Exemple #1
    def update(self, c, can_strings):
        # get basic data from phone and gps since CAN isn't connected
        sensors = messaging.recv_sock(self.sensor)
        if sensors is not None:
            for sensor in sensors.sensorEvents:
                if sensor.type == 4:  # gyro
                    self.yaw_rate_meas = -sensor.gyro.v[0]

        gps = messaging.recv_sock(self.gps)
        if gps is not None:
            self.prev_speed = self.speed
            self.speed = gps.gpsLocationExternal.speed

        # create message
        ret = car.CarState.new_message()
        ret.canValid = True

        # speeds
        ret.vEgo = self.speed
        ret.vEgoRaw = self.speed
        a = self.speed - self.prev_speed

        ret.aEgo = a
        ret.brakePressed = a < -0.5

        ret.standstill = self.speed < 0.01
        ret.wheelSpeeds.fl = self.speed
        ret.wheelSpeeds.fr = self.speed
        ret.wheelSpeeds.rl = self.speed
        ret.wheelSpeeds.rr = self.speed

        self.yawRate = LPG * self.yaw_rate_meas + (1. - LPG) * self.yaw_rate
        curvature = self.yaw_rate / max(self.speed, 1.)
        ret.steeringAngleDeg = curvature * self.CP.steerRatio * self.CP.wheelbase * CV.RAD_TO_DEG

        return ret.as_reader()
Exemple #2
def boardd_loop(rate=100):
    rk = Ratekeeper(rate)


    # *** publishes can and health
    logcan = messaging.pub_sock('can')
    health_sock = messaging.pub_sock('health')

    # *** subscribes to can send
    sendcan = messaging.sub_sock('sendcan')

    # drain sendcan to delete any stale messages from previous runs

    while 1:
        # health packet @ 2hz
        if (rk.frame % (rate // 2)) == 0:
            health = can_health()
            msg = messaging.new_message()

            # store the health to be logged
            msg.health.voltage = health['voltage']
            msg.health.current = health['current']
            msg.health.ignitionLine = health['ignition_line']
            msg.health.ignitionCan = health['ignition_can']
            msg.health.controlsAllowed = True


        # recv @ 100hz
        can_msgs = can_recv()

        # publish to logger
        # TODO: refactor for speed
        if len(can_msgs) > 0:
            dat = can_list_to_can_capnp(can_msgs).to_bytes()

        # send can if we have a packet
        tsc = messaging.recv_sock(sendcan)
        if tsc is not None:

Exemple #3
def main():
    frame_cache = LRU(16)
    md_cache = LRU(16)
    plan_cache = LRU(16)

    frame_sock = messaging.sub_sock('frame')
    md_sock = messaging.sub_sock('model')
    plan_sock = messaging.sub_sock('plan')
    controls_state_sock = messaging.sub_sock('controlsState')

    proc = messaging.sub_sock('procLog')
    pls = [None, None]

    rk = Ratekeeper(10)
    while True:

        for msg in messaging.drain_sock(frame_sock):
            frame_cache[msg.frame.frameId] = msg

        for msg in messaging.drain_sock(md_sock):
            md_cache[msg.logMonoTime] = msg

        for msg in messaging.drain_sock(plan_sock):
            plan_cache[msg.logMonoTime] = msg

        controls_state = messaging.recv_sock(controls_state_sock)
        if controls_state is not None:
            plan_time = controls_state.controlsState.planMonoTime
            if plan_time != 0 and plan_time in plan_cache:
                plan = plan_cache[plan_time]
                md_time = plan.plan.mdMonoTime
                if md_time != 0 and md_time in md_cache:
                    md = md_cache[md_time]
                    frame_id = md.model.frameId
                    if frame_id != 0 and frame_id in frame_cache:
                        frame = frame_cache[frame_id]
                        print("controls lag: %.2fms" %
                              ((controls_state.logMonoTime -
                                frame.frame.timestampEof) / 1e6))

        pls = (pls + messaging.drain_sock(proc))[-2:]
        if None not in pls:

Exemple #4
def main():
    shutdown_at = 60 * 5
    shutdown_count = 0
    device_state_sock = messaging.sub_sock('deviceState')

    while 1:
        msg = messaging.recv_sock(device_state_sock, wait=True)
        if not msg.deviceState.started and not msg.deviceState.usbOnline:
            shutdown_count += 10
            shutdown_count = 0

        print('current', shutdown_count, 'shutdown_at', shutdown_at)

        if shutdown_count >= shutdown_at > 0:
            os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown')

Exemple #5
def main():
  thermal_sock = messaging.sub_sock('thermal')
  secs = 0
  last_secs = None
  shutdown_at = 0
  started = False
  usb_online = False
  enabled = False
  last_enabled = None
  dp_last_modified = None
  while 1:
    cur_time = sec_since_boot()

    modified = get_last_modified()
    if dp_last_modified != modified:
      enabled = True if params.get("DragonEnableAutoShutdown", encoding='utf8') == '1' else False
      if enabled:
          secs = int(params.get("DragonAutoShutdownAt", encoding='utf8')) * 60
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
          secs = 0
      dp_last_modified = modified

    if last_enabled != enabled or last_secs != secs or started or usb_online:
      shutdown_at = cur_time + secs

    if enabled:
      msg = messaging.recv_sock(thermal_sock, wait=True)
      started = msg.thermal.started
      usb_online = msg.thermal.usbOnline

      if not started and not usb_online and secs > 0 and cur_time >= shutdown_at:
        os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown')

    last_enabled = enabled
    last_secs = secs

Exemple #6
def main(gctx=None):

    shutdown_count = 0
    auto_shutdown_at = get_shutdown_val()
    frame = 0
    last_shutdown_val = auto_shutdown_at
    thermal_sock = messaging.sub_sock('thermal')
    started = False

    print('shutdownd Started !!')

    while 1:
        if frame % 5 == 0:
            msg = messaging.recv_sock(thermal_sock, wait=True)
            started = msg.thermal.started
            with open("/sys/class/power_supply/usb/present") as f:
                usb_online = bool(int(f.read()))
            auto_shutdown_at = get_shutdown_val()
            if not last_shutdown_val == auto_shutdown_at:
                shutdown_count = 0
                last_shutdown_val = auto_shutdown_at

        if not started and not usb_online:
            shutdown_count += 1
            shutdown_count = 0

        print('shutdown_count', shutdown_count)

        if auto_shutdown_at is None:
            auto_shutdown_at = get_shutdown_val()
            if shutdown_count >= auto_shutdown_at > 0:
                os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown')

Exemple #7
def manager_thread():
  # now loop
  thermal_sock = messaging.sub_sock('thermal')

  cloudlog.info("manager start")
  cloudlog.info({"environ": os.environ})

  # save boot log
  subprocess.call(["./loggerd", "--bootlog"], cwd=os.path.join(BASEDIR, "selfdrive/loggerd"))

  params = Params()

  # start daemon processes
  for p in daemon_processes:

  # start persistent processes
  for p in persistent_processes:

  # start frame

  if os.getenv("NOBOARD") is None:

  logger_dead = False

  while 1:
    msg = messaging.recv_sock(thermal_sock, wait=True)

    # heavyweight batch processes are gated on favorable thermal conditions
    if msg.thermal.thermalStatus >= ThermalStatus.yellow:
      for p in green_temp_processes:
        if p in persistent_processes:
      for p in green_temp_processes:
        if p in persistent_processes:

    if msg.thermal.freeSpace < 0.05:
      logger_dead = True

    if msg.thermal.started:
      for p in car_started_processes:
        if p == "loggerd" and logger_dead:
      logger_dead = False
      for p in reversed(car_started_processes):

    # check the status of all processes, did any of them die?
    running_list = ["%s%s\u001b[0m" % ("\u001b[32m" if running[p].is_alive() else "\u001b[31m", p) for p in running]
    cloudlog.debug(' '.join(running_list))

    # Exit main loop when uninstall is needed
    if params.get("DoUninstall", encoding='utf8') == "1":
Exemple #8
def main(gctx=None):
    retry = 0
    folder_exists = False
    dashcam_allowed = True
    # make sure dashcam folder exists
    while not folder_exists:
            if not os.path.exists(dashcam_videos_path):
                folder_exists = True
        except OSError:
        if retry >= 5:
            folder_exists = True
            dashcam_allowed = False

        retry += 1

    health_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 *
                         DT_TRML)  # 2.5x the expected health frequency
    health_sock = messaging.sub_sock('health', timeout=health_timeout)

    dragon_dashcam_hours = 24. * 60 * 60
    max_storage = (max_size_per_file / dashcam_duration) * dragon_dashcam_hours
    dashcam_enabled = False
    last_ts = 0.
    last_modified = None

    thermal_sock = messaging.sub_sock('thermal')
    while dashcam_allowed:
        duration = dashcam_duration
        ts = sec_since_boot()
        if ts - last_ts >= 5.:
            modified = get_last_modified()
            if last_modified != modified:
                dashcam_enabled = True if params.get(
                    "DragonEnableDashcam", encoding='utf8') == "1" else False
                    dragon_dashcam_hours = float(
                                   encoding='utf8')) * 60 * 60
                except (TypeError, ValueError):
                    dragon_dashcam_hours = 24. * 60 * 60
                max_storage = (max_size_per_file /
                               dashcam_duration) * dragon_dashcam_hours

            last_modified = modified
            last_ts = ts

        health = messaging.recv_sock(health_sock, wait=False)
        started = True if health is not None and (
            health.health.ignitionLine or health.health.ignitionCan) else False

        if started and dashcam_enabled:
            now = datetime.datetime.now()
            file_name = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
            os.system("screenrecord --bit-rate %s --time-limit %s %s%s.mp4 &" %
                      (bit_rates, duration, dashcam_videos_path, file_name))
            start_time = time.time()
                used_spaces = get_used_spaces()
                last_used_spaces = used_spaces

                # we should clean up files here if use too much spaces
                # when used spaces greater than max available storage
                # or when free space is less than 10%
                # get health of board, log this in "thermal"
                msg = messaging.recv_sock(thermal_sock, wait=True)
                if used_spaces >= max_storage or (
                        msg is not None
                        and msg.thermal.freeSpace < freespace_limit):
                    # get all the files in the dashcam_videos_path path
                    files = [
                        f for f in sorted(os.listdir(dashcam_videos_path))
                        if os.path.isfile(dashcam_videos_path + f)
                    for file in files:
                        msg = messaging.recv_sock(thermal_sock, wait=True)
                        # delete file one by one and once it has enough space for 1 video, we stop deleting
                        if used_spaces - last_used_spaces < max_size_per_file or msg.thermal.freeSpace < freespace_limit:
                            system("rm -fr %s" % (dashcam_videos_path + file))
                            last_used_spaces = get_used_spaces()
            except os.error as e:
            time_diff = time.time() - start_time
            # we start the process 1 second before screenrecord ended
            # to make sure there are no missing footage
            sleep_time = duration - 1 - time_diff
            if sleep_time >= 0.:
Exemple #9
def thermald_thread():
    # prevent LEECO from undervoltage
    BATT_PERC_OFF = 10 if LEON else 3

    health_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 *
                         DT_TRML)  # 2.5x the expected health frequency

    # now loop
    thermal_sock = messaging.pub_sock('thermal')
    health_sock = messaging.sub_sock('health', timeout=health_timeout)
    location_sock = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocation')

    ignition = False
    fan_speed = 0
    count = 0

    off_ts = None
    started_ts = None
    started_seen = False
    thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green
    thermal_status_prev = ThermalStatus.green
    usb_power = True
    usb_power_prev = True

    network_type = NetworkType.none

    current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML)
    health_prev = None
    fw_version_match_prev = True
    current_connectivity_alert = None
    time_valid_prev = True
    should_start_prev = False

    is_uno = (read_tz(29, clip=False) < -1000)
    if is_uno or not ANDROID:
        handle_fan = handle_fan_uno
        handle_fan = handle_fan_eon

    params = Params()

    while 1:
        health = messaging.recv_sock(health_sock, wait=True)
        location = messaging.recv_sock(location_sock)
        location = location.gpsLocation if location else None
        msg = read_thermal()

        # clear car params when panda gets disconnected
        if health is None and health_prev is not None:
        health_prev = health

        if health is not None:
            usb_power = health.health.usbPowerMode != log.HealthData.UsbPowerMode.client

        # get_network_type is an expensive call. update every 10s
        if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
                network_type = get_network_type()
            except Exception:

        msg.thermal.freeSpace = get_available_percent(default=100.0) / 100.0
        msg.thermal.memUsedPercent = int(round(
        msg.thermal.cpuPerc = int(round(psutil.cpu_percent()))
        msg.thermal.networkType = network_type

            with open("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/capacity") as f:
                msg.thermal.batteryPercent = int(f.read())
            with open("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/status") as f:
                msg.thermal.batteryStatus = f.read().strip()
            with open("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/current_now") as f:
                msg.thermal.batteryCurrent = int(f.read())
            with open("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_now") as f:
                msg.thermal.batteryVoltage = int(f.read())
            with open("/sys/class/power_supply/usb/present") as f:
                msg.thermal.usbOnline = bool(int(f.read()))
        except FileNotFoundError:

        # Fake battery levels on uno for frame
        if is_uno:
            msg.thermal.batteryPercent = 100
            msg.thermal.batteryStatus = "Charging"

        current_filter.update(msg.thermal.batteryCurrent / 1e6)

        # TODO: add car battery voltage check
        max_cpu_temp = max(msg.thermal.cpu0, msg.thermal.cpu1,
                           msg.thermal.cpu2, msg.thermal.cpu3) / 10.0
        max_comp_temp = max(max_cpu_temp, msg.thermal.mem / 10.,
                            msg.thermal.gpu / 10.)
        bat_temp = msg.thermal.bat / 1000.

        fan_speed = handle_fan(max_cpu_temp, bat_temp, fan_speed, ignition)
        msg.thermal.fanSpeed = fan_speed

        # thermal logic with hysterisis
        if max_cpu_temp > 107. or bat_temp >= 63.:
            # onroad not allowed
            thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger
        elif max_comp_temp > 92.5 or bat_temp > 60.:  # CPU throttling starts around ~90C
            # hysteresis between onroad not allowed and engage not allowed
            thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.red,
        elif max_cpu_temp > 87.5:
            # hysteresis between engage not allowed and uploader not allowed
            thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.yellow,
        elif max_cpu_temp > 80.0:
            # uploader not allowed
            thermal_status = ThermalStatus.yellow
        elif max_cpu_temp > 75.0:
            # hysteresis between uploader not allowed and all good
            thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.green,
            # all good
            thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green

        # **** starting logic ****

        # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed
        now = datetime.datetime.now()

        # show invalid date/time alert
        time_valid = now.year >= 2019
        if time_valid and not time_valid_prev:
        if not time_valid and time_valid_prev:
        time_valid_prev = time_valid

        # Show update prompt
            last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(
                params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8'))
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            last_update = now
        dt = now - last_update

        update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount")
        update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int(

        if dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1:
            if current_connectivity_alert != "expired":
                current_connectivity_alert = "expired"
        elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_PROMPT:
            remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0))
            if current_connectivity_alert != "prompt" + remaining_time:
                current_connectivity_alert = "prompt" + remaining_time
                alert_connectivity_prompt = copy.copy(
                alert_connectivity_prompt["text"] += remaining_time + " days."
        elif current_connectivity_alert is not None:
            current_connectivity_alert = None

        # start constellation of processes when the car starts
        ignition = health is not None and (health.health.ignitionLine
                                           or health.health.ignitionCan)

        do_uninstall = params.get("DoUninstall") == b"1"
        accepted_terms = params.get("HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version
        completed_training = params.get(
            "CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version

        panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware")
        fw_version_match = (panda_signature is None) or (
            panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE
        )  # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None)

        should_start = ignition

        # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot
        should_start = should_start and msg.thermal.freeSpace > 0.02

        # confirm we have completed training and aren't uninstalling
        should_start = should_start and accepted_terms and completed_training and (
            not do_uninstall)

        # check for firmware mismatch
        should_start = should_start and fw_version_match

        # check if system time is valid
        should_start = should_start and time_valid

        # don't start while taking snapshot
        if not should_start_prev:
            is_taking_snapshot = params.get("IsTakingSnapshot") == b"1"
            should_start = should_start and (not is_taking_snapshot)

        if fw_version_match and not fw_version_match_prev:
        if not fw_version_match and fw_version_match_prev:

        # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes
        # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60
        if thermal_status >= ThermalStatus.danger:
            should_start = False
            if thermal_status_prev < ThermalStatus.danger:
            if thermal_status_prev >= ThermalStatus.danger:

        if should_start:
            if not should_start_prev:

            off_ts = None
            if started_ts is None:
                started_ts = sec_since_boot()
                started_seen = True
                    'echo performance > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor'
            if should_start_prev or (count == 0):
                params.put("IsOffroad", "1")

            started_ts = None
            if off_ts is None:
                off_ts = sec_since_boot()
                    'echo powersave > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor'

            # shutdown if the battery gets lower than 3%, it's discharging, we aren't running for
            # more than a minute but we were running
            if msg.thermal.batteryPercent < BATT_PERC_OFF and msg.thermal.batteryStatus == "Discharging" and \
               started_seen and (sec_since_boot() - off_ts) > 60:
                os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown')

        msg.thermal.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.thermal.batteryPercent < 90  # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged
        msg.thermal.started = started_ts is not None
        msg.thermal.startedTs = int(1e9 * (started_ts or 0))

        msg.thermal.thermalStatus = thermal_status

        if usb_power_prev and not usb_power:
        elif usb_power and not usb_power_prev:

        thermal_status_prev = thermal_status
        usb_power_prev = usb_power
        fw_version_match_prev = fw_version_match
        should_start_prev = should_start


        # report to server once per minute
        if (count % int(60. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
                           health=(health.to_dict() if health else None),
                           location=(location.to_dict() if location else None),

        count += 1
Exemple #10
def manager_thread():

  cloudlog.info("manager start")
  cloudlog.info({"environ": os.environ})

  # save boot log
  subprocess.call("./bootlog", cwd=os.path.join(BASEDIR, "selfdrive/loggerd"))

  # start daemon processes
  for p in daemon_processes:

  # start persistent processes
  for p in persistent_processes:

  # start offroad
  if EON:

  if os.getenv("NOBOARD") is not None:
    del managed_processes["pandad"]

  if os.getenv("BLOCK") is not None:
    for k in os.getenv("BLOCK").split(","):
      del managed_processes[k]

  started_prev = False
  logger_dead = False
  params = Params()
  device_state_sock = messaging.sub_sock('deviceState')
  pm = messaging.PubMaster(['managerState'])

  while 1:
    msg = messaging.recv_sock(device_state_sock, wait=True)

    if msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent < 5:
      logger_dead = True

    if msg.deviceState.started:
      for p in car_started_processes:
        if p == "loggerd" and logger_dead:
      logger_dead = False
      driver_view = params.get("IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1"

      # TODO: refactor how manager manages processes
      for p in reversed(car_started_processes):
        if p not in driver_view_processes or not driver_view:

      for p in driver_view_processes:
        if driver_view:

      # trigger an update after going offroad
      if started_prev:
        send_managed_process_signal("updated", signal.SIGHUP)

    started_prev = msg.deviceState.started

    # check the status of all processes, did any of them die?
    running_list = ["%s%s\u001b[0m" % ("\u001b[32m" if running[p].is_alive() else "\u001b[31m", p) for p in running]
    cloudlog.debug(' '.join(running_list))

    # send managerState
    states = []
    for p in managed_processes:
      state = log.ManagerState.ProcessState.new_message()
      state.name = p
      if p in running:
        state.running = running[p].is_alive()
        state.pid = running[p].pid
        state.exitCode = running[p].exitcode or 0
    msg = messaging.new_message('managerState')
    msg.managerState.processes = states
    pm.send('managerState', msg)

