def calculate_zernikes(self, workspace):
     zernike_indexes = cpmz.get_zernike_indexes(self.zernike_degree.value + 1)
     meas = workspace.measurements
     for o in self.objects:
         object_name = o.object_name.value
         objects = workspace.object_set.get_objects(object_name)
         # First, get a table of centers and radii of minimum enclosing
         # circles per object
         ij = np.zeros((objects.count + 1, 2))
         r = np.zeros(objects.count + 1)
         for labels, indexes in objects.get_labels():
             ij_, r_ = minimum_enclosing_circle(labels, indexes)
             ij[indexes] = ij_
             r[indexes] = r_
         # Then compute x and y, the position of each labeled pixel
         # within a unit circle around the object
         ijv = objects.ijv
         l = ijv[:, 2]
         yx = (ijv[:, :2] - ij[l, :]) / r[l, np.newaxis]
         z = cpmz.construct_zernike_polynomials(
                 yx[:, 1], yx[:, 0], zernike_indexes)
         for image_group in self.images:
             image_name = image_group.image_name.value
             image = workspace.image_set.get_image(
                     image_name, must_be_grayscale=True)
             pixels = image.pixel_data
             mask = (ijv[:, 0] < pixels.shape[0]) & \
                    (ijv[:, 1] < pixels.shape[1])
             mask[mask] = image.mask[ijv[mask, 0], ijv[mask, 1]]
             yx_ = yx[mask, :]
             l_ = l[mask]
             z_ = z[mask, :]
             if len(l_) == 0:
                 for i, (n, m) in enumerate(zernike_indexes):
                     ftr = self.get_zernike_magnitude_name(image_name, n, m)
                     meas[object_name, ftr] = np.zeros(0)
                     if self.wants_zernikes == Z_MAGNITUDES_AND_PHASE:
                         ftr = self.get_zernike_phase_name(image_name, n, m)
                         meas[object_name, ftr] = np.zeros(0)
             areas = scind.sum(
                     np.ones(l_.shape, int), labels=l_, index=objects.indices)
             for i, (n, m) in enumerate(zernike_indexes):
                 vr = scind.sum(
                         pixels[ijv[mask, 0], ijv[mask, 1]] * z_[:, i].real,
                         labels=l_, index=objects.indices)
                 vi = scind.sum(
                         pixels[ijv[mask, 0], ijv[mask, 1]] * z_[:, i].imag,
                         labels=l_, index=objects.indices)
                 magnitude = np.sqrt(vr * vr + vi * vi) / areas
                 ftr = self.get_zernike_magnitude_name(image_name, n, m)
                 meas[object_name, ftr] = magnitude
                 if self.wants_zernikes == Z_MAGNITUDES_AND_PHASE:
                     phase = np.arctan2(vr, vi)
                     ftr = self.get_zernike_phase_name(image_name, n, m)
                     meas[object_name, ftr] = phase
Exemple #2
 def calculate_zernikes(self, workspace):
     zernike_indexes = cpmz.get_zernike_indexes(self.zernike_degree.value + 1)
     meas = workspace.measurements
     for o in self.objects:
         object_name = o.object_name.value
         objects = workspace.object_set.get_objects(object_name)
         # First, get a table of centers and radii of minimum enclosing
         # circles per object
         ij = np.zeros((objects.count + 1, 2))
         r = np.zeros(objects.count + 1)
         for labels, indexes in objects.get_labels():
             ij_, r_ = minimum_enclosing_circle(labels, indexes)
             ij[indexes] = ij_
             r[indexes] = r_
         # Then compute x and y, the position of each labeled pixel
         # within a unit circle around the object
         ijv = objects.ijv
         l = ijv[:, 2]
         yx = (ijv[:, :2] - ij[l, :]) / r[l, np.newaxis]
         z = cpmz.construct_zernike_polynomials(
                 yx[:, 1], yx[:, 0], zernike_indexes)
         for image_group in self.images:
             image_name = image_group.image_name.value
             image = workspace.image_set.get_image(
                     image_name, must_be_grayscale=True)
             pixels = image.pixel_data
             mask = (ijv[:, 0] < pixels.shape[0]) & \
                    (ijv[:, 1] < pixels.shape[1])
             mask[mask] = image.mask[ijv[mask, 0], ijv[mask, 1]]
             yx_ = yx[mask, :]
             l_ = l[mask]
             z_ = z[mask, :]
             if len(l_) == 0:
                 for i, (n, m) in enumerate(zernike_indexes):
                     ftr = self.get_zernike_magnitude_name(image_name, n, m)
                     meas[object_name, ftr] = np.zeros(0)
                     if self.wants_zernikes == Z_MAGNITUDES_AND_PHASE:
                         ftr = self.get_zernike_phase_name(image_name, n, m)
                         meas[object_name, ftr] = np.zeros(0)
             areas = scind.sum(
                     np.ones(l_.shape, int), labels=l_, index=objects.indices)
             for i, (n, m) in enumerate(zernike_indexes):
                 vr = scind.sum(
                         pixels[ijv[mask, 0], ijv[mask, 1]] * z_[:, i].real,
                         labels=l_, index=objects.indices)
                 vi = scind.sum(
                         pixels[ijv[mask, 0], ijv[mask, 1]] * z_[:, i].imag,
                         labels=l_, index=objects.indices)
                 magnitude = np.sqrt(vr * vr + vi * vi) / areas
                 ftr = self.get_zernike_magnitude_name(image_name, n, m)
                 meas[object_name, ftr] = magnitude
                 if self.wants_zernikes == Z_MAGNITUDES_AND_PHASE:
                     phase = np.arctan2(vr, vi)
                     ftr = self.get_zernike_phase_name(image_name, n, m)
                     meas[object_name, ftr] = phase
Exemple #3
def zernike(zernike_indexes, labels, indexes):
    """Compute the Zernike features for the labels with the label #s in indexes
    returns the score per labels and an array of one image per zernike feature
    # "Reverse_indexes" is -1 if a label # is not to be processed. Otherwise
    # reverse_index[label] gives you the index into indexes of the label
    # and other similarly shaped vectors (like the results)
    indexes = np.array(indexes, dtype=np.int32)
    nindexes = len(indexes)
    reverse_indexes = np.empty((np.max(indexes) + 1, ), int)
    reverse_indexes[indexes] = np.arange(indexes.shape[0], dtype=int)
    mask = reverse_indexes[labels] != -1

