Exemple #1
def validate(sources_buf):
    if "malloc(" in sources_buf or "free(" in sources_buf:
        raise check50.Failure("There should be no calls to malloc/free")
    if re.search("multiply_arrays.*[\n]{0,1}.*size[1|2].*[\n]{0,1}.*\)",
        raise check50.Failure(
            "multiply_array should not take size1 or size2 as parameters")
Exemple #2
def helper_commands():
    """Testing helper commands; HELP, LOOK, QUIT."""
    # Test HELP
        check = check50.run(run_command).stdin("HELP")
        for help in help_statement:
    except check50.Failure as error:
        raise check50.Failure(
            f"HELP did not print the expected message.\n    {error}")

    # Test LOOK command
    except check50.Failure as error:
        raise check50.Failure(
            f"LOOK/look did not print the expected room description.\n    {error}"

    # Test QUIT
            "Thanks for playing!").exit(0)
    except check50.Failure as error:
        raise check50.Failure(
            f"QUIT did not function as expected.\n    {error}")
def check_bmps(expected_filename, actual_filename):

    # Open files.
    with open(expected_filename, "rb") as expected_file, \
            open(actual_filename, "rb") as actual_file:

        # Read in the headers.
        expected_header = BitmapHeader.from_file(expected_file)
        actual_header = BitmapHeader.from_file(actual_file)

        expected_bytes = expected_file.read()
        actual_bytes = actual_file.read()

    check50.log(f"checking {actual_filename} header...")
    for (field, expected_field), (_,
                                  actual_field) in zip(expected_header,
        if expected_field != actual_field:
            raise check50.Failure(
                f"expected {hex(expected_field)}, not {hex(actual_field)} in header field {field}"

    check50.log(f"checking {actual_filename} pixel data...")
    for i, (expected_byte, actual_byte) in enumerate(
            zip_longest(expected_bytes, actual_bytes), 1):
        if actual_byte is None:
            raise check50.Failure("image has fewer bytes than expected.")
        elif expected_byte is None:
            raise check50.Failure("image has more bytes than expected.")
        elif expected_byte != actual_byte:
            raise check50.Failure(
                f"expected {hex(expected_byte)}, not {hex(actual_byte)} in byte {i} of pixel data"
Exemple #4
    def validate_form(self, route, fields, field_tag="input"):
        """Make sure HTML form at `route` has input fields given by `fields`"""
        if not isinstance(fields, list):
            fields = [fields]

        content = self.get(route).content()
        required = {field: False for field in fields}
        for tag in content.find_all(field_tag):
                name = tag.attrs["name"]
                if required[name]:
                    raise Error("found more than one field called \"{}\"".format(name))
            except KeyError:
                check50.log("found required \"{}\" field".format(name))
                required[name] = True

            missing = next(name for name, found in required.items() if not found)
        except StopIteration:
            raise check50.Failure(f"expected to find {field_tag} field with name \"{missing}\", but none found")

        if content.find("button", type="submit") is None:
            raise check50.Failure("expected button to submit form, but none was found")

        return self
Exemple #5
def card_initializer():
    """class 'Card' can be initialized correctly."""
    module = uva.check50.py.run("cardgame.py").module

    # check if __init__ exists and accepts the correct args
    class_method(module.Card, "__init__")
    required_args = ["self", "suit", "value"]
    method_arguments(module.Card, "__init__", required_args)

    # loop through all possible cards
    for suit in suits:
        for value in values:
            card = module.Card(suit=suit, value=value)

            # check if the object has the required attributes
            attributes = ["suit", "value"]
            attributes_present(card, attributes)

            # check if the initializer worked
            if card.suit != suit:
                raise check50.Failure(
                    f"class 'Card' was initialized with unexpected suit '{card.suit}'. expected '{suit}'"
            elif card.value != value:
                raise check50.Failure(
                    f"class 'Card' was initialized with unexpected value '{card.value}'. expected '{value}'"
def has_variables(sources_buf):
    if "int_var" not in sources_buf:
        raise check50.Failure("Could not find mention of int_var in the "
    if "double_var" not in sources_buf:
        raise check50.Failure("Could not find mention of double_var in the"
Exemple #7
def check_solved(sudoku, original):
    for x, y in itertools.product(range(9), range(9)):
        if int(original[x][y]) != 0 and sudoku[x][y] != original[x][y]:
            raise check50.Failure(
                f"The solved sudoku changed from the original sudoku at x={x}, y={y}"

