Exemple #1
    def scatter(self, x, y, z=None, size=None, color=None):
        Plot cesiumpy.Point like scatter plot


        x: list
            List of longitudes
        y: list
            List of latitudes
        z: list or float
        size: list or float
            Pixel size
        color: list or Color
            Point color
        x = com.validate_listlike(x, key='x')

        # for list validation (not allow scalar)
        y = com.validate_listlike(y, key='y')
        # for length validation
        y = self._fill_by(y, len(x), key='y')

        z = self._fill_by(z, len(x), key='z', default=0)
        size = self._fill_by(size, len(x), key='size')
        color = self._fill_by(color, len(x), key='color')

        for i, (_x, _y, _z, _size, _color) in enumerate(zip(x, y, z, size, color)):
            p = cesiumpy.Point(position=(_x, _y, _z), pixelSize=_size,
        return self.widget
Exemple #2
    def bar(self, x, y, z, size=10e3, color=None, bottom=0.):
        Plot cesiumpy.Cylinder like bar plot


        x: list
            List of longitudes
        y: list
            List of latitudes
        z: list
            List of bar heights
        size: list or float, default 10e3
            Radius of cylinder
        color: list or Color
            Cylinder color
        bottom: list or float, default 0
            Bottom heights
        x = com.validate_listlike(x, key='x')

        # for list validation (not allow scalar)
        y = com.validate_listlike(y, key='y')
        # for length validation
        y = self._fill_by(y, len(x), key='y')

        # z must be a list
        z = com.validate_listlike(z, key='z')
        z = self._fill_by(z, len(x), key='y')

        size = self._fill_by(size, len(x), key='size', default=10e3)
        color = self._fill_by(color, len(x), key='color')
        bottom = self._fill_by(bottom, len(x), key='bottom', default=0.)

        it = zip(x, y, z, size, color, bottom)
        for i, (_x, _y, _z, _size, _color, _bottom) in enumerate(it):
            p = cesiumpy.Cylinder(position=(_x, _y, _bottom + _z / 2.),
                                  topRadius=_size, bottomRadius=_size,
        return self.widget
Exemple #3
    def label(self, text, x, y, z=None, size=None, color=None):
        Plot cesiumpy.Label


        text: list
            List of labels
        x: list
            List of longitudes
        y: list
            List of latitudes
        z: list or float
        size: list or float
            Text size
        color: list or Color
            Text color
        x = com.validate_listlike(x, key='x')

        # for list validation (not allow scalar)
        text = com.validate_listlike(text, key='text')
        text = self._fill_by(text, len(x), key='text')
        y = com.validate_listlike(y, key='y')
        y = self._fill_by(y, len(x), key='y')

        z = self._fill_by(z, len(x), key='z', default=0)
        size = self._fill_by(size, len(x), key='size')
        color = self._fill_by(color, len(x), key='color')

        for i, (_text, _x, _y, _z, _size, _color) in enumerate(zip(text, x, y, z, size, color)):
            p = cesiumpy.Label(position=(_x, _y, _z), text=_text,
                               scale=_size, fillColor=_color)
        return self.widget