    centers, radii = minimum_enclosing_circle(labels, indexes)
    ny, nx = labels.shape[0:2]
    y, x = np.asarray(np.mgrid[0:ny - 1:complex(0, ny),
                               0:nx - 1:complex(0, nx)],
    xm = x[mask]
    ym = y[mask]
    lm = labels[mask]
    # The Zernikes are inscribed in circles with points labeled by
    # their fractional distance (-1 <= x,y <= 1) from the center.
    # So we transform x and y by subtracting the center and
    # dividing by the radius
    rev_ind = reverse_indexes[lm]
    ## ym = (ym-centers[reverse_indexes[lm],0]) / radii[reverse_indexes[lm]]
    ym -= centers[rev_ind, 0]
    ym /= radii[rev_ind]
    ## xm = (xm-centers[reverse_indexes[lm],1]) / radii[reverse_indexes[lm]]
    xm -= centers[rev_ind, 1]
    xm /= radii[rev_ind]
    # Blow up ym and xm into new x and y vectors
    x = np.zeros_like(x)
    x[mask] = xm
    y = np.zeros_like(y)
    y[mask] = ym
    # Pass the resulting x and y through the rest of Zernikeland
    score = np.zeros((nindexes, len(zernike_indexes)))
    zf = construct_zernike_polynomials(x, y, zernike_indexes, mask)
    score = score_zernike(zf, radii, labels, indexes)
    return score
Exemple #4
def zernike(zernike_indexes, labels, indexes):
    """Compute the Zernike features for the labels with the label #s in indexes
    returns the score per labels and an array of one image per zernike feature
    # "Reverse_indexes" is -1 if a label # is not to be processed. Otherwise
    # reverse_index[label] gives you the index into indexes of the label
    # and other similarly shaped vectors (like the results)
    indexes = np.array(indexes, dtype=np.int32)
    nindexes = len(indexes)
    reverse_indexes = -np.ones((np.max(indexes) + 1, ), int)
    reverse_indexes[indexes] = np.arange(indexes.shape[0], dtype=int)
    mask = reverse_indexes[labels] != -1