    # Exit main loop when uninstall is needed
    if params.get("DoUninstall", encoding='utf8') == "1":
Exemple #11
def main(gctx=None):

    opkr_enable_mixplorer = True
    opkr_enable_quickedit = True
    opkr_enable_softkey = True
    opkr_enable_navigation = True

    mixplorer_is_running = False
    quickedit_is_running = False
    softkey_is_running = False
    navigation_is_running = True if params.get(
        "OpkrBootNavigation", encoding='utf8') == "1" else False

    allow_auto_boot = True
    last_started = False
    frame = 0
    start_delay = None
    stop_delay = None

    thermal_sock = messaging.sub_sock('thermal')

    while opkr_enable_mixplorer or opkr_enable_quickedit or opkr_enable_softkey or opkr_enable_navigation:

        # allow user to manually start/stop app
        if opkr_enable_mixplorer:
            status = params.get('OpkrRunMixplorer', encoding='utf8')
            if not status == "0":
                mixplorer_is_running = exec_app(status, mixplorer,
                put_nonblocking('OpkrRunMixplorer', '0')

        if opkr_enable_quickedit:
            status = params.get('OpkrRunQuickedit', encoding='utf8')
            if not status == "0":
                quickedit_is_running = exec_app(status, quickedit,
                put_nonblocking('OpkrRunQuickedit', '0')

        if opkr_enable_softkey:
            status = params.get('OpkrRunSoftkey', encoding='utf8')
            if not status == "0":
                softkey_is_running = exec_app(status, softkey, softkey_main)
                put_nonblocking('OpkrRunSoftkey', '0')

        if opkr_enable_navigation:
            status = params.get('OpkrRunNavigation', encoding='utf8')
            if not status == "0":
                if not softkey_is_running:
                    softkey_is_running = exec_app(status, softkey,
                    put_nonblocking('OpkrRunSoftkey', '0')
                navigation_is_running = exec_app(status, navigation,
                put_nonblocking('OpkrRunNavigation', '0')

        msg = messaging.recv_sock(thermal_sock, wait=True)
        started = msg.thermal.started
        # car on
        if started:
            stop_delay = None
            if start_delay is None:
                start_delay = frame + 5

        # car off
            start_delay = None
            if stop_delay is None:
                stop_delay = frame + 30

        # if car state changed, we remove manual control state

        last_started = started
        frame += 3
        # every 3 seconds, we re-check status
Exemple #12

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import cereal.messaging as messaging
    health_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 * 0.5)
    health_sock = messaging.sub_sock('health', timeout=health_timeout)
    health = messaging.recv_sock(health_sock, wait=True)

Exemple #13
def thermald_thread():
  # prevent LEECO from undervoltage
  BATT_PERC_OFF = 10 if LEON else 3

  health_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 * DT_TRML)  # 2.5x the expected health frequency

  # now loop
  thermal_sock = messaging.pub_sock('thermal')
  health_sock = messaging.sub_sock('health', timeout=health_timeout)
  location_sock = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocation')

  ignition = False
  fan_speed = 0
  count = 0

  off_ts = None
  started_ts = None
  started_seen = False
  thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green
  thermal_status_prev = ThermalStatus.green
  usb_power = True
  usb_power_prev = True
  current_branch = get_git_branch()

  network_type = NetworkType.none
  network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown

  current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML)
  cpu_temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CPU_TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML)
  health_prev = None
  fw_version_match_prev = True
  current_update_alert = None
  time_valid_prev = True
  should_start_prev = False
  handle_fan = None
  is_uno = False
  has_relay = False

  params = Params()
  pm = PowerMonitoring()
  no_panda_cnt = 0

  while 1:
    health = messaging.recv_sock(health_sock, wait=True)
    location = messaging.recv_sock(location_sock)
    location = location.gpsLocation if location else None
    msg = read_thermal()

    if health is not None:
      usb_power = health.health.usbPowerMode != log.HealthData.UsbPowerMode.client

      # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad
      if health.health.hwType == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown:
        no_panda_cnt += 1
        if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML:
          if ignition:
            cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad")
          ignition = False
        no_panda_cnt = 0
        ignition = health.health.ignitionLine or health.health.ignitionCan

      # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda
      if handle_fan is None and health.health.hwType != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown:
        is_uno = health.health.hwType == log.HealthData.HwType.uno
        has_relay = health.health.hwType in [log.HealthData.HwType.blackPanda, log.HealthData.HwType.uno, log.HealthData.HwType.dos]

        if is_uno or not ANDROID:
          cloudlog.info("Setting up UNO fan handler")
          handle_fan = handle_fan_uno
          cloudlog.info("Setting up EON fan handler")
          handle_fan = handle_fan_eon

      # Handle disconnect
      if health_prev is not None:
        if health.health.hwType == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown and \
          health_prev.health.hwType != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown:
      health_prev = health

    # get_network_type is an expensive call. update every 10s
    if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
        network_type = get_network_type()
        network_strength = get_network_strength(network_type)
      except Exception:
        cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status")

    msg.thermal.freeSpace = get_available_percent(default=100.0) / 100.0
    msg.thermal.memUsedPercent = int(round(psutil.virtual_memory().percent))
    msg.thermal.cpuPerc = int(round(psutil.cpu_percent()))
    msg.thermal.networkType = network_type
    msg.thermal.networkStrength = network_strength
    msg.thermal.batteryPercent = get_battery_capacity()
    msg.thermal.batteryStatus = get_battery_status()
    msg.thermal.batteryCurrent = get_battery_current()
    msg.thermal.batteryVoltage = get_battery_voltage()
    msg.thermal.usbOnline = get_usb_present()

    # Fake battery levels on uno for frame
    if is_uno:
      msg.thermal.batteryPercent = 100
      msg.thermal.batteryStatus = "Charging"
      msg.thermal.bat = 0

    current_filter.update(msg.thermal.batteryCurrent / 1e6)

    # TODO: add car battery voltage check
    max_cpu_temp = cpu_temp_filter.update(
          msg.thermal.cpu3) / 10.0)

    max_comp_temp = max(max_cpu_temp, msg.thermal.mem / 10., msg.thermal.gpu / 10.)
    bat_temp = msg.thermal.bat / 1000.

    if handle_fan is not None:
      fan_speed = handle_fan(max_cpu_temp, bat_temp, fan_speed, ignition)
      msg.thermal.fanSpeed = fan_speed

    # If device is offroad we want to cool down before going onroad
    # since going onroad increases load and can make temps go over 107
    # We only do this if there is a relay that prevents the car from faulting
    if max_cpu_temp > 107. or bat_temp >= 63. or (has_relay and (started_ts is None) and max_cpu_temp > 70.0):
      # onroad not allowed
      thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger
    elif max_comp_temp > 96.0 or bat_temp > 60.:
      # hysteresis between onroad not allowed and engage not allowed
      thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.red, ThermalStatus.danger)
    elif max_cpu_temp > 94.0:
      # hysteresis between engage not allowed and uploader not allowed
      thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.yellow, ThermalStatus.red)
    elif max_cpu_temp > 80.0:
      # uploader not allowed
      thermal_status = ThermalStatus.yellow
    elif max_cpu_temp > 75.0:
      # hysteresis between uploader not allowed and all good
      thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.green, ThermalStatus.yellow)
      # all good
      thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green

    # **** starting logic ****

    # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    # show invalid date/time alert
    time_valid = now.year >= 2019
    if time_valid and not time_valid_prev:
      set_offroad_alert("Offroad_InvalidTime", False)
    if not time_valid and time_valid_prev:
      set_offroad_alert("Offroad_InvalidTime", True)
    time_valid_prev = time_valid

    # Show update prompt
      last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8'))
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
      last_update = now
    dt = now - last_update

    update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount")
    update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int(update_failed_count)
    last_update_exception = params.get("LastUpdateException", encoding='utf8')

    if update_failed_count > 15 and last_update_exception is not None:
      if current_branch in ["release2", "dashcam"]:
        extra_text = "Ensure the software is correctly installed"
        extra_text = last_update_exception

      if current_update_alert != "update" + extra_text:
        current_update_alert = "update" + extra_text
        set_offroad_alert("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
        set_offroad_alert("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False)
        set_offroad_alert("Offroad_UpdateFailed", True, extra_text=extra_text)
    elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1:
      if current_update_alert != "expired":
        current_update_alert = "expired"
        set_offroad_alert("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
        set_offroad_alert("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False)
        set_offroad_alert("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", True)
      remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0))
      if current_update_alert != "prompt" + remaining_time:
        current_update_alert = "prompt" + remaining_time
        set_offroad_alert("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
        set_offroad_alert("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
        set_offroad_alert("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", True, extra_text=f"{remaining_time} days.")
    elif current_update_alert is not None:
      current_update_alert = None
      set_offroad_alert("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
      set_offroad_alert("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
      set_offroad_alert("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False)

    do_uninstall = params.get("DoUninstall") == b"1"
    accepted_terms = params.get("HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version
    completed_training = params.get("CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version

    panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware")
    fw_version_match = (panda_signature is None) or (panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE)   # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None)

    should_start = ignition

    # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot
    should_start = should_start and msg.thermal.freeSpace > 0.02

    # confirm we have completed training and aren't uninstalling
    should_start = should_start and accepted_terms and completed_training and (not do_uninstall)

    # check for firmware mismatch
    should_start = should_start and fw_version_match

    # check if system time is valid
    should_start = should_start and time_valid

    # don't start while taking snapshot
    if not should_start_prev:
      is_viewing_driver = params.get("IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1"
      is_taking_snapshot = params.get("IsTakingSnapshot") == b"1"
      should_start = should_start and (not is_taking_snapshot) and (not is_viewing_driver)

    if fw_version_match and not fw_version_match_prev:
      set_offroad_alert("Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch", False)
    if not fw_version_match and fw_version_match_prev:
      set_offroad_alert("Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch", True)

    # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes
    # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60
    if thermal_status >= ThermalStatus.danger:
      should_start = False
      if thermal_status_prev < ThermalStatus.danger:
        set_offroad_alert("Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh", True)
      if thermal_status_prev >= ThermalStatus.danger:
        set_offroad_alert("Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh", False)

    if should_start:
      if not should_start_prev:

      off_ts = None
      if started_ts is None:
        started_ts = sec_since_boot()
        started_seen = True
        os.system('echo performance > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor')
      if should_start_prev or (count == 0):
        put_nonblocking("IsOffroad", "1")

      started_ts = None
      if off_ts is None:
        off_ts = sec_since_boot()
        os.system('echo powersave > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor')

      # shutdown if the battery gets lower than 3%, it's discharging, we aren't running for
      # more than a minute but we were running
      if msg.thermal.batteryPercent < BATT_PERC_OFF and msg.thermal.batteryStatus == "Discharging" and \
         started_seen and (sec_since_boot() - off_ts) > 60:
        os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown')

    # Offroad power monitoring
    msg.thermal.offroadPowerUsage = pm.get_power_used()

    msg.thermal.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.thermal.batteryPercent < 90  # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged
    msg.thermal.started = started_ts is not None
    msg.thermal.startedTs = int(1e9*(started_ts or 0))

    msg.thermal.thermalStatus = thermal_status

    if usb_power_prev and not usb_power:
      set_offroad_alert("Offroad_ChargeDisabled", True)
    elif usb_power and not usb_power_prev:
      set_offroad_alert("Offroad_ChargeDisabled", False)

    thermal_status_prev = thermal_status
    usb_power_prev = usb_power
    fw_version_match_prev = fw_version_match
    should_start_prev = should_start

    # report to server once per minute
    if (count % int(60. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
                     health=(health.to_dict() if health else None),
                     location=(location.to_dict() if location else None),

    count += 1
Exemple #14
def main(gctx=None):
  retry = 0
  folder_exists = False
  dashcam_allowed = True
  # make sure dashcam folder exists
  while not folder_exists:
      if not os.path.exists(dashcam_videos_path):
        folder_exists = True
    except OSError:
    if retry >= 5:
      folder_exists = True
      dashcam_allowed = False

    retry += 1

  idlecam_enabled = False
  health_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 * DT_TRML)  # 2.5x the expected health frequency
  health_sock = messaging.sub_sock('health', timeout=health_timeout)
  sensor_sock = messaging.sub_sock('sensorEvents')
  samples = collections.deque([])
  start_ts = None
  last_started = False

  dragon_dashcam_hours = 24. * 60 * 60
  max_storage = (max_size_per_file/dashcam_duration) * dragon_dashcam_hours
  dashcam_enabled = False
  last_ts = 0.
  last_modified = None
  sleep = 5

  thermal_sock = messaging.sub_sock('thermal')
  params.put("DragonDashcamImpactDetectStarted", "0")
  while dashcam_allowed:
    type = TYPE_DRIVING
    duration = dashcam_duration
    ts = sec_since_boot()
    if ts - last_ts >= 5.:
      modified = get_last_modified()
      if last_modified != modified:
        dashcam_enabled = True if params.get("DragonEnableDashcam", encoding='utf8') == "1" else False
        if dashcam_enabled:
          idlecam_enabled = True if params.get("DragonDashcamImpactDetect", encoding='utf8') == "1" else False
          idlecam_enabled = False
          dragon_dashcam_hours = float(params.get("DragonDashcamHours", encoding='utf8')) * 60 * 60
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
          dragon_dashcam_hours = 24. * 60 * 60
        max_storage = (max_size_per_file/dashcam_duration) * dragon_dashcam_hours

      last_modified = modified
      last_ts = ts

    health = messaging.recv_sock(health_sock, wait=False)
    started = True if health is not None and (health.health.ignitionLine or health.health.ignitionCan) else False
    record_started = False

    if last_started != started:
      params.put("DragonDashcamImpactDetectStarted", "0")

    if started:
      sleep = 5
      if dashcam_enabled:
        record_started = True
      if idlecam_enabled:
        sleep = 0.02
        sensor = messaging.recv_sock(sensor_sock, wait=False)
        if sensor is not None:
          for event in sensor.sensorEvents:
            # accelerometer
            if event.type == 1:
              acc_x = event.acceleration.v[0]
              acc_y = event.acceleration.v[1]
              acc_z = event.acceleration.v[2]
              g = math.sqrt(acc_x*acc_x+acc_y*acc_y+acc_z*acc_z)
              val = round(9.8-g,2)
              if len(samples) >= 250:
                avg_sample = round(sum(samples)/len(samples),2)
                if start_ts is None and abs(val - avg_sample) >= 0.3:
                  duration = shock_duration
                  type = TYPE_SHOCK
                  start_ts = ts
                  record_started = True
                  params.put("DragonDashcamImpactDetectStarted", "1")
        if start_ts is not None and ts - start_ts >= shock_duration-1:
          start_ts = None
          record_started = False
          params.put("DragonDashcamImpactDetectStarted", "0")

    last_started = started

    if record_started:
      now = datetime.datetime.now()
      file_name = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
      postfix = '_impact' if type == TYPE_SHOCK else ''
      os.system("screenrecord --bit-rate %s --time-limit %s %s%s%s.mp4 &" % (bit_rates, duration, dashcam_videos_path, file_name, postfix))
      start_time = time.time()
        used_spaces = get_used_spaces()
        last_used_spaces = used_spaces

        # we should clean up files here if use too much spaces
        # when used spaces greater than max available storage
        # or when free space is less than 10%
        # get health of board, log this in "thermal"
        msg = messaging.recv_sock(thermal_sock, wait=True)
        if used_spaces >= max_storage or (msg is not None and msg.thermal.freeSpace < freespace_limit):
          # get all the files in the dashcam_videos_path path
          files = [f for f in sorted(os.listdir(dashcam_videos_path)) if os.path.isfile(dashcam_videos_path + f)]
          for file in files:
            msg = messaging.recv_sock(thermal_sock, wait=True)
            # delete file one by one and once it has enough space for 1 video, we stop deleting
            if used_spaces - last_used_spaces < max_size_per_file or msg.thermal.freeSpace < freespace_limit:
              system("rm -fr %s" % (dashcam_videos_path + file))
              last_used_spaces = get_used_spaces()
      except os.error as e:
      time_diff = time.time()-start_time
      # we start the process 1 second before screenrecord ended
      # to make sure there are no missing footage
      sleep_time = duration-1-time_diff
      if sleep_time >= 0.:
Exemple #15
        x.append(np.ones(LEN) * np.nan)
        y.append(np.ones(LEN) * np.nan)
        lines.append(ax.plot(x[i], y[i])[0])

    for l in lines:

    cur_t = 0.
    ax.set_xlabel('time [s]')

    while 1:
        print(1. / (time.time() - cur_t))
        cur_t = time.time()
        for i, s in enumerate(subs):
            msg = messaging.recv_sock(s)
            #msg = messaging.recv_one_or_none(s)
            if msg is not None:
                x[i] = np.append(x[i],
                                 getattr(msg, 'logMonoTime') / float(1e9))
                x[i] = np.delete(x[i], 0)
                y[i] = np.append(y[i], recursive_getattr(msg, subs_name[i]))
                y[i] = np.delete(y[i], 0)


        ax.autoscale_view(True, scaley=True, scalex=True)

Exemple #16
def manager_thread():
    # now loop
    thermal_sock = messaging.sub_sock('thermal')

    if os.getenv("GET_CPU_USAGE"):
        proc_sock = messaging.sub_sock('procLog', conflate=True)

    cloudlog.info("manager start")
    cloudlog.info({"environ": os.environ})

    params = Params()

    EnableLogger = int(params.get('OpkrEnableLogger'))

    if not EnableLogger:
        # save boot log
        subprocess.call(["./loggerd", "--bootlog"],
                        cwd=os.path.join(BASEDIR, "selfdrive/loggerd"))

    # start daemon processes
    for p in daemon_processes:

    # start persistent processes
    for p in persistent_processes:

    # start offroad
    if ANDROID:

    if os.getenv("NOBOARD") is None:

    if os.getenv("BLOCK") is not None:
        for k in os.getenv("BLOCK").split(","):
            del managed_processes[k]

    started_prev = False
    logger_dead = False

    start_t = time.time()
    first_proc = None

    while 1:
        msg = messaging.recv_sock(thermal_sock, wait=True)

        # heavyweight batch processes are gated on favorable thermal conditions
        if msg.thermal.thermalStatus >= ThermalStatus.yellow:
            for p in green_temp_processes:
                if p in persistent_processes:
            for p in green_temp_processes:
                if p in persistent_processes:

        if msg.thermal.freeSpace < 0.05:
            logger_dead = True

        if msg.thermal.started:
            for p in car_started_processes:
                if (p == "loggerd" and logger_dead) or p == "uploader":
            logger_dead = False
            driver_view = params.get("IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1"

            # TODO: refactor how manager manages processes
            for p in reversed(car_started_processes):
                if p not in driver_view_processes or not driver_view:

            for p in driver_view_processes:
                if driver_view:

            # trigger an update after going offroad
            if started_prev:
                send_managed_process_signal("updated", signal.SIGHUP)

        started_prev = msg.thermal.started

        # check the status of all processes, did any of them die?
        running_list = [
            "%s%s\u001b[0m" %
            ("\u001b[32m" if running[p].is_alive() else "\u001b[31m", p)
            for p in running
        cloudlog.debug(' '.join(running_list))

        # Exit main loop when uninstall is needed
        if params.get("DoUninstall", encoding='utf8') == "1":

        if os.getenv("GET_CPU_USAGE"):
            dt = time.time() - start_t

            # Get first sample
            if dt > 30 and first_proc is None:
                first_proc = messaging.recv_sock(proc_sock)

