Exemple #1
    def default(self, path=b"", date=None, kind=None, usetar=None):
        self.assertIsInstance(path, bytes)
        self.assertIsInstance(date, str)
        self.assertTrue(kind is None or kind in ARCHIVERS)
        self.assertTrue(usetar is None or isinstance(usetar, str))

        logger.debug("restoring [%r][%s]", path, date)

        # The path wont have leading and trailing "/".
        (path, file_b) = os.path.split(path)
        if not path:
            path = file_b
            file_b = b""

        # Check user access to repo / path.
        (repo_obj, path_obj) = self.validate_user_path(path)

        # Get the restore date
            logger.warning("invalid date %s", date)
            raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, _("Invalid date."))

        # Get if backup in progress
        if repo_obj.in_progress:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPError(
                _("""A backup is currently in progress to this repository. Restores are disabled until this backup is complete."""

        # Determine the kind.
        kind = kind or 'zip'
        if usetar is not None:
            kind = 'tar.gz'

        # Restore file(s)
        filename, fileobj = path_obj.restore(file_b, int(date), kind=kind)

        # Define content-disposition.
            "Content-Disposition"] = self._content_disposition(filename)

        # Stream the data.
        return _serve_fileobj(fileobj, content_type=None, content_length=None)
Exemple #2
    def default(self, path=b"", date=None, kind=None, usetar=None):
        self.assertIsInstance(path, bytes)
        self.assertIsInstance(date, str)
        self.assertTrue(kind is None or kind in ARCHIVERS)
        self.assertTrue(usetar is None or isinstance(usetar, str))

        logger.debug("restoring [%r][%s]", path, date)

        # Check user access to repo / path.
        (repo_obj, path_obj) = self.validate_user_path(path)

        # Get the restore date
            logger.warning("invalid date %s", date)
            raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, _("Invalid date."))

        # Get if backup in progress
        # status = repo_obj.status
        # if status[0] != 'ok':
        #    raise cherrypy.HTTPError(500, _(status[1] + ' ' + _("""Restores are disabled.""")))

        # Determine the kind.
        kind = kind or 'zip'
        if usetar is not None:
            kind = 'tar.gz'

        # Restore file(s)
        filename, fileobj = path_obj.restore(int(date), kind=kind)

        # Define content-disposition.
            "Content-Disposition"] = _content_disposition(filename)

        # Set content-type based on filename extension
        content_type = _content_type(filename)
        cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type

        # Stream the data.
        # Make use of _serve_fileobj() because the fsstat() function on a pipe
        # return a size of 0 for Content-Length. This behavior brake all the flow.
        return _serve_fileobj(fileobj,
Exemple #3
    def default(self, path=b"", date=None, kind=None, usetar=None):
        self.assertIsInstance(path, bytes)
        self.assertIsInstance(date, str)
        self.assertTrue(kind is None or kind in ARCHIVERS)
        self.assertTrue(usetar is None or isinstance(usetar, str))

        logger.debug("restoring [%r][%s]", path, date)

        # Check user access to repo / path.
        (repo_obj, path_obj) = self.validate_user_path(path)

        # Get the restore date
            logger.warning("invalid date %s", date)
            raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, _("Invalid date."))

        # Get if backup in progress
        # status = repo_obj.status
        # if status[0] != 'ok':
        #    raise cherrypy.HTTPError(500, _(status[1] + ' ' + _("""Restores are disabled.""")))

        # Determine the kind.
        kind = kind or 'zip'
        if usetar is not None:
            kind = 'tar.gz'

        # Restore file(s)
        filename, fileobj = path_obj.restore(int(date), kind=kind)

        # Define content-disposition.
        cherrypy.response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = _content_disposition(filename)

        # Set content-type based on filename extension
        content_type = _content_type(filename)
        cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type

        # Stream the data.
        # Make use of _serve_fileobj() because the fsstat() function on a pipe
        # return a size of 0 for Content-Length. This behavior brake all the flow.
        return _serve_fileobj(fileobj, content_type=content_type, content_length=None)
Exemple #4
    def default(self, path=b"", date=None, kind=None, usetar=None):
        self.assertIsInstance(path, bytes)
        self.assertIsInstance(date, str)
        self.assertTrue(kind is None or kind in ARCHIVERS)
        self.assertTrue(usetar is None or isinstance(usetar, str))

        logger.debug("restoring [%r][%s]", path, date)

        # The path wont have leading and trailing "/".
        (path, file_b) = os.path.split(path)
        if not path:
            path = file_b
            file_b = b""

        # Check user access to repo / path.
        (repo_obj, path_obj) = self.validate_user_path(path)

        # Get the restore date
            logger.warning("invalid date %s", date)
            raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, _("Invalid date."))

        # Get if backup in progress
        if repo_obj.in_progress:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPError(500, _("""A backup is currently in progress to this repository. Restores are disabled until this backup is complete."""))

        # Determine the kind.
        kind = kind or 'zip'
        if usetar is not None:
            kind = 'tar.gz'

        # Restore file(s)
        filename, fileobj = path_obj.restore(file_b, int(date), kind=kind)

        # Define content-disposition.
        cherrypy.response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = self._content_disposition(filename)

        # Stream the data.
        return _serve_fileobj(fileobj, content_type=None, content_length=None)
Exemple #5
def serve_gzip_file(path, fname, content_type=None, disposition=None, name=None,
    """Set status, headers, and body in order to serve the given path.

