def handle(self, *args, **options):
     if len(args) < 1:
         self.stderr.write('Please provide a directory containing the files '+
                           'relative to PROJECT_DIR.')
     base_dir = os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_DIR, '..', args[0])
     # Go through all of the challenges and compile them. This will update
     # existing challenges and add new ones.
     for slug in os.listdir( os.path.join(base_dir) ):
             data = ""
             f = open(os.path.join(base_dir, slug))
             data =
             # If the challenge is already there, update it!
             try: c = Challenge.objects.get(slug=slug)
             except: c = Challenge(slug=slug)
             c.description = ""
             c.preamble = ""
             c.postamble = ""
             c.autograde = ""
             stage = "description"
             for l in data.splitlines():
                 if l.startswith("%% "):
                     l = l[3:].strip()
                     if l.startswith("name:"): = l[5:].strip()
                     elif l.startswith("pattern:"): c.pattern = Pattern.objects.get(name=l[8:].strip())
                     elif l.startswith("autograde:"): c.autograde = l[10:].strip()
                     elif l.startswith("ordering:"): c.ordering = int(l[9:].strip())
                 elif l.startswith("% "):
                     stage = l[2:].strip()
                 elif stage == "description": c.description += l+"\n"
                 elif stage == "preamble": c.preamble += l+"\n"
                 elif stage == "postamble": c.postamble += l+"\n"
             self.stdout.write('Wrote challenge: %s\n'%(slug))
         except: self.stderr.write('Skipped challenge: %s\n'%(slug))
     self.stdout.write('Successfully compiled challenges!\n')