# This is what the API will execute

        # Setup the analysis, widgets, and do the attack

        # Delete all pending scripts executions (that are observing the api be available again),
        # otherwise the current setup would be overridden

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from chipwhisperer.common.api.CWCoreAPI import CWCoreAPI
    import chipwhisperer.capture.ui.CWCaptureGUI as cwc
    import chipwhisperer.analyzer.ui.CWAnalyzerGUI as cwa
    from chipwhisperer.common.utils.parameter import Parameter
    app = cwc.makeApplication(doDeleteLater=False)
    Parameter.usePyQtGraph = True
    api = CWCoreAPI()  # Instantiate the API

    gui = cwc.CWCaptureGUI(api)  # Instantiate the Capture GUI

    gui = cwa.CWAnalyzerGUI(api)  # Instantiate the Analyzer GUI
    api.runScriptClass(Attack)  # Run the script (default is the "run" method)
        for i in range(5):
            for c in trylist:
                # Get a power trace using our next attempt
                nextPass = password + '{}'.format(c)
                self.api.setParameter(['Simple Serial', 'Go Command', '{}\n'.format(nextPass)])
                # Grab the trace
                nextTrace = self.api.getScope().datapoints
                # Check location 153, 225, etc. If it's too low, we've failed
                if nextTrace[153 + 72*i] < -0.2:
                # If we got here, we've found the right letter
                password += c
                print '{} characters: {}'.format(i+1, password)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import chipwhisperer.capture.ui.CWCaptureGUI as cwc         # Import the ChipWhispererCapture GUI
    from chipwhisperer.common.utils.parameter import Parameter  # Comment this line if you don't want to use the GUI
    Parameter.usePyQtGraph = True                               # Comment this line if you don't want to use the GUI
    api = CWCoreAPI()                                           # Instantiate the API
    app = cwc.makeApplication("Capture")                        # Change the name if you want a different settings scope
    gui = cwc.CWCaptureGUI(api)                                 # Comment this line if you don't want to use the GUI
    gui.show()                                                  # Comment this line if you don't want to use the GUI
    api.runScriptClass(UserScript)                              # Run the User Script (executes "run()" by default)
    app.exec_()                                                 # Comment this line if you don't want to use the GUI
                      ['OpenADC', 'Gain Setting', 'Setting', 45],
                      ['OpenADC', 'Trigger Setup', 'Mode', 'rising edge'],
                      #Final step: make DCMs relock in case they are lost
                      ['OpenADC', 'Clock Setup', 'ADC Clock', 'Reset ADC DCM', None],
        #Download all hardware setup parameters
        for cmd in lstexample: self.api.setParameter(cmd)
        #Let's only do a few traces
        self.api.setParameter(['Generic Settings', 'Acquisition Settings', 'Number of Traces', 50])
        #Throw away first few

        #Capture a set of traces and save the project
        # self.api.captureM()
        # self.api.saveProject("../../../projects/test.cwp")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = cwc.makeApplication()                     # Comment this line if you don't want to use the GUI
    Parameter.usePyQtGraph = True                   # Comment this line if you don't want to use the GUI
    api = CWCoreAPI()                               # Instantiate the API
    # app.setApplicationName("Capture Scripted")    # If you DO NOT want to overwrite settings from the GUI
    gui = cwc.CWCaptureGUI(api)                     # Comment this line if you don't want to use the GUI
    gui.show()                                      # Comment this line if you don't want to use the GUI
    api.runScriptClass(UserScript)                  # Run the User Script

    sys.exit(app.exec_())                           # Comment this line if you don't want to use the GUI
Exemple #4
        self.attack.setTargetSubkeys([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15])

    def initReporting(self):
        # Configures the attack observers (usually a set of GUI widgets)
        self.api.getResults("Attack Settings").setAnalysisSource(self.attack)
        self.api.getResults("Correlation vs Traces in Attack").setAnalysisSource(self.attack)
        self.api.getResults("Output vs Point Plot").setAnalysisSource(self.attack)
        self.api.getResults("PGE vs Trace Plot").setAnalysisSource(self.attack)
        self.api.getResults("Results Table").setAnalysisSource(self.attack)
        self.api.getResults("Save to Files").setAnalysisSource(self.attack)
        self.api.getResults("Trace Output Plot").setTraceSource(self.traces)
        self.api.getResults("Trace Recorder").setTraceSource(self.traces)

    def run(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    from chipwhisperer.common.api.CWCoreAPI import CWCoreAPI
    import chipwhisperer.analyzer.ui.CWAnalyzerGUI as cwa
    from chipwhisperer.common.utils.parameter import Parameter
    app = cwa.makeApplication()     # Comment if you don't need the GUI
    Parameter.usePyQtGraph = True   # Comment if you don't need the GUI
    api = CWCoreAPI()               # Instantiate the API
    gui = cwa.CWAnalyzerGUI(api)    # Comment if you don't need the GUI
    api.runScriptClass(UserScript)  # Run UserScript through the API

