def __init__(self): # The delegates views don't work unless we caller the superclass __init__ super(CursorTest, self).__init__() container = HPlotContainer(padding=0, spacing=20) self.plot = container # a subcontainer for the first plot. # I'm not sure why this is required. Without it, the layout doesn't work right. subcontainer = OverlayPlotContainer(padding=40) container.add(subcontainer) # make some data index = numpy.linspace(-10, 10, 512) value = numpy.sin(index) # create a LinePlot instance and add it to the subcontainer line = create_line_plot([index, value], add_grid=True, add_axis=True, index_sort="ascending", orientation="h") subcontainer.add(line) # here's our first cursor. csr = CursorTool(line, drag_button="left", color="blue") self.cursor1 = csr # and set it's initial position (in data-space units) csr.current_position = 0.0, 0.0 # this is a rendered component so it goes in the overlays list line.overlays.append(csr) # some other standard tools, drag_button="right")) line.overlays.append(ZoomTool(line)) # make some 2D data for a colourmap plot xy_range = (-5, 5) x = numpy.linspace(xy_range[0], xy_range[1], 100) y = numpy.linspace(xy_range[0], xy_range[1], 100) X, Y = numpy.meshgrid(x, y) Z = numpy.sin(X) * numpy.arctan2(Y, X) # easiest way to get a CMapImagePlot is to use the Plot class ds = ArrayPlotData() ds.set_data("img", Z) img = Plot(ds, padding=40) cmapImgPlot = img.img_plot("img", xbounds=xy_range, ybounds=xy_range, colormap=jet)[0] container.add(img) # now make another cursor csr2 = CursorTool(cmapImgPlot, drag_button="left", color="white", line_width=2.0) self.cursor2 = csr2 csr2.current_position = 1.0, 1.5 cmapImgPlot.overlays.append(csr2) # add some standard tools. Note, I'm assigning the PanTool to the # right mouse-button to avoid conflicting with the cursors, drag_button="right")) cmapImgPlot.overlays.append(ZoomTool(cmapImgPlot))
def setUp(self): if 'OUTPUT_TESTS' not in os.environ: raise SkipTest('Slow: define OUTPUT_TESTS to run') = xye.XYEDataset.from_file( r'tests/testdata/si640c_low_temp_cal_p1_scan0.000000_adv0_0000.xye' ) class UI(object): color = None name = '' active = True markers = False['ui'] = UI() self.datasets = [] self.plot = RawDataPlot(self.datasets) self.plot.plot_datasets(self.datasets, scale='log') self.container = OverlayPlotContainer(self.plot.get_plot(), bgcolor="white", use_backbuffer=True, border_visible=False) self.container.request_redraw() self.basedir = os.path.join('tests', 'tmp') try: os.mkdir(self.basedir) except OSError, e: assert 'exists' in str(e)
def test_basics(self): container = OverlayPlotContainer(resizable='', bounds=[100.0,200.0]) self.assert_tuple(container.get_preferred_size(), (100.0,200.0)) self.assertEqual(container._layout_needed, True) container.do_layout() self.assertEqual(container._layout_needed, False) return
class LegendWindow(HasTraits): plot = Instance(OverlayPlotContainer) traits_view = View( UItem('plot', editor=ComponentEditor(bgcolor='white', width=500, height=500), show_label=False, resizable=True), title='Legend', scrollable=True, ) def __init__(self,legend): super(LegendWindow,self).__init__() self.legend = self.add_legend(legend) def _plot_default(self): self.container = OverlayPlotContainer(bgcolor="white", padding=10) self.container.add(self.legend) return self.container def get_legend(self): if self.legend: return self.legend def add_legend(self, legend): legend.set(component=None, padding=10, error_icon='blank', visible=True, resizable='hv', clip_to_component=True) return legend
def _create_window(self): numpoints = 50 low = -5 high = 15.0 x = arange(low, high, (high-low)/numpoints) container = OverlayPlotContainer(bgcolor="lightgray") common_index = None index_range = None value_range = None self.animated_plots = [] for i, color in enumerate(COLOR_PALETTE): if not common_index: animated_plot = AnimatedPlot(x, jn(i,x), color) common_index = animated_plot.plot.index index_range = animated_plot.plot.index_mapper.range value_range = animated_plot.plot.value_mapper.range else: animated_plot = AnimatedPlot(common_index, jn(i,x), color) animated_plot.plot.index_mapper.range = index_range animated_plot.plot.value_mapper.range = value_range container.add(animated_plot.plot) self.animated_plots.append(animated_plot) for i, a_plot in enumerate(self.animated_plots): a_plot.plot.position = [50 + (i%3)*(PLOT_SIZE+50), 50 + (i//3)*(PLOT_SIZE+50)] self.timer = Timer(100.0, self.onTimer) self.container = container return Window(self, -1, component=container)
