def orientChain(joints = None, axisAim = 'z+', axisUp = 'y+', worldUpAxis = [0,1,0], relativeOrient = True, progressBar = None, baseName = None, asMeta = True): """ Given a series of positions, or objects, or a curve and a mesh - loft retopology it :parameters: :returns created(list) """ _str_func = 'orientChain' if baseName:raise NotImplementedError,"Remove these calls" def orientJoint(mJnt): if mJnt not in ml_cull: log.debug("|{0}| >> Aready done: {1}".format(_str_func,mJnt.mNode)) return log.debug("|{0}| >> Orienting: {1}".format(_str_func,mJnt.mNode)) mParent = _d_parents[mJnt] if mParent and mParent in ml_cull: return log.debug("|{0}| >> Orienting parent: {1}".format(_str_func,mParent.mNode)) orientJoint(mParent) if mJnt in ml_world: log.debug("|{0}| >> World joint: {1}".format(_str_func,mJnt.mNode)) try: axisWorldOrient = SHARED._d_axisToJointOrient[str_aim][str_up] except Exception,err: log.error("{0}>> World axis query. {1} | {2}".format(_str_func, str_aim, str_up)) raise Exception,err log.debug("|{0}| >> World joint: {1} | {2}".format(_str_func,mJnt.mNode, axisWorldOrient)) mJnt.rotate = 0,0,0 mJnt.jointOrient = axisWorldOrient[0],axisWorldOrient[1],axisWorldOrient[2] elif mJnt not in ml_ends: log.debug("|{0}| >> Reg joint: {1}".format(_str_func,mJnt.mNode)) mDup = mJnt.doDuplicate(parentOnly = True) mc.makeIdentity(mDup.mNode, apply = 1, jo = 1)#Freeze if relativeOrient and mParent: _axisWorldUp = MATH.get_obj_vector(mParent.mNode, axisUp) else: _axisWorldUp = worldUpAxis SNAP.aim(mDup.mNode,_d_children[mJnt][0].mNode, mAxis_aim.p_vector,mAxis_up.p_vector, 'vector',_axisWorldUp) mJnt.rotate = 0,0,0 mJnt.jointOrient = mDup.rotate mDup.delete()
def snap_action(objects=None, snapMode='point', selectionMode='eachToLast', **kws): """ """ try: _str_func = 'snap_action' subKWS = {} if objects is None: objects = if snapMode == 'aim': aim_axis = SHARED._l_axis_by_string[var_objDefaultAimAxis.value] up_axis = SHARED._l_axis_by_string[var_objDefaultUpAxis.value] subKWS = { 'aimAxis': aim_axis, 'upAxis': up_axis, 'mode': var_aimMode.value } if selectionMode == 'firstToRest': MMCONTEXT.func_process(SNAP.aim_atMidPoint, objects, selectionMode, 'Snap aim', **subKWS) else: MMCONTEXT.func_process(SNAP.aim, objects, selectionMode, 'Snap aim', **subKWS) if selectionMode == 'eachToNext': SNAP.aim(objects[-1], objects[-2], VALID.simpleAxis(aim_axis).inverse.p_string, up_axis, var_aimMode.value) elif snapMode == 'ground': MMCONTEXT.func_process(SNAP.to_ground, objects, 'each', 'Snap') elif snapMode in [ 'axisBox', 'boundingBox', 'boundingBoxShapes', 'boundingBoxEach', 'castCenter', 'castFar', 'castNear', 'castAllCenter', 'castAllFar', 'castAllNear' ]: log.debug("|{0}| | special mode: {1}".format(_str_func, snapMode)) subKWS['mode'] = kws.get('mode', 'z+') subKWS['arg'] = snapMode if len(objects) == 1: specialSnap(objects[0], **subKWS) elif snapMode in ['boundingBox'] and selectionMode != 'each': log.debug("|{0}| | bb each mode".format(_str_func, snapMode)) specialSnap(objects[0], objects, **subKWS) else: MMCONTEXT.func_process(specialSnap, objects, selectionMode, 'Snap Special', **subKWS) else: subKWS = { 'position': False, 'rotation': False, 'rotateAxis': False, 'rotateOrder': False, 'scalePivot': False, 