments for the task that failed.
        :param kwargs: Original keyword arguments for the task
                       that failed.

        :keyword einfo: :class:`~celery.datastructures.ExceptionInfo`
                        instance, containing the traceback (if any).

        The return value of this handler is ignored.


    def send_error_email(self, context, exc, **kwargs):
        if self.send_error_emails and not self.disable_error_emails:
            self.ErrorMail(self, **kwargs).send(context, exc)

    def execute(self, request, pool, loglevel, logfile, **kwargs):
        """The method the worker calls to execute the task.

        :param request: A :class:`~celery.worker.job.Request`.
        :param pool: A task pool.
        :param loglevel: Current loglevel.
        :param logfile: Name of the currently used logfile.

        :keyword consumer: The :class:`~celery.worker.consumer.Consumer`.

        request.execute_using_pool(pool, loglevel, logfile)

    def push_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.request_stack.push(Context(*args, **kwargs))

    def pop_request(self):

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<@task: %s>" % (self.name, )

    def logger(self):
        return self.get_logger()

    def request(self):
        return self.request_stack.top

    def __name__(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__