    expected = set(range(1, 10))
    for i in range(9):
        row = [int(v) for v in sudoku[i]]
        column = [int(sudoku[x][i]) for x in range(9)]
        grid = [
            for x, y in itertools.product([j + (i % 3 * 3) for j in range(3)],
                                          [j + (i // 3 * 3) for j in range(3)])
        if set(row) != expected:
            raise check50.Failure(
                f"This row {row} at x={i} does not contain the numbers 1 to 9")

        if set(column) != expected:
            raise check50.Failure(
                f"This column {column} at y={i} does not contain the numbers 1 to 9"

        if set(grid) != expected:
            raise check50.Failure(
                f"This grid {grid} at x={i % 3 * 3}..{i % 3 * 3 + 2}, and y={i // 3 * 3}..{i // 3 * 3 + 2} does not contain the numbers 1 to 9"
Exemple #8
def wrong_lexicon():
    """creating a Lexicon with incorrect parameters yields an assertion error"""
    import hangman
    Lexicon = hangman.Lexicon

    params = [-2, 29]
    messages = [
        "negative word length",
        "word length that does not appear anywhere in the dictionary"

    for param, message in zip(params, messages):
        lex = None
            lex = Lexicon(param)
        except AssertionError as e:
        except Exception as e:
            raise check50.Failure("got error but not an assertion failure",
                                  help=f"got exception {e}")

        if lex is not None:
            raise check50.Failure("when creating a Lexicon object for a " +
Exemple #9
def valid():
    """project exists and is valid Scratch program"""

    # Make sure there is only one .sb2 file.
    filenames = [
        filename for filename in os.listdir() if filename.endswith(".sb3")

    if len(filenames) > 1:
        raise check50.Failure(
            "more than one .sb3 file found. Make sure there's only one!")
    elif not filenames:
        raise check50.Failure("no .sb3 file found")

    filename = filenames[0]

    # Ensure that unzipped .sb2 file contains .json file.
    if check50.run(f"unzip {shlex.quote(filename)}").exit():
        raise check50.Failure("invalid .sb3 file")

    with open("project.json") as f:
        project = json.load(f)

    return project["targets"]
Exemple #10
def correct_days(out):
    """correct dates of bad days."""
    days = {(24, 3, 2018), (23, 3, 2018), (21, 3, 2018), (19, 3, 2018),
            (18, 3, 2018), (17, 3, 2018), (13, 3, 2018), (6, 3, 2018),
            (3, 3, 2018), (18, 2, 2018), (17, 2, 2018), (16, 2, 2018),
            (15, 2, 2018), (12, 2, 2018), (10, 2, 2018), (4, 2, 2018),
            (28, 1, 2018), (11, 1, 2018), (7, 1, 2018), (5, 1, 2018),
            (30, 12, 2017), (12, 12, 2017), (11, 12, 2017), (3, 12, 2017),
            (26, 11, 2017), (25, 11, 2017), (20, 11, 2017), (19, 11, 2017),
            (3, 11, 2017), (31, 10, 2017), (30, 10, 2017)}

    days_copy = set(days)

    matches = re.findall("(\d+)[^\n^\d]*(\d+)[^\n^\d]*(\d+)", out)

    for match in matches:
        match = tuple([int(d) for d in match])

        if match in days_copy:
            except KeyError:
            raise check50.Failure(f"Did not expect {match} as a bad day!")

    if days:
        raise check50.Failure(f"Expected to find {days} as bad days.")
Exemple #11
def helper_commands():
    """Testing helper commands; HELP, LOOK, QUIT."""
            "You can move by typing directions such as EAST/WEST/IN/OUT\n" +
            "QUIT quits the game.\n" +
            "HELP prints instructions for the game.\n" +
            "INVENTORY lists the item in your inventory.\n" +
            "LOOK lists the complete description of the room and its contents.\n"
            + "TAKE <item> take item from the room.\n" +
            "DROP <item> drop item from your inventory.\n")
    except check50.Failure as error:
        raise check50.Failure(
            f"HELP did not print the expected message.\n    {error}")
    except check50.Failure as error:
        raise check50.Failure(
            f"LOOK/look did not print the expected room description.\n    {error}"
            "Thanks for playing!").exit(0)
    except check50.Failure as error:
        raise check50.Failure(
            f"QUIT did not print the expected message.\n    {error}")
Exemple #12
def find_items():
    """Finds items in rooms."""
    # Check initial description
        check = check50.run(RUN_CROWTHER).stdin("in")
        check.stdout(room_3_description, regex=False)

