Exemple #1
import dashboard.gen_dashboard_entry as gen_dashboard_entry
import difgen.gen_dif_listing as gen_dif_listing
import reggen.gen_cfg_html as gen_cfg_html
import reggen.gen_html as gen_html
import reggen.validate as validate
import reggen.gen_selfdoc as reggen_selfdoc
import dvsim.testplanner.testplan_utils as testplan_utils
import tlgen

USAGE = """
  build_docs [options]

# Version of hugo extended to be used to build the docs
    tool_requirements = check_tool_requirements.read_tool_requirements()
    HUGO_EXTENDED_VERSION = tool_requirements['hugo_extended']
except Exception as e:
    print("Unable to get required hugo version: %s" % str(e), file=sys.stderr)

# Configurations
# TODO: Move to config.yaml
SRCTREE_TOP = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('..').resolve()
config = {
    # Toplevel source directory

    # Pre-generate register and hwcfg fragments from these files.
    "hardware_definitions": [
Exemple #2
    (master_doc, 'ibex.tex', u'Ibex Documentation', u'lowRISC', 'manual'),

latex_logo = ''

# -- Options for manual page output ---------------------------------------

# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
man_pages = [(master_doc, 'ibex', u'Ibex Documentation', [author], 1)]

# -- Options for Texinfo output -------------------------------------------

# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author,
#  dir menu entry, description, category)
texinfo_documents = [
    (master_doc, 'ibex', u'Ibex Documentation', author, 'ibex',
     'Ibex RV32 CPU core', 'Miscellaneous'),

# -- Tool version numbers -------------------------------------------------

# Add minimum versions of required tools as variables for use inside the
# documentation.
tool_reqs = ctr.read_tool_requirements()
rst_epilog = ""
for tool, req in tool_reqs.items():
    rst_epilog += (".. |tool_requirements.{}| replace:: {}\n".format(
        tool, req.min_version))
Exemple #3
import dashboard.gen_dashboard_entry as gen_dashboard_entry
import difgen.gen_dif_listing as gen_dif_listing
import reggen.gen_cfg_html as gen_cfg_html
import reggen.gen_html as gen_html
import reggen.gen_selfdoc as reggen_selfdoc
import dvsim.testplanner.testplan_utils as testplan_utils
import tlgen
from reggen.ip_block import IpBlock

USAGE = """
  build_docs [options]

# Version of hugo extended to be used to build the docs
    TOOL_REQUIREMENTS = check_tool_requirements.read_tool_requirements()
    HUGO_EXTENDED_VERSION = TOOL_REQUIREMENTS['hugo_extended'].min_version
except Exception as e:
    print("Unable to get required hugo version: %s" % str(e), file=sys.stderr)

# Configurations
# TODO: Move to config.yaml
SRCTREE_TOP = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('..').resolve()
config = {
    # Toplevel source directory

    # Pre-generate register and hwcfg fragments from these files.
    "hardware_definitions": [
Exemple #4
def _parse_module_header_verible(generic_impl_filepath, module_name):
    """ Parse a SystemVerilog file to extract the 'module' header using Verible

    Implementation of _parse_module_header() which uses verible-verilog-syntax
    to do the parsing. This is the primary implementation and is used when
    supported Verible version is available.

    See _parse_module_header() for API details.

    from verible_verilog_syntax import VeribleVerilogSyntax, PreOrderTreeIterator

    parser = VeribleVerilogSyntax()

    data = parser.parse_file(generic_impl_filepath,
                             options={"skip_null": True})
    if data.errors:
        for err in data.errors:
                f'Verible: {err.phase} error in line {err.line} column {err.column}'
                + (': {err.message}' if err.message else '.'))
        # Intentionally not raising an exception here.
        # There are chances that Verible recovered from errors.
    if not data.tree:
        raise ValueError(f"Unable to parse {generic_impl_filepath!r}.")

    module = data.tree.find({"tag": "kModuleDeclaration"})
    header = module.find({"tag": "kModuleHeader"})
    if not header:
        raise ValueError("Unable to extract module header from %s." %
                         (generic_impl_filepath, ))

    name = header.find({"tag": ["SymbolIdentifier", "EscapedIdentifier"]},
    if not name:
        raise ValueError("Unable to extract module name from %s." %
                         (generic_impl_filepath, ))

    imports = header.find_all({"tag": "kPackageImportDeclaration"})

    parameters_list = header.find({"tag": "kFormalParameterList"})
    parameters = set()
    if parameters_list:
        for parameter in parameters_list.iter_find_all(
            {"tag": "kParamDeclaration"}):
            if parameter.find({"tag": "parameter"}):
                parameter_id = parameter.find(
                    {"tag": ["SymbolIdentifier", "EscapedIdentifier"]})

    ports = header.find({"tag": "kPortDeclarationList"})

        # Get Verible version for eventual debugging
        tool_requirements = check_tool_requirements.read_tool_requirements()
        verible_req = tool_requirements['verible']
        verible_version = verible_req.get_version()
        parser_info = f'Verible {verible_version}'
        parser_info = f'Verible'

    return {
        'module_header': header.text,
        'package_import_declaration': '\n'.join([i.text for i in imports]),
        'parameter_port_list': parameters_list.text if parameters_list else '',
        'ports': ports.text if ports else '',
        'parameters': parameters,
        'parser': parser_info