            # Get last sample and exit
            if dt > 90:
                last_proc = messaging.recv_sock(proc_sock, wait=True)

                cleanup_all_processes(None, None)
                sys.exit(print_cpu_usage(first_proc, last_proc))
Exemple #17
def thermald_thread():

  pm = messaging.PubMaster(['deviceState'])

  pandaState_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 * DT_TRML)  # 2.5x the expected pandaState frequency
  pandaState_sock = messaging.sub_sock('pandaStates', timeout=pandaState_timeout)
  sm = messaging.SubMaster(["peripheralState", "gpsLocationExternal", "managerState"])

  fan_speed = 0
  count = 0

  startup_conditions = {
    "ignition": False,
  startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy()

  off_ts = None
  started_ts = None
  started_seen = False
  thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green
  usb_power = True

  network_type = NetworkType.none
  network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown
  network_info = None
  modem_version = None
  registered_count = 0
  nvme_temps = None
  modem_temps = None

  current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML)
  temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML)
  pandaState_prev = None
  should_start_prev = False
  in_car = False
  handle_fan = None
  is_uno = False
  ui_running_prev = False

  power_monitor = PowerMonitoring()
  no_panda_cnt = 0

  thermal_config = HARDWARE.get_thermal_config()

  # TODO: use PI controller for UNO
  controller = PIController(k_p=0, k_i=2e-3, neg_limit=-80, pos_limit=0, rate=(1 / DT_TRML))

  # Leave flag for loggerd to indicate device was left onroad
  if params.get_bool("IsOnroad"):
    params.put_bool("BootedOnroad", True)

  # dp
  peripheralStateLast = None
  dp_no_batt = params.get_bool("dp_no_batt")
  dp_temp_monitor = True
  dp_last_modified_temp_monitor = None

  dp_auto_shutdown = False
  dp_last_modified_auto_shutdown = None

  dp_auto_shutdown_in = 90
  dp_last_modified_auto_shutdown_in = None

  dp_fan_mode = 0
  dp_fan_mode_last = None

  modified = None
  last_modified = None
  last_modified_check = None

  dp_no_offroad_fix = params.get_bool('dp_no_offroad_fix')
  if JETSON:
    handle_fan = handle_fan_jetson

  while True:
    # dp - load temp monitor conf
    last_modified_check, modified = get_last_modified(LAST_MODIFIED_THERMALD, last_modified_check, modified)
    if last_modified != modified:
      dp_temp_monitor, dp_last_modified_temp_monitor = param_get_if_updated("dp_temp_monitor", "bool", dp_temp_monitor, dp_last_modified_temp_monitor)
      dp_auto_shutdown, dp_last_modified_auto_shutdown = param_get_if_updated("dp_auto_shutdown", "bool", dp_auto_shutdown, dp_last_modified_auto_shutdown)
      dp_auto_shutdown_in, dp_last_modified_auto_shutdown_in = param_get_if_updated("dp_auto_shutdown_in", "int", dp_auto_shutdown_in, dp_last_modified_auto_shutdown_in)
      dp_fan_mode, dp_fan_mode_last = param_get_if_updated("dp_fan_mode", "int", dp_fan_mode, dp_fan_mode_last)
      last_modified = modified

    pandaStates = messaging.recv_sock(pandaState_sock, wait=True)

    peripheralState = sm['peripheralState']

    msg = read_thermal(thermal_config)

    if pandaStates is not None and len(pandaStates.pandaStates) > 0:
      pandaState = pandaStates.pandaStates[0]

      # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad
      if pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
        no_panda_cnt += 1
        if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML:
          if startup_conditions["ignition"]:
            cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad")
          startup_conditions["ignition"] = False
        no_panda_cnt = 0
        startup_conditions["ignition"] = pandaState.ignitionLine or pandaState.ignitionCan

      in_car = pandaState.harnessStatus != log.PandaState.HarnessStatus.notConnected
      usb_power = peripheralState.usbPowerMode != log.PeripheralState.UsbPowerMode.client

      # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda
      if not JETSON and handle_fan is None and peripheralState.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
        is_uno = peripheralState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.uno

        if TICI:
          cloudlog.info("Setting up TICI fan handler")
          handle_fan = handle_fan_tici
        elif is_uno or PC:
          cloudlog.info("Setting up UNO fan handler")
          handle_fan = handle_fan_uno
          cloudlog.info("Setting up EON fan handler")
          handle_fan = handle_fan_eon

      # Handle disconnect
      if pandaState_prev is not None:
        if pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown and \
          pandaState_prev.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
      pandaState_prev = pandaState

    # these are expensive calls. update every 10s
    if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
        network_type = HARDWARE.get_network_type()
        network_strength = HARDWARE.get_network_strength(network_type)
        network_info = HARDWARE.get_network_info()  # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none
        nvme_temps = HARDWARE.get_nvme_temperatures()
        modem_temps = HARDWARE.get_modem_temperatures()

        # Log modem version once
        if modem_version is None:
          modem_version = HARDWARE.get_modem_version()  # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none
          if modem_version is not None:
            cloudlog.warning(f"Modem version: {modem_version}")

        if TICI and (network_info.get('state', None) == "REGISTERED"):
          registered_count += 1
          registered_count = 0

        if registered_count > 10:
          cloudlog.warning(f"Modem stuck in registered state {network_info}. nmcli conn up lte")
          os.system("nmcli conn up lte")
          registered_count = 0

      except Exception:
        cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status")

    msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent = get_available_percent(default=100.0)
    msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent = int(round(psutil.virtual_memory().percent))
    msg.deviceState.cpuUsagePercent = [int(round(n)) for n in psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True)]
    msg.deviceState.gpuUsagePercent = int(round(HARDWARE.get_gpu_usage_percent()))
    msg.deviceState.networkType = network_type
    msg.deviceState.networkStrength = network_strength
    if network_info is not None:
      msg.deviceState.networkInfo = network_info
    if nvme_temps is not None:
      msg.deviceState.nvmeTempC = nvme_temps
    if modem_temps is not None:
      msg.deviceState.modemTempC = modem_temps

    msg.deviceState.screenBrightnessPercent = HARDWARE.get_screen_brightness()
    msg.deviceState.batteryPercent = HARDWARE.get_battery_capacity()
    msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent = HARDWARE.get_battery_current()
    msg.deviceState.usbOnline = HARDWARE.get_usb_present()

    # Fake battery levels on uno for frame
    if dp_no_batt:
      msg.deviceState.batteryPercent = 100

    current_filter.update(msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent / 1e6)

    max_comp_temp = temp_filter.update(
      max(max(msg.deviceState.cpuTempC), msg.deviceState.memoryTempC, max(msg.deviceState.gpuTempC))

    if handle_fan is not None:
      fan_speed = handle_fan(dp_fan_mode, controller, max_comp_temp, fan_speed, startup_conditions["ignition"])
      msg.deviceState.fanSpeedPercentDesired = fan_speed

    is_offroad_for_5_min = (started_ts is None) and ((not started_seen) or (off_ts is None) or (sec_since_boot() - off_ts > 60 * 5))
    if is_offroad_for_5_min and max_comp_temp > OFFROAD_DANGER_TEMP:
      # If device is offroad we want to cool down before going onroad
      # since going onroad increases load and can make temps go over 107
      thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger
      current_band = THERMAL_BANDS[thermal_status]
      band_idx = list(THERMAL_BANDS.keys()).index(thermal_status)
      if current_band.min_temp is not None and max_comp_temp < current_band.min_temp:
        thermal_status = list(THERMAL_BANDS.keys())[band_idx - 1]
      elif current_band.max_temp is not None and max_comp_temp > current_band.max_temp:
        thermal_status = list(THERMAL_BANDS.keys())[band_idx + 1]

    if not dp_temp_monitor and thermal_status in [ThermalStatus.red, ThermalStatus.danger]:
      thermal_status = ThermalStatus.yellow
    # **** starting logic ****

    # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed
    # now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    # # show invalid date/time alert
    # startup_conditions["time_valid"] = (now.year > 2020) or (now.year == 2020 and now.month >= 10)
    # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_InvalidTime", (not startup_conditions["time_valid"]))
    # # Show update prompt
    # try:
    #   last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8'))
    # except (TypeError, ValueError):
    #   last_update = now
    # dt = now - last_update
    # update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount")
    # update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int(update_failed_count)
    # last_update_exception = params.get("LastUpdateException", encoding='utf8')
    # if update_failed_count > 15 and last_update_exception is not None:
    #   if tested_branch:
    #     extra_text = "Ensure the software is correctly installed"
    #   else:
    #     extra_text = last_update_exception
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False)
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", True, extra_text=extra_text)
    # elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1:
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False)
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", True)
    # elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_PROMPT:
    #   remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0))
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", True, extra_text=f"{remaining_time} days.")
    # else:
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False)

    startup_conditions["up_to_date"] = params.get("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded") is None or params.get_bool("DisableUpdates")
    startup_conditions["not_uninstalling"] = not params.get_bool("DoUninstall")
    startup_conditions["accepted_terms"] = params.get("HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version

    panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware")
    startup_conditions["fw_version_match"] = (panda_signature is None) or (panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE)   # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None)
    set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch", (not startup_conditions["fw_version_match"]))

    # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot
    startup_conditions["free_space"] = msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent > 2
    startup_conditions["completed_training"] = params.get("CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version or \
    startup_conditions["not_driver_view"] = not params.get_bool("IsDriverViewEnabled")
    startup_conditions["not_taking_snapshot"] = not params.get_bool("IsTakingSnapshot")
    # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes
    # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60
    startup_conditions["device_temp_good"] = thermal_status < ThermalStatus.danger
    set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh", (not startup_conditions["device_temp_good"]))

    if TICI:
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_NvmeMissing", (not Path("/data/media").is_mount()))

    # Handle offroad/onroad transition
    should_start = all(startup_conditions.values())
    # dp - check usb_present to fix not going offroad on "EON/LEON + battery - Comma Power"
    if dp_no_offroad_fix:
      should_start = should_start and HARDWARE.get_usb_present()
    if should_start != should_start_prev or (count == 0):
      params.put_bool("IsOnroad", should_start)
      params.put_bool("IsOffroad", not should_start)
      HARDWARE.set_power_save(not should_start)

    if should_start:
      off_ts = None
      if started_ts is None:
        started_ts = sec_since_boot()
        started_seen = True
      if startup_conditions["ignition"] and (startup_conditions != startup_conditions_prev):
        cloudlog.event("Startup blocked", startup_conditions=startup_conditions)

      started_ts = None
      if off_ts is None:
        off_ts = sec_since_boot()

    # Offroad power monitoring
    if not dp_no_batt:
      power_monitor.calculate(peripheralState, startup_conditions["ignition"])
      msg.deviceState.offroadPowerUsageUwh = power_monitor.get_power_used()
      msg.deviceState.carBatteryCapacityUwh = max(0, power_monitor.get_car_battery_capacity())

    # Check if we need to disable charging (handled by boardd)
    msg.deviceState.chargingDisabled = power_monitor.should_disable_charging(startup_conditions["ignition"], in_car, off_ts, dp_auto_shutdown, dp_auto_shutdown_in)

    # dp - for battery powered device
    # when peripheralState is not changing (panda offline), and usb is not present (not charging)
    if dp_no_offroad_fix and (peripheralStateLast == peripheralState) and not msg.deviceState.usbOnline:
      if (sec_since_boot() - off_ts) > dp_auto_shutdown_in * 60:
    peripheralStateLast = peripheralState

    # Check if we need to shut down
    if power_monitor.should_shutdown(peripheralState, startup_conditions["ignition"], in_car, off_ts, started_seen, LEON, dp_auto_shutdown, dp_auto_shutdown_in):
      cloudlog.info(f"shutting device down, offroad since {off_ts}")
      # TODO: add function for blocking cloudlog instead of sleep

    # If UI has crashed, set the brightness to reasonable non-zero value
    ui_running = "ui" in (p.name for p in sm["managerState"].processes if p.running)
    if ui_running_prev and not ui_running:
    ui_running_prev = ui_running

    msg.deviceState.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.deviceState.batteryPercent < 90  # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged
    msg.deviceState.started = started_ts is not None
    msg.deviceState.startedMonoTime = int(1e9*(started_ts or 0))

    last_ping = params.get("LastAthenaPingTime")
    if last_ping is not None:
      msg.deviceState.lastAthenaPingTime = int(last_ping)

    msg.deviceState.thermalStatus = thermal_status
    pm.send("deviceState", msg)

    if EON and not is_uno:
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ChargeDisabled", (not usb_power))

    should_start_prev = should_start
    startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy()

    # report to server once every 10 minutes
    # if (count % int(600. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
    #   if EON and started_ts is None and msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent > 40:
    #     cloudlog.event("High offroad memory usage", mem=msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent)
    #   cloudlog.event("STATUS_PACKET",
    #                  count=count,
    #                  pandaStates=(strip_deprecated_keys(pandaStates.to_dict()) if pandaStates else None),
    #                  peripheralState=strip_deprecated_keys(peripheralState.to_dict()),
    #                  location=(strip_deprecated_keys(sm["gpsLocationExternal"].to_dict()) if sm.alive["gpsLocationExternal"] else None),
    #                  deviceState=strip_deprecated_keys(msg.to_dict()))

    count += 1
Exemple #18
def thermald_thread():

    pm = messaging.PubMaster(['deviceState'])

    pandaState_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 *
                             DT_TRML)  # 2.5x the expected pandaState frequency
    pandaState_sock = messaging.sub_sock('pandaState',
    location_sock = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocationExternal')
    managerState_sock = messaging.sub_sock('managerState', conflate=True)

    fan_speed = 0
    count = 0

    startup_conditions = {
        "ignition": False,
    startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy()

    off_ts = None
    started_ts = None
    started_seen = False
    thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green
    usb_power = True

    network_type = NetworkType.none
    network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown
    network_info = None
    modem_version = None
    registered_count = 0

    current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML)
    temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML)
    pandaState_prev = None
    should_start_prev = False
    handle_fan = None
    is_uno = False
    ui_running_prev = False

    params = Params()
    power_monitor = PowerMonitoring()
    no_panda_cnt = 0

    thermal_config = HARDWARE.get_thermal_config()

    # TODO: use PI controller for UNO
    controller = PIController(k_p=0,
                              rate=(1 / DT_TRML))

    if params.get_bool("IsOnroad"):
        cloudlog.event("onroad flag not cleared")

    # CPR3 logging
    if EON:
        base_path = "/sys/kernel/debug/cpr3-regulator/"
        cpr_files = [p for p in Path(base_path).glob("**/*") if p.is_file()]
        cpr_files = ["/sys/kernel/debug/regulator/pm8994_s11/voltage"
                     ] + cpr_files
        cpr_data = {}
        for cf in cpr_files:
            with open(cf, "r") as f:
                    cpr_data[str(cf)] = f.read().strip()
                except Exception:
        cloudlog.event("CPR", data=cpr_data)

    while 1:
        pandaState = messaging.recv_sock(pandaState_sock, wait=True)
        msg = read_thermal(thermal_config)

        if pandaState is not None:
            usb_power = pandaState.pandaState.usbPowerMode != log.PandaState.UsbPowerMode.client

            # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad
            if pandaState.pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
                no_panda_cnt += 1
                if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML:
                    if startup_conditions["ignition"]:
                        cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad")
                    startup_conditions["ignition"] = False
                no_panda_cnt = 0
                    "ignition"] = pandaState.pandaState.ignitionLine or pandaState.pandaState.ignitionCan

                "hardware_supported"] = pandaState.pandaState.pandaType not in [
                not startup_conditions["hardware_supported"])

            # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda
            if handle_fan is None and pandaState.pandaState.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
                is_uno = pandaState.pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.uno

                if TICI:
                    cloudlog.info("Setting up TICI fan handler")
                    handle_fan = handle_fan_tici
                elif is_uno or PC:
                    cloudlog.info("Setting up UNO fan handler")
                    handle_fan = handle_fan_uno
                    cloudlog.info("Setting up EON fan handler")
                    handle_fan = handle_fan_eon

            # Handle disconnect
            if pandaState_prev is not None:
                if pandaState.pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown and \
                  pandaState_prev.pandaState.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
            pandaState_prev = pandaState

        # get_network_type is an expensive call. update every 10s
        if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
                network_type = HARDWARE.get_network_type()
                network_strength = HARDWARE.get_network_strength(network_type)
                network_info = HARDWARE.get_network_info()  # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none

                # Log modem version once
                if modem_version is None:
                    modem_version = HARDWARE.get_modem_version()  # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none
                    if modem_version is not None:
                        cloudlog.warning(f"Modem version: {modem_version}")

                if TICI and (network_info.get('state', None) == "REGISTERED"):
                    registered_count += 1
                    registered_count = 0

                if registered_count > 10:
                        f"Modem stuck in registered state {network_info}. nmcli conn up lte"
                    os.system("nmcli conn up lte")
                    registered_count = 0

            except Exception:
                cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status")

        msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent = get_available_percent(default=100.0)
        msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent = int(
        msg.deviceState.cpuUsagePercent = [
            int(round(n)) for n in psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True)
        msg.deviceState.gpuUsagePercent = int(
        msg.deviceState.networkType = network_type
        msg.deviceState.networkStrength = network_strength
        if network_info is not None:
            msg.deviceState.networkInfo = network_info

        msg.deviceState.batteryPercent = HARDWARE.get_battery_capacity()
        msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent = HARDWARE.get_battery_current()
        msg.deviceState.usbOnline = HARDWARE.get_usb_present()
        current_filter.update(msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent / 1e6)

        max_comp_temp = temp_filter.update(
            max(max(msg.deviceState.cpuTempC), msg.deviceState.memoryTempC,

        if handle_fan is not None:
            fan_speed = handle_fan(controller, max_comp_temp, fan_speed,
            msg.deviceState.fanSpeedPercentDesired = fan_speed

        is_offroad_for_5_min = (started_ts is None) and (
            (not started_seen) or (off_ts is None) or
            (sec_since_boot() - off_ts > 60 * 5))
        if is_offroad_for_5_min and max_comp_temp > OFFROAD_DANGER_TEMP:
            # If device is offroad we want to cool down before going onroad
            # since going onroad increases load and can make temps go over 107
            thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger
            current_band = THERMAL_BANDS[thermal_status]
            band_idx = list(THERMAL_BANDS.keys()).index(thermal_status)
            if current_band.min_temp is not None and max_comp_temp < current_band.min_temp:
                thermal_status = list(THERMAL_BANDS.keys())[band_idx - 1]
            elif current_band.max_temp is not None and max_comp_temp > current_band.max_temp:
                thermal_status = list(THERMAL_BANDS.keys())[band_idx + 1]

        # **** starting logic ****

        # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed
        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        # show invalid date/time alert
        startup_conditions["time_valid"] = (now.year > 2020) or (
            now.year == 2020 and now.month >= 10)
                                     (not startup_conditions["time_valid"]))

        # Show update prompt
            last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(
                params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8'))
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            last_update = now
        dt = now - last_update

        update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount")
        update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int(
        last_update_exception = params.get("LastUpdateException",

        if update_failed_count > 15 and last_update_exception is not None:
            if tested_branch:
                extra_text = "Ensure the software is correctly installed"
                extra_text = last_update_exception

            set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
        elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1:
            set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
            set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", True)
        elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_PROMPT:
            remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0))
            set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
            set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
                                         extra_text=f"{remaining_time} days.")
            set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
            set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)

        startup_conditions["up_to_date"] = params.get(
            "Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded") is None or params.get_bool(
        startup_conditions["not_uninstalling"] = not params.get_bool(
        startup_conditions["accepted_terms"] = params.get(
            "HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version

        panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware")
        startup_conditions["fw_version_match"] = (panda_signature is None) or (
            panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE
        )  # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None)
            (not startup_conditions["fw_version_match"]))

        # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot
        startup_conditions["free_space"] = msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent > 2
        startup_conditions["completed_training"] = params.get("CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version or \
        startup_conditions["not_driver_view"] = not params.get_bool(
        startup_conditions["not_taking_snapshot"] = not params.get_bool(
        # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes
        # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60
            "device_temp_good"] = thermal_status < ThermalStatus.danger
            (not startup_conditions["device_temp_good"]))

        if TICI:
                                         (not Path("/data/media").is_mount()))

        # Handle offroad/onroad transition
        should_start = all(startup_conditions.values())
        if should_start != should_start_prev or (count == 0):
            params.put_bool("IsOnroad", should_start)
            params.put_bool("IsOffroad", not should_start)
            HARDWARE.set_power_save(not should_start)

        if should_start:
            off_ts = None
            if started_ts is None:
                started_ts = sec_since_boot()
                started_seen = True
            if startup_conditions["ignition"] and (startup_conditions !=
                cloudlog.event("Startup blocked",

            started_ts = None
            if off_ts is None:
                off_ts = sec_since_boot()

        # Offroad power monitoring
        msg.deviceState.offroadPowerUsageUwh = power_monitor.get_power_used()
        msg.deviceState.carBatteryCapacityUwh = max(
            0, power_monitor.get_car_battery_capacity())

        # Check if we need to disable charging (handled by boardd)
        msg.deviceState.chargingDisabled = power_monitor.should_disable_charging(
            pandaState, off_ts)

        # Check if we need to shut down
        if power_monitor.should_shutdown(pandaState, off_ts, started_seen):
            cloudlog.info(f"shutting device down, offroad since {off_ts}")
            # TODO: add function for blocking cloudlog instead of sleep

        # If UI has crashed, set the brightness to reasonable non-zero value
        manager_state = messaging.recv_one_or_none(managerState_sock)
        if manager_state is not None:
            ui_running = "ui" in (p.name
                                  for p in manager_state.managerState.processes
                                  if p.running)
            if ui_running_prev and not ui_running:
            ui_running_prev = ui_running

        msg.deviceState.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.deviceState.batteryPercent < 90  # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged
        msg.deviceState.started = started_ts is not None
        msg.deviceState.startedMonoTime = int(1e9 * (started_ts or 0))

        last_ping = params.get("LastAthenaPingTime")
        if last_ping is not None:
            msg.deviceState.lastAthenaPingTime = int(last_ping)

        msg.deviceState.thermalStatus = thermal_status
        pm.send("deviceState", msg)

        if EON and not is_uno:
                                         (not usb_power))

        should_start_prev = should_start
        startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy()

        # report to server once every 10 minutes
        if (count % int(600. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
            if EON and started_ts is None and msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent > 40:
                cloudlog.event("High offroad memory usage",

            location = messaging.recv_sock(location_sock)
                               pandaState.to_dict()) if pandaState else None),
                                     if location else None),

        count += 1
Exemple #19
    def update(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, \
               pcm_speed, pcm_override, pcm_cancel_cmd, pcm_accel, \
               hud_v_cruise, hud_show_lanes, hud_show_car, hud_alert, \
               snd_beep, snd_chime,leftLaneVisible,rightLaneVisible):

        if (not enabled) and (self.ALCA.laneChange_cancelled):
            self.ALCA.laneChange_cancelled = False
            self.ALCA.laneChange_cancelled_counter = 0
            self.warningNeeded = 1
        if self.warningCounter > 0:
            self.warningCounter = self.warningCounter - 1
            if self.warningCounter == 0:
                self.warningNeeded = 1
        if self.warningCounter == 0 or not enabled:
            # when zero reset all warnings
            self.DAS_222_accCameraBlind = 0  #we will see what we can use this for
            self.DAS_219_lcTempUnavailableSpeed = 0
            self.DAS_220_lcTempUnavailableRoad = 0
            self.DAS_221_lcAborting = 0
            self.DAS_211_accNoSeatBelt = 0
            self.DAS_207_lkasUnavailable = 0  #use for manual not in drive?
            self.DAS_208_rackDetected = 0  #use for low battery?
            self.DAS_202_noisyEnvironment = 0  #use for planner error?
            self.DAS_025_steeringOverride = 0  #use for manual steer?
            self.DAS_206_apUnavailable = 0  #Ap disabled from CID

        if CS.keepEonOff:
            if CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("dsp") != 9:
                CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("dsp", 9)
            if CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("dsp") != 1:
                CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("dsp", 1)
        # """ Controls thread """

        if not CS.useTeslaMapData:
            if self.speedlimit is None:
                self.speedlimit = messaging.sub_sock('liveMapData',

        # *** no output if not enabled ***
        if not enabled and CS.pcm_acc_status:
            # send pcm acc cancel cmd if drive is disabled but pcm is still on, or if the system can't be activated
            pcm_cancel_cmd = True

        # vehicle hud display, wait for one update from 10Hz 0x304 msg
        if hud_show_lanes:
            hud_lanes = 1
            hud_lanes = 0

        # TODO: factor this out better
        if enabled:
            if hud_show_car:
                hud_car = 2
                hud_car = 1
            hud_car = 0

        # For lateral control-only, send chimes as a beep since we don't send 0x1fa
        #if CS.CP.radarOffCan:

        #print chime, alert_id, hud_alert
        fcw_display, steer_required, acc_alert = process_hud_alert(hud_alert)

        hud = HUDData(int(pcm_accel),
                      int(round(hud_v_cruise)), 1, hud_car, 0xc1, hud_lanes,
                      int(snd_beep), snd_chime, fcw_display, acc_alert,

        if not all(isinstance(x, int) and 0 <= x < 256 for x in hud):
            print("INVALID HUD", hud)
            hud = HUDData(0xc6, 255, 64, 0xc0, 209, 0x40, 0, 0, 0, 0)

        # **** process the car messages ****

        # *** compute control surfaces ***

        # Prevent steering while stopped
        vehicle_moving = (CS.v_ego >= MIN_STEERING_VEHICLE_VELOCITY)

        #upodate custom UI buttons and alerts

        if (frame % 100 == 0):
            #read speed limit params
            if CS.hasTeslaIcIntegration:
                self.set_speed_limit_active = True
                self.speed_limit_offset = CS.userSpeedLimitOffsetKph
                self.set_speed_limit_active = (
                    is not None) and (self.params.get("LimitSetSpeed") == "1")
                if self.set_speed_limit_active:
                    self.speed_limit_offset = float(
                    if not self.isMetric:
                        self.speed_limit_offset = self.speed_limit_offset * CV.MPH_TO_MS
                    self.speed_limit_offset = 0.
        if CS.useTeslaGPS and (frame % 10 == 0):
            if self.gpsLocationExternal is None:
                self.gpsLocationExternal = messaging.pub_sock(
            sol = gen_solution(CS)
            sol.logMonoTime = int(realtime.sec_since_boot() * 1e9)

        #get pitch/roll/yaw every 0.1 sec
        if (frame % 10 == 0):
            (self.accPitch, self.accRoll,
             self.accYaw), (self.magPitch, self.magRoll,
                            self.magYaw), (self.gyroPitch, self.gyroRoll,
                                           self.gyroYaw) = self.GYRO.update(
                                               CS.v_ego, CS.a_ego,
            CS.UE.uiGyroInfoEvent(self.accPitch, self.accRoll, self.accYaw,
                                  self.magPitch, self.magRoll, self.magYaw,
                                  self.gyroPitch, self.gyroRoll, self.gyroYaw)

        # Update statuses for custom buttons every 0.1 sec.
        if (frame % 10 == 0):
                (CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("alca") > 0)
                and ((CS.enableALCA and not CS.hasTeslaIcIntegration) or
                     (CS.hasTeslaIcIntegration and CS.alcaEnabled)))

        self.blinker.update_state(CS, frame)

        # update PCC module info
        pedal_can_sends = self.PCC.update_stat(CS, frame)
        if self.PCC.pcc_available:
            self.ACC.enable_adaptive_cruise = False
            # Update ACC module info.
            self.ACC.update_stat(CS, True)
            self.PCC.enable_pedal_cruise = False

        # update CS.v_cruise_pcm based on module selected.
        speed_uom_kph = 1.
        if CS.imperial_speed_units:
            speed_uom_kph = CV.KPH_TO_MPH
        if self.ACC.enable_adaptive_cruise:
            CS.v_cruise_pcm = self.ACC.acc_speed_kph * speed_uom_kph
        elif self.PCC.enable_pedal_cruise:
            CS.v_cruise_pcm = self.PCC.pedal_speed_kph * speed_uom_kph
            CS.v_cruise_pcm = max(0., CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH) * speed_uom_kph
        self.alca_enabled = self.ALCA.update(enabled, CS, actuators,
                                             self.alcaStateData, frame,
        self.should_ldw = self._should_ldw(CS, frame)
        apply_angle = -actuators.steerAngle  # Tesla is reversed vs OP.
        # Update HSO module info.
        human_control = self.HSO.update_stat(self, CS, enabled, actuators,
        human_lane_changing = CS.turn_signal_stalk_state > 0 and not self.alca_enabled
        enable_steer_control = (enabled and not human_lane_changing
                                and not human_control and vehicle_moving)

        angle_lim = interp(CS.v_ego, ANGLE_MAX_BP, ANGLE_MAX_V)
        apply_angle = clip(apply_angle, -angle_lim, angle_lim)
        # Windup slower.
        if self.last_angle * apply_angle > 0. and abs(apply_angle) > abs(
            angle_rate_lim = interp(CS.v_ego, ANGLE_DELTA_BP, ANGLE_DELTA_V)
            angle_rate_lim = interp(CS.v_ego, ANGLE_DELTA_BP, ANGLE_DELTA_VU)

        #BB disable limits to test 0.5.8
        # apply_angle = clip(apply_angle , self.last_angle - angle_rate_lim, self.last_angle + angle_rate_lim)
        # If human control, send the steering angle as read at steering wheel.
        if human_control:
            apply_angle = CS.angle_steers

        # Send CAN commands.
        can_sends = []

        #if using radar, we need to send the VIN
        if CS.useTeslaRadar and (frame % 100 == 0):
            useRadar = 0
            if CS.useTeslaRadar:
                useRadar = 1
                teslacan.create_radar_VIN_msg(self.radarVin_idx, CS.radarVIN,
                                              1, 0x108, useRadar,
            self.radarVin_idx += 1
            self.radarVin_idx = self.radarVin_idx % 3

        #First we emulate DAS.
        # DAS_longC_enabled (1),DAS_speed_override (1),DAS_apUnavailable (1), DAS_collision_warning (1),  DAS_op_status (4)
        # DAS_speed_kph(8),
        # DAS_turn_signal_request (2),DAS_forward_collision_warning (2), DAS_hands_on_state (3),
        # DAS_cc_state (2), DAS_usingPedal(1),DAS_alca_state (5),
        # DAS_acc_speed_limit (8),
        # DAS_speed_limit_units(8)
        #send fake_das data as 0x553
        # TODO: forward collision warning

        if frame % 10 == 0:
            speedlimitMsg = None
            if self.speedlimit is not None:
                speedlimitMsg = messaging.recv_one_or_none(self.speedlimit)
            icLeadsMsg = self.icLeads.receive(non_blocking=True)
            radarStateMsg = messaging.recv_one_or_none(self.radarState)
            alcaStateMsg = self.alcaState.receive(non_blocking=True)
            pathPlanMsg = messaging.recv_one_or_none(self.pathPlan)
            icCarLRMsg = self.icCarLR.receive(non_blocking=True)
            trafficeventsMsgs = None
            if self.trafficevents is not None:
                trafficeventsMsgs = messaging.recv_sock(self.trafficevents)
            if CS.hasTeslaIcIntegration:
                self.speed_limit_ms = CS.speed_limit_ms
            if (speedlimitMsg is not None) and not CS.useTeslaMapData:
                lmd = speedlimitMsg.liveMapData
                self.speed_limit_ms = lmd.speedLimit if lmd.speedLimitValid else 0
            if icLeadsMsg is not None:
                self.icLeadsData = tesla.ICLeads.from_bytes(icLeadsMsg)
            if radarStateMsg is not None:
                #to show lead car on IC
                if self.icLeadsData is not None:
                    can_messages = self.showLeadCarOnICCanMessage(
            if alcaStateMsg is not None:
                self.alcaStateData = tesla.ALCAState.from_bytes(alcaStateMsg)
            if pathPlanMsg is not None:
                #to show curvature and lanes on IC
                if self.alcaStateData is not None:
            if icCarLRMsg is not None:
                can_messages = self.showLeftAndRightCarsOnICCanMessages(
            if trafficeventsMsgs is not None:
                can_messages = self.handleTrafficEvents(

        op_status = 0x02
        hands_on_state = 0x00
        forward_collision_warning = 0  #1 if needed
        if hud_alert == AH.FCW:
            forward_collision_warning = hud_alert[1]
            if forward_collision_warning > 1:
                forward_collision_warning = 1
        #cruise state: 0 unavailable, 1 available, 2 enabled, 3 hold
        cc_state = 1
        alca_state = 0x00

        speed_override = 0
        collision_warning = 0x00
        speed_control_enabled = 0
        accel_min = -15
        accel_max = 5
        acc_speed_kph = 0
        send_fake_warning = False
        send_fake_msg = False
        if enabled:
            #self.opState  0-disabled, 1-enabled, 2-disabling, 3-unavailable, 5-warning
            alca_state = 0x01
            if self.opState == 0:
                op_status = 0x02
            if self.opState == 1:
                op_status = 0x03
            if self.opState == 2:
                op_status = 0x08
            if self.opState == 3:
                op_status = 0x01
            if self.opState == 5:
                op_status = 0x03
            if self.blinker.override_direction > 0:
                alca_state = 0x08 + self.blinker.override_direction
            elif (self.lLine > 1) and (self.rLine > 1):
                alca_state = 0x08
            elif (self.lLine > 1):
                alca_state = 0x06
            elif (self.rLine > 1):
                alca_state = 0x07
                alca_state = 0x01
            #canceled by user
            if self.ALCA.laneChange_cancelled and (
                    self.ALCA.laneChange_cancelled_counter > 0):
                alca_state = 0x14
            #min speed for ALCA
            if (CS.CL_MIN_V > CS.v_ego):
                alca_state = 0x05
            #max angle for ALCA
            if (abs(actuators.steerAngle) >= CS.CL_MAX_A):
                alca_state = 0x15
            if not enable_steer_control:
                #op_status = 0x08
                hands_on_state = 0x02
            if hud_alert == AH.STEER:
                if snd_chime == CM.MUTE:
                    hands_on_state = 0x03
                    hands_on_state = 0x05
            if self.PCC.pcc_available:
                acc_speed_kph = self.PCC.pedal_speed_kph
            if hud_alert == AH.FCW:
                collision_warning = hud_alert[1]
                if collision_warning > 1:
                    collision_warning = 1
                #use disabling for alerts/errors to make them aware someting is goin going on
            if (snd_chime == CM.DOUBLE) or (hud_alert == AH.FCW):
                op_status = 0x08
            if self.ACC.enable_adaptive_cruise:
                acc_speed_kph = self.ACC.new_speed  #pcm_speed * CV.MS_TO_KPH
            if (self.PCC.pcc_available and self.PCC.enable_pedal_cruise) or (
                speed_control_enabled = 1
                cc_state = 2
                if not self.ACC.adaptive:
                    cc_state = 3
                CS.speed_control_enabled = 1
                CS.speed_control_enabled = 0
                if (CS.pcm_acc_status == 4):
                    #car CC enabled but not OP, display the HOLD message
                    cc_state = 3
            if (CS.pcm_acc_status == 4):
                cc_state = 3
        if enabled:
            if frame % 2 == 0:
                send_fake_msg = True
            if frame % 25 == 0:
                send_fake_warning = True
            if frame % 23 == 0:
                send_fake_msg = True
            if frame % 60 == 0:
                send_fake_warning = True
        if frame % 10 == 0:
                    self.leadDx, self.leadDy, self.leadClass, self.rLine,
                    self.lLine, self.curv0, self.curv1, self.curv2, self.curv3,
                    self.laneRange, self.laneWidth))
        speed_override = 0
        if (CS.pedal_interceptor_value > 10) and (cc_state > 1):
            speed_override = 0  #force zero for now
        if (not enable_steer_control) and op_status == 3:
            #hands_on_state = 0x03
            self.DAS_219_lcTempUnavailableSpeed = 1
            self.warningCounter = 100
            self.warningNeeded = 1
        if enabled and self.ALCA.laneChange_cancelled and (
                not CS.steer_override) and (
                    == 0) and (self.ALCA.laneChange_cancelled_counter > 0):
            self.DAS_221_lcAborting = 1
            self.warningCounter = 300
            self.warningNeeded = 1
        if CS.hasTeslaIcIntegration:
            highLowBeamStatus, highLowBeamReason, ahbIsEnabled = self.AHB.update(
                CS, frame, self.ahbLead1)
            if frame % 5 == 0:
                self.cc_counter = (
                    self.cc_counter +
                    1) % 40  #use this to change status once a second
                self.fleet_speed_state = 0x00  #fleet speed unavailable
                if FleetSpeed.is_available(CS):
                    if self.ACC.fleet_speed.is_active(
                            frame) or self.PCC.fleet_speed.is_active(frame):
                        self.fleet_speed_state = 0x02  #fleet speed enabled
                        self.fleet_speed_state = 0x01  #fleet speed available
        if (self.cc_counter < 3) and (self.fleet_speed_state == 0x02):
            CS.v_cruise_pcm = CS.v_cruise_pcm + 1
            send_fake_msg = True
        if (self.cc_counter == 3):
            send_fake_msg = True
        if send_fake_msg:
            if enable_steer_control and op_status == 3:
                op_status = 0x5
            park_brake_request = 0  #experimental; disabled for now
            if park_brake_request == 1:
                print("Park Brake Request received")
            adaptive_cruise = 1 if (
                not self.PCC.pcc_available
                and self.ACC.adaptive) or self.PCC.pcc_available else 0
            can_sends.append(teslacan.create_fake_DAS_msg(speed_control_enabled,speed_override,self.DAS_206_apUnavailable, collision_warning, op_status, \
                  acc_speed_kph, \
                  self.blinker.override_direction,forward_collision_warning, adaptive_cruise,  hands_on_state, \
                  cc_state, 1 if self.PCC.pcc_available else 0, alca_state, \
                  1 if enable_steer_control else 0,
        if send_fake_warning or (self.opState == 2) or (self.opState == 5) or (
                self.stopSignWarning != self.stopSignWarning_last) or (
                    self.stopLightWarning != self.stopLightWarning_last) or (
                        self.warningNeeded == 1) or (frame % 100 == 0):
            #if it's time to send OR we have a warning or emergency disable
            can_sends.append(teslacan.create_fake_DAS_warning(self.DAS_211_accNoSeatBelt, CS.DAS_canErrors, \
                  self.DAS_202_noisyEnvironment, CS.DAS_doorOpen, CS.DAS_notInDrive, CS.enableDasEmulation, CS.enableRadarEmulation, \
                  self.stopSignWarning, self.stopLightWarning, \
                  self.DAS_222_accCameraBlind, self.DAS_219_lcTempUnavailableSpeed, self.DAS_220_lcTempUnavailableRoad, self.DAS_221_lcAborting, \
                  self.DAS_207_lkasUnavailable,self.DAS_208_rackDetected, self.DAS_025_steeringOverride,self.ldwStatus,CS.useWithoutHarness,CS.usesApillarHarness))
            self.stopLightWarning_last = self.stopLightWarning
            self.stopSignWarning_last = self.stopSignWarning
            self.warningNeeded = 0
        # end of DAS emulation """
        if frame % 100 == 0:  # and CS.hasTeslaIcIntegration:
            #IF WE HAVE softPanda RUNNING, send a message every second to say we are still awake