def init(self, parent): factory = self.factory container = OverlayPlotContainer(bgcolor='transparent', padding=0, spacing=0) window = Window(parent, component=container) interval = self.high - self.low data = ([self.low, self.high], [0.5]*2) plot = create_line_plot(data, color='black', bgcolor="sys_window") plot.x_mapper.range.low = self.low - interval*0.1 plot.x_mapper.range.high = self.high + interval*0.1 plot.y_mapper.range.high = 1.0 plot.y_mapper.range.low = 0.0 range_selection = RangeSelection(plot, left_button_selects=True) # Do not allow the user to reset the range range_selection.event_state = "selected" range_selection.deselect = lambda x: None range_selection.on_trait_change(self.update_interval, 'selection') plot.overlays.append(RangeKnobsOverlay(plot)) self.plot = plot container.add(self.plot) # To set the low and high, we're actually going to set the # 'selection' metadata on the line plot to the tuple (low,high). plot.index.metadata["selections"] = (0, 1.0) # Tell the editor what to display self.control = window.control self.control.SetSize((factory.width, factory.height))
def _ml_plot_default(self): container = OverlayPlotContainer(padding=CHACO_AXES_PADDING) index_range = DataRange1D() value_range = DataRange1D(low=0, high=1) index_mapper = LinearMapper(range=index_range) value_mapper = LinearMapper(range=value_range) # Add the datasources so the psychometric function derived from the # maximum likelihood estimator is always shown across the full range # of tested values for sources in self.ml_track_data: index_range.add(sources[1]) # Create the datasources for the psychometric function self.ml_index = FunctionDataSource(data_range=index_range, func=_xfunc) self.ml_value.data_range = index_range line = LinePlot(index=self.ml_index, value=self.ml_value, index_mapper=index_mapper, value_mapper=value_mapper) ax = PlotAxis(line, orientation='left', title='Yes probability') line.overlays.append(ax) ax = PlotAxis(line, orientation='bottom', title='Parameter') line.overlays.append(ax) container.add(line), constrain=True, constrain_key=None, # constrain_direction='x')) line.overlays.append(ZoomTool(line, axis='index', tool_mode='range')) return container
def _create_plot_component(): container = OverlayPlotContainer(padding = 50, fill_padding = True, bgcolor = "lightgray", use_backbuffer=True) # Create the initial X-series of data numpoints = 100 low = -5 high = 15.0 x = arange(low, high+0.001, (high-low)/numpoints) # Plot some bessel functions plots = {} broadcaster = BroadcasterTool() for i in range(4): y = jn(i, x) plot = create_line_plot((x,y), color=tuple(COLOR_PALETTE[i]), width=2.0) plot.index.sort_order = "ascending" plot.bgcolor = "white" plot.border_visible = True if i == 0: add_default_grids(plot) add_default_axes(plot) # Create a pan tool and give it a reference to the plot it should # manipulate, but don't attach it to the plot. Instead, attach it to # the broadcaster. pan = PanTool(plot) container.add(plot) plots["Bessel j_%d"%i] = plot # Add an axis on the right-hand side that corresponds to the second plot. # Note that it uses plot.value_mapper instead of plot0.value_mapper. plot1 = plots["Bessel j_1"] axis = PlotAxis(plot1, orientation="right") plot1.underlays.append(axis) # Add the broadcast tool to the container, instead of to an # individual plot legend = Legend(component=container, padding=10, align="ur"), drag_button="right")) container.overlays.append(legend) # Set the list of plots on the legend legend.plots = plots # Add the title at the top container.overlays.append(PlotLabel("Bessel functions", component=container, font = "swiss 16", overlay_position="top")) # Add the traits inspector tool to the container return container
def _plot_default(self): container = OverlayPlotContainer(bgcolor="white") plots = self._make_curves() for plot in plots: plot.padding = 60 container.add(plot) bottom_axis = PlotAxis(plot, orientation='bottom') label_list = [ 'var a', 'var b', 'var c', 'var d', 'var e', 'var f', 'var g', 'var h', 'var i' ] vertical_axis = LabelAxis(plot, orientation='left', title='Categories', positions=list(range(1, 10)), labels=label_list) vertical2_axis = LabelAxis(plot, orientation='right', positions=list(range(1, 10)), labels=label_list) plot.underlays.append(vertical_axis) plot.underlays.append(vertical2_axis) plot.underlays.append(bottom_axis) return container
