def colorBB(): red = getColorByName('red') yellow = getColorByName('yellow') # return a list of opened molecules for mol in openModels.list(modelTypes=[Molecule]): mol.color = red # change model color to be red atoms = mol.atoms for atom in atoms: if == 'CA': atom.color = yellow
def getRGBcolor_byName(sCol): from chimera import colorTable try: c = colorTable.getColorByName(sCol) return c.rgba()[:3] except KeyError: return None
def fillInUI(self, parent): = [ ("Helix", HELIX_COLOR, 'isHelix'), ("Strand", SHEET_COLOR, 'isSheet'), ("Other", OTHER_COLOR, None) ] header = Tkinter.Frame(parent) header.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew") parent.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) for i in range(len( parent.columnconfigure(i, weight=1) from chimera.widgets import MoleculeScrolledListBox self.molListBox = MoleculeScrolledListBox(header, selectioncommand=lambda: self.configure( models=self.molListBox.getvalue()), listbox_selectmode="extended", labelpos="nw", label_text="Models") self.molListBox.grid(row=0, column=0, rowspan=len(, sticky="nsew") for i in range(3): header.rowconfigure(i, weight=1) header.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.colorRibVar = Tkinter.IntVar(parent) self.colorRibVar.set(True) self.colorAtomVar = Tkinter.IntVar(parent) self.colorAtomVar.set(False) self.colorSurfVar = Tkinter.IntVar(parent) self.colorSurfVar.set(False) varFrame = Tkinter.Frame(parent) varFrame.grid(row=1, column=0) for i, info in enumerate([(self.colorRibVar, "Color ribbons"), (self.colorAtomVar, "Color atoms"), (self.colorSurfVar, "Color surfaces")]): var, text = info but = Tkinter.Checkbutton(varFrame, variable=var, text=text) but.grid(row=i, column=0, sticky='w') self.wells = [] self.actVars = [] from CGLtk.color.ColorWell import ColorWell from chimera.colorTable import getColorByName for row, ssInfo in enumerate( ssType, prefName, attrName = ssInfo rgba = prefs[prefName] if isinstance(rgba, basestring): rgba = getColorByName(rgba).rgba() well = ColorWell(header, color=rgba, noneOkay=True) self.wells.append(well) well.grid(row=row, column=2) actVar = Tkinter.IntVar(parent) actVar.set(True) self.actVars.append(actVar) Tkinter.Checkbutton(header, variable=actVar, text=ssType).grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w')
def _rgba(self, colorInfo): if colorInfo is None: colorInfo = self['newcolor'] if isinstance(colorInfo, basestring): from chimera.colorTable import getColorByName colorInfo = getColorByName(colorInfo) if hasattr(colorInfo, 'rgba'): if callable(colorInfo.rgba): return colorInfo.rgba() return colorInfo.rgba return colorInfo
def rainbowTexture(colors): key = tuple(colors) if key not in _rainbowColors: actualColors = [] for color in colors: if isinstance(color, basestring): c = getColorByName(color) elif isinstance(color, chimera.MaterialColor): c = color else: c = chimera.MaterialColor() c.ambientDiffuse = color[:3] if len(color) > 3: c.opacity = color[-1] else: c.opacity = 1.0 actualColors.append(c) _rainbowColors[key] = RainbowColors(actualColors) return _rainbowColors[key]
def draw_bond_orders(molecule, error_spring=True): pbg = getPseudoBondGroup('Bond order errors', associateWith=[molecule]) pbg.lineWidth, pbg.lineType, pbg.color = 2, 1, getColorByName('red') def draw_spring(bond): pbg = getPseudoBondGroup('Bond order errors') pb = pbg.newPseudoBond(*bond.atoms) pb.drawMode = 2 pb.radius = bond.radius + 0.1 for bond in molecule.bonds: order = getattr(bond, 'order', None) if not order: print('! Invalid order for bond', bond) if error_spring: draw_spring(bond) continue if not hasattr(bond, '_oldradius'): bond._oldradius = bond.radius bond.radius = bond._oldradius * order * 0.5 return pbg