        for item in room_3_items:
            check.stdout(item, regex=False)
    except check50.Failure as error:
        raise check50.Failure(
            f"Could not find items upon first entering room.\n"
            f"    Remember to seperate multiple items by a "
            f"single newline.\n"
            f"    {error}")

    # Check for look command
        check = check50.run(RUN_CROWTHER)
        moves = ["IN", "OUT", "IN", "LOOK"]

        for move in moves:
            check.stdout("> ")
            check.stdin(move, prompt=False)

        for item in room_3_items:
            check.stdout(item, regex=False)
    except check50.Failure as error:
        raise check50.Failure(f"Could not find items when using LOOK.\n"
                              f"    {error}")
Exemple #13
def qualifies():
    """qualifies for Big Board"""
        # inject canary
        canary = str(uuid.uuid4())
            "sed -i -e 's/CANARY/{}/' speller.c".format(canary)).exit(0)
        check50.run("make -B").exit(0)

        # Run on aca.txt
            "./speller dictionaries/large texts/aca.txt 0 > actual.out").exit(
                0, timeout=20)
        actual = open("actual.out").read().splitlines()
        expected = open("sols/aca.txt").read().splitlines()

        # check for canary
        if canary != actual[-1]:
            raise check50.Failure(
                "Your Makefile doesn't seem to have compiled speller.c")
        del actual[-1]

        # Compare output line for line.
        if len(actual) != len(expected):
            raise check50.Failure("{} lines expected, not {}".format(
                len(expected), len(actual)))
        for actual_line, expected_line in zip(actual, expected):
            if actual_line != expected_line:
                raise check50.Failure("expected {}, not {}".format(
                    expected_line, actual_line))

    # Clear log to avoid clutter.
Exemple #14
def check_single_col(actual, expected, ordered=False):
    Checks for queries that return just a single column, ensures correct results.

    # Make sure query returned results
    if actual is None or actual == []:
        raise check50.Failure("Query did not return results")

    # Make sure there is only a single column
    row_counts = {len(list(row.values())) for row in actual}
    if row_counts != {1}:
        raise check50.Failure("Query should only return a single column")

    # Get data from column
        result = [str(list(row.values())[0]) for row in actual]
        result = result if ordered else set(result)
    except IndexError:
        return None

    # Check column data against expected values
    expected = [str(value) for value in expected]
    if not ordered:
        expected = set(expected)
    if result != expected:
        raise check50.Mismatch("\n".join(expected), "\n".join(list(result)))
Exemple #15
def check_double_col(actual, expected, ordered=False):
    Checks for queries that return just a single column, ensures correct results.

    # Make sure query returned results
    if actual is None or actual == []:
        raise check50.Failure("Query did not return results")

    # Make sure there is only a single column
    row_counts = {len(list(row.values())) for row in actual}
    if row_counts != {2}:
        raise check50.Failure("Query should only return a single column")

    # Get data from column
        result = []
        for row in actual:
            values = list(row.values())
            result.append({str(values[0]), str(values[1])})
        result = result if ordered else set(result)
    except IndexError:
        return None

    # Check column data against expected values
    if result != expected:
        raise check50.Mismatch(
            "\n".join([str(entry) for entry in list(expected)]),
            "\n".join([str(entry) for entry in list(result)]))
Exemple #16
def deck_valid(deck, module):
    # check if 52 different and valid cards are present
    cards = set()

    # check amount of cards
    if len(deck._cards) != 52:
        raise check50.Failure(
            f"found invalid amount of cards {len(deck._cards)} in deck.")

    # check each card in the deck
    for card in deck._cards:
        # check if cards are actually instances of the Card class
        if not isinstance(card, module.Card):
            raise check50.Failure(
                f"items in deck are not instances of the 'Card' class, instead found '{type(card).__name__}'."