def draw(self, gc, *args, **kw): with gc: w2 = self.width / 2 h2 = self.height / 2 gc.translate_ctm(w2, h2) gc.rotate_ctm(math.radians(self.rotation)) gc.translate_ctm(-w2, -h2 - 100) OverlayPlotContainer.draw(self, gc, *args, **kw)
def test_min_size(self): container = OverlayPlotContainer(resizable='', bounds=[50.0,50.0]) component = PlotComponent(resizable='', position=[50.0,60.0], bounds=[100.0, 110.0]) container.add(component) container.do_layout() self.assert_tuple(component.position, (50.0,60.0)) self.assert_tuple(component.bounds, (100.0,110.0)) return
def _plot_default(self): container = OverlayPlotContainer(padding = 50, fill_padding = True, bgcolor = "lightgray", use_backbuffer=True) # Create the initial X-series of data numpoints = self.numpoints low = self.low high = self.high x = arange(low, high+0.001, (high-low)/numpoints) y = jn(0, x) plot = create_line_plot((x,y), color=tuple(COLOR_PALETTE[0]), width=2.0) plot.index.sort_order = "ascending" plot.bgcolor = "white" plot.border_visible = True add_default_grids(plot) add_default_axes(plot) # Add some tools zoom = ZoomTool(plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False) plot.overlays.append(zoom) # Add a dynamic label. This can be dragged and moved around using the # right mouse button. Note the use of padding to offset the label # from its data point. label = DataLabel(component=plot, data_point=(x[40], y[40]), label_position="top left", padding=40, bgcolor = "lightgray", border_visible=False) plot.overlays.append(label) tool = DataLabelTool(label, drag_button="right", auto_arrow_root=True) # Add some static labels. label2 = DataLabel(component=plot, data_point=(x[20], y[20]), label_position="bottom right", border_visible=False, bgcolor="transparent", marker_color="blue", marker_line_color="transparent", marker = "diamond", arrow_visible=False) plot.overlays.append(label2) label3 = DataLabel(component=plot, data_point=(x[80], y[80]), label_position="top", padding_bottom=20, marker_color="transparent", marker_size=8, marker="circle", arrow_visible=False) plot.overlays.append(label3) container.add(plot) return container
def __init__(self, sensors = std_sensors.offset_str): m = MapPlot(map = themap, logger = logger) self.map_scale = themap.scale self.map_info = "%s" % themap self.noise_sensor = std_sensors.ultra_noise self.noise_move = noise_params['move'] self.noise_turn = noise_params['turn'] #start_pose = Pose(themap.x_inches/2, themap.y_inches/2, 0.0) start_pose = Pose(4, 7.75, 0.0) robot = SimRobot(start_pose, sensors, noise_params = noise_params) rplotter = RobotPlotter(robot = robot, xsize = themap.x_inches, ysize = themap.y_inches) localizer = ParticleLocalizer(sensors, noise_params, themap, particle_count, start_pose, logger = logger) pplotter = ParticlePlotter(particles = localizer.p, xsize = themap.x_inches, ysize = themap.y_inches, color = 'red') guessbot = Robot(start_pose) guessplotter = RobotPlotter(robot = guessbot, xsize = themap.x_inches, ysize = themap.y_inches, color = 'green' ) c = OverlayPlotContainer() c.add(m.plot) c.add(pplotter.qplot) c.add(guessplotter.plot) c.add(rplotter.plot) self.container = c self.mapplot = m self.pplotter = pplotter self.rplotter = rplotter self.guessplotter = guessplotter self.localizer = localizer
def _create_plot_component(max_pop, index_ds, value_ds, color_ds, paths): tile_cache = HTTPTileManager(min_level=2, max_level=4, server='', url='/1a1b06b230af4efdbb989ea99e9841af/20760/256/%(zoom)d/%(col)d/%(row)d.png') # noqa color_range = DataRange1D(color_ds, low_setting=0) choro = ChoroplethPlot( index=index_ds, value=value_ds, color_data=color_ds, index_mapper=LinearMapper(range=DataRange1D(index_ds)), value_mapper=LinearMapper(range=DataRange1D(value_ds)), color_mapper=colormap(range=color_range), outline_color='white', line_width=1.5, fill_alpha=1., compiled_paths=paths, tile_cache=tile_cache, zoom_level=3, ) container = OverlayPlotContainer( bgcolor='sys_window', padding=50, fill_padding=False, border_visible=True, ) container.add(choro) for dir in ['left']: axis = PlotAxis(tick_label_formatter=convert_lat, mapper=choro.value_mapper, component=container, orientation=dir) container.overlays.append(axis) for dir in ['top', 'bottom']: axis = PlotAxis(tick_label_formatter=convert_lon, mapper=choro.index_mapper, component=container, orientation=dir) container.overlays.append(axis) colorbar = create_colorbar(choro) colorbar.padding_top = container.padding_top colorbar.padding_bottom = container.padding_bottom plt = HPlotContainer(use_backbuffer=True) plt.add(container) plt.add(colorbar) plt.bgcolor = "sys_window" return plt
