print bcolors.OKBLUE + 'Nothing changed, exiting.' + bcolors.ENDC exit(0) ans = raw_input("Do you want to keep experiment results after sending them to the server?") if ans.lower() == "yes" or ans.lower() == "y" or ans.lower() == "Y": c.set("archive_sent_results", "1") else: print "Experiment results will not be archived, you can change this by editing the configuration file at \"" + c["config_file"] + "\"" c.update() retry = True done = True while retry: try: print bcolors.OKBLUE + 'Connecting to server...' + bcolors.ENDC serverconn = ServerConnection() if not serverconn.connect(do_login = False): raise Exception("Could not connect.") serverconn.initialize_client() done = True retry = False except Exception as e: done = False print bcolors.FAIL + "Error initializing: " + str(e) + bcolors.ENDC print bcolors.OKBLUE + "Want to retry? " + bcolors.ENDC ans = raw_input() if ans.lower() == "yes" or ans.lower() == "y" or ans.lower() == "Y": print bcolors.OKBLUE + 'Retrying...' + bcolors.ENDC retry = True else: retry = False
def centinel_run(args): if not os.path.exists(conf.c['logs_dir']): log("i", "Creating logs directory in %s." % (conf.c['logs_dir'])) os.makedirs(conf.c['logs_dir']) logging.basicConfig(filename=os.path.join(conf.c['logs_dir'], strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S") + ".log"), level=logging.DEBUG) args.pop(0) possible_arguments = ["-r", "--run", "-i", "--input", "-o", "--output"] ind = -1 if "-r" in args: ind = args.index("-r") elif "--run" in args: ind = args.index("--run") if ind <> -1: if ind + 1 >= len(args) or (ind + 1 < len(args) and args[ind + 1] in possible_arguments): print "Error: no experiment file specified!" exit (1) else: source_address = args[ind + 1] ind = 0 if "-i" in args: ind = args.index("-i") elif "--input" in args: ind = args.index("--input") if ind: if ind + 1 >= len(args) or (ind + 1 < len(args) and args[ind + 1] in possible_arguments): print "Error: no input file specified!" exit (1) else: input_file = args[ind + 1] else: input_file = os.path.splitext(source_address)[0] + ".txt" print "No input specified, using \"%s\"." %(input_file) ind = 0 if "-o" in args: ind = args.index("-o") elif "--ouput" in args: ind = args.index("--output") if ind: if ind + 1 >= len(args) or (ind + 1 < len(args) and args[ind + 1] in possible_arguments): print "Error: no output file specified!" exit (1) else: output_file = args[ind + 1] else: output_file = os.path.splitext(source_address)[0] + ".json" print "No output specified, using \"%s\"." %(output_file) try: #exp = open(args[args.index("--run") + 1], "r") execute_python_experiment_from_source(source_address, input_file, output_file) return 0 except Exception as e: print "Error running the experiment: " + str(e) exit (1) print open("centinel_client_ascii_art", "r").read() global serverconn serverconn = ServerConnection() log("i", "Client daemon is running...") if not serverconn.connect(): log("e", 'Server not connected.') while 1: try: if not serverconn.logged_in: raise Exception("Not logged in.") if not last_checked_for_updates or (( - last_checked_for_updates).seconds > int(conf.c['update_check_delay'])): update_check() if not experiments_last_synced or (( - experiments_last_synced).seconds > int(conf.c['experiment_sync_delay'])): sync_exp() if not results_last_synced or (( - results_last_synced).seconds > int(conf.c['result_sync_delay'])): sync_res() if not logs_last_sent or (( - logs_last_sent).seconds > int(conf.c['log_send_delay'])): send_logs() server_response = serverconn.beat() if not server_response: serverconn.disconnect() raise Exception("No server response received.") elif server_response <> 'beat': log("i", "Executing commands... (" + server_response + ")") for command in server_response.split(";"): try: command = command.strip() if command == '': continue elif command == "sync_results" or command == "sync_res": sync_res() elif command == "send_logs": send_logs() elif command == "sync_experiments" or command == "sync_exp": sync_exp() elif command.split()[0] == "run_exp" or command.split()[0] == "run": run_exp(command.split()[1:]) elif command == "die": die() else: log("e", "Command %s not recognized." %(command)) except Exception as e: log("e", "Command %s failed to execute: " %(command) + str(e)) time.sleep(5) # Sleep for heartbeat duration. except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): log("w", "Shutdown requested, shutting centinel down...") serverconn.disconnect() # do some shutdown stuff, then close return 0 except UpdateException: log("w", "Centinel update package received, shutting down to apply updates...") return 2 except Exception as e: log("e", "An exception occured: " + str(e)) log("i", "Trying to recover...") fixed = False try: while not fixed: try: serverconn.disconnect() fixed = serverconn.connect() and serverconn.logged_in if fixed: break except Exception as e: log("e", "An exception occured when trying to recover: " + str(e)) log("i", "Rerying...") time.sleep(5) # Sleep before retrying fixed = False except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): log("w", "Shutdown requested, shutting centinel down...") # do some shutdown stuff, then close serverconn.disconnect() return 0 log("s", "We're back in business!") serverconn.disconnect()