        # send enabled ethernet every 0.2 sec
        if frame % 20 == 0:
        if (not self.PCC.pcc_available
            ) and frame % 5 == 0:  # acc processed at 20Hz
            cruise_btn = self.ACC.update_acc(enabled, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_speed, \
                          self.speed_limit_ms * CV.MS_TO_KPH,
                          self.set_speed_limit_active, self.speed_limit_offset)
            if cruise_btn:
                cruise_msg = teslacan.create_cruise_adjust_msg(
                # Send this CAN msg first because it is racing against the real stalk.
                can_sends.insert(0, cruise_msg)
        apply_accel = 0.
        if self.PCC.pcc_available and frame % 5 == 0:  # pedal processed at 20Hz
            pedalcan = 2
            if CS.useWithoutHarness:
                pedalcan = 0
            apply_accel, accel_needed, accel_idx = self.PCC.update_pdl(enabled, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_speed, \
                          self.set_speed_limit_active, self.speed_limit_offset * CV.KPH_TO_MS, self.alca_enabled)
                                                  int(accel_needed), accel_idx,
        self.last_angle = apply_angle
        self.last_accel = apply_accel

        return pedal_can_sends + can_sends
Exemple #20
def thermald_thread():
  health_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 * DT_TRML)  # 2.5x the expected health frequency

  # now loop
  thermal_sock = messaging.pub_sock('thermal')
  health_sock = messaging.sub_sock('health', timeout=health_timeout)
  location_sock = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocation')

  fan_speed = 0
  count = 0

  startup_conditions = {
    "ignition": False,
  startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy()

  off_ts = None
  started_ts = None
  started_seen = False
  thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green
  usb_power = True
  current_branch = get_git_branch()

  network_type = NetworkType.none
  network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown

  current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML)
  cpu_temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CPU_TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML)
  health_prev = None
  should_start_prev = False
  handle_fan = None
  is_uno = False
  has_relay = False

  params = Params()
  pm = PowerMonitoring()
  no_panda_cnt = 0

  thermal_config = get_thermal_config()

  while 1:
    health = messaging.recv_sock(health_sock, wait=True)
    location = messaging.recv_sock(location_sock)
    location = location.gpsLocation if location else None
    msg = read_thermal(thermal_config)

    if health is not None:
      usb_power = health.health.usbPowerMode != log.HealthData.UsbPowerMode.client

      # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad
      if health.health.hwType == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown:
        no_panda_cnt += 1
        if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML:
          if startup_conditions["ignition"]:
            cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad")
          startup_conditions["ignition"] = False
        no_panda_cnt = 0
        startup_conditions["ignition"] = health.health.ignitionLine or health.health.ignitionCan

      # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda
      if handle_fan is None and health.health.hwType != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown:
        is_uno = health.health.hwType == log.HealthData.HwType.uno
        has_relay = health.health.hwType in [log.HealthData.HwType.blackPanda, log.HealthData.HwType.uno, log.HealthData.HwType.dos]

        if (not EON) or is_uno:
          cloudlog.info("Setting up UNO fan handler")
          handle_fan = handle_fan_uno
          cloudlog.info("Setting up EON fan handler")
          handle_fan = handle_fan_eon

      # Handle disconnect
      if health_prev is not None:
        if health.health.hwType == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown and \
          health_prev.health.hwType != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown:
      health_prev = health

    # get_network_type is an expensive call. update every 10s
    if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
        network_type = HARDWARE.get_network_type()
        network_strength = HARDWARE.get_network_strength(network_type)
      except Exception:
        cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status")

    msg.thermal.freeSpace = get_available_percent(default=100.0) / 100.0
    msg.thermal.memUsedPercent = int(round(psutil.virtual_memory().percent))
    msg.thermal.cpuPerc = int(round(psutil.cpu_percent()))
    msg.thermal.networkType = network_type
    msg.thermal.networkStrength = network_strength
    msg.thermal.batteryPercent = get_battery_capacity()
    msg.thermal.batteryStatus = get_battery_status()
    msg.thermal.batteryCurrent = get_battery_current()
    msg.thermal.batteryVoltage = get_battery_voltage()
    msg.thermal.usbOnline = get_usb_present()

    # Fake battery levels on uno for frame
    if (not EON) or is_uno:
      msg.thermal.batteryPercent = 100
      msg.thermal.batteryStatus = "Charging"
      msg.thermal.bat = 0

    current_filter.update(msg.thermal.batteryCurrent / 1e6)

    # TODO: add car battery voltage check
    max_cpu_temp = cpu_temp_filter.update(max(msg.thermal.cpu))
    max_comp_temp = max(max_cpu_temp, msg.thermal.mem, max(msg.thermal.gpu))
    bat_temp = msg.thermal.bat

    if handle_fan is not None:
      fan_speed = handle_fan(max_cpu_temp, bat_temp, fan_speed, startup_conditions["ignition"])
      msg.thermal.fanSpeed = fan_speed

    # If device is offroad we want to cool down before going onroad
    # since going onroad increases load and can make temps go over 107
    # We only do this if there is a relay that prevents the car from faulting
    is_offroad_for_5_min = (started_ts is None) and ((not started_seen) or (off_ts is None) or (sec_since_boot() - off_ts > 60 * 5))
    if max_cpu_temp > 107. or bat_temp >= 63. or (has_relay and is_offroad_for_5_min and max_cpu_temp > 70.0):
      # onroad not allowed
      thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger
    elif max_comp_temp > 96.0 or bat_temp > 60.:
      # hysteresis between onroad not allowed and engage not allowed
      thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.red, ThermalStatus.danger)
    elif max_cpu_temp > 94.0:
      # hysteresis between engage not allowed and uploader not allowed
      thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.yellow, ThermalStatus.red)
    elif max_cpu_temp > 80.0:
      # uploader not allowed
      thermal_status = ThermalStatus.yellow
    elif max_cpu_temp > 75.0:
      # hysteresis between uploader not allowed and all good
      thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.green, ThermalStatus.yellow)
      # all good
      thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green

    # **** starting logic ****

    # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    # show invalid date/time alert
    startup_conditions["time_valid"] = now.year >= 2019
    set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_InvalidTime", (not startup_conditions["time_valid"]))

    # Show update prompt
      last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8'))
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
      last_update = now
    dt = now - last_update

    update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount")
    update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int(update_failed_count)
    last_update_exception = params.get("LastUpdateException", encoding='utf8')

    if update_failed_count > 15 and last_update_exception is not None:
      if current_branch in ["release2", "dashcam"]:
        extra_text = "Ensure the software is correctly installed"
        extra_text = last_update_exception

      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False)
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", True, extra_text=extra_text)
    elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1:
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False)
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", True)
      remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0))
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", True, extra_text=f"{remaining_time} days.")
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False)

    startup_conditions["not_uninstalling"] = not params.get("DoUninstall") == b"1"
    startup_conditions["accepted_terms"] = params.get("HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version
    completed_training = params.get("CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version

    panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware")
    startup_conditions["fw_version_match"] = (panda_signature is None) or (panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE)   # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None)
    set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch", (not startup_conditions["fw_version_match"]))

    # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot
    startup_conditions["free_space"] = msg.thermal.freeSpace > 0.02
    startup_conditions["completed_training"] = completed_training or (current_branch in ['dashcam', 'dashcam-staging'])
    startup_conditions["not_driver_view"] = not params.get("IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1"
    startup_conditions["not_taking_snapshot"] = not params.get("IsTakingSnapshot") == b"1"
    # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes
    # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60
    startup_conditions["device_temp_good"] = thermal_status < ThermalStatus.danger
    set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh", (not startup_conditions["device_temp_good"]))
    should_start = all(startup_conditions.values())

    if should_start:
      if not should_start_prev:

      off_ts = None
      if started_ts is None:
        started_ts = sec_since_boot()
        started_seen = True
        os.system('echo performance > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor')
      if startup_conditions["ignition"] and (startup_conditions != startup_conditions_prev):
        cloudlog.event("Startup blocked", startup_conditions=startup_conditions)
      if should_start_prev or (count == 0):
        params.put("IsOffroad", "1")

      started_ts = None
      if off_ts is None:
        off_ts = sec_since_boot()
        os.system('echo powersave > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor')

    # Offroad power monitoring
    msg.thermal.offroadPowerUsage = pm.get_power_used()
    msg.thermal.carBatteryCapacity = max(0, pm.get_car_battery_capacity())

    # Check if we need to disable charging (handled by boardd)
    msg.thermal.chargingDisabled = pm.should_disable_charging(health, off_ts)

    # Check if we need to shut down
    if pm.should_shutdown(health, off_ts, started_seen, LEON):
      cloudlog.info(f"shutting device down, offroad since {off_ts}")
      # TODO: add function for blocking cloudlog instead of sleep
      os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown')

    msg.thermal.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.thermal.batteryPercent < 90  # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged
    msg.thermal.started = started_ts is not None
    msg.thermal.startedTs = int(1e9*(started_ts or 0))

    msg.thermal.thermalStatus = thermal_status

    set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ChargeDisabled", (not usb_power))

    should_start_prev = should_start
    startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy()

    # report to server once per minute
    if (count % int(60. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
                     health=(health.to_dict() if health else None),
                     location=(location.to_dict() if location else None),

    count += 1
Exemple #21
def thermald_thread():

    pm = messaging.PubMaster(['deviceState'])

    pandaState_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 *
                             DT_TRML)  # 2.5x the expected pandaState frequency
    pandaState_sock = messaging.sub_sock('pandaState',
    location_sock = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocationExternal')
    managerState_sock = messaging.sub_sock('managerState', conflate=True)

    fan_speed = 0
    count = 0

    startup_conditions = {
        "ignition": False,
    startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy()

    off_ts = None
    started_ts = None
    started_seen = False
    thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green
    usb_power = True
    current_branch = get_git_branch()

    network_type = NetworkType.none
    network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown

    current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML)
    cpu_temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CPU_TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML)
    pandaState_prev = None
    should_start_prev = False
    handle_fan = None
    is_uno = False
    ui_running_prev = False

    params = Params()
    power_monitor = PowerMonitoring()
    no_panda_cnt = 0

    thermal_config = HARDWARE.get_thermal_config()

    # CPR3 logging
    if EON:
        base_path = "/sys/kernel/debug/cpr3-regulator/"
        cpr_files = [p for p in Path(base_path).glob("**/*") if p.is_file()]
        cpr_data = {}
        for cf in cpr_files:
            with open(cf, "r") as f:
                    cpr_data[str(cf)] = f.read().strip()
                except Exception:
        cloudlog.event("CPR", data=cpr_data)

    while 1:
        pandaState = messaging.recv_sock(pandaState_sock, wait=True)
        msg = read_thermal(thermal_config)

        if pandaState is not None:
            usb_power = pandaState.pandaState.usbPowerMode != log.PandaState.UsbPowerMode.client

            # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad
            if pandaState.pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
                no_panda_cnt += 1
                if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML:
                    if startup_conditions["ignition"]:
                        cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad")
                    startup_conditions["ignition"] = False
                no_panda_cnt = 0
                    "ignition"] = pandaState.pandaState.ignitionLine or pandaState.pandaState.ignitionCan

                "hardware_supported"] = pandaState.pandaState.pandaType not in [
                not startup_conditions["hardware_supported"])

            # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda
            if handle_fan is None and pandaState.pandaState.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
                is_uno = pandaState.pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.uno

                if (not EON) or is_uno:
                    cloudlog.info("Setting up UNO fan handler")
                    handle_fan = handle_fan_uno
                    cloudlog.info("Setting up EON fan handler")
                    handle_fan = handle_fan_eon

            # Handle disconnect
            if pandaState_prev is not None:
                if pandaState.pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown and \
                  pandaState_prev.pandaState.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
            pandaState_prev = pandaState

        # get_network_type is an expensive call. update every 10s
        if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
                network_type = HARDWARE.get_network_type()
                network_strength = HARDWARE.get_network_strength(network_type)
            except Exception:
                cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status")

        msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent = get_available_percent(default=100.0)
        msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent = int(
        msg.deviceState.cpuUsagePercent = int(round(psutil.cpu_percent()))
        msg.deviceState.networkType = network_type
        msg.deviceState.networkStrength = network_strength
        msg.deviceState.batteryPercent = HARDWARE.get_battery_capacity()
        msg.deviceState.batteryStatus = HARDWARE.get_battery_status()
        msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent = HARDWARE.get_battery_current()
        msg.deviceState.batteryVoltage = HARDWARE.get_battery_voltage()
        msg.deviceState.usbOnline = HARDWARE.get_usb_present()

        # Fake battery levels on uno for frame
        if (not EON) or is_uno:
            msg.deviceState.batteryPercent = 100
            msg.deviceState.batteryStatus = "Charging"
            msg.deviceState.batteryTempC = 0

        current_filter.update(msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent / 1e6)

        # TODO: add car battery voltage check
        max_cpu_temp = cpu_temp_filter.update(max(msg.deviceState.cpuTempC))
        max_comp_temp = max(max_cpu_temp, msg.deviceState.memoryTempC,
        bat_temp = msg.deviceState.batteryTempC

        if handle_fan is not None:
            fan_speed = handle_fan(max_cpu_temp, bat_temp, fan_speed,
            msg.deviceState.fanSpeedPercentDesired = fan_speed

        # If device is offroad we want to cool down before going onroad
        # since going onroad increases load and can make temps go over 107
        # We only do this if there is a relay that prevents the car from faulting
        is_offroad_for_5_min = (started_ts is None) and (
            (not started_seen) or (off_ts is None) or
            (sec_since_boot() - off_ts > 60 * 5))
        if max_cpu_temp > 107. or bat_temp >= 63. or (is_offroad_for_5_min
                                                      and max_cpu_temp > 70.0):
            # onroad not allowed
            thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger
        elif max_comp_temp > 96.0 or bat_temp > 60.:
            # hysteresis between onroad not allowed and engage not allowed
            thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.red,
        elif max_cpu_temp > 94.0:
            # hysteresis between engage not allowed and uploader not allowed
            thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.yellow,
        elif max_cpu_temp > 80.0:
            # uploader not allowed
            thermal_status = ThermalStatus.yellow
        elif max_cpu_temp > 75.0:
            # hysteresis between uploader not allowed and all good
            thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.green,
            thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green  # default to good condition

        # **** starting logic ****

        # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed
        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        # show invalid date/time alert
        startup_conditions["time_valid"] = (now.year > 2020) or (
            now.year == 2020 and now.month >= 10)
                                     (not startup_conditions["time_valid"]))

        # Show update prompt
            last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(
                params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8'))
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            last_update = now
        dt = now - last_update

        update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount")
        update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int(
        last_update_exception = params.get("LastUpdateException",

        if update_failed_count > 15 and last_update_exception is not None:
            if current_branch in ["release2", "dashcam"]:
                extra_text = "Ensure the software is correctly installed"
                extra_text = last_update_exception

            set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
        elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1:
            set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
            set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", True)
        elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_PROMPT:
            remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0))
            set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
            set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
                                         extra_text=f"{remaining_time} days.")
            set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
            set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)

        startup_conditions["up_to_date"] = params.get(
            "Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded") is None or params.get(
                "DisableUpdates") == b"1"
        startup_conditions["not_uninstalling"] = not params.get(
            "DoUninstall") == b"1"
        startup_conditions["accepted_terms"] = params.get(
            "HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version

        panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware")
        startup_conditions["fw_version_match"] = (panda_signature is None) or (
            panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE
        )  # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None)
            (not startup_conditions["fw_version_match"]))

        # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot
        startup_conditions["free_space"] = msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent > 2
        startup_conditions["completed_training"] = params.get("CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version or \
                                                   (current_branch in ['dashcam', 'dashcam-staging'])
        startup_conditions["not_driver_view"] = not params.get(
            "IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1"
        startup_conditions["not_taking_snapshot"] = not params.get(
            "IsTakingSnapshot") == b"1"
        # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes
        # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60
            "device_temp_good"] = thermal_status < ThermalStatus.danger
            (not startup_conditions["device_temp_good"]))

        # Handle offroad/onroad transition
        should_start = all(startup_conditions.values())
        if should_start:
            if not should_start_prev:
                if TICI and DISABLE_LTE_ONROAD:
                    os.system("sudo systemctl stop --no-block lte")

            off_ts = None
            if started_ts is None:
                started_ts = sec_since_boot()
                started_seen = True
            if startup_conditions["ignition"] and (startup_conditions !=
                cloudlog.event("Startup blocked",

            if should_start_prev or (count == 0):
                params.put("IsOffroad", "1")
                if TICI and DISABLE_LTE_ONROAD:
                    os.system("sudo systemctl start --no-block lte")

            started_ts = None
            if off_ts is None:
                off_ts = sec_since_boot()

        # Offroad power monitoring
        msg.deviceState.offroadPowerUsageUwh = power_monitor.get_power_used()
        msg.deviceState.carBatteryCapacityUwh = max(
            0, power_monitor.get_car_battery_capacity())

        # Check if we need to disable charging (handled by boardd)
        msg.deviceState.chargingDisabled = power_monitor.should_disable_charging(
            pandaState, off_ts)

        # Check if we need to shut down
        if power_monitor.should_shutdown(pandaState, off_ts, started_seen):
            cloudlog.info(f"shutting device down, offroad since {off_ts}")
            # TODO: add function for blocking cloudlog instead of sleep

        # If UI has crashed, set the brightness to reasonable non-zero value
        manager_state = messaging.recv_one_or_none(managerState_sock)
        if manager_state is not None:
            ui_running = "ui" in (p.name
                                  for p in manager_state.managerState.processes
                                  if p.running)
            if ui_running_prev and not ui_running:
            ui_running_prev = ui_running

        msg.deviceState.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.deviceState.batteryPercent < 90  # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged
        msg.deviceState.started = started_ts is not None
        msg.deviceState.startedMonoTime = int(1e9 * (started_ts or 0))

        msg.deviceState.thermalStatus = thermal_status
        pm.send("deviceState", msg)

        if EON and not is_uno:
                                         (not usb_power))

        should_start_prev = should_start
        startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy()

        # report to server once every 10 minutes
        if (count % int(600. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
            location = messaging.recv_sock(location_sock)
                               pandaState.to_dict()) if pandaState else None),
                                     if location else None),

        count += 1
Exemple #22
def thermald_thread() -> NoReturn:

  pm = messaging.PubMaster(['deviceState'])

  pandaState_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 * DT_TRML)  # 2.5x the expected pandaState frequency
  pandaState_sock = messaging.sub_sock('pandaStates', timeout=pandaState_timeout)
  sm = messaging.SubMaster(["peripheralState", "gpsLocationExternal", "managerState"])

  fan_speed = 0
  count = 0

  onroad_conditions: Dict[str, bool] = {
    "ignition": False,
  startup_conditions: Dict[str, bool] = {}
  startup_conditions_prev: Dict[str, bool] = {}

  off_ts = None
  started_ts = None
  started_seen = False
  thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green
  usb_power = True

  network_type = NetworkType.none
  network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown
  network_info = None
  modem_version = None
  registered_count = 0
  nvme_temps = None
  modem_temps = None

  current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML)
  temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML)
  pandaState_prev = None
  should_start_prev = False
  in_car = False
  handle_fan = None
  is_uno = False
  ui_running_prev = False

  params = Params()
  power_monitor = PowerMonitoring()
  no_panda_cnt = 0

  thermal_config = HARDWARE.get_thermal_config()