def color_path_regions(markers, reg_path, seq_start): ''' TODO: This Chimera code has not been ported to ChimeraX. ''' f = open(reg_path) lines = f.readlines() f.close() c3 = [line.split('\t')[:3] for line in lines] from chimera.colorTable import getColorByName regions = [(int(i1), int(i2), getColorByName(cname).rgba()) for i1, i2, cname in c3] color = {} for i1, i2, rgba in regions: for i in range(i1, i2 + 1): color[i] = rgba for m in markers: i = seq_start + m.residue.number - 1 if i in color: m.set_rgba(color[i])
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Show a residue with different color Tasks ===== 1. Obtain selected residues from interface as Python objects 2. Force display of such residues 3. Color those atoms in red """ import chimera # 1 from chimera import runCommand as rc rc("sel ligand zr < 5") selected_residues = chimera.selection.currentResidues() # 2 for residue in selected_residues: for atom in residue.atoms: atom.display = 1 # 3 from chimera.colorTable import getColorByName red = getColorByName('red') for residue in selected_residues: for atom in residue.atoms: atom.color = red
def readPBinfo(fileName, category=None, clearCategory=1, lineWidth=None, drawMode=None, leftModel=None, rightModel=None, defColor=None): """read a file containing pseudobond info and display those bonds 'category' defaults to 'fileName'. 'clearCategory' controls whether the pseudobond group should be cleared of pre-existing pseudobonds before reading the file. 'lineWidth' is a floating- point number and controls the width of lines used to draw the pseudobonds. This only is relevant if 'drawMode' is Wire. 'drawMode' controls the depiction style of the pseudobonds. Possible modes are: Wire (aka chimera.Bond_Wire) -- wireframe Stick (aka chimera.Bond_Stick) -- sticks 'leftModel' and 'rightModel' control what models the endpoints of the pseudobond lie in, if none are specified in the input file. 'defColor' is the color assigned to the pseudobond group as a whole, which can be overridden by specific pseudobonds. """ foundErrors = False colorCache = {} if not category: category = fileName group = chimera.misc.getPseudoBondGroup(category) if lineWidth: group.lineWidth = lineWidth if drawMode: group.drawMode = drawMode if clearCategory: group.deleteAll() if defColor: if isinstance(defColor, basestring): c = chimera.Color.lookup(defColor) if not c: replyobj.message( "Cannot find color '%s'\n" % defColor) foundErrors = True else: c = defColor group.color = c from OpenSave import osOpen bondFile = osOpen(fileName) lineNum = 0 for line in bondFile.readlines(): line = line.strip() lineNum = lineNum + 1 if not line: # blank line continue try: spec1, spec2, color = line.split(None, 2) except: label = color = None try: spec1, spec2 = line.split() except ValueError: replyobj.message("Line %d does not have at" " least two atom specifiers.") foundErrors = True continue if color: # try to distinguish between color name and label try: color, label = color.split(None, 1) except: label = None if color[0] != "#": while (label and not colors.has_key(color)): try: c, label = label.split(None, 1) except: color = " ".join([color, label]) label = None else: color = " ".join([color, c]) atom1 = _processSpec(spec1, leftModel) if not atom1: replyobj.message( "Left atom spec of line %d of file doesn't" " select exactly one atom." " Skipping.\n" % lineNum) foundErrors = True continue atom2 = _processSpec(spec2, leftModel) if not atom2: replyobj.message( "Right atom spec of line %d of file doesn't" " select exactly one atom." " Skipping.\n" % lineNum) foundErrors = True continue if color: if color[0] == '#': fieldLen = int((len(color) - 1) / 3) if 3 * fieldLen + 1 != len(color): replyobj.message("Bad Tk color '%s'" " on line %d of file.\n" % (color, lineNum)) foundErrors = True elif colorCache.has_key(color): color = colorCache[color] else: r = color[1:1+fieldLen] g = color[1+fieldLen:1+2*fieldLen] b = color[1+2*fieldLen:] r = int(r, 16) g = int(g, 16) b = int(b, 16) maxVal = int('f' * fieldLen, 16) maxVal = float(maxVal) c = chimera.MaterialColor(r/maxVal, g/maxVal, b/maxVal) colorCache[color] = c color = c else: try: color = getColorByName(color) except KeyError: replyobj.message( "Unknown color '%s' on line %d" " of file.\n" % (color,lineNum)) foundErrors = True color = None pb = group.newPseudoBond(atom1, atom2) if color: pb.color = color if label: pb.label = label bondFile.close() if foundErrors: chimera.replyobj.error( "Errors encountered while reading file.\n" "Check reply log for details.\n")
