Exemple #1
def test_getlibinfo_malformed_metadata_field(tmp_path, monkeypatch):
    """Some metadata field is not really valid."""
    test_path = _create_lib(metadata_id="LIBID = foo = 23")
    with pytest.raises(CommandError) as err:
    assert str(err.value) == r"Bad metadata line in {}: b'LIBID = foo = 23\n'".format(test_path)
Exemple #2
def test_getlibinfo_bad_path(path):
    """Different combinations of a bad library path."""
    with pytest.raises(CommandError) as err:
    assert str(err.value) == (
        "Library path {} must conform to the lib/charms/<charm>/v<API>/<libname>.py structure."
Exemple #3
def test_getlibinfo_bad_name(name):
    """Different combinations of a bad library name."""
    with pytest.raises(CommandError) as err:
    assert str(err.value) == (
        "Library full name {!r} must conform to the charms.<charm>.v<API>.<libname> structure."
Exemple #4
def test_getlibinfo_api_not_int(tmp_path, monkeypatch):
    """The API is not an integer."""
    test_path = _create_lib(metadata_api="LIBAPI = v3")
    with pytest.raises(CommandError) as err:
    assert str(err.value) == (
        "Library {} metadata field LIBAPI is not zero or a positive integer.".format(test_path))
Exemple #5
def test_getlibinfo_missing_metadata_field(tmp_path, monkeypatch):
    """Some metadata field is not present."""
    test_path = _create_lib(metadata_patch="", metadata_api="")
    with pytest.raises(CommandError) as err:
    assert str(err.value) == (
        "Library {} is missing the mandatory metadata fields: LIBAPI, LIBPATCH.".format(test_path))
Exemple #6
def create_lib_filepath(charm_name, lib_name, api=0, patch=1, lib_id="test-lib-id"):
    """Helper to create the structures on disk for a given lib."""
    charm_name = create_importable_name(charm_name)
    base_dir = pathlib.Path("lib")
    lib_file = base_dir / "charms" / charm_name / "v{}".format(api) / "{}.py".format(lib_name)
    lib_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    # save the content to that specific file under custom structure
    template = textwrap.dedent(
        # test content for a library
        LIBID = "{lib_id}"
        LIBAPI = {api}
        LIBPATCH = {patch}

        # more text and python code...
    content = template.format(lib_id=lib_id, api=api, patch=patch)

    # use _get_lib_info to get the hash of the file, as the used hash is WITHOUT the metadata
    # files (no point in duplicating that logic here)
    libdata = _get_lib_info(lib_path=lib_file)
    return content, libdata.content_hash
Exemple #7
def test_getlibinfo_missing_library_from_path():
    """Partial case for when the library is not found in disk, starting from the path."""
    test_path = pathlib.Path('lib') / 'charms' / 'testcharm' / 'v3' / 'testlib.py'
    # no create lib!
    lib_data = _get_lib_info(lib_path=test_path)
    assert lib_data.lib_id is None
    assert lib_data.api == 3
    assert lib_data.patch == -1
    assert lib_data.content_hash is None
    assert lib_data.content is None
    assert lib_data.full_name == 'charms.testcharm.v3.testlib'
    assert lib_data.path == test_path
    assert lib_data.lib_name == 'testlib'
    assert lib_data.charm_name == 'testcharm'
Exemple #8
def test_getlibinfo_success_content(tmp_path, monkeypatch):
    """Check that content and its hash are ok."""
    extra_content = """
        extra lines for the file
        extra non-ascii, for sanity: ñáéíóú
        the content is everything, this plus metadata
        the hash should be of this, excluding metadata
    test_path = _create_lib(extra_content=extra_content)

    lib_data = _get_lib_info(lib_path=test_path)
    assert lib_data.content == test_path.read_text()
    assert lib_data.content_hash == hashlib.sha256(extra_content.encode('utf8')).hexdigest()
Exemple #9
def test_getlibinfo_success_simple(tmp_path, monkeypatch):
    """Simple basic case of success getting info from the library."""
    test_path = _create_lib()

    lib_data = _get_lib_info(lib_path=test_path)
    assert lib_data.lib_id == 'test-lib-id'
    assert lib_data.api == 3
    assert lib_data.patch == 14
    assert lib_data.content_hash is not None
    assert lib_data.content is not None
    assert lib_data.full_name == 'charms.testcharm.v3.testlib'
    assert lib_data.path == test_path
    assert lib_data.lib_name == 'testlib'
    assert lib_data.charm_name == 'testcharm'
Exemple #10
def test_getlibinfo_bad_api(name):
    """Different combinations of a bad api in the path/name."""
    with pytest.raises(CommandError) as err:
    assert str(err.value) == (
        "The API version in the library path must be 'vN' where N is an integer.")