  # TODO: use PI controller for UNO
  controller = PIController(k_p=0, k_i=2e-3, neg_limit=-80, pos_limit=0, rate=(1 / DT_TRML))

  # Leave flag for loggerd to indicate device was left onroad
  if params.get_bool("IsOnroad"):
    params.put_bool("BootedOnroad", True)

  while True:
    pandaStates = messaging.recv_sock(pandaState_sock, wait=True)

    peripheralState = sm['peripheralState']

    msg = read_thermal(thermal_config)

    if pandaStates is not None and len(pandaStates.pandaStates) > 0:
      pandaState = pandaStates.pandaStates[0]

      # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad
      if pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
        no_panda_cnt += 1
        if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML:
          if onroad_conditions["ignition"]:
            cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad")
          onroad_conditions["ignition"] = False
        no_panda_cnt = 0
        onroad_conditions["ignition"] = pandaState.ignitionLine or pandaState.ignitionCan

      in_car = pandaState.harnessStatus != log.PandaState.HarnessStatus.notConnected
      usb_power = peripheralState.usbPowerMode != log.PeripheralState.UsbPowerMode.client

      # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda
      if handle_fan is None and peripheralState.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
        is_uno = peripheralState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.uno

        if TICI:
          cloudlog.info("Setting up TICI fan handler")
          handle_fan = handle_fan_tici
        elif is_uno or PC:
          cloudlog.info("Setting up UNO fan handler")
          handle_fan = handle_fan_uno
          cloudlog.info("Setting up EON fan handler")
          handle_fan = handle_fan_eon

      # Handle disconnect
      if pandaState_prev is not None:
        if pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown and \
          pandaState_prev.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
      pandaState_prev = pandaState

    # these are expensive calls. update every 10s
    if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
        network_type = HARDWARE.get_network_type()
        network_strength = HARDWARE.get_network_strength(network_type)
        network_info = HARDWARE.get_network_info()  # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none
        nvme_temps = HARDWARE.get_nvme_temperatures()
        modem_temps = HARDWARE.get_modem_temperatures()

        # Log modem version once
        if modem_version is None:
          modem_version = HARDWARE.get_modem_version()  # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none
          if modem_version is not None:
            cloudlog.warning(f"Modem version: {modem_version}")

        if TICI and (network_info.get('state', None) == "REGISTERED"):
          registered_count += 1
          registered_count = 0

        if registered_count > 10:
          cloudlog.warning(f"Modem stuck in registered state {network_info}. nmcli conn up lte")
          os.system("nmcli conn up lte")
          registered_count = 0

      except Exception:
        cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status")

    msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent = get_available_percent(default=100.0)
    msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent = int(round(psutil.virtual_memory().percent))
    msg.deviceState.cpuUsagePercent = [int(round(n)) for n in psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True)]
    msg.deviceState.gpuUsagePercent = int(round(HARDWARE.get_gpu_usage_percent()))
    msg.deviceState.networkType = network_type
    msg.deviceState.networkStrength = network_strength
    if network_info is not None:
      msg.deviceState.networkInfo = network_info
    if nvme_temps is not None:
      msg.deviceState.nvmeTempC = nvme_temps
    if modem_temps is not None:
      msg.deviceState.modemTempC = modem_temps

    msg.deviceState.screenBrightnessPercent = HARDWARE.get_screen_brightness()
    msg.deviceState.batteryPercent = HARDWARE.get_battery_capacity()
    msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent = HARDWARE.get_battery_current()
    msg.deviceState.usbOnline = HARDWARE.get_usb_present()
    current_filter.update(msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent / 1e6)

    max_comp_temp = temp_filter.update(
      max(max(msg.deviceState.cpuTempC), msg.deviceState.memoryTempC, max(msg.deviceState.gpuTempC))

    if handle_fan is not None:
      fan_speed = handle_fan(controller, max_comp_temp, fan_speed, onroad_conditions["ignition"])
      msg.deviceState.fanSpeedPercentDesired = fan_speed

    is_offroad_for_5_min = (started_ts is None) and ((not started_seen) or (off_ts is None) or (sec_since_boot() - off_ts > 60 * 5))
    if is_offroad_for_5_min and max_comp_temp > OFFROAD_DANGER_TEMP:
      # If device is offroad we want to cool down before going onroad
      # since going onroad increases load and can make temps go over 107
      thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger
      current_band = THERMAL_BANDS[thermal_status]
      band_idx = list(THERMAL_BANDS.keys()).index(thermal_status)
      if current_band.min_temp is not None and max_comp_temp < current_band.min_temp:
        thermal_status = list(THERMAL_BANDS.keys())[band_idx - 1]
      elif current_band.max_temp is not None and max_comp_temp > current_band.max_temp:
        thermal_status = list(THERMAL_BANDS.keys())[band_idx + 1]

    # **** starting logic ****

    # Ensure date/time are valid
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    startup_conditions["time_valid"] = (now.year > 2020) or (now.year == 2020 and now.month >= 10)
    set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_InvalidTime", (not startup_conditions["time_valid"]))

    startup_conditions["up_to_date"] = params.get("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded") is None or params.get_bool("DisableUpdates") or params.get_bool("SnoozeUpdate")
    startup_conditions["not_uninstalling"] = not params.get_bool("DoUninstall")
    startup_conditions["accepted_terms"] = params.get("HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version

    # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot
    startup_conditions["free_space"] = msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent > 2
    startup_conditions["completed_training"] = params.get("CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version or \
    startup_conditions["not_driver_view"] = not params.get_bool("IsDriverViewEnabled")
    startup_conditions["not_taking_snapshot"] = not params.get_bool("IsTakingSnapshot")
    # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes
    # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60
    onroad_conditions["device_temp_good"] = thermal_status < ThermalStatus.danger
    set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh", (not onroad_conditions["device_temp_good"]))

    if TICI:
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_StorageMissing", (not Path("/data/media").is_mount()))

    # Handle offroad/onroad transition
    should_start = all(onroad_conditions.values())
    if started_ts is None:
      should_start = should_start and all(startup_conditions.values())

    if should_start != should_start_prev or (count == 0):
      params.put_bool("IsOnroad", should_start)
      params.put_bool("IsOffroad", not should_start)
      HARDWARE.set_power_save(not should_start)

    if should_start:
      off_ts = None
      if started_ts is None:
        started_ts = sec_since_boot()
        started_seen = True
      if onroad_conditions["ignition"] and (startup_conditions != startup_conditions_prev):
        cloudlog.event("Startup blocked", startup_conditions=startup_conditions, onroad_conditions=onroad_conditions)

      started_ts = None
      if off_ts is None:
        off_ts = sec_since_boot()

    # Offroad power monitoring
    power_monitor.calculate(peripheralState, onroad_conditions["ignition"])
    msg.deviceState.offroadPowerUsageUwh = power_monitor.get_power_used()
    msg.deviceState.carBatteryCapacityUwh = max(0, power_monitor.get_car_battery_capacity())
    current_power_draw = HARDWARE.get_current_power_draw()  # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none
    msg.deviceState.powerDrawW = current_power_draw if current_power_draw is not None else 0

    # Check if we need to disable charging (handled by boardd)
    msg.deviceState.chargingDisabled = power_monitor.should_disable_charging(onroad_conditions["ignition"], in_car, off_ts)

    # Check if we need to shut down
    if power_monitor.should_shutdown(peripheralState, onroad_conditions["ignition"], in_car, off_ts, started_seen):
      cloudlog.info(f"shutting device down, offroad since {off_ts}")
      # TODO: add function for blocking cloudlog instead of sleep

    # If UI has crashed, set the brightness to reasonable non-zero value
    ui_running = "ui" in (p.name for p in sm["managerState"].processes if p.running)
    if ui_running_prev and not ui_running:
    ui_running_prev = ui_running

    msg.deviceState.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.deviceState.batteryPercent < 90  # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged
    msg.deviceState.started = started_ts is not None
    msg.deviceState.startedMonoTime = int(1e9*(started_ts or 0))

    last_ping = params.get("LastAthenaPingTime")
    if last_ping is not None:
      msg.deviceState.lastAthenaPingTime = int(last_ping)

    msg.deviceState.thermalStatus = thermal_status
    pm.send("deviceState", msg)

    if EON and not is_uno:
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ChargeDisabled", (not usb_power))

    should_start_prev = should_start
    startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy()

    # report to server once every 10 minutes
    if (count % int(600. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
      if EON and started_ts is None and msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent > 40:
        cloudlog.event("High offroad memory usage", mem=msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent)

                     pandaStates=(strip_deprecated_keys(pandaStates.to_dict()) if pandaStates else None),
                     location=(strip_deprecated_keys(sm["gpsLocationExternal"].to_dict()) if sm.alive["gpsLocationExternal"] else None),

    count += 1
Exemple #23
def manager_thread():
    # now loop
    thermal_sock = messaging.sub_sock('thermal')

    cloudlog.info("manager start")
    cloudlog.info({"environ": os.environ})

    # save boot log
    subprocess.call(["./loggerd", "--bootlog"],
                    cwd=os.path.join(BASEDIR, "selfdrive/loggerd"))

    params = Params()

    # start daemon processes
    for p in daemon_processes:

    # start persistent processes
    for p in persistent_processes:

    # start offroad
    if ANDROID:

    if os.getenv("NOBOARD") is None:

    if os.getenv("BLOCK") is not None:
        for k in os.getenv("BLOCK").split(","):
            del managed_processes[k]

    started_prev = False
    logger_dead = False

    while 1:
        msg = messaging.recv_sock(thermal_sock, wait=True)

        if msg.thermal.freeSpace < 0.05:
            logger_dead = True

        if msg.thermal.started:
            for p in car_started_processes:
                if p == "loggerd" and logger_dead:
            logger_dead = False
            driver_view = params.get("IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1"

            # TODO: refactor how manager manages processes
            for p in reversed(car_started_processes):
                if p not in driver_view_processes or not driver_view:

            for p in driver_view_processes:
                if driver_view:

            # trigger an update after going offroad
            if started_prev:
                send_managed_process_signal("updated", signal.SIGHUP)

        started_prev = msg.thermal.started

        # check the status of all processes, did any of them die?
        running_list = [
            "%s%s\u001b[0m" %
            ("\u001b[32m" if running[p].is_alive() else "\u001b[31m", p)
            for p in running
        cloudlog.debug(' '.join(running_list))

        # Exit main loop when uninstall is needed
        if params.get("DoUninstall", encoding='utf8') == "1":
Exemple #24
def thermald_thread():
  # prevent LEECO from undervoltage
  BATT_PERC_OFF = 10 if LEON else 3

  health_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 * DT_TRML)  # 2.5x the expected health frequency

  # now loop
  thermal_sock = messaging.pub_sock('thermal')
  health_sock = messaging.sub_sock('health', timeout=health_timeout)
  location_sock = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocation')

  ignition = False
  fan_speed = 0
  count = 0

  off_ts = None
  started_ts = None
  started_seen = False
  thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green
  thermal_status_prev = ThermalStatus.green
  usb_power = True
  usb_power_prev = True

  network_type = NetworkType.none
  network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown

  current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML)
  cpu_temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CPU_TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML)
  health_prev = None
  fw_version_match_prev = True
  current_connectivity_alert = None
  time_valid_prev = True
  should_start_prev = False
  handle_fan = None
  is_uno = False

  pm = PowerMonitoring()
  no_panda_cnt = 0

  # dp
  ts_last_ip = 0
  ts_last_update_vars = 0
  ts_last_charging_ctrl = None
  dp_last_modified = None

  ip_addr = ''
  dragon_charging_ctrl = False
  dragon_charging_ctrl_prev = False
  dragon_to_discharge = 70
  dragon_to_charge = 60
  dp_temp_monitor = True

  while 1:
    # dp
    ts = sec_since_boot()
    # update variable status every 10 secs
    if ts - ts_last_update_vars >= 10.:
      modified = get_last_modified()
      if dp_last_modified != modified:
        dp_temp_monitor = False if params.get('DragonEnableTempMonitor', encoding='utf8') == "0" else True
        if not is_uno:
          dragon_charging_ctrl = True if params.get('DragonChargingCtrl', encoding='utf8') == "1" else False
          if dragon_charging_ctrl:
              dragon_to_discharge = int(params.get('DragonCharging', encoding='utf8'))
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
              dragon_to_discharge = 70
              dragon_to_charge = int(params.get('DragonDisCharging', encoding='utf8'))
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
              dragon_to_charge = 60
          dragon_charging_ctrl = False
        dp_last_modified = modified
      ts_last_update_vars = ts

    health = messaging.recv_sock(health_sock, wait=True)
    location = messaging.recv_sock(location_sock)
    location = location.gpsLocation if location else None
    msg = read_thermal()

    if handle_fan is None and params.get('DragonNoctuaMode', encoding='utf8') == "1":
      handle_fan = handle_fan_eon

    if health is not None:
      usb_power = health.health.usbPowerMode != log.HealthData.UsbPowerMode.client

      # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad
      if health.health.hwType == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown:
        no_panda_cnt += 1
        if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML:
          if ignition:
            cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad")
          ignition = False
        no_panda_cnt = 0
        ignition = health.health.ignitionLine or health.health.ignitionCan

      # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda
      if handle_fan is None and health.health.hwType != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown:
        is_uno = health.health.hwType == log.HealthData.HwType.uno

        if is_uno or not ANDROID:
          cloudlog.info("Setting up UNO fan handler")
          handle_fan = handle_fan_uno
          cloudlog.info("Setting up EON fan handler")
          handle_fan = handle_fan_eon

      # Handle disconnect
      if health_prev is not None:
        if health.health.hwType == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown and \
          health_prev.health.hwType != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown:
      health_prev = health

    # get_network_type is an expensive call. update every 10s
    if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
        network_type = get_network_type()
        network_strength = get_network_strength(network_type)
      except Exception:
        cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status")

    msg.thermal.freeSpace = get_available_percent(default=100.0) / 100.0
    msg.thermal.memUsedPercent = int(round(psutil.virtual_memory().percent))
    msg.thermal.cpuPerc = int(round(psutil.cpu_percent()))
    msg.thermal.networkType = network_type
    msg.thermal.networkStrength = network_strength
    msg.thermal.batteryPercent = get_battery_capacity()
    msg.thermal.batteryStatus = get_battery_status()
    msg.thermal.batteryCurrent = get_battery_current()
    msg.thermal.batteryVoltage = get_battery_voltage()
    msg.thermal.usbOnline = get_usb_present()

    # Fake battery levels on uno for frame
    if is_uno:
      msg.thermal.batteryPercent = 100
      msg.thermal.batteryStatus = "Charging"

    # dp
    # update ip every 10 seconds
    ts = sec_since_boot()
    if ts - ts_last_ip >= 10.:
        result = subprocess.check_output(["ifconfig", "wlan0"], encoding='utf8')  # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg
        ip_addr = re.findall(r"inet addr:((\d+\.){3}\d+)", result)[0][0]
        ip_addr = 'N/A'
      ts_last_ip = ts
    msg.thermal.ipAddr = ip_addr

    current_filter.update(msg.thermal.batteryCurrent / 1e6)

    # TODO: add car battery voltage check
    max_cpu_temp = cpu_temp_filter.update(
          msg.thermal.cpu3) / 10.0)

    max_comp_temp = max(max_cpu_temp, msg.thermal.mem / 10., msg.thermal.gpu / 10.)
    bat_temp = msg.thermal.bat / 1000.

    if handle_fan is not None:
      fan_speed = handle_fan(max_cpu_temp, bat_temp, fan_speed, ignition)
      msg.thermal.fanSpeed = fan_speed

    # thermal logic with hysterisis
    if max_cpu_temp > 107. or bat_temp >= 63.:
      # onroad not allowed
      thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger
    elif max_comp_temp > 92.5 or bat_temp > 60.:  # CPU throttling starts around ~90C
      # hysteresis between onroad not allowed and engage not allowed
      thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.red, ThermalStatus.danger)
    elif max_cpu_temp > 87.5:
      # hysteresis between engage not allowed and uploader not allowed
      thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.yellow, ThermalStatus.red)
    elif max_cpu_temp > 80.0:
      # uploader not allowed
      thermal_status = ThermalStatus.yellow
    elif max_cpu_temp > 75.0:
      # hysteresis between uploader not allowed and all good
      thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.green, ThermalStatus.yellow)
      # all good
      thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green

    if not dp_temp_monitor and thermal_status in [ThermalStatus.yellow, ThermalStatus.red, ThermalStatus.danger]:
      thermal_status = ThermalStatus.yellow

    # **** starting logic ****
    time_valid = True
    # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed
    # now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    # # show invalid date/time alert
    # time_valid = now.year >= 2019
    # if time_valid and not time_valid_prev:
    #   params.delete("Offroad_InvalidTime")
    # if not time_valid and time_valid_prev:
    #   put_nonblocking("Offroad_InvalidTime", json.dumps(OFFROAD_ALERTS["Offroad_InvalidTime"]))
    # time_valid_prev = time_valid
    # # Show update prompt
    # try:
    #   last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8'))
    # except (TypeError, ValueError):
    #   last_update = now
    # dt = now - last_update
    # update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount")
    # update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int(update_failed_count)
    # if dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1:
    #   if current_connectivity_alert != "expired":
    #     current_connectivity_alert = "expired"
    #     params.delete("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt")
    #     put_nonblocking("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", json.dumps(OFFROAD_ALERTS["Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded"]))
    # elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_PROMPT:
    #   remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0))
    #   if current_connectivity_alert != "prompt" + remaining_time:
    #     current_connectivity_alert = "prompt" + remaining_time
    #     alert_connectivity_prompt = copy.copy(OFFROAD_ALERTS["Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt"])
    #     alert_connectivity_prompt["text"] += remaining_time + " days."
    #     params.delete("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded")
    #     put_nonblocking("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", json.dumps(alert_connectivity_prompt))
    # elif current_connectivity_alert is not None:
    #   current_connectivity_alert = None
    #   params.delete("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded")
    #   params.delete("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt")

    do_uninstall = params.get("DoUninstall") == b"1"
    accepted_terms = params.get("HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version
    completed_training = params.get("CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version

    panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware")
    fw_version_match = (panda_signature is None) or (panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE)   # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None)

    should_start = ignition

    # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot
    should_start = should_start and msg.thermal.freeSpace > 0.02

    # confirm we have completed training and aren't uninstalling
    should_start = should_start and accepted_terms and completed_training and (not do_uninstall)

    # check for firmware mismatch
    should_start = should_start and fw_version_match

    # check if system time is valid
    should_start = should_start and time_valid

    # don't start while taking snapshot
    if not should_start_prev:
      is_viewing_driver = params.get("IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1"
      is_taking_snapshot = params.get("IsTakingSnapshot") == b"1"
      should_start = should_start and (not is_taking_snapshot) and (not is_viewing_driver)

    if fw_version_match and not fw_version_match_prev:
    if not fw_version_match and fw_version_match_prev:
      put_nonblocking("Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch", json.dumps(OFFROAD_ALERTS["Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch"]))

    # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes
    # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60
    if thermal_status >= ThermalStatus.danger:
      should_start = False
      if thermal_status_prev < ThermalStatus.danger:
        put_nonblocking("Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh", json.dumps(OFFROAD_ALERTS["Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh"]))
      if thermal_status_prev >= ThermalStatus.danger:

    if should_start:
      if not should_start_prev:

      off_ts = None
      if started_ts is None:
        started_ts = sec_since_boot()
        started_seen = True
        os.system('echo performance > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor')
      if should_start_prev or (count == 0):
        put_nonblocking("IsOffroad", "1")

      started_ts = None
      if off_ts is None:
        off_ts = sec_since_boot()
        os.system('echo powersave > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor')