    sys.exit(app.exec_())           # Comment if you don't need the GUI
Exemple #5
        ted.displayPartitions(differences={"partclass":PartitionHWIntermediate, "diffs":partDiffs})

    def TraceExplorerDialog_PartitionDisplay_findPOI(self):
        # Calculate the POIs
        self.cwagui = CWAnalyzerGUI.getInstance()
        ted = self.cwagui.attackScriptGen.utilList[0].exampleScripts[0]
        return ted.poi.calcPOI(numMax=3, pointRange=(0, 3000), minSpace=5)['poi']

    def generateTemplates(self):
        # Generate the templates and save to the project
        tRange = (0, 1499)
        poiList = self.TraceExplorerDialog_PartitionDisplay_findPOI()
        partMethod = PartitionHWIntermediate()
        templatedata = chipwhisperer.analyzer.attacks.profiling_algorithms.template.TemplateUsingMVS.generate(self.attack.getTraceSource(), tRange, poiList, partMethod)
        tfname = self.attack.attack.saveTemplatesToProject(tRange, templatedata)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    from chipwhisperer.common.api.CWCoreAPI import CWCoreAPI
    import chipwhisperer.analyzer.ui.CWAnalyzerGUI as cwa
    from chipwhisperer.common.utils.parameter import Parameter
    app = cwa.makeApplication()
    Parameter.usePyQtGraph = True
    api = CWCoreAPI()               # Instantiate the API
    gui = cwa.CWAnalyzerGUI(api)    # Instantiate the Analyzer GUI
    api.runScriptClass(Attack)      # Run the script (default is the "run" method)

Exemple #6
        # Download all hardware setup parameters
        for cmd in lstexample: self.api.setParameter(cmd)
        # Let's only do a few traces
        self.api.setParameter(['Simple Serial', 'Key Length (Bytes)', 8])
        self.api.setParameter(['Simple Serial', 'Input Length (Bytes)', 8])
        self.api.setParameter(['Simple Serial', 'Output Length (Bytes)', 8])
        self.api.setParameter(['Generic Settings', 'Basic', 'Key', 'Fixed'])
        self.api.setParameter(['Generic Settings', 'Basic', 'Fixed Encryption Key', u'2B 7E 15 16 28 AE D2 A6'])
        self.api.setParameter(['Generic Settings', 'Acquisition Settings', 'Number of Traces', 50])
        # Throw away first few

        # Capture a set of traces and save the project
        # self.api.captureM()
        # self.api.saveProject("../../../projects/test.cwp")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import chipwhisperer.capture.ui.CWCaptureGUI as cwc         # Import the ChipWhispererCapture GUI
    from chipwhisperer.common.utils.parameter import Parameter  # Comment this line if you don't want to use the GUI
    Parameter.usePyQtGraph = True                               # Comment this line if you don't want to use the GUI
    api = CWCoreAPI()                                           # Instantiate the API
    app = cwc.makeApplication("Capture")                        # Change the name if you want a different settings scope
    gui = cwc.CWCaptureGUI(api)                                 # Comment this line if you don't want to use the GUI
    api.runScriptClass(UserScript)                              # Run the User Script (executes "run()" by default)
    app.exec_()                                                 # Comment this line if you don't want to use the GUI
            ['Glitch Explorer', 'Tuning Parameter 1', 'Step', 0.5],
            ['Glitch Explorer', 'Tuning Parameter 1', 'Repeat', 1],
            ['Glitch Explorer', 'Tuning Parameter 0', 'Range', (-8, 3)],
            ['Glitch Explorer', 'Tuning Parameter 0', 'Value', -8],
            ['Glitch Module', 'Repeat', 1],
            ['Generic Settings', 'Acquisition Settings', 'Number of Traces', 345],
        for cmd in lstexample: self.api.setParameter(cmd)

        print "Using the Glitch Explorer - Fine-tune those values"
        self.api.setParameter(['Glitch Module', 'Glitch Offset (as % of period)',-3.5])
        self.api.setParameter(['Glitch Module', 'Glitch Width (as % of period)',7.5])
        self.api.setParameter(['Glitch Module', 'Glitch Offset (fine adjust)', 44])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = cwc.makeApplication()                     # Comment this line if you don't want to use the GUI
    Parameter.usePyQtGraph = True                   # Comment this line if you don't want to use the GUI
    api = CWCoreAPI()                               # Instantiate the API
    gui = cwc.CWCaptureGUI(api)                     # Comment this line if you don't want to use the GUI
    api.runScriptClass(UserScript)                  # Run the User Script

