def encrypt(self, pk, M, object):
     key =
     c1 = abenc.encrypt(pk, key, object)
     # instantiate a symmetric enc scheme from this key
     cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
     c2 = cipher.encrypt(M)
     return { 'c1':c1, 'c2':c2 }
Exemple #2
 def encrypt(self, pk, gp, M, policy_str):
     if type(M) != bytes and type(policy_str) != str: raise "message and policy not right type!"        
     key = group.random(GT)
     c1 = abencma.encrypt(pk, gp, key, policy_str)
     # instantiate a symmetric enc scheme from this key
     cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key)) 
     c2 = cipher.encrypt(M)
     return { 'c1':c1, 'c2':c2 }
Exemple #3
 def encrypt(self, pk, ID, M):
     if type(M) != bytes: raise "message not right type!"        
     key = group.random(GT)
     c1 = ibenc.encrypt(pk, ID, key)
     # instantiate a symmetric enc scheme from this key
     cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
     c2 = cipher.encrypt(M)
     return { 'c1':c1, 'c2':c2 }
Exemple #4
 def MsgTestAESCBCSeperate(self,msg):
     groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512')
     ran = groupObj.random(GT)
     a =  AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(ran))
     ct = a.encrypt(msg)        
     b =  AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(ran))
     dmsg = b.decrypt(ct);
     assert msg == dmsg , 'o: =>%s\nm: =>%s' % (msg, dmsg)
	def encrypt(self, plaintext, policy):
		#return self.cpabe.encrypt(self.public, plaintext, policy)
		key = self.groupObj.random(GT)
		c1 = self.cpabe.encrypt(self.public, key, policy)

        # instantiate a symmetric enc scheme from this key
		cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
		c2 = cipher.encrypt(plaintext)
		return { 'c1':c1, 'c2':c2 }
    def encAES(self, m):
        if self.dek is None:
            raise Exception('DEK is null, cannot encrypt')

        a = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(bytes(self.dek, "utf-8"))
        CT_AES = a.encrypt(m)
        groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512')

        return objectToBytes(CT_AES, groupObj)
	def encrypt(self, plaintext, policy):
		''' Encrypt a block of plaintext using the provided polcy structure. 
		The ciphertext is stored as a dictionary, for now.
		key = self.groupObj.random(GT)
		c1 = self.cpabe.encrypt(self.public, key, policy)

        # Instantiate a symmetric enc scheme from this key
		cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
		c2 = cipher.encrypt(plaintext)
		return objectToBytes({ 'c1':c1, 'c2':c2 }, self.groupObj)
Exemple #8
 def encrypt(self, pk, M):
     # generate a short session key, K and encrypt using pkenc
     key = OpenSSLRand().getRandomBytes(self.key_len) # urandom(self.key_len)
     # encrypt session key using PKEnc
     c1 = self.pkenc.encrypt(pk, key)
     # use symmetric key encryption to enc actual message
     cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(key)
     c2 = cipher.encrypt(M)
     if debug: print("Ciphertext 2...")
     if debug: print(c2)
     return { 'c1':c1, 'c2':c2 }
Exemple #9
 def MsgtestAESCBC(self, msg):
     groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512')
     a = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(groupObj.random(GT)))
     ct = a.encrypt(msg)
     dmsg = a.decrypt(ct)
     assert msg == dmsg, 'o: =>%s\nm: =>%s' % (msg, dmsg)
Exemple #10
'''Group set up'''
group = PairingGroup('SS512', secparam=1024)
ibp = PreGA(group)
f = open('./setup/master.param', 'r')
bin_data =
params = bytesToObject(bin_data, group)
''' End set up'''
'''Symmetric encryption key and algorithm set up'''
sym_key = OpenSSLRand().getRandomBytes(16)
sym_cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sym_key)
'''End set up'''
'''Encryption proccess'''
sym_key_ciphertext = ibp.encrypt(params, ID, sym_key)
# encrypt the symmetric encryption key
f = open(file_name, 'r')
file_data =
file_ciphertext = sym_cipher.encrypt(file_data)
'''End of encryption process'''

ct = {
    'CA': objectToBytes(sym_key_ciphertext['C']['A'], group),
    'CB': objectToBytes(sym_key_ciphertext['C']['B'], group),
    'CC': objectToBytes(sym_key_ciphertext['C']['C'], IntegerGroup()),
    'S': objectToBytes(sym_key_ciphertext['S'], group),
    'Data': file_ciphertext
f = open('./ciphertexts/' + ID + file_name + '.enc', 'w')
Exemple #11
 def MsgtestAESCBC(self,msg):
     groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512')
     a =  AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(groupObj.random(GT)))
     ct = a.encrypt(msg)
     dmsg = a.decrypt(ct);
     assert msg == dmsg , 'o: =>%s\nm: =>%s' % (msg, dmsg)
Exemple #12
def main():
    groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512')

    maabe = MAABE.MaabeRW15(groupObj)
    attrs1 = ['ONE', 'TWO']
    attrs2 = ['THREE', 'FOUR']

    access_policy = '((STUDENT@UT or PROFESSOR@OU) and (STUDENT@UT or MASTERS@OU))'
    if debug:
        print("attrs1 =>", attrs1)
        print("attrs2 =>", attrs2)
        print("Policy =>", access_policy)

