def my_p_converter_wordvec(batch, device=None):
    Xp1 = [to_device(device, np.asarray(b[0], np.int32)) for b in batch]
    Xp2 = [to_device(device, np.asarray(b[1], np.int32)) for b in batch]

    Y = [b[-1] for b in batch]
    Y = to_device(device, np.asarray(Y, np.int32)[:, None])
    return Xp1, Xp2, Y
Exemple #2
def converter(batch, device, max_caption_length=None):
    """Optional preprocessing of the batch before forward pass."""
    pad = max_caption_length is not None

    imgs = []
    captions = []
    for img, caption in batch:
        # Preproess the caption by either fixing the length by padding (LSTM)
        # or by simply wrapping each caption in an ndarray (NStepLSTM)
        if pad:
            arr = np.full(max_caption_length, _ignore, dtype=np.int32)

            # Clip to max length if necessary
            arr[:len(caption)] = caption[:max_caption_length]
            caption = arr
            caption = to_device(device, np.asarray(caption, dtype=np.int32))


    if pad:
        captions = to_device(device, np.stack(captions))
    imgs = to_device(device, np.stack(imgs))

    return imgs, captions
Exemple #3
def concat_examples(batch,
    if len(batch) == 0:
        raise ValueError('batch is empty')

    first_elem = batch[0]

    elem_size = len(first_elem)
    if indices_concat is None:
        indices_concat = range(elem_size)
    if indices_to_device is None:
        indices_to_device = range(elem_size)

    result = []
    if not isinstance(padding, tuple):
        padding = [padding] * elem_size

    for i in six.moves.range(elem_size):
        res = [example[i] for example in batch]
        if i in indices_concat:
            res = _concat_arrays(res, padding[i])
        if i in indices_to_device:
            if i in indices_concat:
                res = to_device(device, res)
                res = [to_device(device, r) for r in res]

    return tuple(result)
Exemple #4
def cgcnn_converter(batch, device=None, padding=None):
    """CGCNN converter"""
    if len(batch) == 0:
        raise ValueError("batch is empty")

    atom_feat, nbr_feat, nbr_idx = [], [], []
    batch_atom_idx, target = [], []
    current_idx = 0
    xp = device.xp
    for element in batch:
        nbr_idx.append(element[2] + current_idx)
        n_atom = element[0].shape[0]
        atom_idx = numpy.arange(n_atom) + current_idx
        current_idx += n_atom

    atom_feat = to_device(device, functions.concat(atom_feat, axis=0).data)
    nbr_feat = to_device(device, functions.concat(nbr_feat, axis=0).data)
    # Always use numpy array for batch_atom_index
    # this is list of variable length array
    batch_atom_idx = numpy.array(batch_atom_idx)
    nbr_idx = to_device(device, functions.concat(nbr_idx, axis=0).data)
    target = to_device(device, xp.asarray(target))
    result = (atom_feat, nbr_feat, batch_atom_idx, nbr_idx, target)
    return result
Exemple #5
def converter(batch, device, max_caption_length=None):
    """Optional preprocessing of the batch before forward pass."""
    pad = max_caption_length is not None

    imgs = []
    captions = []
    for img, caption in batch:
        # Preproess the caption by either fixing the length by padding (LSTM)
        # or by simply wrapping each caption in an ndarray (NStepLSTM)
        if pad:
            arr = np.full(max_caption_length, _ignore, dtype=np.int32)

            # Clip to max length if necessary
            arr[:len(caption)] = caption[:max_caption_length]
            caption = arr
            caption = to_device(device, np.asarray(caption, dtype=np.int32))


    if pad:
        captions = to_device(device, np.stack(captions))
    imgs = to_device(device, np.stack(imgs))

    return imgs, captions
Exemple #6
    def learn(self, batch_state_int, batch_action, batch_reward, batch_done, batch_next_state_int):
        batch_state_int, batch_action, batch_reward, batch_done, batch_next_state_int = to_device(
            (batch_state_int, batch_action, batch_reward, batch_done, batch_next_state_int))

        batch_state = batch_state_int.astype(np.float32) / 255  # [0, 255] -> [0.0, 1.0]
        batch_next_state = batch_next_state_int.astype(np.float32) / 255  # [0, 255] -> [0.0, 1.0]

        batch_y, batch_q = self._compute_q_y(batch_state, batch_action, batch_reward, batch_done, batch_next_state)
        # assert len(batch_q.shape) == 1
        # assert len(batch_y.shape) == 1
        # assert batch_q.shape[0] == batch_y.shape[0]