'pivot': 'rp', 'space': 'w', 'mode': 'xform' } if snapMode in ['point', 'closestPoint']: subKWS['position'] = True elif snapMode == 'orient': subKWS['rotation'] = True elif snapMode == 'parent': subKWS['position'] = True subKWS['rotation'] = True elif snapMode == 'aim': subKWS['rotation'] = True else: raise ValueError, "Unknown mode!" _pivotMode = var_snapPivotMode.value if snapMode == 'closestPoint': subKWS['pivot'] = 'closestPoint' else: if not _pivotMode: pass #0 handled by default elif _pivotMode == 1: subKWS['pivot'] = 'sp' elif _pivotMode == 2: subKWS['pivot'] = 'boundingBox' else: raise ValueError, "Uknown pivotMode: {0}".format( _pivotMode) MMCONTEXT.func_process(SNAP.go, objects, selectionMode, 'Snap', **subKWS) return except Exception, err: cgmGEN.cgmExceptCB(Exception, err, msg=vars())
def createWrapControlShape( targetObjects, targetGeo=None, latheAxis='z', aimAxis='y+', objectUp='y+', points=8, curveDegree=1, insetMult=None, #Inset multiplier minRotate=None, maxRotate=None, posOffset=[], rootOffset=[], #offset root before cast rootRotate=None, joinMode=False, extendMode=None, closedCurve=True, l_specifiedRotates=None, maxDistance=1000, closestInRange=True, vectorOffset=None, midMeshCast=False, subSize=None, #For ball on loli for example rotateBank=None, joinHits=None, #keys to processed hits to see what to join axisToCheck=['x', 'y'], **kws): #'segment,radial,disc' """ This function lathes an axis of an object, shoot rays out the aim axis at the provided mesh and returning hits. it then uses this information to build a curve shape. :parameters: mesh(string) | Surface to cast at mi_obj(string/mObj) | our casting object latheAxis(str) | axis of the objec to lathe TODO: add validation aimAxis(str) | axis to shoot out of points(int) | how many points you want in the curve curveDegree(int) | specified degree minRotate(float) | let's you specify a valid range to shoot maxRotate(float) | let's you specify a valid range to shoot posOffset(vector) | transformational offset for the hit from a normalized locator at the hit. Oriented to the surface markHits(bool) | whether to keep the hit markers returnDict(bool) | whether you want all the infomation from the process. rotateBank (float) | let's you add a bank to the rotation object l_specifiedRotates(list of values) | specify where to shoot relative to an object. Ignores some other settings maxDistance(float) | max distance to cast rays closestInRange(bool) | True by default. If True, takes first hit. Else take the furthest away hit in range. :returns: Dict ------------------------------------------------------------------ 'source'(double3) | point from which we cast 'hit'(double3) | world space points | active during single return 'hits'(list) | world space points | active during multi return 'uv'(double2) | uv on surface of hit | only works for mesh surfaces :raises: Exception | if reached """ _str_func = "createWrapControlShape" log.debug(">> %s >> " % (_str_func) + "=" * 75) _joinModes = [] _extendMode = [] if type(targetObjects) not in [list, tuple]: targetObjects = [targetObjects] targetGeo = VALID.objStringList(targetGeo, calledFrom=_str_func) assert type(points) is int, "Points must be int: %s" % points assert