def _create_plot_component(): # Create some x-y data series to plot plot_area = OverlayPlotContainer(border_visible=True) container = HPlotContainer(padding=50, bgcolor="transparent") #container.spacing = 15 x = linspace(-2.0, 10.0, 100) for i in range(5): color = tuple(COLOR_PALETTE[i]) y = jn(i, x) renderer = create_line_plot((x, y), color=color) plot_area.add(renderer) #plot_area.padding_left = 20 axis = PlotAxis(orientation="left", resizable="v", mapper = renderer.y_mapper, axis_line_color=color, tick_color=color, tick_label_color=color, title_color=color, bgcolor="transparent", title = "jn_%d" % i, border_visible = True,) axis.bounds = [60,0] axis.padding_left = 10 axis.padding_right = 10 container.add(axis) if i == 4: # Use the last plot's X mapper to create an X axis and a # vertical grid x_axis = PlotAxis(orientation="bottom", component=renderer, mapper=renderer.x_mapper) renderer.overlays.append(x_axis) grid = PlotGrid(mapper=renderer.x_mapper, orientation="vertical", line_color="lightgray", line_style="dot") renderer.underlays.append(grid) # Add the plot_area to the horizontal container container.add(plot_area) # Attach some tools to the plot broadcaster = BroadcasterTool() for plot in plot_area.components: # Attach the broadcaster to one of the plots. The choice of which # plot doesn't really matter, as long as one of them has a reference # to the tool and will hand events to it. return container
def gen_line_plot(series_one, series_two, y_axis_name=''): """ Parameters ---------- series_one : nd array series_two : nd array """ size = min(series_one.shape[0], series_two.shape[0]) idx = ArrayDataSource(arange(size)) series_one_data = ArrayDataSource(series_one[:size]) series_two_data = ArrayDataSource(series_two[:size]) y_range = DataRange1D(series_one_data) y_range.tight_bounds = False y_range.margin = 50 x_mapper = LinearMapper(range=DataRange1D(idx)) y_mapper = LinearMapper(range=y_range) series_one_plot = LinePlot(index=idx, value=series_one_data, index_mapper=x_mapper, value_mapper=y_mapper, color='blue') series_two_plot = LinePlot(index=idx, value=series_two_data, index_mapper=x_mapper, value_mapper=y_mapper, color='red') container = OverlayPlotContainer(bgcolor='white', padding=25, fill_padding=False, border_visible=True) y_axis = PlotAxis(mapper=y_mapper, component=container, orientation='left') x_axis = PlotAxis(mapper=x_mapper, component=container, orientation='bottom') x_axis.title = 'Time' y_axis.title = y_axis_name legend = Legend(component=container, padding=10, align='ur') legend.plots = { 'Predicted': series_one_plot, 'Actual': series_two_plot, } container.add(series_one_plot) container.add(series_two_plot) container.overlays.append(y_axis) container.overlays.append(legend) return container
class Graph(HasTraits): plot=None traits_view=View(Item('plot',editor=ComponentEditor(bgcolor="white"), show_label=False), width=1200, height=1024, resizable=True, title="BacLog") def __init__(self): super(Graph,self).__init__() self.container = HPlotContainer(padding=20, bgcolor="transparent") self.plot_area = OverlayPlotContainer(border_visible=True) def add(self,series,limit=None): broadcaster = BroadcasterTool() for name,line in series._plot.line.items(): if limit is not None and name not in limit: continue if line.time==[]: print "Graph.add> empty:", name continue plot=create_line_plot((seconds(line.time),,color=line.color) self.plot_area.add(plot) axis = PlotAxis(orientation="left", resizable="v", mapper = plot.y_mapper, bgcolor="white", title = name, title_color = line.color, title_spacing = -4.0, border_visible = True,) ## Visual style axis.bounds = [60,0] axis.padding_left = 1 axis.padding_right = 1 self.container.add(axis) ## Tools (attach to all for now),maintain_aspect_ratio=False,drag_button='right',restrict_domain=True)) def run(self): ## Time axis (first one) plot=self.plot_area.components[0] time = PlotAxis(orientation="bottom", component=plot, mapper=plot.x_mapper) plot.overlays.append(time) ## Plot self.container.add(self.plot_area) self.plot=self.container self.configure_traits()
