def _setup(self, app_obj): super(PmLogHandler, self)._setup(app_obj) if self._meta.namespace is None: self._meta.namespace = self.backend = Logger(self._meta.namespace) # hack for application debugging if is_true('log', 'level', 'DEBUG') # Mainly for backwards compatibility since Logger level should # be NOTSET (level 0). Output level is controlled by handlers self.set_level('log', 'level')) # clear loggers? if is_true(self._meta.clear_loggers): self.clear_loggers() # console if is_true('log', 'to_console')): self._setup_console_log() # file if'log', 'file'): self._setup_file_log() # nested setup self.backend.handlers.append(logbook.NullHandler(bubble=False)) self.log_setup = logbook.NestedSetup(self.backend.handlers) with self._console_handler.applicationbound(): self.debug("logging initialized for '%s' using PmLogHandler" % \ self._meta.namespace)
def _setup(self, app): super()._setup(app) if self._meta.namespace is None: self._meta.namespace = self.backend = logging.getLogger(f"spiral:app:{self._meta.namespace}") # hack for application debugging if is_true(, "level", "DEBUG") level =, "level") self.set_level(level) LOG.debug("logging initialized for '%s' using %s" % (self._meta.namespace, self.__class__.__name__))
def _process_parsed_arguments(self): if and not getattr(, 'log_level', None): # hack for application debugging if is_true(, 'level', 'DEBUG') else: if not is None:, 'level', string.upper( level =, 'level') level = level.upper() if level not in level = 'INFO' ilevel = getattr(logging, level) if != ilevel: setattr(, 'log_level', level)
def _setup_console_log(self): """ Add a console log handler. """ namespace = self._meta.namespace to_console =, "to_console") if is_true(to_console): console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_format = self._get_console_format() formatter = self._get_console_formatter(console_format) console_handler.setFormatter(formatter) console_handler.setLevel(getattr(logging, self.get_level())) else: console_handler = NullHandler() # FIXME: self._clear_loggers() should be preventing this but its not! for i in logging.getLogger(f"spiral:app:{namespace}").handlers: if isinstance(i, logging.StreamHandler): self.backend.removeHandler(i) self.backend.addHandler(console_handler)
def hook_pre_setup(app): if os.path.isdir('./config'): ext = app._meta.config_extension label = app._meta.label path = os.path.join('.', 'config', '%s%s' % (label, ext)) if app._meta.config_files is None: app._meta.config_files = [ os.path.join('/', 'etc', label, '%s%s' % (label, ext)), os.path.join(fs.HOME_DIR, '.%s%s' % (label, ext)), os.path.join(fs.HOME_DIR, '.%s' % label, 'config'), ] # app._meta.config_files = [path] app._meta.config_files.append(path) else: app.log.debug('There is no ./config in {}'.format(os.path)) try: if 'CEMENT_FRAMEWORK_LOGGING_DEBUG' in os.environ.keys(): if is_true(os.environ['CEMENT_FRAMEWORK_LOGGING_DEBUG']): = minimal_logger(, True) cement.ext.ext_argparse.LOG = minimal_logger( cement.ext.ext_argparse.LOG.namespace, True) except: pass
def check_recipe(self, recipe=None): if recipe is None: if not hasattr(self._meta, 'recipe'): msg = '{} does not have a recipe!'.format( self.__class__.__name__) raise IaaSError(msg) recipe = self._meta.recipe msg = '' for ingredient in recipe: if not getattr(, ingredient['parameter'], None): if not is_true(self.setting('batch')) and self.setting( 'prompt') and ingredient['ask']:'Prompt here for {}'.format( ingredient['parameter'])) prompt = ArgPrompt() if ingredient.get('options', None): prompt._meta.numbered = True options = ingredient['options'] if options.get('values', None): prompt._meta.options = options['values'] elif options.get('class', None): columns = getattr(self, '_columns', None) ignored = getattr(self, '_ignored', None) try: if options['module'] not in sys.modules: try: __import__(options['module'], globals(), locals(), [], 0) except ImportError as e: raise IaaSError( 'Unable to import class needed to pull list of options for {} ({})' .format(ingredient, e.message)) klass = getattr(sys.modules[options['module']], options['class']) instance = klass( options['section'])) print('Obtaining a {} of {} ...'.format( options['method'], options['class'])) if options['attribute'].get('filters', None): filters = getattr(self, '_filters', None) self._filters = options['attribute'][ 'filters']'Filter {}.{}.{}'.format( options['section'], options['class'], options['method'])) values = getattr(instance, options['method'])( _filter=self._weigh, _collection=instance) if filters: self._filters = filters else: values = getattr( instance, options['method'])(detailed=True) if not values.__len__() > 0: raise FrameworkError( 'There are no {}!'.format( options['class'])) if not isinstance(options['attribute']['show'], list): options['attribute']['show'] = [ options['attribute']['show'] ] self._columns = options['attribute']['show'] selection = self._prune(values) i = 0 while i < selection.