type(curveDegree) is int, "Points must be int: %s" % points assert curveDegree > 0, "Curve degree must be greater than 1: %s" % curveDegree if posOffset is not None and len(posOffset) and len(posOffset) != 3: raise StandardError, "posOffset must be len(3): %s | len: %s" % ( posOffset, len(posOffset)) if rootOffset is not None and len(rootOffset) and len(rootOffset) != 3: raise StandardError, "rootOffset must be len(3): %s | len: %s" % ( rootOffset, len(rootOffset)) if rootRotate is not None and len(rootRotate) and len(rootRotate) != 3: raise StandardError, "rootRotate must be len(3): %s | len: %s" % ( rootRotate, len(rootRotate)) if extendMode in ['loliwrap', 'cylinder', 'disc'] and insetMult is None: insetMult = 1 for axis in ['x', 'y', 'z']: if axis in latheAxis.lower(): latheAxis = axis log.debug("targetObjects: %s" % targetObjects) if len(aimAxis) == 2: single_aimAxis = aimAxis[0] else: single_aimAxis = aimAxis mAxis_aim = VALID.simpleAxis(aimAxis) log.debug("Single aim: %s" % single_aimAxis) log.debug("createWrapControlShape>> midMeshCast: %s" % midMeshCast) log.debug("|{0}| >> extendMode: {1}".format(_str_func, extendMode)) #>> Info l_groupsBuffer = [] il_curvesToCombine = [] l_sliceReturns = [] #Need to do more to get a better size #>> Build curves #================================================================= #> Root curve # log.debug("RootRotate: %s" % rootRotate) mi_rootLoc = cgmMeta.cgmNode(targetObjects[0]).doLoc() if rootOffset: log.debug("rootOffset: %s" % rootOffset) mc.move(rootOffset[0], rootOffset[1], rootOffset[2], [mi_rootLoc.mNode], r=True, rpr=True, os=True, wd=True) if rootRotate is not None and len(rootRotate): log.debug("rootRotate: %s" % rootRotate) mc.rotate(rootRotate[0], rootRotate[1], rootRotate[2], [mi_rootLoc.mNode], os=True, r=True) #>> Root mi_rootLoc.doGroup() #Group to zero if extendMode == 'segment': log.debug("segment mode. Target len: %s" % len(targetObjects[1:])) if len(targetObjects) < 2: log.warning( "Segment build mode only works with two objects or more") else: if insetMult is not None: rootDistanceToMove = distance.returnDistanceBetweenObjects( targetObjects[0], targetObjects[1]) log.debug("rootDistanceToMove: %s" % rootDistanceToMove) mi_rootLoc.__setattr__('t%s' % latheAxis, rootDistanceToMove * insetMult) = (rootDistanceToMove*insetMult)#Offset it #Notes -- may need to play with up object for aim snapping #mi_upLoc = cgmMeta.cgmNode(targetObjects[0]).doLoc() #mi_upLoc.doGroup()#To zero objectUpVector = dictionary.returnStringToVectors(objectUp) log.debug("objectUpVector: %s" % objectUpVector) #mi_uploc for i, obj in enumerate(targetObjects[1:]): log.debug("i: %s" % i) #> End Curve mi_endLoc = cgmMeta.cgmNode(obj).doLoc() aimVector = dictionary.returnStringToVectors(latheAxis + '-') log.debug("segment aimback: %s" % aimVector) #Snap.go(mi_endLoc.mNode,mi_rootLoc.mNode,move=False,aim=True,aimVector=aimVector,upVector=objectUpVector) #Snap.go(mi_endLoc.mNode,mi_rootLoc.mNode,move=False,orient=True) SNAP.go(mi_endLoc.mNode, mi_rootLoc.mNode, position=False, rotation=True) mi_endLoc.doGroup() if i == len(targetObjects[1:]) - 1: if insetMult is not None: log.debug("segment insetMult: %s" % insetMult) distanceToMove = distance.returnDistanceBetweenObjects( targetObjects[-1], targetObjects[0]) log.debug("distanceToMove: %s" % distanceToMove) = -(distanceToMove*insetMult)#Offset it mi_endLoc.