Exemple #1
def synset_distance(statement, other_statement):
    Calculate the similarity of two statements.
    This is based on the total similarity between
    each word in each sentence.
    from chatterbot.utils.pos_tagger import POSTagger
    from chatterbot.utils.stop_words import StopWordsManager
    from chatterbot.utils.word_net import Wordnet
    import itertools

    wordnet = Wordnet()
    tagger = POSTagger()
    stopwords = StopWordsManager()

    def get_tokens(text, exclude_stop_words=True):
        Takes a string and converts it to a tuple
        of each word. Skips common stop words such
        as ("is, the, a, ...") is 'exclude_stop_words'
        is True.
        lower = text.lower()
        tokens = tagger.tokenize(lower)

        # Remove any stop words from the string
        if exclude_stop_words:
            excluded_words = stopwords.words('english')

            tokens = set(tokens) - set(excluded_words)

        return tokens

    tokens1 = get_tokens(statement.text)
    tokens2 = get_tokens(other_statement.text)

    total_similarity = 0

    # Get the highest matching value for each possible combination of words
    for combination in itertools.product(*[tokens1, tokens2]):

        synset1 = wordnet.synsets(combination[0])
        synset2 = wordnet.synsets(combination[1])

        if synset1 and synset2:

            max_similarity = 0

            # Get the highest similarity for each combination of synsets
            for synset in itertools.product(*[synset1, synset2]):
                similarity = synset[0].path_similarity(synset[1])

                if similarity and (similarity > max_similarity):
                    max_similarity = similarity

            # Add the most similar path value to the total
            total_similarity += max_similarity

    return total_similarity
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(ClosestMeaningAdapter, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        self.wordnet = Wordnet()
        self.tagger = POSTagger()
        self.stopwords = StopWordsManager()
Exemple #3
    def test_word_net(self):
        wordnet = Wordnet()
        synsets = wordnet.synsets('test')
