Exemple #1
    def plot_strategy_group_benchmark_pnl(self, strip = None):
        pf = PlotFactory()

        gp = self.create_graph_properties("", "Group Benchmark PnL - cumulative")

        strat_list = self._strategy_group_benchmark_pnl.columns #.sort_values()

        for line in strat_list:

        # plot cumulative line of returns
        pf.plot_line_graph(self.reduce_plot(self._strategy_group_benchmark_pnl), adapter = self.DEFAULT_PLOT_ENGINE, gp = gp)

        # needs write stats flag turned on
            keys = self._strategy_group_benchmark_tsd.keys()
            ir = []

            for key in keys: ir.append(self._strategy_group_benchmark_tsd[key].inforatio()[0])

            if strip is not None: keys = [k.replace(strip, '') for k in keys]

            ret_stats = pandas.DataFrame(index = keys, data = ir, columns = ['IR'])
            # ret_stats = ret_stats.sort_index()
            gp.file_output = self.DUMP_PATH + self.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' (Group Benchmark PnL - IR) ' + gp.SCALE_FACTOR + '.png'
            gp.file_output = self.DUMP_PATH + self.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' (Group Benchmark PnL - IR) ' + gp.SCALE_FACTOR + '.html'

            gp.display_brand_label = False

            # plot ret stats
            pf.plot_bar_graph(ret_stats, adapter = self.DEFAULT_PLOT_ENGINE, gp = gp)

        except: pass
Exemple #2
    def plot_strategy_signal_proportion(self, strip = None):

        signal = self._strategy_signal

        # count number of long, short and flat periods in our sample
        long = signal[signal > 0].count()
        short = signal[signal < 0].count()
        flat = signal[signal == 0].count()

        keys = long.index

        # how many trades have there been (ignore size of the trades)
        trades = abs(signal - signal.shift(-1))
        trades = trades[trades > 0].count()

        df_trades = pandas.DataFrame(index = keys, columns = ['Trades'], data = trades)

        df = pandas.DataFrame(index = keys, columns = ['Long', 'Short', 'Flat'])

        df['Long'] = long
        df['Short']  = short
        df['Flat'] = flat

        if strip is not None: keys = [k.replace(strip, '') for k in keys]

        df.index = keys
        df_trades.index = keys
        # df = df.sort_index()

        pf = PlotFactory()

        gp = self.create_graph_properties("", "")

            gp.file_output = self.DUMP_PATH + self.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' (Strategy signal proportion).png'
            gp.html_file_output = self.DUMP_PATH + self.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' (Strategy signal proportion).html'
            pf.plot_bar_graph(self.reduce_plot(df), adapter = self.DEFAULT_PLOT_ENGINE, gp = gp)

            gp.file_output = self.DUMP_PATH + self.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' (Strategy trade no).png'
            gp.html_file_output = self.DUMP_PATH + self.FINAL_STRATEGY + ' (Strategy trade no).html'
            pf.plot_bar_graph(self.reduce_plot(df_trades), adapter = self.DEFAULT_PLOT_ENGINE, gp = gp)
        except: pass
    pf = PlotFactory()

    gp = GraphProperties()

    gp.source = 'Thalesians/BBG (created with PyThalesians Python library)'
    gp.html_file_output = "output_data/equities.htm"
    gp.title = 'Recent monthly changes in equity markets'
    gp.scale_factor = 2
    gp.display_legend = True
    gp.chart_type = ['bar', 'scatter', 'line']
    gp.x_title = 'Dates'
    gp.y_title = 'Pc'

    # plot using Bokeh then PyThalesians
    pf.plot_bar_graph(daily_vals * 100, adapter = 'bokeh', gp = gp)
    pf.plot_bar_graph(daily_vals * 100, adapter = 'pythalesians', gp = gp)

# plot daily changes in FX
if True:
    from datetime import timedelta
    ltsf = LightTimeSeriesFactory()

    end = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    start = end - timedelta(days=5)

    tickers = ['EUR', 'GBP', 'AUD', 'NZD', 'CAD', 'CHF', 'NOK', 'SEK', 'JPY']
    vendor_tickers = [x + 'USD BGN Curncy' for x in tickers]

    time_series_request = TimeSeriesRequest(
        start_date = start,                                             # start date
    import pandas

    df.columns = [x.replace('.close', '') for x in df.columns.values]

    short_dates = df[["EURUSDV1M", "USDJPYV1M"]]
    long_dates = df[["EURUSDV1Y", "USDJPYV1Y"]]
    short_dates, long_dates = short_dates.align(long_dates, join='left', axis = 0)

    slope = pandas.DataFrame(data = short_dates.values - long_dates.values, index = short_dates.index,
            columns = ["EURUSDV1M-1Y", "USDJPYV1M-1Y"])

    # resample fand calculate average over month
    slope_monthly = slope.resample('M').mean()

    slope_monthly.index = [str(x.year) + '/' + str(x.month) for x in slope_monthly.index]

    pf = PlotFactory()

    gp = GraphProperties()

    gp.source = 'Thalesians/BBG'
    gp.title = 'Vol slopes in EUR/USD and USD/JPY recently'
    gp.scale_factor = 2
    gp.display_legend = True
    gp.chart_type = 'bar'
    gp.x_title = 'Dates'
    gp.y_title = 'Pc'

    # plot using Cufflinks
    pf.plot_bar_graph(slope_monthly, adapter = 'cufflinks', gp = gp)
Exemple #5
    long_dates = df[["EURUSDV1Y", "USDJPYV1Y"]]
    short_dates, long_dates = short_dates.align(long_dates,

    slope = pandas.DataFrame(data=short_dates.values - long_dates.values,
                             columns=["EURUSDV1M-1Y", "USDJPYV1M-1Y"])

    # resample fand calculate average over month
    slope_monthly = slope.resample('M').mean()

    slope_monthly.index = [
        str(x.year) + '/' + str(x.month) for x in slope_monthly.index

    pf = PlotFactory()

    gp = GraphProperties()

    gp.source = 'Thalesians/BBG'
    gp.title = 'Vol slopes in EUR/USD and USD/JPY recently'
    gp.scale_factor = 2
    gp.display_legend = True
    gp.chart_type = 'bar'
    gp.x_title = 'Dates'
    gp.y_title = 'Pc'

    # plot using Cufflinks
    pf.plot_bar_graph(slope_monthly, adapter='cufflinks', gp=gp)
            data_source='bloomberg',  # use Bloomberg as data source
            tickers=tickers,  # ticker (Thalesians)
            fields=['close'],  # which fields to download
            vendor_tickers=vendor_tickers,  # ticker (Bloomberg)
            vendor_fields=['PX_LAST'],  # which Bloomberg fields to download
            cache_algo='internet_load_return')  # how to return data

        daily_vals = ltsf.harvest_time_series(time_series_request)

        # resample for year end
        daily_vals = daily_vals.resample('A')

        daily_vals = daily_vals / daily_vals.shift(1) - 1
        daily_vals.index = daily_vals.index.year
        daily_vals = daily_vals.drop(daily_vals.head(1).index)

        pf = PlotFactory()

        gp = GraphProperties()

        gp.source = 'Thalesians/BBG'
        gp.title = 'Yearly changes in spot'
        gp.scale_factor = 3
        gp.y_title = "Percent Change"

        daily_vals = daily_vals * 100

        # plot using PyThalesians (stacked & then bar graph)
        pf.plot_stacked_graph(daily_vals, adapter='pythalesians', gp=gp)
        pf.plot_bar_graph(daily_vals, adapter='pythalesians', gp=gp)