__len__(): for show in options['attribute']['show']: if not selection[i].get(show, None): for attr in options['attribute'][ 'alternatives']: sub = values[i]._evaluate(attr) if sub: selection[i][ show] = '{}:{}'.format( attr, sub) break i += 1 prompt._meta.options = [ ','.join(dict(obj).values()) for obj in selection ] self._meta.values = instance except KeyError as e: # raise IaaSError('Ingredient {} options for recipe {}.{} requires an unknown class'.format(ingredient,self.__class__.__name__, self._meta.label)) # except ValueError as e: raise IaaSError( 'Ingredient {} for recipe {}.{} requires a "{}" attribute' .format(ingredient, self.__class__.__name__, self._meta.label, e.message)) except FrameworkError as e:"'{}': '{}'".format( e.message, e.msg)) print('FATAL error: {}'.format(e.msg)) raise e except Exception as e: print('FATAL error: {}'.format(e.message)) raise e if not columns is None: self._columns = columns if not ignored is None: self._ignored = ignored else: raise IaaSError( 'Ingredient {} options for recipe {}.{} are not valid' .format(ingredient, self.__class__.__name__, self._meta.label)) prompt._meta.text = 'Choose {}:'.format( ingredient['description']) else: prompt._meta.numbered = False prompt._meta.options = None prompt._meta.text = 'Enter {}: '.format( ingredient['description']) # prompt._meta.selection_text = 'Enter the {}:'.format(ingredient['parameter']) try: answer = prompt.prompt() if ingredient.get('options', None): options = ingredient['options'] if options.get('values', None): setattr(, ingredient['parameter'], prompt.input) elif options.get('class', None): index = prompt._meta.options.index(answer) values = [self._meta.values[index]] columns = getattr(self, '_columns', None) ignored = getattr(self, '_ignored', None) self._columns = [options['attribute']['use']] selection = self._prune(values) if not columns is None: self._columns = columns if not ignored is None: self._ignored = ignored setattr(, ingredient['parameter'], '{}:{}'.format( options['attribute']['use'], selection[0].get( options['attribute']['use'], None))) print('{} value will be "{}"'.format( ingredient['parameter'], getattr(, ingredient['parameter']))) # if string.index(options['attribute']['use'], '/') < 0: # pass # else: # setattr(, ingredient['parameter'], selection[0].get(options['attribute']['use'], None)) else: setattr(, ingredient['parameter'], prompt.input) except FrameworkError as e:"'{}': '{}'".format( e.message, e.msg)) print('FATAL error: {}'.format(e.msg)) raise e if not getattr(, ingredient['parameter'], None): msg += "'{}' is required. ({})\n".format( ingredient['parameter'], ingredient['description']) if msg.__len__() > 0: raise IaaSError(msg)
def test_is_true(): # true assert misc.is_true(1) assert misc.is_true('1') assert misc.is_true('true') assert misc.is_true('True') assert misc.is_true('TRUE') assert misc.is_true('tRue') assert misc.is_true('yes') assert misc.is_true('on') assert misc.is_true(True) # false assert not misc.is_true(0) assert not misc.is_true('0') assert not misc.is_true('false') assert not misc.is_true('False') assert not misc.is_true('FALSE') assert not misc.is_true('fAlse') assert not misc.is_true('no') assert not misc.is_true('off') assert not misc.is_true(False)
def send(self, body, **kw): """ Send an email message via SMTP. Keyword arguments override configuration defaults (cc, bcc, etc). :param body: The message body to send :type body: multiline string :keyword to: List of recipients (generally email addresses) :type to: list :keyword from_addr: Address (generally email) of the sender :type from_addr: string :keyword cc: List of CC Recipients :type cc: list :keyword bcc: List of BCC Recipients :type bcc: list :keyword subject: Message subject line :type subject: string :returns: Boolean (``True`` if message is sent successfully, ``False`` otherwise) **Usage** .. code-block:: python # Using all configuration defaults app.mail.send('This is my message body') # Overriding configuration defaults app.mail.send('My message body' from_addr='*****@*****.**', to=['*****@*****.**'], cc=['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'], subject='This is my subject', ) """ params = self._get_params(**kw) if is_true(params['ssl']): server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(params['host'], params['port'], params['timeout']) LOG.debug('%s : initiating ssl' % self._meta.label) if is_true(params['tls']): LOG.debug('%s : initiating tls' % self._meta.label) server.starttls() else: server = smtplib.SMTP(params['host'], params['port'], params['timeout']) if is_true(params['auth']): server.login(params['username'], params['password']) if is True: server.set_debuglevel(9) msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative') msg.set_charset('utf-8') msg['From'] = params['from_addr'] msg['To'] = ', '.join(params['to']) msg['Cc'] = ', '.join(params['cc']) msg['Bcc'] = ', '.join(params['bcc']) if params['subject_prefix'] not in [None, '']: subject = '%s %s' % (params['subject_prefix'], params['subject']) else: subject = params['subject'] msg['Subject'] = Header(subject) part = MIMEText(body) msg.attach(part) server.send_message(msg) server.quit()