        # loss = F.mean(F.huber_loss(batch_q, batch_y, delta=1.0, reduce='no'))
        loss = F.sum(F.huber_loss(batch_q, batch_y, delta=1.0, reduce='no'))

        with chainer.no_backprop_mode():
            td_error = F.mean_absolute_error(batch_q, batch_y)

        loss_cpu = to_device(CPU_ID, loss.array)
        td_error_cpu = to_device(CPU_ID, td_error.array)
        return loss_cpu, td_error_cpu
Exemple #7
 def __call__(self, state):
     one_batch_state = np.asarray([state], dtype=np.float32)
     one_batch_state = to_device(, one_batch_state)
     with chainer.no_backprop_mode():
         q_values =
     q_values = to_device(CPU_ID, q_values.array)[0]
     action = np.argmax(q_values)
     return action, q_values
def converter(batch, device=-1):
    xs = []
    ts = []
    for b in batch:
        x = b[0]
        t = b[1]
        xs.append(to_device(device, x))
        ts.append(to_device(device, t))
    return (xs, ts)
Exemple #9
def convert(batches, gpu_id=None):
    src = []
    trg_sos = []
    trg_eos = []
    label = []
    for batch in batches:
        src.append([to_device(gpu_id, b) for b in batch[0]])
        trg_sos.append(to_device(gpu_id, batch[1]))
        trg_eos.append(to_device(gpu_id, batch[2]))
        label.append(to_device(gpu_id, batch[3]))
    return src, trg_sos, trg_eos, label
Exemple #10
def convert(batch, gpu_id=None):
    articles = []
    abstracts_sos = []
    abstracts_eos = []
    rule_flag_list = []
    for data in batch:
        articles.append([to_device(gpu_id, sentence) for sentence in data[0]])
        abstracts_sos.append([to_device(gpu_id, sentence) for sentence in data[1]])
        abstracts_eos.append([to_device(gpu_id, sentence) for sentence in data[2]])
        rule_flag_list.append(to_device(gpu_id, data[3]))
    return articles, abstracts_sos, abstracts_eos, rule_flag_list
def my_p_converter_pfeat(batch, device=None):
    Xp1 = [b[0] for b in batch]
    Xp2 = [b[1] for b in batch]
    Y = [b[2] for b in batch]
    Xp1 = np.vstack(Xp1)
    Xp2 = np.vstack(Xp2)
    Y = np.asarray(Y, np.int32)[:, None]

    Xp1 = to_device(device, Xp1)
    Xp2 = to_device(device, Xp2)
    Y = to_device(device, Y)

    return Xp1, Xp2, Y
 def molder(self, ys):
     ys = [xp.reshape(xp.concatenate(y), (1, len(y))) for y in ys]
     ys = xp.concatenate(ys)
     ys = xp.hsplit(ys, ys.shape[1])
     ys = [xp.concatenate(y) for y in ys]
     ys = to_device(self.device, ys)
     return ys
def my_converter(batch, device=None):
    Xim = [b[0] for b in batch]
    # # Comment out to enable data augmentation
    Xp1 = [b[1] for b in batch]
    Xp2 = [b[2] for b in batch]
    Y = [b[-1] for b in batch]
    Xp1 = np.vstack(Xp1)
    Xp2 = np.vstack(Xp2)
    Y = np.asarray(Y, np.int32)[:, None]

    Xp1 = to_device(device, Xp1)
    Xp2 = to_device(device, Xp2)
    Y = to_device(device, Y)

    return Xim, Xp1, Xp2, Y
Exemple #14
def my_converter(batch, device=None):
    img = np.vstack([b[0] for b in batch])
    img = to_device(device, img)

    actions = [b[1] for b in batch]
    actions = [item for sublist in actions for item in sublist]
    actions = [
        to_device(device, np.asarray(x, dtype=np.int32)) for x in actions

    reasons = [b[2] for b in batch]
    reasons = [item for sublist in reasons for item in sublist]
    reasons = [
        to_device(device, np.asarray(x, dtype=np.int32)) for x in reasons