def __init__(self): ### Volume name self.volumepath = os.environ.get('CHIMVOL') print self.volumepath if self.volumepath is None: sys.exit(1) self.rundir = os.path.dirname(self.volumepath) self.chimlog = os.path.join(self.rundir, "apChimSnapshot.log") self.writeMessageToLog("\n\n") self.writeMessageToLog("======================") self.writeMessageToLog("Running apChimSnapshot") self.writeMessageToLog("======================") self.writeMessageToLog("\n") ### Temporary volume, low pass filtered self.tmpfilepath = os.environ.get('CHIMTEMPVOL') if self.tmpfilepath is None: self.tmpfilepath = self.volumepath ### PDB structure self.pdbfilepath = os.environ.get('CHIMPDBFILE') ### High resolution rendering voxellimit = os.environ.get('CHIMVOXELLIMIT') if voxellimit is not None and bool(voxellimit) is True: self.voxellimit = True else: self.voxellimit = False ### Symmetry self.symmetry = os.environ.get('CHIMSYM') if self.symmetry is None: self.symmetry = 'c1' else: self.symmetry = self.symmetry.lower() ### Zoom factor self.zoom = os.environ.get('CHIMZOOM') if self.zoom is None: self.zoom = 1.0 else: self.zoom = float(self.zoom) ### Contour factor self.contour = os.environ.get('CHIMCONTOUR') if self.contour is not None: self.contour = float(self.contour) ### Image type self.type = os.environ.get('CHIMTYPE') if self.type is None or self.type not in ('snapshot', 'animate'): self.type = 'snapshot' ### Color array colors = os.environ.get('CHIMCOLORS') if colors is not None and "," in colors: self.colors = colors.split(",") else: self.colors = None ### Silhouette silhouette = os.environ.get('CHIMSILHOUETTE') if silhouette is not None and bool(silhouette) is True: chimera.viewer.showSilhouette = True chimera.viewer.silhouetteWidth = 3.0 self.writeMessageToLog("using chimera silhouette") else: chimera.viewer.showSilhouette = False self.writeMessageToLog("skipping chimera silhouette") ### Background if os.environ.get('CHIMBACK') is None: white = getColorByName('white') chimera.viewer.background = white else: backcolor = os.environ.get('CHIMBACK').strip() color = getColorByName(backcolor) chimera.viewer.background = color ### image format self.imgformat = os.environ.get('CHIMIMGFORMAT') if self.imgformat is None: self.imgformat = "PNG" ### image size imgsize = os.environ.get('CHIMIMGSIZE') if imgsize is not None: imgsize = int(imgsize) self.imgsize = (imgsize, imgsize) elif self.type == 'animate': self.imgsize = (512,512) else: self.imgsize = (1024,1024) ### file format self.fileformat = os.environ.get('CHIMFILEFORMAT') if self.fileformat is None: self.fileformat = "mrc" ### write to log self.writeMessageToLog("Chimera version: %s"%(chimera.version.version)) self.writeMessageToLog("Environmental data: ") for var in os.environ.keys(): if var[:4] == "CHIM": if os.environ.get(var) is not None: self.writeMessageToLog("export %s=%s"%(var, os.environ.get(var)))
def readPBinfo(fileName, category=None, clearCategory=1, lineWidth=None, drawMode=None, leftModel=None, rightModel=None, defColor=None): """read a file containing pseudobond info and display those bonds 'category' defaults to 'fileName'. 'clearCategory' controls whether the pseudobond group should be cleared of pre-existing pseudobonds before reading the file. 'lineWidth' is a floating- point number and controls the width of lines used to draw the pseudobonds. This only is relevant if 'drawMode' is Wire. 'drawMode' controls the depiction style of the pseudobonds. Possible modes are: Wire (aka chimera.Bond_Wire) -- wireframe Stick (aka chimera.Bond_Stick) -- sticks 'leftModel' and 'rightModel' control what models the endpoints of the pseudobond lie in, if none are specified in the input file. 