    # setup
    public_parameters = maabe.setup()

    # authsetup 2AA
    (pk1, sk1) = maabe.authsetup(public_parameters, 'UT')
    (pk2, sk2) = maabe.authsetup(public_parameters, 'OU')
    maabepk = {'UT': pk1, 'OU': pk2}

    # keygen
    chamHash = chamwithemp.Chamwithemp()
    (pk, sk) = chamHash.keygen(1024)

    # keygen Bob
    gid = "bob"
    user_attr1 = ['STUDENT@UT']
    user_attr2 = ['STUDENT@OU']

    user_sk1 = maabe.multiple_attributes_keygen(public_parameters, sk1, gid,
    user_sk2 = maabe.multiple_attributes_keygen(public_parameters, sk2, gid,

    user_sk = {'GID': gid, 'keys': merge_dicts(user_sk1, user_sk2)}

    # hash
    msg = "Video provides a powerful way to help you prove your point. When you click Online Video, you can paste in the embed code for t"
    xi = chamHash.hash(pk, msg)
    etd = [xi['p1'], xi['q1']]
    if debug: print("Hash...")
    if debug: print("hash result =>", xi)

    # encrypt
    rand_key = groupObj.random(GT)
    if debug: print("msg =>", rand_key)
    #encrypt rand_key
    maabect = maabe.encrypt(public_parameters, maabepk, rand_key,
    #rand_key->symkey AE
    symcrypt = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(extractor(rand_key))
    #symcrypt msg(etd=(p1,q1))
    etdtostr = [str(i) for i in etd]
    etdsumstr = etdtostr[0] + etdtostr[1]
    symct = symcrypt.encrypt(etdsumstr)

    ct = {'rkc': maabect, 'ec': symct}

    if debug: print("\n\nCiphertext...\n")
    print("ciphertext:=>", ct)

    # decrypt
    #decrypt rand_key
    rec_key = maabe.decrypt(public_parameters, user_sk, maabect)
    assert rand_key == rec_key, "FAILED Decryption: random key is incorrect"
    #rec_key->symkey AE
    rec_symcrypt = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(extractor(rec_key))
    #symdecrypt rec_etdsumstr
    rec_etdsumbytes = rec_symcrypt.decrypt(ct['ec'])
    rec_etdsumstr = str(rec_etdsumbytes, encoding="utf8")
    print("etdsumstr type=>", type(rec_etdsumstr))
    #sumstr->etd str list
    rec_etdtolist = cut_text(rec_etdsumstr, len(etdtostr[0]))
    print("rec_etdtolist=>", rec_etdtolist)
    #etd str list->etd integer list
    rec_etdint = [
    print("rec_etdint=>", rec_etdint)

    if debug: print("\n\nDecrypt...\n")
    if debug: print("Successful Decryption!!!")

    # collision
    msg1 = "Video provides a powerful way to help you prove your point. When you click Online Video, you can paste in the embed code for p"
    assert xi['p1'] == rec_etdint[
        0], "FAILED Decryption: etd key p1 is incorrect"
    assert xi['q1'] == rec_etdint[
        1], "FAILED Decryption: etd key q1 is incorrect"
    r1 = chamHash.collision(msg, msg1, xi, sk, pk)
    if debug: print("new randomness =>", r1)

    if debug: print("collision generated correctly!!!")
Exemple #13
alpha, a = group.random(), group.random()
cpabe = CPabe09(group)
(master_secret_key, master_public_key) = cpabe.setup(g1, g2, alpha, a)

# set up the policy for abe
policy = '((ONE or THREE) and (TWO or FOUR))'

# define the attributes for abe
attr_list = ['ONE', 'TWO', 'THREE']

# get the secret key for abe
secret_key = cpabe.keygen(master_public_key, master_secret_key, attr_list)

# encryption of byte message with the pairing
msg_cipher = symcrypt_sender.encrypt(msg)

# encrypt the pairing
pairing_cipher = cpabe.encrypt(master_public_key, pairing, policy)

# send data (msg_cipher and pairing_cipher) to client

# retrieve pairing used to encrypt byte message
decrypted_pairing = cpabe.decrypt(
    master_public_key, secret_key, pairing_cipher)
# generate decoder with decrypted_pairing
symcrypt_resciever = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(
 (serPKr, serMKr, conversionFactor) = W.refresh(serPK, serMK)
 #refresh one more time :)
 (serPKr, serMKr, conversionFactor) = W.refresh(serPK, serMK)
 (serPKr, serMKr, conversionFactor) = W.refresh(serPK, serMK)
 (serPKr, serMKr, conversionFactor) = W.refresh(serPK, serMK)
 serSKr = W.refreshSK(serSK, conversionFactor)
 newCT = W.encrypt(serPKr, message, access_policy)
 print("ratchat applied and the message is encrypted by conversed SK")
     mdec = W.decrypt(serPK, serSK, newCT)
 except ValueError as e:
     print("good: got ValueError, when trying to decrypt with the old key: " + repr(e))
 newMdec = W.decrypt(serPKr, serSKr, newCT)
 assert mdec == message, "Failed Decryption!!!"
 print("done: ABE - ratchet")
 DEK = W.getDEK()
 from charm.toolbox.symcrypto import AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction
 a = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(DEK)
 CT_AES = a.encrypt(message)
 mdec = a.decrypt(CT_AES)
 assert mdec == message, "Failed Decryption!!!"
 print("done: AES")