def create_container(self, plugin): index_range = ChannelDataRange(trig_delay=self.trig_delay, span=self.span) index_mapper = LinearMapper(range=index_range) container = OverlayPlotContainer(padding=[20, 20, 50, 50]) for child in self.children: plot = child.create_plot(plugin, index_mapper) container.add(plot) # Add the time axis to the final plot add_time_axis(plot) add_default_grids(plot, major_index=5, minor_index=1) return container
def __init__(self, link): super(TrackingView, self).__init__() = link, self.tracking_snrs_callback) # ======= Line Plot ======= self.plot_data = ArrayPlotData(t=[0.0]) self.plot = Plot(self.plot_data, auto_colors=colours_list) self.plot.value_range.tight_bounds = False self.plot.value_range.low_setting = 0.0 for n in range(TRACK_N_CHANNELS): self.plot_data.set_data('ch'+str(n), [0.0]) self.plot.plot(('t', 'ch'+str(n)), type='line', color='auto') # ======= Bar Plot ======= idxs = ArrayDataSource(range(1, len(self.snrs)+1)) self.vals = ArrayDataSource(self.snrs, sort_order='none') # Create the index range index_range = DataRange1D(idxs, low=0.4, high=TRACK_N_CHANNELS+0.6) index_mapper = LinearMapper(range=index_range) # Create the value range value_range = DataRange1D(low=0.0, high=25.0) value_mapper = LinearMapper(range=value_range) plot = BarPlot(index=idxs, value=self.vals, index_mapper=index_mapper, value_mapper=value_mapper, line_color='blue', fill_color='blue', bar_width=0.8) container = OverlayPlotContainer(bgcolor = "white") plot.padding = 10 plot.padding_left = 30 plot.padding_bottom = 30 container.add(plot) left_axis = PlotAxis(plot, orientation='left') bottom_axis = LabelAxis(plot, orientation='bottom', labels = map(str, range(1, TRACK_N_CHANNELS+1)), positions = range(1, TRACK_N_CHANNELS+1), small_haxis_style=True) plot.underlays.append(left_axis) plot.underlays.append(bottom_axis) self.snr_bars = container self.python_console_cmds = { 'track': self }
def _create_plot_component_overlay(signals, use_downsampling=False): container = OverlayPlotContainer(padding=40, bgcolor="lightgray", use_backbuffer=True, border_visible=True, fill_padding=True) nSignal, nSample = np.shape(signals) time = arange(nSample) value_mapper = None index_mapper = None plots = {} for i in range(nSignal): plot = create_line_plot( (time, signals[i]), color=tuple(COLOR_PALETTE[i % len(COLOR_PALETTE)]), width=2.0) plot.use_downsampling = use_downsampling if value_mapper is None: index_mapper = plot.index_mapper value_mapper = plot.value_mapper add_default_grids(plot) add_default_axes(plot) else: plot.value_mapper = value_mapper value_mapper.range.add(plot.value) plot.index_mapper = index_mapper index_mapper.range.add(plot.index) if i % 2 == 1: plot.line_style = "dash" plot.bgcolor = "white" plots["Corr fun %d" % i] = plot container.add(plot) # Add a legend in the upper right corner, and make it relocatable # legend = Legend(component=plot, padding=10, align="ur") #, drag_button="right")) # plot.overlays.append(legend) # legend.plots = plots # selection_overlay = RangeSelectionOverlay(component=plot) # zoom = ZoomTool(plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False) # plot.overlays.append(selection_overlay) plot.overlays.append(zoom) return container
def main(): # Create some x-y data series to plot x = linspace(-2.0, 10.0, 100) pd = ArrayPlotData(index = x) for i in range(5): pd.set_data("y" + str(i), jn(i,x)) # Create some line plots of some of the data plot = Plot(pd, bgcolor="none", padding=30, border_visible=True, overlay_border=True, use_backbuffer=False) plot.legend.visible = True plot.plot(("index", "y0", "y1", "y2"), name="j_n, n<3", color="auto") plot.plot(("index", "y3"), name="j_3", color="auto") zoom = ZoomTool(component=plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False) plot.overlays.append(zoom) # Create the mlab test mesh and get references to various parts of the # VTK pipeline f = mlab.figure(size=(600,500)) m = mlab.test_mesh() scene = mlab.gcf().scene render_window = scene.render_window renderer = scene.renderer rwi = scene.interactor plot.resizable = "" plot.bounds = [200,200] plot.padding = 25 plot.bgcolor = "lightgray" plot.outer_position = [30,30],drag_button="right")) container = OverlayPlotContainer(bgcolor = "transparent", fit_window = True) container.add(plot) # Create the Enable Window window = EnableVTKWindow(rwi, renderer, component=container, #istyle_class = tvtk.InteractorStyleSwitch, #istyle_class = tvtk.InteractorStyle, istyle_class = tvtk.InteractorStyleTrackballCamera, bgcolor = "transparent", event_passthrough = True, ) return window, render_window
