Exemple #1
def phenotypes(m, par=None):
    Aggregate phenotypes for sensitivity analysis.
    Wrap CellML model and adjust parameter names to conform with pacing protocol
    >>> m = Model(workspace="beeler_reuter_1977", rename=dict(
    ...     p=dict(IstimPeriod="stim_period", IstimAmplitude="stim_amplitude", 
    ...     IstimPulseDuration="stim_duration")), 
    ...     reltol=1e-10, maxsteps=1e6, chunksize=100000)
    >>> m.pr.IstimStart = 0
    >>> print "Result:"; phenotypes(m)
    rec.array([ (115.799..., -83.857..., 31.942..., 2.287..., 0.01384..., 
    127.599..., 217.0..., 256.603..., 273.144..., 0.00612..., 0.000183..., 
    0.00630..., 92.373..., 0.0336..., 242.2..., 268.75..., 285.98..., 
    dtype=[('apamp', '<f8'), ('apbase', '<f8'), ('appeak', '<f8'), 
    ('apttp', '<f8'), ('apdecayrate', '<f8'), ('apd25', '<f8'), 
    ('apd50', '<f8'), ('apd75', '<f8'), ('apd90', '<f8'), ('ctamp', '<f8'), 
    ('ctbase', '<f8'), ('ctpeak', '<f8'), ('ctttp', '<f8'), 
    ('ctdecayrate', '<f8'), ('ctd25', '<f8'), ('ctd50', '<f8'), 
    ('ctd75', '<f8'), ('ctd90', '<f8')])
    with m.autorestore(_p=par):
        m.eq(tmax=1e4, tol=1e-3)
        _t, _y, stats = m.ap()
    return ap_stats_array(stats)
Exemple #2
def phenotypes(par=None):
    with m.autorestore(_p=par):
        m.eq(tmax=1e7, tol=1e-3)
        t, y, stats = m.ap()
    return ap_stats_array(stats)
def phenotypes(par=None):
    """Aggregate phenotypes for sensitivity analysis."""
    with m.autorestore(_p=par):
        m.eq(tmax=1e4, tol=1e-3)
        _t, _y, stats = m.ap()
    return ap_stats_array(stats)