__setattr__('t%s' % latheAxis, -(distanceToMove * insetMult)) log.debug("segment lathe: %s" % latheAxis) log.debug("segment aim: %s" % aimAxis) log.debug("segment rotateBank: %s" % rotateBank) d_endCastInfo = createMeshSliceCurve( targetGeo, mi_endLoc, midMeshCast=midMeshCast, curveDegree=curveDegree, latheAxis=latheAxis, aimAxis=aimAxis, posOffset=posOffset, points=points, returnDict=True, closedCurve=closedCurve, maxDistance=maxDistance, closestInRange=closestInRange, rotateBank=rotateBank, l_specifiedRotates=l_specifiedRotates, axisToCheck=axisToCheck) l_sliceReturns.append(d_endCastInfo) mi_end = cgmMeta.cgmObject(d_endCastInfo['curve']) il_curvesToCombine.append(mi_end) mc.delete(mi_endLoc.parent) #delete the loc elif extendMode == 'radial': log.debug("|{0}| >> radial...".format(_str_func)) d_handleInner = createMeshSliceCurve( targetGeo, mi_rootLoc, midMeshCast=midMeshCast, curveDegree=curveDegree, latheAxis=latheAxis, aimAxis=aimAxis, posOffset=0, points=points, returnDict=True, closedCurve=closedCurve, maxDistance=maxDistance, closestInRange=closestInRange, rotateBank=rotateBank, l_specifiedRotates=l_specifiedRotates, axisToCheck=axisToCheck) mi_buffer = cgmMeta.cgmObject(d_handleInner['curve']) #instance curve l_sliceReturns.append(d_handleInner) il_curvesToCombine.append(mi_buffer) elif extendMode == 'disc': log.debug("|{0}| >> disc...".format(_str_func)) d_size = returnBaseControlSize(mi_rootLoc, targetGeo, axis=[aimAxis]) #Get size #discOffset = d_size[ d_size.keys()[0]]*insetMult size = False l_absSize = [abs(i) for i in posOffset] if l_absSize: size = max(l_absSize) if not size: d_size = returnBaseControlSize(mi_rootLoc, targetGeo, axis=[aimAxis]) #Get size log.debug("d_size: %s" % d_size) size = d_size[d_size.keys()[0]] * insetMult discOffset = size log.debug("d_size: %s" % d_size) log.debug("discOffset is: %s" % discOffset) mi_rootLoc.__setattr__('t%s' % latheAxis, discOffset) if posOffset: tmp_posOffset = [ posOffset[0] * .5, posOffset[1] * .5, posOffset[2] * .5 ] d_handleInnerUp = createMeshSliceCurve( targetGeo, mi_rootLoc, curveDegree=curveDegree, midMeshCast=midMeshCast, latheAxis=latheAxis, aimAxis=aimAxis, posOffset=tmp_posOffset, points=points, returnDict=True, closedCurve=closedCurve, maxDistance=maxDistance, closestInRange=closestInRange, rotateBank=rotateBank, l_specifiedRotates=l_specifiedRotates, axisToCheck=axisToCheck) mi_buffer = cgmMeta.cgmObject( d_handleInnerUp['curve']) #instance curve l_sliceReturns.append(d_handleInnerUp) il_curvesToCombine.append(mi_buffer) mi_rootLoc.__setattr__('t%s' % latheAxis, -discOffset) d_handleInnerDown = createMeshSliceCurve( targetGeo, mi_rootLoc, curveDegree=curveDegree, midMeshCast=midMeshCast, latheAxis=latheAxis, aimAxis=aimAxis, posOffset=tmp_posOffset, points=points, returnDict=True, closedCurve=closedCurve, maxDistance=maxDistance, closestInRange=closestInRange, rotateBank=rotateBank, l_specifiedRotates=l_specifiedRotates, axisToCheck=axisToCheck) mi_buffer = cgmMeta.cgmObject( d_handleInnerDown['curve']) #instance curve l_sliceReturns.append(d_handleInnerDown) il_curvesToCombine.append(mi_buffer) = 0 elif extendMode == 'cylinder': log.debug("|{0}| >> cylinder...".format(_str_func)) d_size = returnBaseControlSize(mi_rootLoc, targetGeo, axis=[aimAxis]) #Get size discOffset = d_size[d_size.keys()[0]] * insetMult log.debug("d_size: %s" % d_size) log.debug("discOffset is: %s" % discOffset) mi_rootLoc.