class HistogramPlotHandler(HasTraits): """ Class for handling the histograms. """ # Index for the histogram plot index = Array # The selection handler object for the selected data selection_handler = Instance(SelectionHandler) # OVerlayPlotContainer for the histogram plot container = Instance(OverlayPlotContainer) # Number of bins of the histogram nbins = Int(10) # Whether the data is a pandas dataframe or a numpy array AS_PANDAS_DATAFRAME = Bool def __init__(self): self.index = range(self.nbins) self.selection_handler = SelectionHandler() self.container = OverlayPlotContainer() def draw_histogram(self): """ Default function called when drawing the histogram. """ for component in self.container.components: self.container.remove(component) self.selection_handler.create_selection() if len(self.selection_handler.selected_indices) == 1: tuple_list = self.selection_handler.selected_indices[0] if self.AS_PANDAS_DATAFRAME: column_name =[tuple_list[1]] y =[column_name] self.index = np.arange(self.nbins) hist = np.histogram(y, self.nbins)[0] plotdata = ArrayPlotData(x=self.index, y=hist) plot = Plot(plotdata) plot.plot(("x", "y"), type="bar", bar_width=0.5) self.container.add(plot) else: column = tuple_list[1] y =[:, column] self.index = np.arange(self.nbins) hist = np.histogram(y, self.nbins)[0] plotdata = ArrayPlotData(x=self.index, y=hist) plot = Plot(plotdata) plot.plot(("x", "y"), type="bar", bar_width=0.5) self.container.add(plot) self.container.request_redraw() self.selection_handler.flush()
def _create_plot_component_overlay(signals, use_downsampling=False): container = OverlayPlotContainer(padding=40, bgcolor="lightgray", use_backbuffer=True, border_visible=True, fill_padding=True) nSignal, nSample = np.shape(signals) time = arange(nSample) value_mapper = None index_mapper = None plots = {} for i in range(nSignal): plot = create_line_plot((time, signals[i]), color=tuple(COLOR_PALETTE[i % len(COLOR_PALETTE)]), width=2.0) plot.use_downsampling = use_downsampling if value_mapper is None: index_mapper = plot.index_mapper value_mapper = plot.value_mapper add_default_grids(plot) add_default_axes(plot) else: plot.value_mapper = value_mapper value_mapper.range.add(plot.value) plot.index_mapper = index_mapper index_mapper.range.add(plot.index) if i % 2 == 1: plot.line_style = "dash" plot.bgcolor = "white" plots["Corr fun %d" % i] = plot container.add(plot) # Add a legend in the upper right corner, and make it relocatable # legend = Legend(component=plot, padding=10, align="ur") #, drag_button="right")) # plot.overlays.append(legend) # legend.plots = plots # selection_overlay = RangeSelectionOverlay(component=plot) # zoom = ZoomTool(plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False) # plot.overlays.append(selection_overlay) plot.overlays.append(zoom) return container
def __init__(self): super(StackedPlot, self).__init__() self.container = OverlayPlotContainer( bgcolor="white", use_backbuffer=True, border_visible=True, padding=50, padding_left=110, fill_padding=True ) = ArrayPlotData() self.chaco_plot = None self.value_mapper = None self.index_mapper = None self.x_axis = PlotAxis( component=self.container, orientation="bottom", title=u"Angle (2\u0398)", title_font=settings.axis_title_font, tick_label_font=settings.tick_font, ) y_axis_title = "Normalized intensity (%s)" % get_value_scale_label("linear") self.y_axis = PlotAxis( component=self.container, orientation="left", title=y_axis_title, title_font=settings.axis_title_font, tick_label_font=settings.tick_font, ) self.container.overlays.extend([self.x_axis, self.y_axis]), classes=[LinePlot, PlotAxis])) self.colors = [] self.last_flip_order = self.flip_order
