def getOriginalPositionOfPawn(self, piece, newsquare, move):
        #if its pawn can move one or 2 squares #which file how many pawns on that file

        fil = self.get_file_of_newsquare(newsquare)
        ranks = []
        originalposofPawn = []
        ##for pawn
        PawnCaptureByPawn = self.is_pawn_captured_by_pawn(piece,move)
        NoOfPawnsInAFile = self.getNoOfPawnsInAFile(fil,ranks)
        #this is for enpassant if the destination square is empty,then take one rank abobe or below n make it empty
        if self.board[newsquare[0]][newsquare[1]] == chessrules.make_square_blank() and PawnCaptureByPawn == True:
            if self.moveturn == self.B:
                self.board[newsquare[0]+ 1][newsquare[1]] = chessrules.make_square_blank()
            elif self.moveturn == self.W:
                self.board[newsquare[0]- 1][newsquare[1]] = chessrules.make_square_blank()

        if len(NoOfPawnsInAFile) == 1 and PawnCaptureByPawn == False:
        elif len(NoOfPawnsInAFile) == 1 and PawnCaptureByPawn == True and self.moveturn == self.B:
            #if self.board[newsquare[0]][newsquare[1]]== chessrules.makesquare_blank(): #this is for enpassant if the destination square is empty
                #self.board[newsquare[0]+ 1][newsquare[1]]=chessrules.makesquare_blank()
            originalposofPawn.append(newsquare[0] + 1)
            if move[2] > move[0]:
                originalposofPawn.append(fil - 1)
                originalposofPawn.append(fil + 1)

        elif len(NoOfPawnsInAFile) == 1 and PawnCaptureByPawn == True and self.moveturn == self.W:
            #if self.board[newsquare[0]][newsquare[1]]== chessrules.makesquare_blank(): #this is for enpassant if the destination square is empty
                #self.board[newsquare[0]- 1][newsquare[1]]=chessrules.makesquare_blank()

            originalposofPawn.append(newsquare[0] - 1)

        #this handles case when a pawn is captured ona file where there are no pawns of that color
        elif len(NoOfPawnsInAFile) == 0 and PawnCaptureByPawn == True and self.moveturn == self.W:
            originalposofPawn.append(newsquare[0] - 1)
        elif len(NoOfPawnsInAFile) == 0 and PawnCaptureByPawn == True and self.moveturn == self.B:
            originalposofPawn.append(newsquare[0] + 1)
        elif len(NoOfPawnsInAFile) == 2:
            for rnk in ranks:
                if rnk -  newsquare[0] == 1 and self.moveturn == self.B or  rnk -  newsquare[0 ]== -1 and self.moveturn == self.W:

        return originalposofPawn
    def remove_bishop_from_original_square(self, destination_square, original_square):

        # find if original square n destdquare are even or odd
        evensq = True
        if ((destination_square[0] + destination_square[1] + 7) % 2) != 0:
            evensq = False

        for pp in original_square:
            sum = pp.rank + pp.filep + 7
            if  sum % 2 == 0 and evensq == True:
                self.board[pp.rank][pp.filep] = chessrules.make_square_blank()
            elif sum % 2 != 0 and evensq == False:
                self.board[pp.rank][pp.filep] = chessrules.make_square_blank()
    def remove_rook_from_original_square(self, original_square, destination_square, move_played):

        originalrank = -1

        if move.is_move_indicating_movement_of_onepiece_outofpossibility_of_two(move_played):
            originalrank = int(move_played[1]) - 1

        if originalrank != -1:
            originalf = self.Files.index(move_played[2])
        elif move.is_move_indicates_same2pieces_can_move(move_played):
            for rook in original_square:
                if rook.filep == self.Files.index(move_played[1]):

        elif len(original_square) >= 1:

            #is it horizontal movement, if both rooks are on same rank in original position
            for rook in original_square:
                diffsqrank = abs(rook.rank - destination_square[0])
                diffsqfile = abs(rook.filep - destination_square[1])
                if diffsqrank == 0 and diffsqfile == 1:
                elif diffsqrank == 0:
                    apieceexists = False
                    start_loop = rook.filep + 1
                    end_loop = diffsqfile
                    if (rook.filep  > destination_square[1]): #oh boy!! just check if rooks file is greater than dest file like Rf8 is greater than d8
                        start_loop = destination_square[1] + 1
                        end_loop = start_loop + diffsqfile - 1
                    for ifile in range(start_loop,end_loop):
                        if self.board[rook.rank][ifile] != "":
                            apieceexists = True
                    if apieceexists == False:

                #same file movement,vertical rook movement
                elif diffsqfile == 0:
    def remove_knight_from_original_square(self, original_square,\
                                           destination_square, move_played):

        if move.is_move_indicates_same2pieces_can_move(move_played):
            for pp in original_square:
                if pp.filep == self.Files.index(move_played[1]):
                    self.board[pp.rank][pp.filep]= chessrules.make_square_blank()


            for pp in original_square:

                if (pp.filep - destination_square[1] == 1 or \
                    pp.filep - destination_square[1] == -1) and \
                    abs(pp.rank - destination_square[0]) == 2:

                if destination_square[0] - pp.rank == 1 and  pp.filep - destination_square[1] == 2:

                if abs(destination_square[0] - pp.rank) == 1 and  abs(pp.filep - destination_square[1]) == 2:
 def remove_pawn_from_original_square(self, original_square):
     self.board[original_square[0]][original_square[1]] = chessrules.make_square_blank()
 def handle_black_queen_side_castling(self):
     self.board[7][4] = self.board[7][0]=chessrules.make_square_blank()
     self.board[7][3] = Pieces.BlackRook
     self.board[7][2] = Pieces.BlackKing
 def handle_black_king_side_castling(self):
     self.board[7][4] = self.board[7][7]=chessrules.make_square_blank()
     self.board[7][5] = Pieces.BlackRook
     self.board[7][6] = Pieces.BlackKing
 def handle_white_queen_side_castling(self):
     self.board[0][4] = self.board[0][0]= chessrules.make_square_blank()
     self.board[0][3] = Pieces.WhiteRook
     self.board[0][2] = Pieces.WhiteKing
 def handle_white_king_side_castling(self):
     self.board[0][4] = self.board[0][7]= chessrules.make_square_blank()
     self.board[0][5] = Pieces.WhiteRook
     self.board[0][6] = Pieces.WhiteKing