def run():

    print("Super awesome interactive session!")

    devices = chdk.get_devices()

    print("%d devices found." % len(devices))

    if len(devices) < 1:
        print("No devices found.  Ctrl-C to exit ...")
        raw = raw_input()
        # model()

    # One-time camera-config
    configured = False
    while not configured:
            "Let's set your camera rotation. \n Are the cameras mounted horiziontally, or vertically? \n"
            "Press h for horiziontally and v for vertically"
        raw = raw_input()
        if raw == "h":
            rotation = "horizontal"
            configured = True
        elif raw == "v":
            print("Do the tripod mounts face to the left, or the right? \n Press l for left and r for right.")
            raw = raw_input()
            if raw == "l":
                rotation = "clockwise"
                configured = True
            elif raw == "r":
                rotation = "counter-clockwise"
                configured = True
                print("Hmm, that doesn't seem to be one of the options")
            print("Hmm, that doesn't seem to be one of the options")

    print("Initializing ...")
    chdk.chdk(devices, "luar set_record(true)")
    # Wait for the lenses to extend

    set_id = 173
    while True:
        # print("Press <enter> to capture more images, type m<enter> to model.")
        print("Press enter to make a gif")
        raw = raw_input()
        if raw == "":
            print("Delaying ...")
            one_shot(devices, set_id)
            gifmaker.make_gifs(devices, rotation, set_id)
            uploads.upload_file(devices, set_id)
            print("That won't work")
        set_id = set_id + 1
def one_shot(devices, set_id):
    """Takes a single photo from with all connected cameras."""

    print("Deleting photos ...")
    chdk.delete_all(devices)  # Will block until complete

    print("Shooting ...")
        "lua press('shoot_half'); sleep(3000); press('shoot_full'); release('shoot_full'); release('shoot_half');",
    # Wait for this to run

    print("Downloading photos ...")
    chdk.download_all(devices, set_id)  # Will block until complete