__setattr__('t%s' % latheAxis, discOffset) d_handleInnerUp = createMeshSliceCurve( targetGeo, mi_rootLoc, curveDegree=curveDegree, midMeshCast=midMeshCast, latheAxis=latheAxis, aimAxis=aimAxis, posOffset=posOffset, points=points, returnDict=True, closedCurve=closedCurve, maxDistance=maxDistance, closestInRange=closestInRange, rotateBank=rotateBank, l_specifiedRotates=l_specifiedRotates, axisToCheck=axisToCheck) mi_buffer = cgmMeta.cgmObject( d_handleInnerUp['curve']) #instance curve l_sliceReturns.append(d_handleInnerUp) il_curvesToCombine.append(mi_buffer) mi_rootLoc.__setattr__('t%s' % latheAxis, 0) elif extendMode == 'loliwrap': log.debug("|{0}| >> lolipop...".format(_str_func)) #l_absSize = [abs(i) for i in posOffset] size = False #if l_absSize: #log.debug("l_absSize: %s"%l_absSize) #size = max(l_absSize)*1.25 if subSize is not None: size = subSize if not size: d_size = returnBaseControlSize(mi_rootLoc, targetGeo, axis=[aimAxis]) #Get size"d_size: %s" % d_size) l_size = d_size[single_aimAxis] size = l_size / 3"loli size: %s" % size) i_ball = cgmMeta.cgmObject( curves.createControlCurve('sphere', size=size)) elif extendMode == 'endCap': log.debug("|{0}| >> endCap...".format(_str_func)) returnBuffer1 = createMeshSliceCurve( targetGeo, mi_rootLoc.mNode, aimAxis='{0}+'.format(latheAxis), latheAxis=objectUp[0], curveDegree=curveDegree, maxDistance=maxDistance, closestInRange=closestInRange, closedCurve=False, l_specifiedRotates=[-90, -60, -30, 0, 30, 60, 90], posOffset=posOffset) mi_rootLoc.rotate = [0, 0, 0] mi_rootLoc.__setattr__('r%s' % latheAxis, 90) returnBuffer2 = createMeshSliceCurve( targetGeo, mi_rootLoc.mNode, aimAxis='{0}+'.format(latheAxis), latheAxis=objectUp[0], curveDegree=curveDegree, maxDistance=maxDistance, closedCurve=False, closestInRange=closestInRange, l_specifiedRotates=[-90, -60, -30, 0, 30, 60, 90], posOffset=posOffset) l_sliceReturns.extend([returnBuffer1, returnBuffer2]) il_curvesToCombine.append(cgmMeta.cgmObject(returnBuffer1)) il_curvesToCombine.append(cgmMeta.cgmObject(returnBuffer2)) mi_rootLoc.rotate = [0, 0, 0] #Now cast our root since we needed to move it with segment mode before casting if extendMode == 'cylinder': log.debug("|{0}| >> cylinder move...".format(_str_func)) mi_rootLoc.__setattr__('t%s' % latheAxis, -discOffset) log.debug("|{0}| >> Rootcast...".format(_str_func)) d_rootCastInfo = createMeshSliceCurve( targetGeo, mi_rootLoc, curveDegree=curveDegree, minRotate=minRotate, maxRotate=maxRotate, latheAxis=latheAxis, midMeshCast=midMeshCast, aimAxis=aimAxis, posOffset=posOffset, points=points, vectorOffset=vectorOffset, returnDict=True, closedCurve=closedCurve, maxDistance=maxDistance, closestInRange=closestInRange, rotateBank=rotateBank, l_specifiedRotates=l_specifiedRotates, axisToCheck=axisToCheck) #d_rootCastInfo = createMeshSliceCurve(targetGeo,mi_rootLoc,**kws) log.debug("|{0}| >> Rootcast