Exemple #1
def twitter(text, consumer_key, consumer_secret):
    from chatterbot.conversation import Statement
    from chatterbot.apis.twitter import Twitter
    from chatterbot.apis import clean
    import random

    api = TwitterAPI(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
    results = api.get_related_messages(text)

    output = []
    for result in results:

        # Clean the text
        result = clean(result)

        # Remove leeding usernames
        result = remove_leeding_usernames(text)

        # Remove trailing usernames
        result = remove_trailing_usernames(text)

        # Ignore single usernames
        if len(result.split()) > 0 and result[0] != "@":

    # Pick a random statement as the default
    closest_statement = random.choice(output)
    closest_value = 0

    # The sentence with the most words is typically a good response
    longest_statement = random.choice(output)
    longest_value = len(longest_statement.split())

    for statement in output:
        value = 0
        if len(statement.split()) > longest_value:
            longest_value = value
            longest_statement = statement

    # Find the statement that has the closest matching number of words
    words = text.lower().split()
    for statement in output:
        value = 0
        for word in statement.lower().split():
            if word in words:
                value += 1

        if value > closest_value:
            closest_value = value
            closest_statement = statement

    # If results were found
    if len(output) > 0:
        return [Statement("Twitter", closest_statement)]
        return [
                      "Twitter is a poor source of knowledge at the moment.")
Exemple #2
    def begin(self, bot_input="Hi. How are you?"):
        import time
        from random import randint 
        from chatterbot.apis import clean

        print(self.chatbot.name, bot_input)

        while self.running:
            cb_input = self.cleverbot.ask(bot_input)
            print("cleverbot:", cb_input)
            cb_input = clean(cb_input)

            bot_input = self.chatbot.get_response(cb_input, "cleverbot")
            print(self.chatbot.name, bot_input)
            bot_input = clean(bot_input)

            # Delay a random number of seconds.
            time.sleep(1.05 + randint(0, 9))
Exemple #3
    def begin(self, bot_input="Hi. How are you?"):
        import time
        from random import randint
        from chatterbot.apis import clean

        print(self.chatbot.name, bot_input)

        while self.running:
            cb_input = self.cleverbot.ask(bot_input)
            print("cleverbot:", cb_input)
            cb_input = clean(cb_input)

            bot_input = self.chatbot.get_response(cb_input, "cleverbot")
            print(self.chatbot.name, bot_input)
            bot_input = clean(bot_input)

            # Delay a random number of seconds.
            time.sleep(1.05 + randint(0, 9))
Exemple #4
    def test_clean_function(self):
        Ensure that non-ascii characters are correctly removed
        from chatterbot.apis import clean

        text = u"Klüft skräms inför på fédéral électoral große"
        clean_text = clean(text)
        normal_text = "Kluft skrams infor pa federal electoral groe"

        self.assertEqual(clean_text, normal_text)
Exemple #5
from chatterbot import ChatBot
from chatterbot.cleverbot.cleverbot import Cleverbot
from chatterbot.apis import clean
from random import randint
import time

bot = ChatBot("Chatterbot",
    database="../clever-database.db", logging=True)

    cleverbot = Cleverbot()

    bot_input = "Hi. How are you?"

    print(bot.name, bot_input)

    while True:
        cb_input = cleverbot.ask(bot_input)
        print("cleverbot:", cb_input)
        cb_input = clean(cb_input)

        bot_input = bot.get_response(cb_input, "cleverbot")
        print(bot.name, bot_input)
        bot_input = clean(bot_input)

        # Delay a random number of seconds.
        time.sleep(1.05 + randint(0, 9))