Exemple #1
    def say(self, msg):
        Helper method which is called by invoking the element proxy.
        This method is expected to be called on only the PE for
        which the proxy is created.

        self.count += 1
        print("Say", msg, "on PE", CkMyPe())
        if self.count == 2:
            assert CkMyPe() == 2
Exemple #2
 def testWhen(self, id, msg):
     assert (CkMyPe() == 0) and (self.current == id) and (msg == "hi")
     print(str(id) + " " + str(self.msgsRcvd))
     self.msgsRcvd += 1
     if self.msgsRcvd >= GRP_TO_SEND:
         self.msgsRcvd = 0
         self.current += 1
         if self.current == CkNumPes(): charm.exit()
Exemple #3
 def SayHi(self, hiNo):
     print("Hi[" + str(hiNo) + "] from element " + str(self.thisIndex) +
           " on PE " + str(CkMyPe()))
     if self.thisIndex == ro.lastIdx:
         nextIndex = list(self.thisIndex)
         for i in range(ro.nDims - 1, -1, -1):
             nextIndex[i] = (nextIndex[i] + 1) % ro.ARRAY_SIZE[i]
             if nextIndex[i] != 0: break
         return self.thisProxy[nextIndex].SayHi(hiNo + 1)
Exemple #4
 def doReduction(self):
   print("TestGroup element on PE " + str(CkMyPe()) + " is starting its contributions.")
   # test contributing single int back to Main
   self.contribute(42, Reducer.sum, ro.mainProxy.done_int)
   # test contributing list of floats back to Main
   num = [10.1, 13.4]
   self.contribute(num+[float(self.thisIndex)], Reducer.sum, ro.mainProxy.done_float)
   # test nop reduction to main
   self.contribute(None, Reducer.nop, ro.mainProxy.done_nop)
   # test contributing to TestArray[0]
   self.contribute([4.2, 13.1], Reducer.sum, ro.arrayProxy[0].reduceGroupToArray)
   # test contributing to TestArray (broadcast)
   self.contribute(-4, Reducer.sum, ro.arrayProxy.reduceGroupToArrayBcast)
   # test contributing to TestGroup[0]
   self.contribute([5, 7, -3, 0], Reducer.sum, self.thisProxy[0].reduceGroupToGroup)
   # test contributing to TestGroup (broadcast)
   self.contribute(-4.2, Reducer.sum, self.thisProxy.reduceGroupToGroupBcast)
Exemple #5
 def doReduction(self):
   print("Test element " + str(self.thisIndex) + " on PE " + str(CkMyPe()) + " is starting its contributions.")
   # test contributing single int back to Main
   self.contribute(42, Reducer.sum, ro.mainProxy.done_int)
   # test contributing list of floats back to main
   num = [10.1, 13.4]
   self.contribute(num+[float(self.thisIndex[0])], Reducer.sum, ro.mainProxy.done_float)
   # test nop reduction to main
   self.contribute(None, Reducer.nop, ro.mainProxy.done_nop)
   # test contributing to Test[0]
   self.contribute(4.2, Reducer.sum, self.thisProxy[0].reductionTarget)
   # test contributing to Test (broadcast)
   self.contribute(numpy.array([4.2, 8.4]), Reducer.sum, self.thisProxy.reductionTargetBcast)
   # test contributing to TestGroup[0]
   self.contribute(4, Reducer.sum, ro.groupProxy[0].reduceFromArray)
   # test contributing to TestGroup (broadcast)
   self.contribute(array.array('i', [0, 8, 3]), Reducer.sum, ro.groupProxy.reduceFromArrayBcast)
Exemple #6
 def __init__(self):
     print("Hello " + str(self.thisIndex) + " created on PE " +
Exemple #7
 def __init__(self):
   print("TestGroup " + str(self.thisIndex) + " created on PE " + str(CkMyPe()))
Exemple #8
 def SayGoodbye(self):
     print("Goodbye from PE", CkMyPe())
     self.contribute(None, None, ro.mainProxy.done)
Exemple #9
 def SayHi(self):
     print("Hello from PE", CkMyPe(), "on", time.strftime('%c'))
     ro.byes[(self.thisIndex + 1) % CkNumPes()].SayGoodbye()
Exemple #10
 def __init__(self, arg0, arg1):
     assert [arg0, arg1
             ] == [42, "testing"
                   ], "Constructor args for dynamic array insertion failed."
     print("Hello " + str(self.thisIndex) + " created on PE " +
Exemple #11
 def run(self):
     if CkMyPe() == 0: return
     #print("Group " + str(self.thisIndex) + " sending msg " + str(self.msgsSent))
     self.thisProxy[0].testWhen(CkMyPe(), "hi")
     self.msgsSent += 1
     if self.msgsSent < GRP_TO_SEND: self.thisProxy[self.thisIndex].run()