Exemple #8
        self.attack.setPointRange((0, 3000))

    def initReporting(self):
        # Configures the attack observers (usually a set of GUI widgets)
        self.api.getResults("Attack Settings").setAnalysisSource(self.attack)
        self.api.getResults("Correlation vs Traces in Attack").setAnalysisSource(self.attack)
        self.api.getResults("Output vs Point Plot").setAnalysisSource(self.attack)
        self.api.getResults("PGE vs Trace Plot").setAnalysisSource(self.attack)
        self.api.getResults("Results Table").setAnalysisSource(self.attack)
        self.api.getResults("Save to Files").setAnalysisSource(self.attack)
        self.api.getResults("Trace Output Plot").setTraceSource(self.traces)
        self.api.getResults("Trace Recorder").setTraceSource(self.traces)

    def run(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    from chipwhisperer.common.api.CWCoreAPI import CWCoreAPI
    import chipwhisperer.analyzer.ui.CWAnalyzerGUI as cwa
    from chipwhisperer.common.utils.parameter import Parameter

    app = cwa.makeApplication()  # Comment if you don't need the GUI
    Parameter.usePyQtGraph = True  # Comment if you don't need the GUI
    api = CWCoreAPI()  # Instantiate the API
    gui = cwa.CWAnalyzerGUI(api)  # Comment if you don't need the GUI
    api.runScriptClass(UserScript)  # Run UserScript through the API

    sys.exit(app.exec_())  # Comment if you don't need the GUI
        partDiffs = ted.generatePartitionDiffs(DifferenceModeSAD, statsInfo={"partclass":PartitionHWIntermediate, "stats":partStats}, saveFile=True, loadFile=False, progressBar=progressBar)
        ted.displayPartitions(differences={"partclass":PartitionHWIntermediate, "diffs":partDiffs})

    def TraceExplorerDialog_PartitionDisplay_findPOI(self):
        self.cwagui = CWAnalyzerGUI.getInstance()
        ted = self.cwagui.attackScriptGen.utilList[0].exampleScripts[0]
        return ted.poi.calcPOI(numMax=3, pointRange=(0, 3000), minSpace=5)['poi']

    def generateTemplates(self):
        tRange = (0, 1499)
        poiList = self.TraceExplorerDialog_PartitionDisplay_findPOI()
        partMethod = PartitionHWIntermediate()
        templatedata = self.attack.attack.profiling.generate(tRange, poiList, partMethod)
        tfname = self.attack.attack.saveTemplatesToProject(tRange, templatedata)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    from chipwhisperer.common.api.CWCoreAPI import CWCoreAPI
    import chipwhisperer.analyzer.ui.CWAnalyzerGUI as cwa
    from chipwhisperer.common.utils.parameter import Parameter
    app = cwa.makeApplication()     # Comment if you don't need the GUI
    Parameter.usePyQtGraph = True   # Comment if you don't need the GUI
    api = CWCoreAPI()               # Instantiate the API
    gui = cwa.CWAnalyzerGUI(api)    # Comment if you don't need the GUI
    gui.show()                      # Comment if you don't need the GUI

    sys.exit(app.exec_())           # Comment if you don't need the GUI
            ['CW Extra Settings', 'HS-Glitch Out Enable (High Power)', True],
            ['Glitch Module', 'Clock Source', 'CLKGEN'],
            ['Glitch Module', 'Single-Shot Arm', 'Before Scope Arm'],
            ['Glitch Module', 'Glitch Trigger', 'Ext Trigger:Single-Shot'],
            ['Glitch Module', 'Output Mode', 'Glitch Only'],

            ['Glitch Module', 'Glitch Width (as % of period)', 44.4],
            ['Glitch Module', 'Glitch Offset (as % of period)', 5.3],
            ['Glitch Module', 'Repeat', 2],
            ['Glitch Module', 'Ext Trigger Offset', 7218],

            # Fixme: these are specific to the target device I'm experimenting on
            ['Glitch Explorer', 'Normal Response', u's.find("rcode 5 total 34") >= 0'],
            ['Glitch Explorer', 'Successful Response', u"(lambda n: n.isdigit() and int(n))((s+' x').split('total ')[-1].split()[0]) > 34"],


if __name__ == '__main__':
    import chipwhisperer.capture.ui.CWCaptureGUI as cwc
    from chipwhisperer.common.utils.parameter import Parameter
    Parameter.usePyQtGraph = True
    api = CWCoreAPI()
    app = cwc.makeApplication("Capture")
    gui = cwc.CWCaptureGUI(api)