        # check for duplicate cards
        if card.suit + card.value in cards:
            raise check50.Failure(
                f"found the {card.value} of {card.suit} in deck at least twice."
        cards.add(card.suit + card.value)

        # check if the card is valid
        if not card.value in values_set or not card.suit in suits_set:
            raise check50.Failure(
                f"found invalid card {card.value} of {card.suit} in deck.")
def has_typedef_struct(sources_buf):
    if not re.search("typedef struct s_rectangle {$.*} rectangle;",
            sources_buf, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) and \
            "typedef struct s_rectangle rectangle;" not in sources_buf:
        raise check50.Failure("Found no typedef for rectangle")
    if "rectangle r" not in sources_buf:
        raise check50.Failure("Found no use of rectangle")
Exemple #18
def deck_initializer():
    """class 'Deck' exists, has basic attributes and can be initialized correctly."""
    # check if the class exists
    module = uva.check50.py.run("cardgame.py").module
    class_exists(module, "Deck")

    # check if __init__ exists and accepts the correct args
    class_method(module.Deck, "__init__")
    required_args = ["self"]
    method_arguments(module.Deck, "__init__", required_args)

    # initialize a deck and check if it worked
    deck = module.Deck()

    # check if the object has the required attributes
    attributes = ["_suits", "_values"]
    attributes_present(deck, attributes)

    # check for correct initialization
    if not all_list_in_set(deck._suits, suits_set):
        raise check50.Failure(
            "expected 'deck._suits' to contain all possible suits after initialization."
    elif not all_list_in_set(deck._values, values_set):
        raise check50.Failure(
            "expected 'deck._values' to contain all possible values after initialization."
Exemple #19
def test0():
    """Informacija faile U1.txt yra surašyta teisingai"""
    linesRez = len(open("U1rez.txt").readlines())
    if not lines:
        raise check50.Failure("U1.txt yra tusčias")
    if linesRez < 4:
        raise check50.Failure("U1.txt yra užrašytas neteisingai.")
Exemple #20
def helper_commands():
    """Testing helper commands; HELP, LOOK, QUIT."""
    # Test HELP
        check = check50.run(RUN_TINY).stdin("HELP")
        for help in help_statement:
    except check50.Failure as error:
        raise check50.Failure(f"HELP did not print the expected message.\n"
                              f"    {error}")

    # Test LOOK command
    except check50.Failure as error:
        raise check50.Failure(f"LOOK did not print the expected room"
                              f"description.\n    {error}")

    except check50.Failure as error:
        raise check50.Failure(f"look (lowercase) did not print the expected room"
                              f"description.\n    {error}")

    # Test QUIT
    except check50.Failure as error:
        raise check50.Failure(f"QUIT did not function as expected.\n"
                              f"    {error}")
Exemple #21
def check_tracks():
    """Check if the solution is valid."""
    with open("output.csv") as csvfile, \
            open(r"data/connections.csv") as connectionsfile:
        df = pd.read_csv(csvfile)
        connections = pd.read_csv(connectionsfile)

        # Check if the order of stations are valid.
        tracks = df["stations"][:-1].map(lambda x: x[1:-1].split(", ")).values
        valid_cons = connections.iloc[:, :-1].values.tolist()
        output_cons = []
        errors = []

        for i, track in enumerate(tracks):

            for j, t in enumerate(track[:-1]):
                if [t, track[j + 1]] in valid_cons:
                    output_cons[i].append([t, track[j + 1]])
                elif [track[j + 1], t] in valid_cons:
                    output_cons[i].append([track[j + 1], t])
                    errors.append([i, f"{t}, {track[j + 1]}"])

        if errors:
            error = "Found the following illegal connections:\n"

            for row, stations in errors:
                error = "".join(
                    [error, f"\t'{stations}'    \ton row "
                     f"{row + 2}.\n"])

            raise check50.Failure(error)