def _create_plot_component(): container = OverlayPlotContainer(padding = 50, fill_padding = True, bgcolor = "lightgray", use_backbuffer=True) # Create the initial X-series of data numpoints = 30 low = -5 high = 15.0 x = linspace(low, high, numpoints) y = jn(0, x) lineplot = create_line_plot((x,y), color=tuple(COLOR_PALETTE[0]), width=2.0) lineplot.selected_color = "none" scatter = ScatterPlot(index = lineplot.index, value = lineplot.value, index_mapper = lineplot.index_mapper, value_mapper = lineplot.value_mapper, color = tuple(COLOR_PALETTE[0]), marker_size = 5) scatter.index.sort_order = "ascending" scatter.bgcolor = "white" scatter.border_visible = True add_default_grids(scatter) add_default_axes(scatter), drag_button="right")) # The ZoomTool tool is stateful and allows drawing a zoom # box to select a zoom region. zoom = ZoomTool(scatter, tool_mode="box", always_on=False, drag_button=None) scatter.overlays.append(zoom) container.add(lineplot) container.add(scatter) # Add the title at the top container.overlays.append(PlotLabel("Line Editor", component=container, font = "swiss 16", overlay_position="top")) return container
def __init__(self): self.selection_handler = SelectionHandler() self.container = OverlayPlotContainer() self.underlays = [] self.add_pan_tool = False self.add_zoom_tool = False self.add_dragzoom = False self.show_grid = False
def _ml_track_plot_default(self): container = OverlayPlotContainer(padding=CHACO_AXES_PADDING) index_range = DataRange1D() value_range = DataRange1D() index_mapper = LinearMapper(range=index_range) value_mapper = LinearMapper(range=value_range) for i, v, i_hit, v_hit, i_miss, v_miss in self.ml_track_data: index_range.add(i) value_range.add(v) kwargs = dict(index_mapper=index_mapper, value_mapper=value_mapper) # The connecting line line = LinePlot(index=i, value=v, **kwargs) container.add(line) # Black for hit scatter = ScatterPlot(index=i_hit, value=v_hit, marker='circle', color='black', **kwargs) container.add(scatter) # Red for miss scatter = ScatterPlot(index=i_miss, value=v_miss, marker='circle', color='red', **kwargs) container.add(scatter) # Add the overlays to the last plot line.overlays.append(PlotAxis(line, orientation='left', title='Parameter')) line.overlays.append(PlotAxis(line, orientation='bottom', title='Trial number')) return container
def _create_plot_component(): # Create some x-y data series to plot x = linspace(-2.0, 10.0, 100) pd = ArrayPlotData(index = x) for i in range(5): pd.set_data("y" + str(i), jn(i,x)) # Create some line plots of some of the data plot1 = Plot(pd) plot1.plot(("index", "y0", "y1", "y2"), name="j_n, n<3", color="red") plot1.plot(("index", "y3"), name="j_3", color="blue") # Tweak some of the plot properties plot1.title = "Inset Plot" plot1.padding = 50 # Attach some tools to the plot zoom = ZoomTool(component=plot1, tool_mode="box", always_on=False) plot1.overlays.append(zoom) # Create a second scatter plot of one of the datasets, linking its # range to the first plot plot2 = Plot(pd, range2d=plot1.range2d, padding=50) plot2.plot(('index', 'y3'), type="scatter", color="blue", marker="circle") plot2.set(resizable = "", bounds = [250, 250], position = [550,150], bgcolor = "white", border_visible = True, unified_draw = True ), drag_button="right")) zoom = ZoomTool(component=plot2, tool_mode="box", always_on=False) plot2.overlays.append(zoom) # Create a container and add our plots container = OverlayPlotContainer() container.add(plot1) container.add(plot2) return container
class PCPlotHandler(HasTraits): """ Class for handling principal component plots. """ # The container for the plot. container = OverlayPlotContainer() # the sklearn.decmoposition.PCA object pca = PCA # Whether or not to normalize the data, one of the parameters of the PCA # object whiten = Bool # The input data. table = Array # The selection_handler instance for the tableview selection_handler = Instance(SelectionHandler) def __init__(self): self.pca = PCA(n_components=2) self.pca.whiten = True self.container = OverlayPlotContainer() self.selection_handler = SelectionHandler() def draw_pc_plot(self): """ Called to draw the PCA plot. """ self.selection_handler.create_selection() if len(self.selection_handler.selected_indices) == 1: top_left = self.selection_handler.selected_indices[0][0:2] bot_right = self.selection_handler.selected_indices[0][2:4] data = self.table[top_left[0] : bot_right[0], top_left[1] : bot_right[1]] pc_red = self.pca.fit_transform(data) plotdata = ArrayPlotData(x=pc_red[:, 0], y=pc_red[:, 1]) plot = Plot(plotdata) plot.plot(("x", "y"), type="scatter") self.container.add(plot) self.container.request_redraw()