done".format(_str_func) + cgmGEN._str_subLine) if extendMode == 'disc': l_sliceReturns.insert(1, d_rootCastInfo) else: l_sliceReturns.insert(0, d_rootCastInfo) #Special loli stuff if extendMode == 'loliwrap': SNAP.go(i_ball.mNode, mi_rootLoc.mNode, True, True) #Snap to main object #log.debug("hitReturns: %s"%d_rootCastInfo['hitReturns']) #cgmGEN.walk_dat(d_rootCastInfo['hitReturns'],'hitReturns') mi_crv = cgmMeta.cgmObject(d_rootCastInfo['curve']) """ d_return = RayCast.findMeshIntersectionFromObjectAxis(targetGeo,mi_rootLoc.mNode,mAxis_aim.p_string) or {} if not d_return.get('hit'): raise ValueError,"No hit on loli check" pos = d_return.get('hit') dist = distance.returnDistanceBetweenPoints(i_ball.getPosition(),pos) * 2""" if vectorOffset is not None: dist = vectorOffset + subSize * 4 else: dist = max(posOffset) + subSize * 4 if '-' in aimAxis: distM = -dist else: distM = dist log.debug("distM: %s" % distM) #Move the ball pBuffer = i_ball.doGroup() i_ball.__setattr__('t%s' % single_aimAxis, distM) i_ball.parent = False mc.delete(pBuffer) uPos = distance.returnClosestUPosition(i_ball.mNode, mi_crv.mNode) SNAP.aim(i_ball.mNode, mi_rootLoc.mNode, aimAxis='z-') #if posOffset: #mc.move(posOffset[0]*3,posOffset[1]*3,posOffset[2]*3, [i_ball.mNode], r = True, rpr = True, os = True, wd = True) #Make the curve between the two mi_traceCrv = cgmMeta.cgmObject( mc.curve(degree=1, ep=[uPos, i_ball.getPosition()])) #Combine il_curvesToCombine.extend([i_ball, mi_traceCrv]) mi_root = cgmMeta.cgmObject(d_rootCastInfo['curve']) #instance curve il_curvesToCombine.append(mi_root) mc.delete(mi_rootLoc.parent) #delete the loc l_curvesToCombine = [mi_obj.mNode for mi_obj in il_curvesToCombine ] #Build our combine list before adding connectors log.debug("|{0}| >> processed: {1}".format( _str_func, d_rootCastInfo['processedHits'])) if joinMode and extendMode not in ['loliwrap', 'endCap' ] and len(l_sliceReturns) > 1: if joinHits: keys = d_rootCastInfo['processedHits'].keys() keys.sort() #goodDegrees = [] #for i,key in enumerate(keys): #if i in joinHits: #goodDegrees.append(key) goodDegrees = [key for i, key in enumerate(keys) if i in joinHits] log.debug("joinHits: %s" % joinHits) log.debug("goodDegrees: %s" % goodDegrees) else: goodDegrees = [ key for key in d_rootCastInfo['processedHits'].keys() ] #> Side Curves for degree in goodDegrees: l_pos = [] for d in l_sliceReturns: l_pos.append(d['processedHits'].get(degree) or False) while False in l_pos: l_pos.remove(False) log.debug("l_pos: %s" % l_pos) if len(l_pos) >= 2: try: l_curvesToCombine.append( mc.curve(d=curveDegree, ep=l_pos, os=True)) #Make the curve except: log.debug( "createWrapControlShape>>> skipping curve fail: %s" % (degree)) #>>Combine the curves newCurve = curves.combineCurves(l_curvesToCombine) mi_crv = cgmMeta.cgmObject(rigging.groupMeObject(targetObjects[0], False)) curves.parentShapeInPlace(mi_crv.mNode, newCurve) #Parent shape mc.delete(newCurve) #>>Copy tags and name mi_crv.doCopyNameTagsFromObject(targetObjects[0], ignore=['cgmType', 'cgmTypeModifier']) mi_crv.addAttr('cgmType', attrType='string', value='controlCurve', lock=True) mi_crv.doName() #Store for return return {'curve': mi_crv.mNode, 'instance': mi_crv}