    The Content-Type header will be set to the content_type arg, if provided.
    If not provided, the Content-Type will be guessed by the file extension
    of the 'path' argument.

    If disposition is not None, the Content-Disposition header will be set
    to "<disposition>; filename=<name>". If name is None, it will be set
    to the basename of path. If disposition is None, no Content-Disposition
    header will be written.

    response = cherrypy.serving.response

    # If path is relative, users should fix it by making path absolute.
    # That is, CherryPy should not guess where the application root is.
    # It certainly should *not* use cwd (since CP may be invoked from a
    # variety of paths). If using tools.staticdir, you can make your relative
    # paths become absolute by supplying a value for "tools.staticdir.root".
    if not os.path.isabs(path):
        msg = "'%s' is not an absolute path." % path
        if debug:
            cherrypy.log(msg, 'TOOLS.STATICFILE')
        raise ValueError(msg)

        st = os.stat(path)
    except OSError:
        if debug:
            cherrypy.log('os.stat(%r) failed' % path, 'TOOLS.STATIC')
        raise cherrypy.NotFound()

    # Check if path is a directory.
    if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
        # Let the caller deal with it as they like.
        if debug:
            cherrypy.log('%r is a directory' % path, 'TOOLS.STATIC')
        raise cherrypy.NotFound()

    # Set the Last-Modified response header, so that
    # modified-since validation code can work.
    response.headers['Last-Modified'] = httputil.HTTPDate(st.st_mtime)

    if content_type is None:
        # Set content-type based on filename extension
        ext = ""
        i = path.rfind('.')
        if i != -1:
            ext = path[i:].lower()
        content_type = mimetypes.types_map.get(ext, None)
    if content_type is not None:
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
    if debug:
        cherrypy.log('Content-Type: %r' % content_type, 'TOOLS.STATIC')

    cd = None
    if disposition is not None:
        if name is None:
            name = os.path.basename(path)
        cd = '%s; filename="%s"' % (disposition, fname)
        response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = cd
    if debug:
        cherrypy.log('Content-Disposition: %r' % cd, 'TOOLS.STATIC')

    # Set Content-Length and use an iterable (file object)
    #   this way CP won't load the whole file in memory
    content_length = getuncompressedsize(path)
    #content_length = st.st_size
    fileobj = gzip.open(path, 'rb')
    return _serve_fileobj(fileobj, content_type, content_length, debug=debug)
def serve_file(path, content_type=None, disposition=None, name=None, content_length=None, debug=False):
    """Set status, headers, and body in order to serve the given path.
    The Content-Type header will be set to the content_type arg, if provided.
    If not provided, the Content-Type will be guessed by the file extension
    of the 'path' argument.
    If disposition is not None, the Content-Disposition header will be set
    to "<disposition>; filename=<name>". If name is None, it will be set
    to the basename of path. If disposition is None, no Content-Disposition
    header will be written.

    response = cherrypy.serving.response

    # If path is relative, users should fix it by making path absolute.
    # That is, CherryPy should not guess where the application root is.
    # It certainly should *not* use cwd (since CP may be invoked from a
    # variety of paths). If using tools.staticdir, you can make your relative
    # paths become absolute by supplying a value for "tools.staticdir.root".
    if not os.path.isabs(path):
        msg = "'%s' is not an absolute path." % path
        if debug:
            cherrypy.log(msg, "TOOLS.STATICFILE")
        raise ValueError(msg)

        st = os.stat(path)
    except OSError:
        if debug:
            cherrypy.log("os.stat(%r) failed" % path, "TOOLS.STATIC")
        raise cherrypy.NotFound()

    # Check if path is a directory.
    if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
        # Let the caller deal with it as they like.
        if debug:
            cherrypy.log("%r is a directory" % path, "TOOLS.STATIC")
        raise cherrypy.NotFound()

    # Set the Last-Modified response header, so that
    # modified-since validation code can work.
    response.headers["Last-Modified"] = httputil.HTTPDate(st.st_mtime)

    if content_type is None:
        # Set content-type based on filename extension
        ext = ""
        i = path.rfind(".")
        if i != -1:
            ext = path[i:].lower()
        content_type = mimetypes.types_map.get(ext, None)
    if content_type is not None:
        response.headers["Content-Type"] = content_type
    if debug:
        cherrypy.log("Content-Type: %r" % content_type, "TOOLS.STATIC")

    cd = None
    if disposition is not None:
        if name is None:
            name = os.path.basename(path)
        cd = '%s; filename="%s"' % (disposition, name)
        response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = cd
    if debug:
        cherrypy.log("Content-Disposition: %r" % cd, "TOOLS.STATIC")

    # Set Content-Length and use an iterable (file object)
    #   this way CP won't load the whole file in memory
    if not content_length:
        content_length = st.st_size
    fileobj = open(path, "rb")
    return _serve_fileobj(fileobj, content_type, content_length, debug=debug)