def _create_plot_component(use_downsampling=False): container = OverlayPlotContainer(padding=40, bgcolor="lightgray", use_backbuffer = True, border_visible = True, fill_padding = True) numpoints = 100000 low = -5 high = 15.0 x = arange(low, high+0.001, (high-low)/numpoints) # Plot some bessel functionsless ../en value_mapper = None index_mapper = None for i in range(1): y = jn(i, x) plot = create_line_plot((x,y), color=tuple(COLOR_PALETTE[i]), width=2.0) plot.use_downsampling = use_downsampling if value_mapper is None: index_mapper = plot.index_mapper value_mapper = plot.value_mapper add_default_grids(plot) add_default_axes(plot) else: plot.value_mapper = value_mapper value_mapper.range.add(plot.value) plot.index_mapper = index_mapper index_mapper.range.add(plot.index) if i%2 == 1: plot.line_style = "dash" plot.bgcolor = "white" container.add(plot) selection_overlay = RangeSelectionOverlay(component = plot) zoom = ZoomTool(plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False) plot.overlays.append(selection_overlay) plot.overlays.append(zoom) return container
def main(): plot = create_plot() plot.bounds = [400,300] plot.outer_position = [30,30] plot.resizable = "" cmap_renderer = plot.plots["my_plot"][0] # Create the colorbar, handing in the appropriate range and colormap colorbar = create_colorbar(plot.color_mapper) colorbar.outer_position = [450,30] colorbar.plot = cmap_renderer colorbar.padding_top = plot.padding_top colorbar.padding_bottom = plot.padding_bottom container = OverlayPlotContainer(bgcolor = "transparent", fit_window = True) container.add(plot) container.add(colorbar) start_vtk(container)
def main(): from tvtk.api import tvtk from mayavi import mlab from enable.vtk_backend.vtk_window import EnableVTKWindow f = mlab.figure(size=(900,850)) m = mlab.test_mesh() scene = mlab.gcf().scene render_window = scene.render_window renderer = scene.renderer rwi = scene.interactor # Create the plot timer_controller = TimerController() plots = create_plot_component(timer_controller) specplot, timeplot, spectrogram = plots for i, p in enumerate(plots): p.set(resizable = "", bounds = [200,200], outer_x = 0, bgcolor = "transparent", ) p.outer_y = i*250, drag_button="right"))[-1].set(tool_mode="range", axis="value")[-2].set(constrain=True, constrain_direction="y") container = OverlayPlotContainer(bgcolor = "transparent", fit_window = True) container.add(*plots) container.timer_callback = timer_controller.on_timer window = EnableVTKWindow(rwi, renderer, component = container, istyle_class = tvtk.InteractorStyleTrackballCamera, bgcolor = "transparent", event_passthrough = True, )
def _plot_container_default(self): container = OverlayPlotContainer(padding=50, fill_padding=False, bgcolor="white", use_backbuffer=True) return container #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Finishes initializing the editor by creating the underlying toolkit # widget: #--------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Finishes initializing the editor by creating the
def test_multiple_min_size(self): comp1 = StaticPlotComponent([200, 50]) comp2 = StaticPlotComponent([60, 300]) container = OverlayPlotContainer(resizable='hv', bounds=[30,30]) container.fit_components = "hv" container.add(comp1, comp2) container.do_layout() self.assert_tuple(container.get_preferred_size(), (200,300)) self.assert_tuple(comp1.bounds, (200,50)) self.assert_tuple(comp2.bounds, (60,300)) return
def __init__(self, *args, **kws): """ self.datasets = [ <XYEDataset>, ..., <XYEDataset> ] self.dataset_pairs = set([ (<XYEDataset-p1>, <XYEDataset-p2>), ..., (<XYEDataset-p1>, <XYEDataset-p2>) ]) """ super(MainApp, self).__init__(*args, **kws) self.datasets = [] self.dataset_pairs = set() self.undo_state = None self.raw_data_plot = RawDataPlot() self.plot = self.raw_data_plot.get_plot() self.container = OverlayPlotContainer(self.plot, bgcolor="white", use_backbuffer=True, border_visible=False) self.pan_tool = None # The list of all options. self._options = ['Show legend', 'Show gridlines', 'Show crosslines'] # The list of currently set options, updated by the UI. self.options = self._options self.file_paths = []