def test_support(test): Proposal(user="******", command="iasip", proposal="The Gang Steals Kappa").save() proposal = Proposal.last()"bobby", proposal.doc_id, "sumo") assert Proposal.find_by_user("bobby")["supporters"] == ["sumo"]
def test_cannot_support_yourself(self): Proposal(user="******", command="iasip", proposal="The Gang Steals Kappa").save() proposal = Proposal.last() result ="bobby", proposal.doc_id, "bobby") assert result == "Can't support yourself @bobby" assert Proposal.find_by_user("bobby")["supporters"] == []
def test_deleting_proposal_after_report(self): CommunityRouter.SUPPORT_REQUIREMENT = 1 result = CommunityRouter( "beginbot", "propose", ["!iasip", "The", "Gang", "Steals", "Kappa"] ).route() Proposal.count() == 1 result = CommunityRouter("uzi", "support", ["@beginbot"]).route() assert BreakingNews.count() == 1 assert Proposal.count() == 0
def test_propose(self): assert Proposal.count() == 0 result = CommunityRouter( "beginbot", "propose", ["!iasip", "The", "Gang", "Steals", "Kappa"] ).route() assert "Thank you @beginbot for your proposal" in result last = Proposal.last() assert last["proposal"] == "The Gang Steals Kappa" assert last["command"] == "iasip"
def test_proposals_expire(self): proposal = Proposal(user="******", command="iasip", proposal="The Gang Steals Kappa").save() OG_PROPOSAL_TIME = Proposal.EXPIRE_TIME_IN_SECS assert not proposal.is_expired() Proposal.EXPIRE_TIME_IN_SECS = 0 assert proposal.is_expired() Proposal.EXPIRE_TIME_IN_SECS = OG_PROPOSAL_TIME
def _support(self): if self.args: user = self.args[0] else: user = Proposal.last()["user"] if user.startswith("@"): user = user[1:] proposal = Proposal.find_by_user(user) if Proposal(user).is_expired(): if proposal: print(f"Deleteing Expired Proposal from: {user}") Proposal.delete(proposal.doc_id) else: print(f"Did not find Proposal for {user}") total_support = len(proposal["supporters"]) + 1 support_msg = "" if proposal: support_msg =, proposal.doc_id, self.user) if total_support >= self.SUPPORT_REQUIREMENT: BreakingNews( scope=proposal["proposal"], category=proposal["command"] ).save() if proposal: print(f"Deleteing Proposal from: {user}, since it was approved!") Proposal.delete(proposal.doc_id) return support_msg + f" {total_support}/{self.SUPPORT_REQUIREMENT}"
def test_propose(self, irc_msg): irc_response = irc_msg("beginbot", "!propose !iasip The Gang Steals Kappa") result = CommandRouter(irc_response, logger).build_response() assert "Thank you @beginbot for your proposal" in result last_proposal = Proposal.last() assert last_proposal["proposal"] == "The Gang Steals Kappa" assert last_proposal["command"] == "iasip"
def test_support(self): CommunityRouter.SUPPORT_REQUIREMENT = 1 BreakingNews.count() == 0 assert Proposal.count() == 0 result = CommunityRouter( "beginbot", "propose", ["!iasip", "The", "Gang", "Steals", "Kappa"] ).route() result = CommunityRouter("uzi", "support", ["@beginbot"]).route() assert result == "@beginbot Thanks You for the support @uzi 1/1" assert BreakingNews.count() == 1
def _propose(self, proposed_command=None): if proposed_command: args = self.args else: proposed_command, *args = self.args if proposed_command.startswith("!"): proposed_command = proposed_command[1:] proposal = Proposal( user=self.user, command=proposed_command, proposal=" ".join(args), ) if "TEST_MODE" not in os.environ: # Maybe I should be able to say no notification PlaySoundeffectRequest( user="******", command="5minutes", notification=False ).save() Notification("Type !support", duration=300).save() return f"Thank you @{self.user} for your proposal. You have 5 minutes to get {self.SUPPORT_REQUIREMENT} supporters"
def test_no_double_support(self): Proposal(user="******", command="iasip", proposal="The Gang Steals Kappa").save() proposal = Proposal.last() result ="bobby", proposal.doc_id, "sumo") assert Proposal.find_by_user("bobby")["supporters"] == ["sumo"] assert result == "@bobby Thanks You for the support @sumo" result ="bobby", proposal.doc_id, "sumo") assert Proposal.find_by_user("bobby")["supporters"] == ["sumo"] assert result == "You already supported! @sumo"
def test_it_is_real(self): assert Proposal.count() == 0 Proposal(user="******", command="iasip", proposal="The Gang Steals Kappa").save() assert Proposal.count() == 1
def test_find_by_user(self): Proposal(user="******", command="iasip", proposal="The Gang Steals Kappa").save() proposal = Proposal.find_by_user("bobby") assert proposal["proposal"] == "The Gang Steals Kappa"