    label = [b[3] for b in batch]
    label = to_device(device, np.asarray(label, dtype=np.int32).ravel())

    ocr = [to_device(device, np.asarray(b[4]).astype('i')) for b in batch]

    return img, actions, reasons, label, ocr
Exemple #15
def concat_examples(batch, device=None):
    # batch: img, mask, label, scale
    if len(batch) == 0:
        raise ValueError('batch is empty')

    first_elem = batch[0]
    result = []
    for i in six.moves.range(len(first_elem)):
        array = _concat_arrays([example[i] for example in batch], None)
        if i == 0:  # img
            result.append(to_device(device, array))
    return tuple(result)
Exemple #16
def convert_xt_batch_seq(xt_batch_seq, gpu):
    batchsize = len(xt_batch_seq[0])
    seq_len = len(xt_batch_seq)
    xt_batch_seq = np.array(xt_batch_seq, 'i')
    # (bproplen, batch, 2)
    xt_batch_seq = convert.to_device(gpu, xt_batch_seq)
    xp = cuda.get_array_module(xt_batch_seq)
    x_seq_batch = xp.split(
        xt_batch_seq[:, :, 0].T.reshape(batchsize * seq_len),
        batchsize, axis=0)
    t_seq_batch = xp.split(
        xt_batch_seq[:, :, 1].T.reshape(batchsize * seq_len),
        batchsize, axis=0)
    return x_seq_batch, t_seq_batch
Exemple #17
def convert_xt_batch_seq(xt_batch_seq, gpu):
    batchsize = len(xt_batch_seq[0])
    seq_len = len(xt_batch_seq)
    xt_batch_seq = np.array(xt_batch_seq, 'i')
    # (bproplen, batch, 2)
    xt_batch_seq = convert.to_device(gpu, xt_batch_seq)
    xp = cuda.get_array_module(xt_batch_seq)
    x_seq_batch = xp.split(
        xt_batch_seq[:, :, 0].T.reshape(batchsize * seq_len),
        batchsize, axis=0)
    t_seq_batch = xp.split(
        xt_batch_seq[:, :, 1].T.reshape(batchsize * seq_len),
        batchsize, axis=0)
    return x_seq_batch, t_seq_batch
def concat_examples(batch, device=None, padding=None):
    if len(batch) == 0:
        raise ValueError('batch is empty')

    first_elem = batch[0]

    result = []
    if not isinstance(padding, tuple):
        padding = [padding] * len(first_elem)

    for i in six.moves.range(len(first_elem)):
        res = _concat_arrays([example[i] for example in batch], padding[i])
        if i in [0, 1]:  # img, bbox
            res = to_device(device, res)

    return tuple(result)
def megnet_converter(batch, device=None, padding=0):
    """MEGNet converter"""
    if len(batch) == 0:
        raise ValueError("batch is empty")

    atom_feat, pair_feat, global_feat, target = [], [], [], []
    atom_idx, pair_idx, start_idx, end_idx = [], [], [], []
    batch_size = len(batch)
    current_atom_idx = 0
    for i in range(batch_size):
        element = batch[i]
        n_atom = element[0].shape[0]
        n_pair = element[1].shape[0]
        start_idx.extend(element[3][0] + current_atom_idx)
        end_idx.extend(element[3][1] + current_atom_idx)
        current_atom_idx += n_atom

    xp = device.xp
    atom_feat = to_device(device, xp.asarray(atom_feat))
    pair_feat = to_device(device, xp.asarray(pair_feat))
    global_feat = to_device(device, xp.asarray(global_feat))
    atom_idx = to_device(device, xp.asarray(atom_idx))
    pair_idx = to_device(device, xp.asarray(pair_idx))
    start_idx = to_device(device, xp.asarray(start_idx))
    end_idx = to_device(device, xp.asarray(end_idx))
    target = to_device(device, xp.asarray(target))
    result = (atom_feat, pair_feat, global_feat, atom_idx, pair_idx,
              start_idx, end_idx, target)

    return result
Exemple #20
def converter(batch, gpu_id=None):
    text = [to_device(gpu_id, b) for b in batch[0]]
    label = to_device(gpu_id, batch[1])
    return text, label
Exemple #21
def convert_list(list_obj, gpu_id=None):
    return to_device(gpu_id, list_obj)