def orientJoint(mJnt): try: if mJnt not in ml_cull: log.debug("|{0}| >> Aready done: {1}".format( _str_func, mJnt.mNode)) return log.debug("|{0}| >> Orienting: {1}".format( _str_func, mJnt.mNode)) mParent = _d_parents[mJnt] if mParent and mParent in ml_cull: return log.debug("|{0}| >> Orienting parent: {1}".format( _str_func, mParent.mNode)) orientJoint(mParent) if mJnt in ml_world: log.debug("|{0}| >> World joint: {1}".format( _str_func, mJnt.mNode)) try: axisWorldOrient = SHARED._d_axisToJointOrient[str_aim][ str_up] except Exception, err: log.error("{0}>> World axis query. {1} | {2}".format( _str_func, str_aim, str_up)) raise Exception, err log.debug("|{0}| >> World joint: {1} | {2}".format( _str_func, mJnt.mNode, axisWorldOrient)) mJnt.rotate = 0, 0, 0 mJnt.jointOrient = axisWorldOrient[0], axisWorldOrient[ 1], axisWorldOrient[2] elif mJnt not in ml_ends: log.debug("|{0}| >> Reg joint: {1}".format( _str_func, mJnt.mNode)) mDup = mJnt.doDuplicate(parentOnly=True) mc.makeIdentity(mDup.mNode, apply=1, jo=1) #Freeze b_rotFix = False if relativeOrient and mParent: p_child = _d_children[mJnt][0].p_position p_me = mJnt.p_position p_parent = mParent.p_position _axisWorldUp = MATH.get_obj_vector( mParent.mNode, axisUp) _vecToChild = MATH.get_vector_of_two_points( p_child, p_me) _vecToParent = MATH.get_vector_of_two_points( p_me, p_parent) _vecFromParent = MATH.get_vector_of_two_points( p_parent, p_me) _angleVec = MATH.angleBetweenVectors( _axisWorldUp, _vecToChild) #_angle = MATH.angleBetweenVectors(_vecFromParent,_vecToChild) _angle = MATH.angleBetween(p_child, p_me, p_parent) #except:_angle = 0 _cross = MATH.dotproduct(_vecToChild, _vecToParent) #pprint.pprint(vars()) log.debug( cgmGEN.logString_msg( _str_func, "{0} | vec: {1} | angle: {2} | cross: {3}". format(mJnt.mNode, _angleVec, _angle, _cross))) if _angle > 70: log.warning( cgmGEN.logString_msg( _str_func, "{0} | dangerous angles vec: {1} | angle: {2} " .format(mJnt.mNode, _angleVec, _angle))),"dangerous cross: {0} ".format(_cross))) #_axisWorldUp = MATH.get_obj_vector(mParent.mNode, axisBackup) if _cross < 0: _axisWorldUp = [-1 * v for v in _vecToParent] else: pass #_axisWorldUp = _vecToParent #_axisWorldUp = _lastVecUp #v = MATH.transform_direction( b_rotFix = True """ if _angleVec < 1.0: _axisWorldUp = MATH.averageVectors(_axisWorldUp,_vecToChild) _axisWorldUp = MATH.averageVectors(_axisWorldUp,worldUpAxis)#.average in the world value log.warning(cgmGEN.logString_msg(_str_func,"To child | postfix: {0} ".format(_axisWorldUp))) else: _vecToParent = MATH.get_vector_of_two_points(p_me, p_parent) _axisWorldUp = MATH.averageVectors(_axisWorldUp,_vecToParent) _axisWorldUp = MATH.averageVectors(_axisWorldUp,worldUpAxis)#.average in the world value log.warning(cgmGEN.logString_msg(_str_func,"To parent | postfix: {0} ".format(_axisWorldUp)))""" else: _axisWorldUp = worldUpAxis mDup.rotateOrder = 0 SNAP.aim(mDup.mNode, _d_children[mJnt][0].mNode, mAxis_aim.p_vector, mAxis_up.p_vector, 'vector', _axisWorldUp) if b_rotFix: pass """ a = 'r{0}'.format(axisAim[0]) v = ATTR.get(mDup.mNode,a) log.warning(cgmGEN.logString_msg(_str_func,"{0} | rotFix | a: {1} | v: {2}".format(mJnt.mNode,a,v))) ATTR.set(mDup.mNode,a,90)""" mJnt.rotate = 0, 0, 0 mJnt.jointOrient = mDup.p_orient mDup.delete()