      # shutdown if the battery gets lower than 3%, it's discharging, we aren't running for
      # more than a minute but we were running
      if msg.thermal.batteryPercent < BATT_PERC_OFF and msg.thermal.batteryStatus == "Discharging" and \
         started_seen and (sec_since_boot() - off_ts) > 60:
        os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown')

    # Offroad power monitoring
    msg.thermal.offroadPowerUsage = pm.get_power_used()

    msg.thermal.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.thermal.batteryPercent < 90  # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged
    msg.thermal.started = started_ts is not None
    msg.thermal.startedTs = int(1e9*(started_ts or 0))

    msg.thermal.thermalStatus = thermal_status

    if usb_power_prev and not usb_power:
      put_nonblocking("Offroad_ChargeDisabled", json.dumps(OFFROAD_ALERTS["Offroad_ChargeDisabled"]))
    elif usb_power and not usb_power_prev:

    thermal_status_prev = thermal_status
    usb_power_prev = usb_power
    fw_version_match_prev = fw_version_match
    should_start_prev = should_start

    if dragon_charging_ctrl != dragon_charging_ctrl_prev:

    if dragon_charging_ctrl:
      if ts_last_charging_ctrl is None or ts - ts_last_charging_ctrl >= 60.:
        if msg.thermal.batteryPercent >= dragon_to_discharge and get_battery_charging():
        elif msg.thermal.batteryPercent <= dragon_to_charge and not get_battery_charging():
        ts_last_charging_ctrl = ts

      dragon_charging_ctrl_prev = dragon_charging_ctrl

    # report to server once per minute
    if (count % int(60. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
                     health=(health.to_dict() if health else None),
                     location=(location.to_dict() if location else None),

    count += 1
Exemple #25
def manager_thread():
    # now loop
    thermal_sock = messaging.sub_sock('thermal')

    cloudlog.info("manager start")
    cloudlog.info({"environ": os.environ})

    params = Params()

    EnableLogger = int(params.get('OpkrEnableLogger'))

    #EnableLogger = (params.get("RecordFront") != b"0")

    if not EnableLogger:
        # save boot log
        subprocess.call(["./loggerd", "--bootlog"],
                        cwd=os.path.join(BASEDIR, "selfdrive/loggerd"))

    # start daemon processes
    for p in daemon_processes:

    # start persistent processes
    for p in persistent_processes:

    # start offroad
    if ANDROID:

    if os.getenv("NOBOARD") is None:

    if os.getenv("BLOCK") is not None:
        for k in os.getenv("BLOCK").split(","):
            del managed_processes[k]

    logger_dead = False

    while 1:
        msg = messaging.recv_sock(thermal_sock, wait=True)

        # heavyweight batch processes are gated on favorable thermal conditions
        if msg.thermal.thermalStatus >= ThermalStatus.yellow:
            for p in green_temp_processes:
                if p in persistent_processes:
            for p in green_temp_processes:
                if p in persistent_processes:

        if msg.thermal.freeSpace < 0.05:
            logger_dead = True

        if msg.thermal.started and "driverview" not in running:
            for p in car_started_processes:
                if p == "loggerd" and logger_dead:
            logger_dead = False
            for p in reversed(car_started_processes):
            # this is ugly
            if "driverview" not in running and params.get(
                    "IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1":
            elif "driverview" in running and params.get(
                    "IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"0":

        # check the status of all processes, did any of them die?
        running_list = [
            "%s%s\u001b[0m" %
            ("\u001b[32m" if running[p].is_alive() else "\u001b[31m", p)
            for p in running
        cloudlog.debug(' '.join(running_list))

        # Exit main loop when uninstall is needed
        if params.get("DoUninstall", encoding='utf8') == "1":
Exemple #26
def thermald_thread():
    health_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 *
                         DT_TRML)  # 2.5x the expected health frequency

    # now loop
    thermal_sock = messaging.pub_sock('thermal')
    health_sock = messaging.sub_sock('health', timeout=health_timeout)
    location_sock = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocation')

    ignition = False
    fan_speed = 0
    count = 0

    off_ts = None
    started_ts = None
    started_seen = False
    thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green
    thermal_status_prev = ThermalStatus.green
    usb_power = True
    usb_power_prev = True
    current_branch = get_git_branch()

    network_type = NetworkType.none
    network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown

    current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML)
    cpu_temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CPU_TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML)
    health_prev = None
    fw_version_match_prev = True
    charging_disabled = False
    current_update_alert = None
    time_valid_prev = True
    should_start_prev = False
    handle_fan = None
    is_uno = False
    has_relay = False

    params = Params()
    pm = PowerMonitoring()
    no_panda_cnt = 0

    thermal_config = get_thermal_config()

    IsOpenpilotViewEnabled = 0

    ts_last_ip = 0
    ip_addr = ''

    # sound trigger
    sound_trigger = 1
    opkrAutoShutdown = 0

    env = dict(os.environ)
    env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = mediaplayer

    getoff_alert = Params().get('OpkrEnableGetoffAlert') == b'1'

    if int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 0:
        opkrAutoShutdown = 0
    elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 1:
        opkrAutoShutdown = 5
    elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 2:
        opkrAutoShutdown = 30
    elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 3:
        opkrAutoShutdown = 60
    elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 4:
        opkrAutoShutdown = 180
    elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 5:
        opkrAutoShutdown = 300
    elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 6:
        opkrAutoShutdown = 600
    elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 7:
        opkrAutoShutdown = 1800
    elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 8:
        opkrAutoShutdown = 3600
    elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 9:
        opkrAutoShutdown = 10800
        opkrAutoShutdown = 18000

    while 1:
        ts = sec_since_boot()
        health = messaging.recv_sock(health_sock, wait=True)
        location = messaging.recv_sock(location_sock)
        location = location.gpsLocation if location else None
        msg = read_thermal(thermal_config)

        if health is not None:
            usb_power = health.health.usbPowerMode != log.HealthData.UsbPowerMode.client

            # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad
            if health.health.hwType == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown:
                no_panda_cnt += 1
                if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML:
                    if ignition:
                        cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad")
                    ignition = False
                no_panda_cnt = 0
                ignition = health.health.ignitionLine or health.health.ignitionCan

            # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda
            if handle_fan is None and health.health.hwType != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown:
                is_uno = health.health.hwType == log.HealthData.HwType.uno
                has_relay = health.health.hwType in [
                    log.HealthData.HwType.uno, log.HealthData.HwType.dos

                if (not EON) or is_uno:
                    cloudlog.info("Setting up UNO fan handler")
                    handle_fan = handle_fan_uno
                    cloudlog.info("Setting up EON fan handler")
                    handle_fan = handle_fan_eon

            # Handle disconnect
            if health_prev is not None:
                if health.health.hwType == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown and \
                  health_prev.health.hwType != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown:
            health_prev = health
        elif ignition == False or IsOpenpilotViewEnabled:
            IsOpenpilotViewEnabled = int(params.get("IsOpenpilotViewEnabled"))
            ignition = IsOpenpilotViewEnabled

        # get_network_type is an expensive call. update every 10s
        if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
                network_type = HARDWARE.get_network_type()
                network_strength = HARDWARE.get_network_strength(network_type)
            except Exception:
                cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status")

        msg.thermal.freeSpace = get_available_percent(default=100.0) / 100.0
        msg.thermal.memUsedPercent = int(round(
        msg.thermal.cpuPerc = int(round(psutil.cpu_percent()))
        msg.thermal.networkType = network_type
        msg.thermal.networkStrength = network_strength
        msg.thermal.batteryPercent = get_battery_capacity()
        msg.thermal.batteryStatus = get_battery_status()
        msg.thermal.batteryCurrent = get_battery_current()
        msg.thermal.batteryVoltage = get_battery_voltage()
        msg.thermal.usbOnline = get_usb_present()

        # Fake battery levels on uno for frame
        if (not EON) or is_uno:
            msg.thermal.batteryPercent = 100
            msg.thermal.batteryStatus = "Charging"
            msg.thermal.bat = 0

        # update ip every 10 seconds
        ts = sec_since_boot()
        if ts - ts_last_ip >= 10.:
                result = subprocess.check_output(["ifconfig", "wlan0"],
                                                 encoding='utf8')  # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg
                ip_addr = re.findall(r"inet addr:((\d+\.){3}\d+)",
                ip_addr = 'N/A'
            ts_last_ip = ts
        msg.thermal.ipAddr = ip_addr

        current_filter.update(msg.thermal.batteryCurrent / 1e6)

        # TODO: add car battery voltage check
        max_cpu_temp = cpu_temp_filter.update(max(msg.thermal.cpu))
        max_comp_temp = max(max_cpu_temp, msg.thermal.mem,
        bat_temp = msg.thermal.bat

        if handle_fan is not None:
            fan_speed = handle_fan(max_cpu_temp, bat_temp, fan_speed, ignition)
            msg.thermal.fanSpeed = fan_speed

        # If device is offroad we want to cool down before going onroad
        # since going onroad increases load and can make temps go over 107
        # We only do this if there is a relay that prevents the car from faulting
        is_offroad_for_5_min = (started_ts is None) and (
            (not started_seen) or (off_ts is None) or
            (sec_since_boot() - off_ts > 60 * 5))
        if max_cpu_temp > 107. or bat_temp >= 63. or (has_relay
                                                      and is_offroad_for_5_min
                                                      and max_cpu_temp > 70.0):
            # onroad not allowed
            thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger
        elif max_comp_temp > 96.0 or bat_temp > 60.:
            # hysteresis between onroad not allowed and engage not allowed
            thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.red,
        elif max_cpu_temp > 94.0:
            # hysteresis between engage not allowed and uploader not allowed
            thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.yellow,
        elif max_cpu_temp > 80.0:
            # uploader not allowed
            thermal_status = ThermalStatus.yellow
        elif max_cpu_temp > 75.0:
            # hysteresis between uploader not allowed and all good
            thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.green,
            # all good
            thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green

        # **** starting logic ****

        # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed
        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        # show invalid date/time alert
        time_valid = now.year >= 2019
        if time_valid and not time_valid_prev:
            set_offroad_alert("Offroad_InvalidTime", False)
        if not time_valid and time_valid_prev:
            set_offroad_alert("Offroad_InvalidTime", True)
        time_valid_prev = time_valid

        # Show update prompt
        #    try:
        #      last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8'))
        #    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        #      last_update = now
        #    dt = now - last_update

        #    update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount")
        #    update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int(update_failed_count)
        #    last_update_exception = params.get("LastUpdateException", encoding='utf8')

        #    if update_failed_count > 15 and last_update_exception is not None:
        #      if current_branch in ["release2", "dashcam"]:
        #        extra_text = "Ensure the software is correctly installed"
        #      else:
        #        extra_text = last_update_exception

        #      if current_update_alert != "update" + extra_text:
        #        current_update_alert = "update" + extra_text
        #        set_offroad_alert("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
        #        set_offroad_alert("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False)
        #        set_offroad_alert("Offroad_UpdateFailed", True, extra_text=extra_text)
        #    elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1:
        #      if current_update_alert != "expired":
        #        current_update_alert = "expired"
        #        set_offroad_alert("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
        #        set_offroad_alert("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False)
        #        set_offroad_alert("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", True)
        #    elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_PROMPT:
        #      remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0))
        #      if current_update_alert != "prompt" + remaining_time:
        #        current_update_alert = "prompt" + remaining_time
        #        set_offroad_alert("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
        #        set_offroad_alert("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
        #        set_offroad_alert("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", True, extra_text=f"{remaining_time} days.")
        #    elif current_update_alert is not None:
        #      current_update_alert = None
        #      set_offroad_alert("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
        #      set_offroad_alert("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
        #      set_offroad_alert("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False)

        do_uninstall = params.get("DoUninstall") == b"1"
        accepted_terms = params.get("HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version
        completed_training = params.get(
            "CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version

        panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware")
        fw_version_match = (panda_signature is None) or (
            panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE
        )  # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None)

        should_start = ignition

        # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot
        should_start = should_start and msg.thermal.freeSpace > 0.02

        # confirm we have completed training and aren't uninstalling
        should_start = should_start and accepted_terms and (not do_uninstall) and \
                       (completed_training or current_branch in ['dashcam', 'dashcam-staging'])

        # check for firmware mismatch
        should_start = should_start and fw_version_match

        # check if system time is valid
        should_start = should_start and time_valid

        # don't start while taking snapshot
        if not should_start_prev:
            is_viewing_driver = params.get("IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1"
            is_taking_snapshot = params.get("IsTakingSnapshot") == b"1"
            should_start = should_start and (not is_taking_snapshot) and (
                not is_viewing_driver)

        if fw_version_match and not fw_version_match_prev:
            set_offroad_alert("Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch", False)
        if not fw_version_match and fw_version_match_prev:
            set_offroad_alert("Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch", True)

        # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes
        # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60
        if thermal_status >= ThermalStatus.danger:
            should_start = False
            if thermal_status_prev < ThermalStatus.danger:
                set_offroad_alert("Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh", True)
            if thermal_status_prev >= ThermalStatus.danger:
                set_offroad_alert("Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh", False)

        if should_start:
            if not should_start_prev:

            off_ts = None
            if started_ts is None:
                started_ts = sec_since_boot()
                started_seen = True
                    'echo performance > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor'
            if should_start_prev or (count == 0):
                put_nonblocking("IsOffroad", "1")

            started_ts = None
            if off_ts is None:
                off_ts = sec_since_boot()
                    'echo powersave > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor'

            if sound_trigger == 1 and msg.thermal.batteryStatus == "Discharging" and started_seen and (
                    sec_since_boot() - off_ts) > 1 and getoff_alert:
                    mediaplayer + 'mediaplayer',
                sound_trigger = 0
            # shutdown if the battery gets lower than 3%, it's discharging, we aren't running for
            # more than a minute but we were running
            if msg.thermal.batteryStatus == "Discharging" and \
               started_seen and opkrAutoShutdown and (sec_since_boot() - off_ts) > opkrAutoShutdown:
                os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown')

        charging_disabled = check_car_battery_voltage(should_start, health,
                                                      charging_disabled, msg)

        if msg.thermal.batteryCurrent > 0:
            msg.thermal.batteryStatus = "Discharging"
            msg.thermal.batteryStatus = "Charging"

        msg.thermal.chargingDisabled = charging_disabled

        prebuiltlet = Params().get('PutPrebuiltOn') == b'1'
        if not os.path.isfile(prebuiltfile) and prebuiltlet:
            os.system("cd /data/openpilot; touch prebuilt")
        elif os.path.isfile(prebuiltfile) and not prebuiltlet:
            os.system("cd /data/openpilot; rm -f prebuilt")

        # Offroad power monitoring
        msg.thermal.offroadPowerUsage = pm.get_power_used()
        msg.thermal.carBatteryCapacity = max(0, pm.get_car_battery_capacity())

        #    # Check if we need to disable charging (handled by boardd)
        #    msg.thermal.chargingDisabled = pm.should_disable_charging(health, off_ts)

        #    # Check if we need to shut down
        #    if pm.should_shutdown(health, off_ts, started_seen, LEON):
        #      cloudlog.info(f"shutting device down, offroad since {off_ts}")
        #      # TODO: add function for blocking cloudlog instead of sleep
        #      time.sleep(10)
        #      os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown')

        msg.thermal.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.thermal.batteryPercent < 90  # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged
        msg.thermal.started = started_ts is not None
        msg.thermal.startedTs = int(1e9 * (started_ts or 0))

        msg.thermal.thermalStatus = thermal_status

        if usb_power_prev and not usb_power:
            set_offroad_alert("Offroad_ChargeDisabled", True)
        elif usb_power and not usb_power_prev:
            set_offroad_alert("Offroad_ChargeDisabled", False)

        thermal_status_prev = thermal_status
        usb_power_prev = usb_power
        fw_version_match_prev = fw_version_match
        should_start_prev = should_start

        # report to server once per minute
        if (count % int(60. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
                           health=(health.to_dict() if health else None),
                           location=(location.to_dict() if location else None),

        count += 1
def mpc_vwr_thread(addr=""):

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 20))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(131)
    aa = fig.add_subplot(132, sharey=ax)
    ap = fig.add_subplot(133, sharey=ax)

    ax.set_xlim([-10, 10])
    ax.set_ylim([0., 100.])
    aa.set_xlim([-20., 20])
    ap.set_xlim([-5, 5])

    ax.set_xlabel('x [m]')
    ax.set_ylabel('y [m]')
    aa.set_xlabel('steer_angle [deg]')
    ap.set_xlabel('asset angle [deg]')

    path_x = np.arange(0, 100)
    mpc_path_x = np.arange(0, 49)

    p_path_y = np.zeros(100)

    l_path_y = np.zeros(100)
    r_path_y = np.zeros(100)
    mpc_path_y = np.zeros(49)
    mpc_steer_angle = np.zeros(49)
    mpc_psi = np.zeros(49)

    line1, = ax.plot(mpc_path_y, mpc_path_x)
    # line1b, = ax.plot(mpc_path_y, mpc_path_x, 'o')

    lineP, = ax.plot(p_path_y, path_x)
    lineL, = ax.plot(l_path_y, path_x)
    lineR, = ax.plot(r_path_y, path_x)
    line3, = aa.plot(mpc_steer_angle, mpc_path_x)
    line4, = ap.plot(mpc_psi, mpc_path_x)

    # *** log ***
    livempc = messaging.sub_sock('liveMpc', addr=addr)
    model = messaging.sub_sock('model', addr=addr)
    path_plan_sock = messaging.sub_sock('pathPlan', addr=addr)

    while 1:
        lMpc = messaging.recv_sock(livempc, wait=True)
        md = messaging.recv_sock(model)
        pp = messaging.recv_sock(path_plan_sock)

        if md is not None:
            p_poly = np.array(md.model.path.poly)
            l_poly = np.array(md.model.leftLane.poly)
            r_poly = np.array(md.model.rightLane.poly)

            p_path_y = np.polyval(p_poly,
                                  path_x)  # lgtm[py/multiple-definition]
            l_path_y = np.polyval(r_poly, path_x)
            r_path_y = np.polyval(l_poly, path_x)

        if pp is not None:
            p_path_y = np.polyval(pp.pathPlan.dPolyDEPRECATED, path_x)

        if lMpc is not None:
            mpc_path_x = list(lMpc.liveMpc.x)[1:]
            mpc_path_y = list(lMpc.liveMpc.y)[1:]
            mpc_steer_angle = list(lMpc.liveMpc.delta)[1:]
            mpc_psi = list(lMpc.liveMpc.psi)[1:]

            line3.set_xdata(np.asarray(mpc_steer_angle) * 180. / np.pi * 14)
            line4.set_xdata(np.asarray(mpc_psi) * 180. / np.pi)

            aa.autoscale_view(True, scaley=True, scalex=True)

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# simple script to get a vehicle fingerprint.