    centers, radii = minimum_enclosing_circle(labels, indexes)
    y, x = np.mgrid[0:labels.shape[0], 0:labels.shape[1]]
    xm = x[mask].astype(float)
    ym = y[mask].astype(float)
    lm = labels[mask]
    # The Zernikes are inscribed in circles with points labeled by
    # their fractional distance (-1 <= x,y <= 1) from the center.
    # So we transform x and y by subtracting the center and
    # dividing by the radius
    ym = (ym - centers[reverse_indexes[lm], 0]) / radii[reverse_indexes[lm]]
    xm = (xm - centers[reverse_indexes[lm], 1]) / radii[reverse_indexes[lm]]
    # Blow up ym and xm into new x and y vectors
    x = np.zeros(x.shape)
    x[mask] = xm
    y = np.zeros(y.shape)
    y[mask] = ym
    # Pass the resulting x and y through the rest of Zernikeland
    score = np.zeros((nindexes, len(zernike_indexes)))
    for i in range(len(zernike_indexes)):
        zf = construct_zernike_polynomials(x, y, zernike_indexes[i:i + 1],
        one_score = score_zernike(zf, radii, labels, indexes)
        score[:, i] = one_score[:, 0]
    return score
Exemple #5
def zernike(zernike_indexes, labels, indexes):
    """Compute the Zernike features for the labels with the label #s in indexes
    returns the score per labels and an array of one image per zernike feature
    # "Reverse_indexes" is -1 if a label # is not to be processed. Otherwise
    # reverse_index[label] gives you the index into indexes of the label
    # and other similarly shaped vectors (like the results)
    indexes = np.array(indexes, dtype=np.int32)
    nindexes = len(indexes)
    reverse_indexes = -np.ones((np.max(indexes) + 1,), int)
    reverse_indexes[indexes] = np.arange(indexes.shape[0], dtype=int)
    mask = reverse_indexes[labels] != -1

    centers, radii = minimum_enclosing_circle(labels, indexes)
    y, x = np.mgrid[0 : labels.shape[0], 0 : labels.shape[1]]
    xm = x[mask].astype(float)
    ym = y[mask].astype(float)
    lm = labels[mask]
    # The Zernikes are inscribed in circles with points labeled by
    # their fractional distance (-1 <= x,y <= 1) from the center.
    # So we transform x and y by subtracting the center and
    # dividing by the radius
    ym = (ym - centers[reverse_indexes[lm], 0]) / radii[reverse_indexes[lm]]
    xm = (xm - centers[reverse_indexes[lm], 1]) / radii[reverse_indexes[lm]]
    # Blow up ym and xm into new x and y vectors
    x = np.zeros(x.shape)
    x[mask] = xm
    y = np.zeros(y.shape)
    y[mask] = ym
    # Pass the resulting x and y through the rest of Zernikeland
    score = np.zeros((nindexes, len(zernike_indexes)))
    for i in range(len(zernike_indexes)):
        zf = construct_zernike_polynomials(x, y, zernike_indexes[i : i + 1], mask)
        one_score = score_zernike(zf, radii, labels, indexes)
        score[:, i] = one_score[:, 0]
    return score
    def run(self, workspace):
        measurements = workspace.measurements

        statistics = [["Entropy"]]

        workspace.display_data.statistics = statistics

        input_image_name = self.input_image_name.value
        input_object_name = self.input_object_name.value
        metric = self.intensity_measurement.value
        bins = self.bin_number.value

        image_set = workspace.image_set

        input_image = image_set.get_image(input_image_name,
        pixels = input_image.pixel_data

        object_set = workspace.object_set

        objects = object_set.get_objects(input_object_name)
        labels = objects.segmented

