Exemple #1
def is_defended(board: Board, piece: Piece, square: Square) -> bool:
    if board.attackers(piece.color, square):
        return True
    # ray defense https://lichess.org/editor/6k1/3q1pbp/2b1p1p1/1BPp4/rp1PnP2/4PRNP/4Q1P1/4B1K1_w_-_-_0_1
    for attacker in board.attackers(not piece.color, square):
        if board.piece_at(attacker).piece_type in ray_piece_types:
            bc = board.copy(stack = False)
            if bc.attackers(piece.color, square):
                return True

    return False
Exemple #2
def is_in_bad_spot(board: Board, square: Square) -> bool:
    # hanging or takeable by lower piece
    piece = board.piece_at(square)
    assert (piece)
    return (bool(board.attackers(not piece.color, square))
            and (is_hanging(board, piece, square)
                 or can_be_taken_by_lower_piece(board, piece, square)))
Exemple #3
def can_be_taken_by_lower_piece(board: Board, piece: Piece,
                                square: Square) -> bool:
    for attacker_square in board.attackers(not piece.color, square):
        attacker = board.piece_at(attacker_square)
        assert attacker
        if attacker.piece_type != chess.KING and values[
                attacker.piece_type] < values[piece.piece_type]:
            return True
    return False
Exemple #4
def evaluate(board: chess.Board):

    ENEMY = {chess.WHITE: chess.BLACK, chess.BLACK: chess.WHITE}

    score = 0

    if board.result() == "1-0" or board.result() == "0-1":
        score += 9999

    if board.is_check():
        score += 10

    for sq in chess.SQUARES:
        score += len(board.attackers(board.turn,
                                     sq)) * VALUE[board.piece_type_at(sq)]
        score -= len(board.attackers(ENEMY[board.turn],
                                     sq)) * VALUE[board.piece_type_at(sq)]

    return score
Exemple #5
def get_attacking_pieces(board: chess.Board, attacking_color: chess.Color, square: chess.Square) -> [chess.PieceType]:

    piece_types = []

    attacking_squares = board.attackers(attacking_color, square)

    for attacking_square in attacking_squares:

        if board.is_pinned(attacking_color, attacking_square) == False:
            piece_type = board.piece_type_at(attacking_square)

    return piece_types
Exemple #6
def attacker_pieces(board: Board, color: Color, square: Square) -> List[Piece]:
    return [
        p for p in [board.piece_at(s) for s in board.attackers(color, square)]
        if p