Exemple #1
def single_compute(centroid, fn):
    map_func = lambda x: centroid[tuple(x)]
    mean_Es = np.average([np.sum(np.square(x)) for x in list(centroid.values())])

    ber_vals = []
    # EbN0 values
    for EbN0 in ebn0_values:
        # calculate N0 value to meet Eb/N0 requirement and add noise to sample
        EbN0_lin = 10**(0.1*EbN0)
        power = mean_Es/(EbN0_lin*n_bits)
        # Define channel
        channel = Channel(power)
        # Modulate signal
        mod_preamble = np.array(list(map(map_func, PREAMBLE)))
        mod_message = np.array(list(map(map_func, MESSAGE)))
        # Noisy signal
        mod_preamble_n = channel.AWGN(mod_preamble)
        mod_message_n = channel.AWGN(mod_message)
        # Demodulate signal
        demod_message = util.centroid_mapping(mod_preamble_n, PREAMBLE, mod_message_n)
        # Compute BER
        ber = np.sum(np.linalg.norm(demod_message - MESSAGE, ord=1, axis=1)) / (TEST_LEN*n_bits)
        # Add to list
        print("    EbN0: %8f, ber: %8f" % (EbN0, ber))

    print("    done")

    with open(fn, "w") as f:
        f.write(init_string + ",".join(ber_vals) + "\n")
Exemple #2
class System():
    def __init__(self, directory, run_id, plot_every, restrict_energy,
                 num_iterations, len_preamble, n_bits, n_hidden, stepsize,
                 lambda_p, initial_logstd, k, noise_power):
        # System Parameters
        self.num_iterations = num_iterations
        self.preamble = util.generate_preamble(len_preamble, n_bits)
        self.restrict_energy = restrict_energy

        # Transmitter Parameters
        groundtruth = util.schemes[n_bits]
        t_args = [
            self.preamble, restrict_energy, groundtruth, n_bits, n_hidden,
            lambda_p, initial_logstd
        r_args = [self.preamble, k]

        # Receiver Parameters
        self.agent_one = actor.Actor(t_args, r_args, stepsize,
                                     directory + 'agent_1/')
        self.agent_two = actor.Actor(t_args, r_args, stepsize,
                                     directory + 'agent_2/')

        # Parameters to write in the plotted diagrams
        p_args_names = 'run_id total_iters len_preamble stepsize lambda_p initial_logstd noise_power restrict_energy'.split(
        p_args_params = [
            run_id, num_iterations, len_preamble, stepsize, lambda_p,
            initial_logstd, noise_power, restrict_energy
        self.p_args = dict(zip(p_args_names, p_args_params))

        self.channel = Channel(noise_power)

    Action sequence that defines one full learning cycle. Starts by transmitting preamble (signal_b_1) from agent one
    to agent two. Agent two demodulates a guess of the preamble (signal_b_g_2) and transmits back the preamble and 
    the generated guess of the preamble (signal_b_2, and signal_b_g_2 resp). Agent one receives these two signals and
    demodulates a guess of the guess of the preamble (signal_b_g_g_1) and updates its transmitter with it.

    def action_sequence(self, i):
        # Compute signal_b here
        signal_b = self.preamble
        # Transmit bit signal, produce modulated signal
        signal_m_1 = self.agent_one.transmit(signal_b)
        # Apply channel noise, produce noisy modulated signal
        signal_m_1 = self.channel.AWGN(signal_m_1)
        # Receive mod signal, produce bit signal guess
        signal_b_g_2 = self.agent_two.receive(signal_m_1)
        # Transmit bit signal guess,
        # produce mod signal and mod signal guess as tuple
        signal_m_2 = self.agent_two.transmit(signal_b)
        signal_m_g_2 = self.agent_two.transmit(signal_b_g_2)
        # Apply channel noise, produce noisy modulated signal
        signal_m_2, signal_m_g_2 = self.channel.AWGN(
            signal_m_2), self.channel.AWGN(signal_m_g_2)
        # Receive mod signal guess, produce bit signal guess of guess
        signal_b_g_g_1 = self.agent_one.receive(signal_m_2, signal_m_g_2)
        # Save BER of transmitter one

        # Update transmitter with bit signal guess of guess
        adv = self.agent_one.transmitter_update(signal_b_g_g_1, i)
        # Visualize transmitter
        if ((i + 1) % plot_every == 0):
            self.agent_one.visualize(i + 1, self.p_args)
        return adv

    Internal function to swap the agents for echoed learning.

    def swap_agents(self):
        temp = self.agent_one
        self.agent_one = self.agent_two
        self.agent_two = temp

    Run learning simulation.

    def run_sim(self, verbose):

        threshold = -10  # reward threshold to discard runs
        for i in range(self.num_iterations + 1):
            adv1 = self.action_sequence(i)
            adv2 = self.action_sequence(i)
            if (verbose):
                print("iteration %d | avg rewards: %8f %8f" % (i, adv1, adv2))


        # return if the final reward is over below threshold
        if (adv1 < threshold or adv2 < threshold):
            return False

        return True