        indexes = objects.indices
        #Calculate the center of the objects- I'm guessing there's a better way to do this but this was already here
        centers, radius = minimum_enclosing_circle(labels, indexes)

        feature = self.get_measurement_name(input_image_name, metric, bins)
        #Do the actual calculation
        entropy, slicemeasurements = self.slice_and_measure_intensity(
            pixels, labels, indexes, centers, metric, bins)
        #Add the measurement back into the workspace
        measurements.add_measurement(input_object_name, feature, entropy)

        for eachbin in range(bins):
            feature_bin = self.get_measurement_name_bins(
                input_image_name, metric, bins, eachbin + 1)
            measurements.add_measurement(input_object_name, feature_bin,
                                         slicemeasurements[:, eachbin])

        emean = numpy.mean(entropy)
        statistics.append([feature, emean])
 def run(self, workspace):
     # Get the measurements object - we put the measurements we
     # make in here
     meas = workspace.measurements
     assert isinstance(meas, cpmeas.Measurements)
     # We record some statistics which we will display later.
     # We format them so that Matplotlib can display them in a table.
     # The first row is a header that tells what the fields are.
     statistics = [["Feature", "Mean", "Median", "SD"]]
     # Put the statistics in the workspace display data so we
     # can get at them when we display
     workspace.display_data.statistics = statistics
     # Get the input image and object. You need to get the .value
     # because otherwise you'll get the setting object instead of
     # the string name.
     input_image_name = self.input_image_name.value
     input_object_name = self.input_object_name.value
     # Get the image set. The image set has all of the images in it.
     image_set = workspace.image_set
     # Get the input image object. We want a grayscale image here.
     # The image set will convert a color image to a grayscale one
     # and warn the user.
     input_image = image_set.get_image(input_image_name,
     # Get the pixels - these are a 2-d Numpy array.
     pixels = input_image.pixel_data
     # The object set has all of the objects in it.
     object_set = workspace.object_set
     assert isinstance(object_set, cpo.ObjectSet)
     # Get objects from the object set. The most useful array in
     # the objects is "objects.segmented" which is a labels matrix
     # in which each pixel has an integer value.
     # The value, "0", is reserved for "background" - a pixel with
     # a zero value is not in an object. Each object has an object
     # number, starting at "1" and each pixel in the object is
     # labeled with that number.
     # The other useful array is "objects.small_removed_segmented" which
     # is another labels matrix. There are objects that touch the edge of
     # the image and get filtered out and there are large objects that
     # get filtered out. Modules like "IdentifySecondaryObjects" may
     # want to associate pixels near the objects in the labels matrix to
     # those objects - the large and touching objects should compete with
     # the real ones, so you should use "objects.small_removed_segmented"
     # for those cases.
     objects = object_set.get_objects(input_object_name)
     labels = objects.segmented
     # The minimum enclosing circle (MEC) is the smallest circle that
     # will fit around the object. We get the centers and radii of
     # all of the objects at once. You'll see how that lets us
     # compute the X and Y position of each pixel in a label all at
     # one go.
     # First, get an array that lists the whole range of indexes in
     # the labels matrix.
     indexes = objects.get_indices()
     # Then ask for the minimum_enclosing_circle for each object named
     # in those indexes. MEC returns the i and j coordinate of the center
     # and the radius of the circle and that defines the circle entirely.
     centers, radius = minimum_enclosing_circle(labels, indexes)
     # The module computes a measurement based on the image intensity
     # inside an object times a Zernike polynomial inscribed in the
     # minimum enclosing circle around the object. The details are
     # in the "measure_zernike" function. We call into the function with
     # an N and M which describe the polynomial.
     for n, m in self.get_zernike_indexes():
         # Compute the zernikes for each object, returned in an array
         zr, zi = self.measure_zernike(pixels, labels, indexes, centers,
                                       radius, n, m)
         # Get the name of the measurement feature for this zernike
         feature = self.get_measurement_name(n, m)
         # Add a measurement for this kind of object
         if m != 0:
             meas.add_measurement(input_object_name, feature, zr)
             # Do the same with -m