'defColor' is the color assigned to the pseudobond group as a whole, which can be overridden by specific pseudobonds. """ foundErrors = False colorCache = {} if not category: category = fileName group = chimera.misc.getPseudoBondGroup(category) if lineWidth: group.lineWidth = lineWidth if drawMode: group.drawMode = drawMode if clearCategory: group.deleteAll() if defColor: if isinstance(defColor, basestring): c = chimera.Color.lookup(defColor) if not c: replyobj.message("Cannot find color '%s'\n" % defColor) foundErrors = True else: c = defColor group.color = c from OpenSave import osOpen bondFile = osOpen(fileName) lineNum = 0 for line in bondFile.readlines(): line = line.strip() lineNum = lineNum + 1 if not line: # blank line continue try: spec1, spec2, color = line.split(None, 2) except: label = color = None try: spec1, spec2 = line.split() except ValueError: replyobj.message("Line %d does not have at" " least two atom specifiers.") foundErrors = True continue if color: # try to distinguish between color name and label try: color, label = color.split(None, 1) except: label = None if color[0] != "#": while (label and not colors.has_key(color)): try: c, label = label.split(None, 1) except: color = " ".join([color, label]) label = None else: color = " ".join([color, c]) atom1 = _processSpec(spec1, leftModel) if not atom1: replyobj.message("Left atom spec of line %d of file doesn't" " select exactly one atom." " Skipping.\n" % lineNum) foundErrors = True continue atom2 = _processSpec(spec2, leftModel) if not atom2: replyobj.message("Right atom spec of line %d of file doesn't" " select exactly one atom." " Skipping.\n" % lineNum) foundErrors = True continue if color: if color[0] == '#': fieldLen = int((len(color) - 1) / 3) if 3 * fieldLen + 1 != len(color): replyobj.message("Bad Tk color '%s'" " on line %d of file.\n" % (color, lineNum)) foundErrors = True elif colorCache.has_key(color): color = colorCache[color] else: r = color[1:1 + fieldLen] g = color[1 + fieldLen:1 + 2 * fieldLen] b = color[1 + 2 * fieldLen:] r = int(r, 16) g = int(g, 16) b = int(b, 16) maxVal = int('f' * fieldLen, 16) maxVal = float(maxVal) c = chimera.MaterialColor(r / maxVal, g / maxVal, b / maxVal) colorCache[color] = c color = c else: try: color = getColorByName(color) except KeyError: replyobj.message("Unknown color '%s' on line %d" " of file.\n" % (color, lineNum)) foundErrors = True color = None pb = group.newPseudoBond(atom1, atom2) if color: pb.color = color if label: pb.label = label bondFile.close() if foundErrors: chimera.replyobj.error("Errors encountered while reading file.\n" "Check reply log for details.\n")
def _setColor(color=color, g=g): from chimera.colorTable import getColorByName g.color = getColorByName(color) g.lineType = chimera.Dash
try: info = typeInfo[a.idatmType] except KeyError: return False return info.substituents < info.geometry from chimera.colorTable import getColorByName from prefs import defaults, CLASH_THRESHOLD, HBOND_ALLOWANCE, BOND_SEPARATION, \ IGNORE_INTRA_RES, ACTION_SELECT, ACTION_COLOR, CLASH_COLOR, \ NONCLASH_COLOR, ACTION_PSEUDOBONDS, PB_COLOR, PB_WIDTH, ACTION_ATTR, \ ACTION_REPLYLOG defColors = {} for color in [CLASH_COLOR, NONCLASH_COLOR, PB_COLOR]: val = defaults[color] if val is not None: val = getColorByName(val) defColors[color] = val _continuousID = None def cmdDetectClash(testAtoms, overlapCutoff=defaults[CLASH_THRESHOLD], hbondAllowance=defaults[HBOND_ALLOWANCE], test="others", setAttrs=defaults[ACTION_ATTR], selectClashes= defaults[ACTION_SELECT], colorClashes=defaults[ACTION_COLOR], clashColor=defColors[CLASH_COLOR], nonclashColor= defColors[NONCLASH_COLOR], makePseudobonds= defaults[ACTION_PSEUDOBONDS], pbColor=defColors[PB_COLOR], lineWidth=defaults[PB_WIDTH], bondSeparation= defaults[BOND_SEPARATION], saveFile=None, namingStyle=None, ignoreIntraRes=defaults[IGNORE_INTRA_RES], interSubmodel=False, log=defaults[ACTION_REPLYLOG], summary=True, continuous=False): global _continuousID
