Exemple #1
def _read_block(session, stream):
    # First line should be an integer count of the number of
    # atoms in the block.  Each block gets turned into an
    # AtomicStructure instance.
    count_line = stream.readline()
    if not count_line:
        return None
        count = int(count_line)
    except ValueError:
        # XXX: Should emit an error message
        return None
    from chimerax.atomic import AtomicStructure
    s = AtomicStructure(session)

    # Next line is a comment line
    s.comment = stream.readline().strip()

    # There should be "count" lines of atoms.
    from numpy import array, float64
    residue = s.new_residue("UNK", 'A', 1)
    element_count = {}
    for n in range(count):
        atom_line = stream.readline()
        if not atom_line:
            # XXX: Should emit an error message
            return None
        parts = atom_line.split()
        if len(parts) != 4:
            # XXX: Should emit an error message
            return None
        # Extract available data
        element = parts[0]
        xyz = [float(v) for v in parts[1:]]

        # Convert to required initializers
        # XXX: May need to convert element to usable form
        n = element_count.get(element, 0) + 1
        name = element + str(n)
        element_count[element] = n

        # Create atom
        atom = s.new_atom(name, element)
        atom.coord = array(xyz, dtype=float64)
    s.new_atoms()  # tell structure it needs to update
    return s
Exemple #2
def _read_block(session, stream, line_number):
    # XYZ files are stored in blocks, with each block representing
    # a set of atoms.  This function reads a single block
    # and builds a ChimeraX AtomStructure instance containing
    # the atoms listed in the block.

    # First line should be an integer count of the number of
    # atoms in the block.
    count_line = stream.readline()
    if not count_line:
        # Reached EOF, normal termination condition
        return None, line_number
    line_number += 1
        count = int(count_line)
    except ValueError:
        session.logger.error("line %d: atom count missing" % line_number)
        return None, line_number

    # Create the AtomicStructure instance for atoms in this block.
    # All atoms in the structure are placed in one residue
    # since XYZ format does not partition atoms into groups.
    from chimerax.atomic import AtomicStructure
    from numpy import array, float64
    s = AtomicStructure(session)
    residue = s.new_residue("UNK", 'A', 1)

    # XYZ format supplies the atom element type only, but
    # ChimeraX keeps track of both the element type and
    # a unique name for each atom.  To construct the unique
    # atom name, the # 'element_count' dictionary is used
    # to track the number of atoms of each element type so far,
    # and the current count is used to build unique atom names.
    element_count = {}

    # Next line is a comment line
    s.comment = stream.readline().strip()
    line_number += 1

    # There should be "count" lines of atoms.
    for n in range(count):
        atom_line = stream.readline()
        if not atom_line:
            session.logger.error("line %d: atom data missing" % line_number)
            return None, line_number
        line_number += 1

        # Extract available data
        parts = atom_line.split()
        if len(parts) != 4:
            session.logger.error("line %d: atom data malformatted" %
            return None, line_number

        # Convert to required parameters for creating atom.
        # Since XYZ format only required atom element, we
        # create a unique atom name by putting a number after
        # the element name.
        xyz = [float(v) for v in parts[1:]]
        element = parts[0]
        n = element_count.get(element, 0) + 1
        name = element + str(n)
        element_count[element] = n

        # Create atom in AtomicStructure instance 's',
        # set its coordinates, and add to residue
        atom = s.new_atom(name, element)
        atom.coord = array(xyz, dtype=float64)

    # Use AtomicStructure method to add bonds based on interatomic distances

    # Updating state such as atom types while adding atoms iteratively
    # is unnecessary (and generally incorrect for partial structures).
    # When all atoms have been added, the instance is notified to
    # tell it to update internal state.

    # Return AtomicStructure instance and current line number
    return s, line_number