Exemple #1
def get_device_from_array(*arrays):
    """Gets the device from arrays.

    The device on which the given array reside is returned.

    .. note::

        Unlike :func:`get_array_module`, this method does not recognize
        :class:`~chainer.Variable` objects.
        If you need to get device from the :class:`~chainer.Variable` instance
        ``v``, you need to use ``get_device_from_array(v.array)``.

        arrays (array or list of arrays):
            Arrays to determine the device. If multiple arrays are given, the
            device correspoinding to the first array which is not NumPy array
            is returned.

        chainer.Device: Device instance.
    for array in arrays:
        device = GpuDevice.from_array(array)
        if device is not None:
            return device

        if isinstance(array, chainerx.ndarray):
            return ChainerxDevice(array.device)

        device = Intel64Device.from_array(array)
        if device is not None:
            return device

    return CpuDevice()
Exemple #2
def get_device_from_array(*arrays):
    """Gets the device from arrays.

    The device on which the given array reside is returned.

    .. note::

        Unlike :func:`get_array_module`, this method does not recognize
        :class:`~chainer.Variable` objects.
        If you need to get device from the :class:`~chainer.Variable` instance
        ``v``, you need to use ``get_device_from_array(v.array)``.

        arrays (array or list of arrays):
            Arrays to determine the device. If multiple arrays are given, the
            device correspoinding to the first array which is not NumPy array
            is returned.

        chainer.backend.Device: Device instance.
    for array in arrays:
        device = GpuDevice.from_array(array)
        if device is not None:
            return device

        if isinstance(array, chainerx.ndarray):
            return ChainerxDevice(array.device)

        device = Intel64Device.from_array(array)
        if device is not None:
            return device

    return CpuDevice()