# Instructions:
# - connect to a Panda
# - run selfdrive/boardd/boardd
# - launching this script
# - turn on the car in STOCK MODE (set giraffe switches properly).
#   Note: it's very important that the car is in stock mode, in order to collect a complete fingerprint
# - since some messages are published at low frequency, keep this script running for at least 30s,
#   until all messages are received at least once

import cereal.messaging as messaging

logcan = messaging.sub_sock('can')
msgs = {}
while True:
    lc = messaging.recv_sock(logcan, True)
    for c in lc.can:
        # read also msgs sent by EON on CAN bus 0x80 and filter out the
        # addr with more than 11 bits
        if c.src in [0, 2] and c.address < 0x800:
            msgs[c.address] = len(c.dat)

    fingerprint = ', '.join("%d: %d" % v for v in sorted(msgs.items()))

    print("number of messages {0}:".format(len(msgs)))
    print("fingerprint {0}".format(fingerprint))
Exemple #29
def manager_thread():
    # now loop
    thermal_sock = messaging.sub_sock('thermal')

    if os.getenv("GET_CPU_USAGE"):
        proc_sock = messaging.sub_sock('procLog', conflate=True)

    cloudlog.info("manager start")
    cloudlog.info({"environ": os.environ})

    # save boot log
    subprocess.call(["./loggerd", "--bootlog"],
                    cwd=os.path.join(BASEDIR, "selfdrive/loggerd"))

    params = Params()

    # start daemon processes
    for p in daemon_processes:

    # start persistent processes
    for p in persistent_processes:

    # start offroad
    if ANDROID:

    if os.getenv("NOBOARD") is None:

    if os.getenv("BLOCK") is not None:
        for k in os.getenv("BLOCK").split(","):
            del managed_processes[k]

    logger_dead = False

    start_t = time.time()
    first_proc = None

    while 1:
        msg = messaging.recv_sock(thermal_sock, wait=True)

        # heavyweight batch processes are gated on favorable thermal conditions
        if msg.thermal.thermalStatus >= ThermalStatus.yellow:
            for p in green_temp_processes:
                if p in persistent_processes:
            for p in green_temp_processes:
                if p in persistent_processes:

        if msg.thermal.freeSpace < 0.05:
            logger_dead = True

        if msg.thermal.started and "driverview" not in running:
            for p in car_started_processes:
                if p == "loggerd" and logger_dead:
            logger_dead = False
            for p in reversed(car_started_processes):
            # this is ugly
            if "driverview" not in running and params.get(
                    "IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1":
            elif "driverview" in running and params.get(
                    "IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"0":

        # check the status of all processes, did any of them die?
        running_list = [
            "%s%s\u001b[0m" %
            ("\u001b[32m" if running[p].is_alive() else "\u001b[31m", p)
            for p in running
        cloudlog.debug(' '.join(running_list))

        # Exit main loop when uninstall is needed
        if params.get("DoUninstall", encoding='utf8') == "1":

        if os.getenv("GET_CPU_USAGE"):
            dt = time.time() - start_t

            # Get first sample
            if dt > 30 and first_proc is None:
                first_proc = messaging.recv_sock(proc_sock)

            # Get last sample and exit
            if dt > 90:
                last_proc = messaging.recv_sock(proc_sock, wait=True)

                cleanup_all_processes(None, None)
                sys.exit(print_cpu_usage(first_proc, last_proc))
Exemple #30
def thermald_thread():

  pm = messaging.PubMaster(['deviceState'])

  pandaState_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 * DT_TRML)  # 2.5x the expected pandaState frequency
  pandaState_sock = messaging.sub_sock('pandaState', timeout=pandaState_timeout)
  location_sock = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocationExternal')
  managerState_sock = messaging.sub_sock('managerState', conflate=True)

  fan_speed = 0
  count = 0

  startup_conditions = {
    "ignition": False,
  startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy()

  off_ts = None
  started_ts = None
  started_seen = False
  thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green
  usb_power = True

  network_type = NetworkType.none
  network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown
  network_info = None
  modem_version = None
  registered_count = 0
  wifiIpAddress = "N/A"
  wifi_ssid = "---"

  current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML)
  cpu_temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CPU_TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML)
  pandaState_prev = None
  should_start_prev = False
  handle_fan = None
  is_uno = False
  ui_running_prev = False

  params = Params()
  power_monitor = PowerMonitoring()
  no_panda_cnt = 0

  thermal_config = HARDWARE.get_thermal_config()

  if params.get_bool("IsOnroad"):
    cloudlog.event("onroad flag not cleared")

  # CPR3 logging
  if EON:
    base_path = "/sys/kernel/debug/cpr3-regulator/"
    cpr_files = [p for p in Path(base_path).glob("**/*") if p.is_file()]
    cpr_files = ["/sys/kernel/debug/regulator/pm8994_s11/voltage"] + cpr_files
    cpr_data = {}
    for cf in cpr_files:
      with open(cf, "r") as f:
          cpr_data[str(cf)] = f.read().strip()
        except Exception:
    cloudlog.event("CPR", data=cpr_data)

  # sound trigger
  sound_trigger = 1
  opkrAutoShutdown = 0

  shutdown_trigger = 1
  is_openpilot_view_enabled = 0

  env = dict(os.environ)
  env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = mediaplayer

  getoff_alert = params.get_bool("OpkrEnableGetoffAlert")

  hotspot_on_boot = params.get_bool("OpkrHotspotOnBoot")
  hotspot_run = False

  if int(params.get("OpkrAutoShutdown", encoding="utf8")) == 0:
    opkrAutoShutdown = 0
  elif int(params.get("OpkrAutoShutdown", encoding="utf8")) == 1:
    opkrAutoShutdown = 5
  elif int(params.get("OpkrAutoShutdown", encoding="utf8")) == 2:
    opkrAutoShutdown = 30
  elif int(params.get("OpkrAutoShutdown", encoding="utf8")) == 3:
    opkrAutoShutdown = 60
  elif int(params.get("OpkrAutoShutdown", encoding="utf8")) == 4:
    opkrAutoShutdown = 180
  elif int(params.get("OpkrAutoShutdown", encoding="utf8")) == 5:
    opkrAutoShutdown = 300
  elif int(params.get("OpkrAutoShutdown", encoding="utf8")) == 6:
    opkrAutoShutdown = 600
  elif int(params.get("OpkrAutoShutdown", encoding="utf8")) == 7:
    opkrAutoShutdown = 1800
  elif int(params.get("OpkrAutoShutdown", encoding="utf8")) == 8:
    opkrAutoShutdown = 3600
  elif int(params.get("OpkrAutoShutdown", encoding="utf8")) == 9:
    opkrAutoShutdown = 10800
    opkrAutoShutdown = 18000

  battery_charging_control = params.get_bool("OpkrBatteryChargingControl")
  battery_charging_min = int(params.get("OpkrBatteryChargingMin", encoding="utf8"))
  battery_charging_max = int(params.get("OpkrBatteryChargingMax", encoding="utf8"))

  is_openpilot_dir = True

  while 1:
    ts = sec_since_boot()
    pandaState = messaging.recv_sock(pandaState_sock, wait=True)
    msg = read_thermal(thermal_config)

    if pandaState is not None:
      usb_power = pandaState.pandaState.usbPowerMode != log.PandaState.UsbPowerMode.client

      # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad
      if pandaState.pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
        no_panda_cnt += 1
        if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML:
          if startup_conditions["ignition"]:
            cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad")
          startup_conditions["ignition"] = False
          shutdown_trigger = 1
        no_panda_cnt = 0
        startup_conditions["ignition"] = pandaState.pandaState.ignitionLine or pandaState.pandaState.ignitionCan
        sound_trigger == 1
      #startup_conditions["hardware_supported"] = pandaState.pandaState.pandaType not in [log.PandaState.PandaType.whitePanda,
      #                                                                                   log.PandaState.PandaType.greyPanda]
      #set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_HardwareUnsupported", not startup_conditions["hardware_supported"])

      # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda
      if handle_fan is None and pandaState.pandaState.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
        is_uno = pandaState.pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.uno

        if (not EON) or is_uno:
          cloudlog.info("Setting up UNO fan handler")
          handle_fan = handle_fan_uno
          cloudlog.info("Setting up EON fan handler")
          handle_fan = handle_fan_eon

      # Handle disconnect
      if pandaState_prev is not None:
        if pandaState.pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown and \
          pandaState_prev.pandaState.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
      pandaState_prev = pandaState
    elif params.get_bool("IsOpenpilotViewEnabled") and not params.get_bool("IsDriverViewEnabled") and is_openpilot_view_enabled == 0:
      is_openpilot_view_enabled = 1
      startup_conditions["ignition"] = True
    elif not params.get_bool("IsOpenpilotViewEnabled") and not params.get_bool("IsDriverViewEnabled") and is_openpilot_view_enabled == 1:
      shutdown_trigger = 0
      sound_trigger == 0
      is_openpilot_view_enabled = 0
      startup_conditions["ignition"] = False

    # get_network_type is an expensive call. update every 10s
    if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
        network_type = HARDWARE.get_network_type()
        network_strength, wifi_ssid = HARDWARE.get_network_strength(network_type)
        network_info = HARDWARE.get_network_info()  # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none

        # Log modem version once
        if modem_version is None:
          modem_version = HARDWARE.get_modem_version()  # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none
          if modem_version is not None:
            cloudlog.warning(f"Modem version: {modem_version}")

        if TICI and (network_info.get('state', None) == "REGISTERED"):
          registered_count += 1
          registered_count = 0

        if registered_count > 10:
          cloudlog.warning(f"Modem stuck in registered state {network_info}. nmcli conn up lte")
          os.system("nmcli conn up lte")
          registered_count = 0

        wifiIpAddress = HARDWARE.get_ip_address()
          ping_test = subprocess.check_output(["ping", "-c", "1", "-W", "1", "google.com"])
          Params().put("LastAthenaPingTime", str(int(sec_since_boot() * 1e9))) if ping_test else False
        except Exception:
      except Exception:
        cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status")

    msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent = get_available_percent(default=100.0)
    msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent = int(round(psutil.virtual_memory().percent))
    msg.deviceState.cpuUsagePercent = int(round(psutil.cpu_percent()))
    msg.deviceState.gpuUsagePercent = int(round(HARDWARE.get_gpu_usage_percent()))
    msg.deviceState.networkType = network_type
    msg.deviceState.networkStrength = network_strength
    msg.deviceState.wifiSSID = wifi_ssid
    if network_info is not None:
      msg.deviceState.networkInfo = network_info
    msg.deviceState.wifiIpAddress = wifiIpAddress
    msg.deviceState.batteryPercent = HARDWARE.get_battery_capacity()
    msg.deviceState.batteryStatus = HARDWARE.get_battery_status()
    msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent = HARDWARE.get_battery_current()
    msg.deviceState.batteryVoltage = HARDWARE.get_battery_voltage()
    msg.deviceState.usbOnline = HARDWARE.get_usb_present()

    # Fake battery levels on uno for frame
    if (not EON) or is_uno:
      msg.deviceState.batteryPercent = 100
      msg.deviceState.batteryStatus = "Charging"
      msg.deviceState.batteryTempC = 0

    current_filter.update(msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent / 1e6)

    # TODO: add car battery voltage check
    max_cpu_temp = cpu_temp_filter.update(max(msg.deviceState.cpuTempC))
    max_comp_temp = max(max_cpu_temp, msg.deviceState.memoryTempC, max(msg.deviceState.gpuTempC))
    bat_temp = msg.deviceState.batteryTempC

    if handle_fan is not None:
      fan_speed = handle_fan(max_cpu_temp, bat_temp, fan_speed, startup_conditions["ignition"])
      msg.deviceState.fanSpeedPercentDesired = fan_speed

    # If device is offroad we want to cool down before going onroad
    # since going onroad increases load and can make temps go over 107
    # We only do this if there is a relay that prevents the car from faulting
    is_offroad_for_5_min = (started_ts is None) and ((not started_seen) or (off_ts is None) or (sec_since_boot() - off_ts > 60 * 5))
    if max_cpu_temp > 107. or bat_temp >= 63. or (is_offroad_for_5_min and max_cpu_temp > 70.0):
      # onroad not allowed
      thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger
    elif max_comp_temp > 96.0 or bat_temp > 60.:
      # hysteresis between onroad not allowed and engage not allowed
      thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.red, ThermalStatus.danger)
    elif max_cpu_temp > 94.0:
      # hysteresis between engage not allowed and uploader not allowed
      thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.yellow, ThermalStatus.red)
    elif max_cpu_temp > 80.0:
      # uploader not allowed
      thermal_status = ThermalStatus.yellow
    elif max_cpu_temp > 75.0:
      # hysteresis between uploader not allowed and all good
      thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.green, ThermalStatus.yellow)
      thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green  # default to good condition

    # **** starting logic ****

    # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    # show invalid date/time alert
    startup_conditions["time_valid"] = True if ((now.year > 2020) or (now.year == 2020 and now.month >= 10)) else True # set True for battery less EON otherwise, set False.
    set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_InvalidTime", (not startup_conditions["time_valid"]))

    # Show update prompt
    # try:
    #   last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8'))
    # except (TypeError, ValueError):
    #   last_update = now
    # dt = now - last_update

    # update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount")
    # update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int(update_failed_count)
    # last_update_exception = params.get("LastUpdateException", encoding='utf8')

    # if update_failed_count > 15 and last_update_exception is not None:
    #   if current_branch in ["release2", "dashcam"]:
    #     extra_text = "Ensure the software is correctly installed"
    #   else:
    #     extra_text = last_update_exception

    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False)
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", True, extra_text=extra_text)
    # elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1:
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False)
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", True)
    # elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_PROMPT:
    #   remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0))
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", True, extra_text=f"{remaining_time} days.")
    # else:
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
    #   set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False)

    #startup_conditions["up_to_date"] = params.get("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded") is None or params.get_bool("DisableUpdates")
    startup_conditions["not_uninstalling"] = not params.get_bool("DoUninstall")
    startup_conditions["accepted_terms"] = params.get("HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version

    panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware")
    startup_conditions["fw_version_match"] = (panda_signature is None) or (panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE)   # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None)
    set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch", (not startup_conditions["fw_version_match"]))

    # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot
    startup_conditions["free_space"] = msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent > 2
    startup_conditions["completed_training"] = params.get("CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version or \
    startup_conditions["not_driver_view"] = not params.get_bool("IsDriverViewEnabled")
    startup_conditions["not_taking_snapshot"] = not params.get_bool("IsTakingSnapshot")
    # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes
    # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60
    startup_conditions["device_temp_good"] = thermal_status < ThermalStatus.danger
    set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh", (not startup_conditions["device_temp_good"]))

    if TICI:
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_NvmeMissing", (not Path("/data/media").is_mount()))

    # Handle offroad/onroad transition
    should_start = all(startup_conditions.values())
    if should_start != should_start_prev or (count == 0):
      params.put_bool("IsOnroad", should_start)
      params.put_bool("IsOffroad", not should_start)
      HARDWARE.set_power_save(not should_start)

    if should_start:
      off_ts = None
      if started_ts is None:
        started_ts = sec_since_boot()
        started_seen = True
      if startup_conditions["ignition"] and (startup_conditions != startup_conditions_prev):
        cloudlog.event("Startup blocked", startup_conditions=startup_conditions)

      started_ts = None
      if off_ts is None:
        off_ts = sec_since_boot()

      if shutdown_trigger == 1 and sound_trigger == 1 and msg.deviceState.batteryStatus == "Discharging" and started_seen and (sec_since_boot() - off_ts) > 1 and getoff_alert:
        subprocess.Popen([mediaplayer + 'mediaplayer', '/data/openpilot/selfdrive/assets/sounds/eondetach.wav'], shell = False, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, env = env, close_fds=True)
        sound_trigger = 0
      # shutdown if the battery gets lower than 3%, it's discharging, we aren't running for
      # more than a minute but we were running
      if shutdown_trigger == 1 and msg.deviceState.batteryStatus == "Discharging" and \
         started_seen and opkrAutoShutdown and (sec_since_boot() - off_ts) > opkrAutoShutdown and not os.path.isfile(pandaflash_ongoing):
        os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown')

      if (count % int(1. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
        if int(params.get("OpkrForceShutdown", encoding="utf8")) != 0 and not started_seen and msg.deviceState.batteryStatus == "Discharging":
          shutdown_option = int(params.get("OpkrForceShutdown", encoding="utf8"))
          if shutdown_option == 1:
            opkrForceShutdown = 60
          elif shutdown_option == 2:
            opkrForceShutdown = 180
          elif shutdown_option == 3:
            opkrForceShutdown = 300
          elif shutdown_option == 4:
            opkrForceShutdown = 600
            opkrForceShutdown = 1800
          if (sec_since_boot() - off_ts) > opkrForceShutdown and params.get_bool("OpkrForceShutdownTrigger"):
            os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown')
          elif not params.get_bool("OpkrForceShutdownTrigger"):
            off_ts = sec_since_boot()

    # opkr
    prebuiltlet = params.get_bool("PutPrebuiltOn")
    if not os.path.isdir("/data/openpilot"):
      if is_openpilot_dir:
        os.system("cd /data/params/d; rm -f DongleId") # Delete DongleID if the Openpilot directory disappears, Seems you want to switch fork/branch.
      is_openpilot_dir = False
    elif not os.path.isfile(prebuiltfile) and prebuiltlet and is_openpilot_dir:
      os.system("cd /data/openpilot; touch prebuilt")
    elif os.path.isfile(prebuiltfile) and not prebuiltlet:
      os.system("cd /data/openpilot; rm -f prebuilt")

    # opkr
    sshkeylet = params.get_bool("OpkrSSHLegacy")
    if not os.path.isfile(sshkeyfile) and sshkeylet:
      os.system("cp -f /data/openpilot/selfdrive/assets/addon/key/GithubSshKeys_legacy /data/params/d/GithubSshKeys; chmod 600 /data/params/d/GithubSshKeys; touch /data/public_key")
    elif os.path.isfile(sshkeyfile) and not sshkeylet:
      os.system("cp -f /data/openpilot/selfdrive/assets/addon/key/GithubSshKeys_new /data/params/d/GithubSshKeys; chmod 600 /data/params/d/GithubSshKeys; rm -f /data/public_key")

    # opkr hotspot
    if hotspot_on_boot and not hotspot_run and sec_since_boot() > 80:
      os.system("service call wifi 37 i32 0 i32 1 &")
      hotspot_run = True

    # Offroad power monitoring
    msg.deviceState.offroadPowerUsageUwh = power_monitor.get_power_used()
    msg.deviceState.carBatteryCapacityUwh = max(0, power_monitor.get_car_battery_capacity())

#    # Check if we need to disable charging (handled by boardd)
#    msg.deviceState.chargingDisabled = power_monitor.should_disable_charging(pandaState, off_ts)
#    # Check if we need to shut down
#    if power_monitor.should_shutdown(pandaState, off_ts, started_seen):
#      cloudlog.info(f"shutting device down, offroad since {off_ts}")
#      # TODO: add function for blocking cloudlog instead of sleep
#      time.sleep(10)
#      HARDWARE.shutdown()

    # If UI has crashed, set the brightness to reasonable non-zero value
    manager_state = messaging.recv_one_or_none(managerState_sock)
    if manager_state is not None:
      ui_running = "ui" in (p.name for p in manager_state.managerState.processes if p.running)
      if ui_running_prev and not ui_running:
      ui_running_prev = ui_running

    msg.deviceState.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.deviceState.batteryPercent < 90  # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged
    msg.deviceState.started = started_ts is not None
    msg.deviceState.startedMonoTime = int(1e9*(started_ts or 0))

    last_ping = params.get("LastAthenaPingTime")
    if last_ping is not None:
      msg.deviceState.lastAthenaPingTime = int(last_ping)

    msg.deviceState.thermalStatus = thermal_status
    pm.send("deviceState", msg)

    if EON and not is_uno:
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ChargeDisabled", (not usb_power))

    should_start_prev = should_start
    startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy()

    # atom
    if usb_power and battery_charging_control:
      power_monitor.charging_ctrl( msg, ts, battery_charging_max, battery_charging_min )    

    # report to server once every 10 minutes
    if (count % int(600. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
      if EON and started_ts is None and msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent > 40:
        cloudlog.event("High offroad memory usage", mem=msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent)

      location = messaging.recv_sock(location_sock)
                     pandaState=(strip_deprecated_keys(pandaState.to_dict()) if pandaState else None),
                     location=(strip_deprecated_keys(location.gpsLocationExternal.to_dict()) if location else None),

    count += 1