Exemple #1
    def fetch_metadata(self, session, id, mType):
        """ Open irodsFile and get metadata from it. """

        if (self.idNormalizer is not None):
            id = self.idNormalizer.process_string(session, id)
        elif type(id) == unicode:
            id = id.encode('utf-8')
            id = str(id)


        upwards = 0
        if id.find('/') > -1 and self.allowStoreSubDirs:
            idp = id.split('/')
            id = idp.pop()
            while idp:
                dn = idp.pop(0)
                if not dn in self.coll.getSubCollections():
                    for x in range(upwards):
                    raise ObjectDoesNotExistException(id)
                upwards += 1
            id = id.replace('/', '--')

        collPath = self.coll.getCollName()
        # This is much more efficient than getting the file as it's simply
        # interacting with iCAT
        umd = irods.getFileUserMetadata(self.cxn,
                                        '{0}/{1}'.format(collPath, id)

#        if self.resource:
#            f = self.coll.open(id, rescName=self.resource)
#        else:
#            f = self.coll.open(id)
#        if not f:
#            for x in range(upwards):
#                self.coll.upCollection()
#                return None
#        umd = f.getUserMetadata()
#        f.close()

        val = None
        for x in umd:
            if x[0] == mType:
                val = icatValToPy(x[1], x[2])

        for x in range(upwards):
        return val
    def find_documents(self, session, cache=0):
        # Given a location in irods, go there and descend looking for files
        c = self.coll
        files = c.getObjects()
        fList = [x[0] for x in files]
        for i, f in enumerate(self._processFiles(session, fList)):
            md = {}
            irodsFilePath = '{0}/{1}'.format(c.getCollName(), f.filename)
            for x in irods.getFileUserMetadata(self.cxn, irodsFilePath):
                md[x[0]] = icatValToPy(x[1], x[2])
            if len(md):
                f.metadata['iRODS'] = md
            # Delete the file on its resource
            c.delete(files[i][0], files[i][1])
            yield f

        dirs = c.getSubCollections()
        while dirs:
            d = dirs.pop(0)
            upColls = 0
            for dx in d.split('/'):
                upColls += 1

            files = c.getObjects()
            fList = [x[0] for x in files]
            for i, f in enumerate(self._processFiles(session, fList)):
                md = {}
                irodsFilePath = '{0}/{1}'.format(c.getCollName(), f.filename)
                for x in irods.getFileUserMetadata(self.cxn, irodsFilePath):
                    md[x[0]] = icatValToPy(x[1], x[2])
                if len(md):
                    f.metadata['iRODS'] = md
                # Delete the file on its resource
                c.delete(files[i][0], files[i][1])
                yield f
            ndirs = c.getSubCollections()
            dirs.extend(["%s/%s" % (d, x) for x in ndirs])
            for x in range(upColls):
    def find_documents(self, session, cache=0):
        # Given a location in irods, go there and descend looking for files
        c = self.coll
        files = c.getObjects()
        fList = [x[0] for x in files]
        for i, f in enumerate(self._processFiles(session, fList)):
            md = {}
            irodsFilePath = '{0}/{1}'.format(c.getCollName(), f.filename)
            for x in irods.getFileUserMetadata(self.cxn, irodsFilePath):
                md[x[0]] = icatValToPy(x[1], x[2])
            if len(md):
                f.metadata['iRODS'] = md
            # Delete the file on its resource
            c.delete(files[i][0], files[i][1])
            yield f

        dirs = c.getSubCollections()
        while dirs:
            d = dirs.pop(0)
            upColls = 0
            for dx in d.split('/'):
                upColls += 1

            files = c.getObjects()
            fList = [x[0] for x in files]
            for i, f in enumerate(self._processFiles(session, fList)):
                md = {}
                irodsFilePath = '{0}/{1}'.format(c.getCollName(), f.filename)
                for x in irods.getFileUserMetadata(self.cxn, irodsFilePath):
                    md[x[0]] = icatValToPy(x[1], x[2])
                if len(md):
                    f.metadata['iRODS'] = md
                # Delete the file on its resource
                c.delete(files[i][0], files[i][1])
                yield f
            ndirs = c.getSubCollections()
            dirs.extend(["%s/%s" % (d, x) for x in ndirs])
            for x in range(upColls):
    def find_documents(self, session, cache=0):
        # given a location in irods, go there and descend looking for files
        c = self.coll
        files = c.getObjects()
        files = [x[0] for x in files]
        for f in self._processFiles(session, files):
            md = {}
            for x in irods.getFileUserMetadata(self.cxn, '{0}/{1}'.format(c.getCollName(), f.filename)):
                md[x[0]] = icatValToPy(x[1], x[2])
            if len(md):
                f.metadata['iRODS'] = md
            yield f