             feature = self.get_measurement_name(n, -m)
             meas.add_measurement(input_object_name, feature, zi)
             # For zero, the total is the sum of real and imaginary parts
             meas.add_measurement(input_object_name, feature, zr + zi)
         # Record the statistics.
         zmean = np.mean(zr)
         zmedian = np.median(zr)
         zsd = np.std(zr)
         statistics.append([feature, zmean, zmedian, zsd])
 def run(self, workspace):
     # Get the measurements object - we put the measurements we
     # make in here
     meas = workspace.measurements
     assert isinstance(meas, cpmeas.Measurements)
     # We record some statistics which we will display later.
     # We format them so that Matplotlib can display them in a table.
     # The first row is a header that tells what the fields are.
     statistics = [ [ "Feature", "Mean", "Median", "SD"] ]
     # Put the statistics in the workspace display data so we
     # can get at them when we display
     workspace.display_data.statistics = statistics
     # Get the input image and object. You need to get the .value
     # because otherwise you'll get the setting object instead of
     # the string name.
     input_image_name = self.input_image_name.value
     input_object_name = self.input_object_name.value
     # Get the image set. The image set has all of the images in it.
     image_set = workspace.image_set
     # Get the input image object. We want a grayscale image here.
     # The image set will convert a color image to a grayscale one
     # and warn the user.
     input_image = image_set.get_image(input_image_name,
                                       must_be_grayscale = True)
     # Get the pixels - these are a 2-d Numpy array.
     pixels = input_image.pixel_data
     # The object set has all of the objects in it.
     object_set = workspace.object_set
     assert isinstance(object_set, cpo.ObjectSet)
     # Get objects from the object set. The most useful array in
     # the objects is "objects.segmented" which is a labels matrix
     # in which each pixel has an integer value.
     # The value, "0", is reserved for "background" - a pixel with
     # a zero value is not in an object. Each object has an object
     # number, starting at "1" and each pixel in the object is
     # labeled with that number.
     # The other useful array is "objects.small_removed_segmented" which
     # is another labels matrix. There are objects that touch the edge of
     # the image and get filtered out and there are large objects that
     # get filtered out. Modules like "IdentifySecondaryObjects" may
     # want to associate pixels near the objects in the labels matrix to
     # those objects - the large and touching objects should compete with
     # the real ones, so you should use "objects.small_removed_segmented"
     # for those cases.
     objects = object_set.get_objects(input_object_name)
     labels = objects.segmented
     # The minimum enclosing circle (MEC) is the smallest circle that
     # will fit around the object. We get the centers and radii of
     # all of the objects at once. You'll see how that lets us
     # compute the X and Y position of each pixel in a label all at
     # one go.
     # First, get an array that lists the whole range of indexes in
     # the labels matrix.
     indexes = objects.get_indices()
     # Then ask for the minimum_enclosing_circle for each object named
     # in those indexes. MEC returns the i and j coordinate of the center
     # and the radius of the circle and that defines the circle entirely.
     centers, radius = minimum_enclosing_circle(labels, indexes)
     # The module computes a measurement based on the image intensity
     # inside an object times a Zernike polynomial inscribed in the
     # minimum enclosing circle around the object. The details are
     # in the "measure_zernike" function. We call into the function with
     # an N and M which describe the polynomial.
     for n, m in self.get_zernike_indexes():
         # Compute the zernikes for each object, returned in an array
         zr, zi = self.measure_zernike(
             pixels, labels, indexes, centers, radius, n, m)
         # Get the name of the measurement feature for this zernike
         feature = self.get_measurement_name(n, m)
         # Add a measurement for this kind of object
         if m != 0:
             meas.add_measurement(input_object_name, feature, zr)
             # Do the same with -m
             feature = self.get_measurement_name(n, -m)
             meas.add_measurement(input_object_name, feature, zi)
             # For zero, the total is the sum of real and imaginary parts
             meas.add_measurement(input_object_name, feature, zr + zi)
         # Record the statistics.
         zmean = np.mean(zr)
         zmedian = np.median(zr)
         zsd = np.std(zr)
         statistics.append( [ feature, zmean, zmedian, zsd ] )