class TestInclude(BaseTestCase): """Used for Testing Rules""" def setUp(self): """Setup""" self.collection = RulesCollection() self.collection.register(Configuration()) def tearDown(self): """Tear Down""" # Reset the Spec override to prevent other tests to fail cfnlint.helpers.initialize_specs() def test_fail_run(self): """Failure test required""" filename = 'test/fixtures/templates/bad/override/include.yaml' template = self.load_template(filename) with open('test/fixtures/templates/override_spec/include.json') as fp: custom_spec = json.load(fp) cfnlint.helpers.set_specs(custom_spec) bad_runner = Runner(self.collection, filename, template, ['us-east-1'], []) errs = self.assertEqual(2, len(errs))
class TestOverrideRequired(BaseTestCase): """Used for Testing Rules""" def setUp(self): """Setup""" self.collection = RulesCollection() self.collection.register(Required()) def tearDown(self): """Tear Down""" # Reset the Spec override to prevent other tests to fail cfnlint.helpers.initialize_specs() def test_success_run(self): """Success test""" filename = 'templates/good/override/required.yaml' template = self.load_template(filename) custom_spec = json.load(open('templates/override_spec/required.json')) cfnlint.helpers.override_specs(custom_spec) good_runner = Runner(self.collection, [], filename, template, [], ['us-east-1'], []) self.assertEqual([], def test_fail_run(self): """Failure test required""" filename = 'templates/bad/override/required.yaml' template = self.load_template(filename) custom_spec = json.load(open('templates/override_spec/required.json')) cfnlint.helpers.override_specs(custom_spec) bad_runner = Runner(self.collection, [], filename, template, [], ['us-east-1'], []) errs = self.assertEqual(1, len(errs))
class TestBaseTemplate(BaseRuleTestCase): """Test base template""" def setUp(self): """Setup""" self.collection = RulesCollection() self.collection.register(Base()) def test_file_negative(self): """Failure test""" failure = 'test/fixtures/templates/bad/template.yaml' try: Runner(self.collection, failure, True) self.assertEqual(1, 0) except Exception: pass
class TestPropertyVpcId(BaseRuleTestCase): """Test Password Property Configuration""" def setUp(self): """Setup""" self.collection = RulesCollection() self.collection.register(ImageId()) success_templates = [ 'templates/good/generic.yaml', 'templates/quickstart/nist_high_master.yaml', 'templates/quickstart/nist_config_rules.yaml', 'templates/quickstart/nist_iam.yaml', 'templates/quickstart/nist_logging.yaml', 'templates/quickstart/nist_vpc_production.yaml', 'templates/quickstart/openshift_master.yaml', 'templates/quickstart/openshift.yaml', 'templates/quickstart/cis_benchmark.yaml', 'templates/good/minimal.yaml', 'templates/good/transform.yaml', 'templates/good/conditions.yaml' ] def test_file_positive(self): """Success test""" self.helper_file_positive() def test_file_negative_nist_app(self): """Failure test""" self.helper_file_negative('templates/quickstart/nist_application.yaml', 3) def test_file_negative_nist_mgmt(self): """Failure test""" self.helper_file_negative( 'templates/quickstart/nist_vpc_management.yaml', 1) def test_file_negative(self): """Failure test""" self.helper_file_negative('templates/bad/properties_imageid.yaml', 1)
def test_update_iam_policies(self): """Success update documentation""" class TestRuleError(CloudFormationLintRule): """ Def Rule """ id = 'E1000' shortdesc = 'Test Error' description = 'Test Description' source_url = '' tags = ['resources'] class TestRuleExpiremental(CloudFormationLintRule): """ Def Rule """ id = 'E1001' shortdesc = 'Test Expiremental' description = 'Test Description' source_url = '' tags = ['resources'] experimental = True class TestRuleWarning(CloudFormationLintRule): """ Def Rule """ id = 'W1001' shortdesc = 'Test Warning' description = 'Test Description' source_url = '' tags = ['resources', 'iam'] collection = RulesCollection(include_rules=['I'], include_experimental=True) collection.register(TestRuleError()) collection.register(TestRuleWarning()) collection.register(TestRuleExpiremental()) if sys.version_info.major == 3: builtin_module_name = 'builtins' else: builtin_module_name = '__builtin__' mo = mock_open(read_data=self.TEST_TEXT) mo.return_value.__iter__ = lambda self: self mo.return_value.__iter__ = lambda self: iter(self.readline, '') with patch('{}.open'.format(builtin_module_name), mo) as mock_builtin_open: cfnlint.maintenance.update_documentation(collection) expected_calls = [ call('\n'), call('Regular Text\n'), call('## Rules\n'), call('The following **{}** rules are applied by this linter:\n'.format( len(collection))), call('(_This documentation is generated from the Rules, do not alter this manually_)\n\n'), call('| Rule ID | Title | Description | Config<br />(Name:Type:Default) | Source | Tags |\n'), call('| -------- | ----- | ----------- | ---------- | ------ | ---- |\n'), call( '| E0000<a name="E0000"></a> | Parsing error found when parsing the template | Checks for Null values and Duplicate values in resources | | [Source]() | `base` |\n'), call( '| E0001<a name="E0001"></a> | Error found when transforming the template | Errors found when performing transformation on the template | | [Source]() | `base`,`transform` |\n'), call( '| E0002<a name="E0002"></a> | Error processing rule on the template | Errors found when processing a rule on the template | | [Source]() | `base`,`rule` |\n'), call( '| E1000<a name="E1000"></a> | Test Error | Test Description | | [Source]( | `resources` |\n'), call( '| W1001<a name="W1001"></a> | Test Warning | Test Description | | [Source]( | `resources`,`iam` |\n'), call('### Experimental rules\n'), call('| Rule ID | Title | Description | Source | Tags |\n'), call('| -------- | ----- | ----------- | ------ | ---- |\n'), call( '| E1001<a name="E1001"></a> | Test Expiremental | Test Description | | [Source]( | `resources` |\n'), ] mock_builtin_open.return_value.write.assert_has_calls(expected_calls) self.assertEqual(len(expected_calls), mock_builtin_open.return_value.write.call_count)