import chimera opened ='3fx2', type="PDB") mol = opened[0] mol.display = True from chimera.colorTable import getColorByName red = getColorByName('red') mol.color = red blue = getColorByName('blue') yellow = getColorByName('yellow') ATOMS = mol.atoms for at in ATOMS: at.drawMode = chimera.Atom.Ball if == 'CA': at.color = yellow else: at.color = blue BONDS = mol.bonds for b in BONDS: b.display = chimera.Bond.Smart b.drawMode = chimera.Bond.Stick b.halfbond = True RESIDUES = mol.residues
def _addAttr(attrFile, models, log, raiseAttrDialog): setAttrs = {} colors = {} from CGLutil.annotatedDataFile import readDataFile control = { 'match mode': _MATCH_MODE_ANY, 'recipient': "atoms" } for rawControl, data in readDataFile(attrFile): control.update(rawControl) legalNames = ["attribute", "match mode", "recipient"] for name in control.keys(): if name not in legalNames: raise SyntaxError("Unknown name part of control" " line: '%s'\nMust be one of: %s" % ( name, ", ".join(legalNames))) if "attribute" not in control: raise SyntaxError("No attribute name specified in file") attrName = control["attribute"] if not attrName.replace("_", "").isalnum() \ or attrName[0].isdigit(): raise SyntaxError("Attribute name (%s) is bad.\n" "It must be strictly alphanumeric characters or" " underscores with no spaces and must not start" " with a digit." % control["attribute"]) colorAttr = attrName.lower().endswith("color") matchMode = control["match mode"] if matchMode not in _matchModes: raise SyntaxError("Unknown match mode (%s) specified.\n" "It must be one of: %s" % ( control["match mode"], ", ".join(_matchModes))) recipient = control["recipient"] if not hasattr(selection.ItemizedSelection, recipient): raise SyntaxError("Unknown attribute recipient (%s)" " specified.\nSuggest using atoms, residues, or" " molecules" % control["recipient"]) dataErrors = [] for lineNum, d in enumerate(data): try: selector, value = d except ValueError: dataErrors.append("Data line %d of file either" " not selector/value or not" " tab-delimited" % (lineNum+1)) continue try: sel = specifier.evalSpec(selector, models) except: import sys dataErrors.append("Mangled selector (%s) on" " data line %d: %s" % (selector, lineNum+1, sys.exc_value)) continue matches = getattr(sel, recipient)() # restrict to models; the "models" argument to evalSpec # only works if the selector is an OSL if matches and models is not None: md = set(models) level = matches[0].oslLevel() if level == selection.SelGraph: filterFunc = lambda x, md=md: x in md elif level == selection.SelEdge: filterFunc = lambda x, md=md: \ x.atoms[0].molecule in md else: filterFunc = lambda x, md=md: \ x.molecule in md matches = filter(filterFunc, matches) if not matches: if matchMode != _MATCH_MODE_ANY: dataErrors.append("Selector (%s) on" " data line %d matched nothing" % (selector, lineNum+1)) continue elif len(matches) > 1: if matchMode == _MATCH_MODE_1_TO_1: dataErrors.append("Selector (%s) on" " data line %d matched multiple" " items: %s" % (selector, lineNum+1, ", ".join(map(lambda m: m.oslIdent(), matches)))) if log:"Selector %s matched " % selector + ", ".join(map(misc.chimeraLabel, matches)) + "\n") if colorAttr: if value[0].isalpha(): # color name from chimera.colorTable \ import getColorByName try: value = getColorByName(value) except KeyError: dataErrors.append("Unknown" " color name on data" " line %d: '%s'" % (lineNum+1, value)) continue else: try: rgba = tuple(map(float, value.split())) except ValueError: dataErrors.append( "Unrecognizable color" " value on data line" " %d: '%s'; Must be" " either color name or" " 3 or 4 numbers" " between 0 and 1" " (RGBA)" % (lineNum+1)) continue if max(rgba) > 1.0 or min(rgba) < 0.0: dataErrors.append("Color" " component values on" " data line %d not" " in the range 0 to 1" % (lineNum+1)) continue if rgba in colors: value = colors[rgba] elif len(rgba) in [3, 4]: value = chimera.MaterialColor( *rgba) colors[rgba] = value else: dataErrors.append("Bad number" " of color components" " on data line %d; Must" " be either 3 or 4 (was" " %d)" % (lineNum+1, len(rgba))) continue else: value = convertType(value) for match in matches: setattr(match, attrName, value) if matches and not colorAttr: setAttrs[(recipient, attrName)] = value recipMapping = { "molecules": chimera.Molecule, "residues": chimera.Residue, "bonds": chimera.Bond, "atoms": chimera.Atom } from SimpleSession import registerAttribute for recipient, attrName in setAttrs: if recipient in recipMapping: registerAttribute(recipMapping[recipient], attrName) if setAttrs and not chimera.nogui and raiseAttrDialog: from ShowAttr import ShowAttrDialog, screenedAttrs from chimera import dialogs showableAttr = False reasons = [] for recipient, attrName in setAttrs.keys(): if recipient == "molecules": recipient = "models" validRecipients = ["atoms", "residues", "models"] if recipient not in validRecipients: reasons.append("%s not assigned to atoms," " residues, or models" % attrName) continue key = [chimera.Atom, chimera.Residue, chimera.Model][ validRecipients.index(recipient)] if attrName in screenedAttrs[key]: reasons.append("%s automatically screened out" " by Render By Attribute" % attrName) continue if attrName[0] == '_': reasons.append("%s considered to be a private" " variable" % attrName) continue if attrName[0].isupper(): reasons.append("%s considered to be a symbolic" " constant due to initial capital" " letter" % attrName) continue showableAttr = True break if showableAttr: if models is None: ms = chimera.openModels.list() else: ms = models if colorAttr: an = None mode = None else: an = attrName from types import StringTypes if type(setAttrs[(recipient, attrName)]) in ( bool,) + StringTypes: mode = "Select" else: mode = "Render" d = dialogs.display( d.configure(models=[m for m in ms if isinstance(m, chimera.Molecule)], attrsOf=recipient, attrName=an, mode=mode) else: replyobj.warning("No attributes usable by Render dialog" " were defined:\n" + "\n".join(reasons) + "\n") if dataErrors: raise SyntaxError, "\n".join(dataErrors) return setAttrs
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # the 'color' attribute represents the model-level color. # This color can be controlled by the midas command 'modelcolor'. # The 'color' assigned to a newly opened model is determined by a configurable preference (see discussion above). # Programmatically, the model # color can be changed by simply assigning a 'MaterialColor' to 'molecule.color'. Molecules also have a # 'display' attribute, where a value of 'True' corresponds to being displayed, and a value of 'False' # means the molecule is not displayed. # So to make sure the molecule is shown (it is by default when first opened): mol.display = True # To color the molecule red, # get a reference to Chimera's notion of the color red (returns a 'MaterialColor' object) from chimera.colorTable import getColorByName red = getColorByName('red') # and assign it to 'mol.color'. mol.color = red # Note that the model will appear red at this point because all the atoms/bonds/residues # 'color' attributes are set to 'None' # Atom Display Properties # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # Each atom in a molecule has its own individual color, # accessible by the 'color' attribute. Upon opening a molecule, each atom's 'color' is set to 'None'; # it can be changed by assigning a new 'MaterialColor' to 'atom.color'. # So, if we wanted to color all the alpha-carbon atoms blue, and all the rest yellow, # get references to the colors: blue = getColorByName('blue')