        dirs = c.getSubCollections()
        while dirs:
            d = dirs.pop(0)
            upColls = 0
            for dx in d.split('/'):
                upColls += 1

            files = c.getObjects()
            files = [x[0] for x in files]
            for f in self._processFiles(session, files):
                md = {}
                for x in irods.getFileUserMetadata(self.cxn, '{0}/{1}'.format(c.getCollName(), f.filename)):
                    md[x[0]] = icatValToPy(x[1], x[2])
                if len(md):
                    f.metadata['iRODS'] = md
                yield f

            ndirs = c.getSubCollections()
            dirs.extend(["%s/%s" % (d, x) for x in ndirs])
            for x in range(upColls):
 def find_documents(self, session, cache=0):
     # read in single file
     doc = StringDocument(self.stream.read(), filename=self.stream.getName())
     # attach any iRODS metadata
     umd = self.stream.getUserMetadata()
     md = {}
     for x in umd:
         md[x[0]] = icatValToPy(x[1], x[2])
     if len(md):
         doc.metadata['iRODS'] = md
     if cache == 0:
         yield doc
     elif cache == 2:
         self.documents = [doc]
 def find_documents(self, session, cache=0):
     # Read in single file
     doc = StringDocument(self.stream.read(),
     # Attach any iRODS metadata
     umd = self.stream.getUserMetadata()
     md = {}
     for x in umd:
         md[x[0]] = icatValToPy(x[1], x[2])
     if len(md):
         doc.metadata['iRODS'] = md
     if cache == 0:
         yield doc
     elif cache == 2:
         self.documents = [doc]
    def _open(self, session):

        if self.cxn == None:
            # connect to iRODS
            myEnv, status = irods.getRodsEnv()

            host = self.host if self.host else myEnv.getRodsHost()
            port = self.port if self.port else myEnv.getRodsPort()
            user = self.user if self.user else myEnv.getRodsUserName()
            zone = self.zone if self.zone else myEnv.getRodsZone()
            conn, errMsg = irods.rcConnect(host, port, user, zone)
            if self.passwd:
                status = irods.clientLoginWithPassword(conn, self.passwd)
                status = irods.clientLogin(conn)

            if status:
                raise ConfigFileException("Cannot connect to iRODS: (%s) %s" % (status, errMsg))
            self.cxn = conn
            self.env = myEnv

            resources = irods.getResources(self.cxn)
            self.resourceHash = {}
            for r in resources:
                self.resourceHash[r.getName()] = r

        if self.coll != None:
            # already open, just skip
            return None

        c = irods.irodsCollection(self.cxn, self.env.getRodsHome())
        self.coll = c

        # move into cheshire3 section
        path = self.get_path(session, 'irodsCollection', 'cheshire3')
        dirs = c.getSubCollections()
        if not path in dirs:

        if self.get_setting(session, 'createSubDir', 1):
            # now look for object's storage area
            # maybe move into database collection
            if (isinstance(self.parent, Database)):
                sc = self.parent.id
                dirs = c.getSubCollections()
                if not sc in dirs:
            # move into store collection
            dirs = c.getSubCollections()
            if not self.id in dirs:

        # Fetch user metadata
        myMetadata = self.get_metadataTypes(session)
        umd = c.getUserMetadata()
        umdHash = {}
        for u in umd:
            umdHash[u[0]] = icatValToPy(*u[1:])

        for md in myMetadata:
                setattr(self, md, umdHash[md])
            except KeyError:
                # hasn't been set yet

        if self.totalItems != 0:
            self.meanWordCount = self.totalWordCount / self.totalItems
            self.meanByteCount = self.totalByteCount / self.totalItems
            self.meanWordCount = 1
            self.meanByteCount = 1