        # Check if the time limit has not been exceeded.
        errors = []

        for row, track in enumerate(output_cons):
            time = 0

            for con in track:
                time += connections[(connections["station1"].isin([con[0]])) &
                                    (connections["station2"].isin([con[1]]))] \

            if time > MAX_TIME:
                errors.append([row, time])

        if errors:
            error = f"Found tracks that exceed the maximum time of " \
                    f"{MAX_TIME} minutes on:\n"

            for row, time in errors:
                error = "".join([
                    error, f"\tRow {row + 2} with a time of "
                    f"{time} minutes\n"

            raise check50.Failure(error)
def has_format_specifier(sources_buf):
    buf = sources_buf
    if "%d" not in buf and "%i" not in buf:
        raise check50.Failure("Could not find an integer format specifier "
                              "(%d or %i)")
    if "%f" not in buf and "%F" not in buf and "%q" not in buf and \
            "%G" not in buf and "%lf" not in buf:
        raise check50.Failure("Could not find a floating point format "
                              "specifier (%f, %F, %q, %G, %lf)")
Exemple #23
def validate(sources_buf):
    if not re.search("class\s+Vehicle", sources_buf):
        raise check50.Failure("Could not find class Vehicle")
    if not re.search("class\s+Car\s+:\s+public\s+Vehicle", sources_buf):
        raise check50.Failure("Could not find class Car or class Car does not "\
                "inheritates from a parent")
    if not re.search("class\s+Motorbike\s+:\s+public\s+Vehicle", sources_buf):
        raise check50.Failure("Could not find class Motorbike or class "\
                "Motorbike does not inheritates from a parent")
def has_right_size(sources_buf):
    string_re = "char\s+string\[([0-9]+)\];"
    res = re.search(string_re, sources_buf)

    if not res:
        raise check50.Failure("Cannot determine the string size")

    size = int(res.groups()[0])
    if size < 9:
        raise check50.Failure("String size not large enough")
Exemple #25
def correct_min_temp(stdout):
    """prints the minimum temperature measured"""
    match = re.search("minimale temperatuur[^\d-]*(-\d+[\.,]\d+)", stdout)
    if not match:
        raise check50.Failure("expected: De minimale temperatuur was -XX.XX graden op")

    answer = float(match.groups(0)[0].replace(",", "."))

    if answer != -11.3:
        raise check50.Failure(f"expected -11.3 but found {answer}")
Exemple #26
def test5():
    """Teisingai paskaičiuoja gautą pelną"""
    check50.run("> U1rez.txt").exit(0)
    with open('U1rez.txt') as f1:
        linesRez = f1.read().split()
        if(len(linesRez) < 11):
            raise check50.Failure("File U1rez.txt nepakanka duomenų")
            if (str(gautasPelnas) != linesRez[10]):
                raise check50.Failure("Blogai suskaičiuoja gautą pelną")
Exemple #27
def test2():
    """Teisingai paskaičiuoja aliejaus likutį"""
    check50.run("> U1rez.txt").exit(0)
    with open('U1rez.txt') as f2:
        linesRez = f2.read().split()
        if(len(linesRez) < 4):
            raise check50.Failure("File U1rez.txt nepakanka duomenų")
            if (str(aliejuNeispilstytas) != linesRez[3]):
                raise check50.Failure("Blogai suskaičiuotas ispilstytas aliejus")                    
Exemple #28
def correct_longest_freezing_period(stdout):
    """prints the length of the longest freezing period"""
    match = re.search("langste vriesperiode[^\d]*(\d+)", stdout)

    if not match:
        raise check50.Failure("expected: De langste vriesperiode is XX dagen")

    days = int(match.groups()[0])

    if days != 21:
        raise check50.Failure(f"expected 21 days but found {days}")
Exemple #29
def test5():
    """Correctly calculates the given profit"""
    check50.run("> U1rez.txt").exit(0)
    with open('U1rez.txt') as f1:
        linesRez = f1.read().split()
        if(len(linesRez) < 11):
            raise check50.Failure("File U1rez.txt does not have enough data")
            if (str(gautasPelnas) != linesRez[10]):
                raise check50.Failure("The calculation is not correct")
Exemple #30
def test2():
    """Correctly calculates the amount of oil that wasn't used"""
    check50.run("> U1rez.txt").exit(0)
    with open('U1rez.txt') as f2:
        linesRez = f2.read().split()
        if(len(linesRez) < 4):
            raise check50.Failure("File U1rez.txt does not have enough data")
            if (str(aliejuNeispilstytas) != linesRez[3]):
                raise check50.Failure("The calculation is not correct")