def createHBonds(models=None, intramodel=True, intermodel=True, relax=True, distSlop=recDistSlop, angleSlop=recAngleSlop, twoColors=False, selRestrict=None, lineWidth=1.0, saveFile=None, batch=False, interSubmodel=False, makePseudobonds=True, retainCurrent=False, reveal=False, namingStyle=None, log=False, cacheDA=None, color=(0.0, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0), slopColor=(0.95, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0)): """Wrapper to be called by gui and command line. Use findHBonds for other programming applications. """ inColors = (color, slopColor) outColors = [] for c in inColors: if isinstance(c, basestring): from chimera.colorTable import getColorByName try: outColors.append(getColorByName(c)) except KeyError: raise "No known color named '%s'" % c elif isinstance(c, tuple): oc = chimera.MaterialColor() oc.ambientDiffuse = c[:3] if len(c) > 3: oc.opacity = c[-1] outColors.append(oc) else: outColors.append(c) bondColor, slopColor = outColors donors = acceptors = None if selRestrict is not None: selAtoms = currentAtoms(asDict=True) if not selAtoms: if batch: return raise UserError("No atoms in selection.") if (not intermodel or selRestrict == "both") and models is None: # intramodel only or both ends in selection models = currentMolecules() if selRestrict == "both": # both ends in selection donors = acceptors = selAtoms if models is None: models = chimera.openModels.list(modelTypes=[chimera.Molecule]) if not relax: distSlop = angleSlop = 0.0 if cacheDA == None: # cache trajectories by default cacheDA = len(models) == 1 and len(models[0].coordSets) > 1 hbonds = findHBonds(models, intermodel=intermodel, intramodel=intramodel, distSlop=distSlop, angleSlop=angleSlop, donors=donors, acceptors=acceptors, interSubmodel=interSubmodel, cacheDA=cacheDA) if selRestrict and donors == None: hbonds = _filterBySel(hbonds, selAtoms, selRestrict) outputInfo = (intermodel, intramodel, relax, distSlop, angleSlop, models, hbonds) if log: import sys # provide a separator from other output print>>sys.stdout, "" _fileOutput(sys.stdout, outputInfo, namingStyle) if saveFile == '-': from MolInfoDialog import SaveMolInfoDialog SaveMolInfoDialog(outputInfo, _fileOutput, initialfile="", title="Choose H-Bond Save File", historyID="H-bond info") elif saveFile is not None: _fileOutput(saveFile, outputInfo, namingStyle) replyobj.status("%d hydrogen bonds found\n" % len(hbonds), log=1, blankAfter=120) if not makePseudobonds: return if twoColors: # color relaxed constraints differently precise = findHBonds(models, intermodel=intermodel, intramodel=intramodel, donors=donors, acceptors=acceptors, interSubmodel=interSubmodel, cacheDA=cacheDA) if selRestrict and donors == None: precise = _filterBySel(precise, selAtoms, selRestrict) # give another opportunity to read the result... replyobj.status("%d hydrogen bonds found\n" % len(hbonds), blankAfter=120) from chimera.misc import getPseudoBondGroup pbg = getPseudoBondGroup("hydrogen bonds", issueHint=True) if not retainCurrent: pbg.deleteAll() pbg.lineWidth = lineWidth for don, acc in hbonds: if don.associated(acc, "hydrogen bonds"): continue pb = pbg.newPseudoBond(don, acc) if twoColors: if (don, acc) in precise: color = bondColor else: color = slopColor else: color = bondColor pb.color = color if reveal: for end in [don, acc]: if end.display: continue for ea in end.residue.oslChildren(): ea.display = True
info = typeInfo[a.idatmType] except KeyError: return False return info.substituents < info.geometry from chimera.colorTable import getColorByName from prefs import defaults, CLASH_THRESHOLD, HBOND_ALLOWANCE, BOND_SEPARATION, \ IGNORE_INTRA_RES, ACTION_SELECT, ACTION_COLOR, CLASH_COLOR, \ NONCLASH_COLOR, ACTION_PSEUDOBONDS, PB_COLOR, PB_WIDTH, ACTION_ATTR, \ ACTION_REPLYLOG defColors = {} for color in [CLASH_COLOR, NONCLASH_COLOR, PB_COLOR]: val = defaults[color] if val is not None: val = getColorByName(val) defColors[color] = val _continuousID = None def cmdDetectClash(testAtoms, overlapCutoff=defaults[CLASH_THRESHOLD], hbondAllowance=defaults[HBOND_ALLOWANCE], test="others", setAttrs=defaults[ACTION_ATTR], selectClashes=defaults[ACTION_SELECT], colorClashes=defaults[ACTION_COLOR], clashColor=defColors[CLASH_COLOR], nonclashColor=defColors[NONCLASH_COLOR], makePseudobonds=defaults[ACTION_PSEUDOBONDS], pbColor=defColors[PB_COLOR],