Exemple #1
    def test_symmetric(self):
        # query[i] always matches target[i] so x[i] will always contain element[i]
        x = search.knearest_tanimoto_search_arena(fps, fps, 31, 0.9)

        # This only processes the upper-triangle, and not the diagonal
        y = search.knearest_tanimoto_search_symmetric(fps, 30, 0.9)

        for i, (x_row, y_row) in enumerate(zip(x, y)):
            x_row = x_row.get_indices_and_scores()
            y_row = y_row.get_indices_and_scores()
            y_row.append((i, 1.0))
            self.assertEquals(x_row, y_row, "Problem in %d" % i)
    def test_symmetric(self):
        # query[i] always matches target[i] so x[i] will always contain element[i]
        x = search.knearest_tanimoto_search_arena(fps, fps, 31, 0.9)

        # This only processes the upper-triangle, and not the diagonal
        y = search.knearest_tanimoto_search_symmetric(fps, 30, 0.9)
        for i, (x_row, y_row) in enumerate(zip(x, y)):
            x_row = x_row.get_indices_and_scores()
            y_row = y_row.get_indices_and_scores()
            y_row.append((i, 1.0))
            self.assertEquals(x_row, y_row, "Problem in %d" % i)
Exemple #3
    def knearest_tanimoto_search_arena(self, queries, k=3, threshold=0.7):
        """Find the k-nearest fingerprint which are similar to each of the query fingerprints

        DEPRECATED: Use `chemfp.search.knearest_tanimoto_search_arena`_ or
        `chemfp.search.knearest_tanimoto_search_symmetric`_ instead.

        For each fingerprint in the `query_arena`, find the `k`
        fingerprints in this arena which are most similar and which
        are at least `threshold` similar to the query fingerprint.
        The hits are returned as a SearchResult where the hits are
        sorted with the highest similarity first. Ties are broken
        :param query_arena: query arena
        :type query_arena: FingerprintArena
        :param k: number of nearest neighbors to find (default: 3)
        :type k: positive integer
        :param threshold: minimum similarity threshold (default: 0.7)
        :type threshold: float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive
        :returns: SearchResult
        return search.knearest_tanimoto_search_arena(queries, self, k, threshold)