Exemple #1
def test_expired_authz_purger():
    def expect(target_time, num, table):
        out = get_future_output("./bin/expired-authz-purger --config cmd/expired-authz-purger/config.json", target_time)
        if 'via FAKECLOCK' not in out:
            raise Exception("expired-authz-purger was not built with `integration` build tag")
        if num is None:
        expected_output = 'Deleted a total of %d expired authorizations from %s' % (num, table)
        if expected_output not in out:
            raise Exception("expired-authz-purger did not print '%s'.  Output:\n%s" % (
                  expected_output, out))

    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    # Run the purger once to clear out any backlog so we have a clean slate.
    expect(now+datetime.timedelta(days=+365), None, "")

    # Make an authz, but don't attempt its challenges.

    # Run the authz twice: Once immediate, expecting nothing to be purged, and
    # once as if it were the future, expecting one purged authz.
    after_grace_period = now + datetime.timedelta(days=+14, minutes=+3)
    expect(now, 0, "pendingAuthorizations")
    expect(after_grace_period, 1, "pendingAuthorizations")

    after_grace_period = now + datetime.timedelta(days=+67, minutes=+3)
    expect(now, 0, "authz")
    expect(after_grace_period, 1, "authz")
def test_http_challenge_http_redirect():
    client = chisel.make_client()

    # Create an authz for a random domain and get its HTTP-01 challenge token
    d, chall = rand_http_chall(client)
    token = chall.encode("token")
    # Calculate its keyauth so we can add it in a special non-standard location
    # for the redirect result
    resp = chall.response(client.key)
    keyauth = resp.key_authorization
    challSrv.add_http01_response("http-redirect", keyauth)

    # Create a HTTP redirect from the challenge's validation path to some other
    # token path where we have registered the key authorization.
    challengePath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/{0}".format(token)
    redirectPath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/http-redirect?params=are&important=to&not=lose"
        "http://{0}{1}".format(d, redirectPath))

    # Issuing should succeed
    auth_and_issue([d], client=client, chall_type="http-01")

    # Cleanup the redirects

    history = challSrv.http_request_history(d)

    # There should have been at least two GET requests made to the
    # challtestsrv. There may have been more if remote VAs were configured.
    if len(history) < 2:
        raise Exception("Expected at least 2 HTTP request events on challtestsrv, found {1}".format(len(history)))

    initialRequests = []
    redirectedRequests = []

    for request in history:
      # All requests should have been over HTTP
      if request['HTTPS'] is True:
        raise Exception("Expected all requests to be HTTP")
      # Initial requests should have the expected initial HTTP-01 URL for the challenge
      if request['URL'] == challengePath:
      # Redirected requests should have the expected redirect path URL with all
      # its parameters
      elif request['URL'] == redirectPath:
        raise Exception("Unexpected request URL {0} in challtestsrv history: {1}".format(request['URL'], request))

    # There should have been at least 1 initial HTTP-01 validation request.
    if len(initialRequests) < 1:
        raise Exception("Expected {0} initial HTTP-01 request events on challtestsrv, found {1}".format(validation_attempts, len(initialRequests)))

    # There should have been at least 1 redirected HTTP request for each VA
    if len(redirectedRequests) < 1:
        raise Exception("Expected {0} redirected HTTP-01 request events on challtestsrv, found {1}".format(validation_attempts, len(redirectedRequests)))
Exemple #3
def test_ocsp():
    cert_file_pem = os.path.join(tempdir, "cert.pem")
    auth_and_issue([random_domain()], cert_output=cert_file_pem)

    ee_ocsp_url = "http://localhost:4002"

    # As OCSP-Updater is generating responses independently of the CA we sit in a loop
    # checking OCSP until we either see a good response or we timeout (5s).
    wait_for_ocsp_good(cert_file_pem, "test/test-ca2.pem", ee_ocsp_url)
Exemple #4
def test_renewal_exemption():
    Under a single domain, issue one certificate, then two renewals of that
    certificate, then one more different certificate (with a different
    subdomain). Since the certificatesPerName rate limit in testing is 2 per 90
    days, and the renewals should be discounted under the renewal exemption,
    each of these issuances should succeed. Then do one last issuance that we
    expect to be rate limited, just to check that the rate limit is actually 2,
    and we are testing what we think we are testing. See
    https://letsencrypt.org/docs/rate-limits/ for more details.

    # TODO(@cpu): Once the `AllowRenewalFirstRL` feature flag is enabled by
    # default, delete this early return.
    if not default_config_dir.startswith("test/config-next"):

    base_domain = random_domain()
    # First issuance
    auth_and_issue(["www." + base_domain])
    # First Renewal
    auth_and_issue(["www." + base_domain])
    # Second Renewal
    auth_and_issue(["www." + base_domain])
    # Issuance of a different cert
    auth_and_issue(["blog." + base_domain])
    # Final, failed issuance, for another different cert
        lambda: auth_and_issue(["mail." + base_domain]))
def test_tls_alpn_challenge():
    # Pick two random domains
    domains = [random_domain(), random_domain()]

    # Add A records for these domains to ensure the VA's requests are directed
    # to the interface that the challtestsrv has bound for TLS-ALPN-01 challenge
    # responses
    for host in domains:
        challSrv.add_a_record(host, [""])

    auth_and_issue(domains, chall_type="tls-alpn-01")

    for host in domains:
Exemple #6
def test_issuer():
    Issue a certificate, fetch its chain, and verify the chain and
    certificate against test/test-root.pem. Note: This test only handles chains
    of length exactly 1.
    certr, authzs = auth_and_issue([random_domain()])
    cert = urllib2.urlopen(certr.uri).read()
    # The chain URI uses HTTPS when UseAIAIssuerURL is set, so include the root
    # certificate for the WFE's PKI. Note: We use the requests library here so
    # we honor the REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE passed by test.sh.
    chain = requests.get(certr.cert_chain_uri).content
    parsed_chain = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, chain)
    parsed_cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, cert)
    parsed_root = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,

    store = OpenSSL.crypto.X509Store()

    # Check the chain certificate before adding it to the store.
    store_ctx = OpenSSL.crypto.X509StoreContext(store, parsed_chain)

    # Now check the end-entity certificate.
    store_ctx = OpenSSL.crypto.X509StoreContext(store, parsed_cert)
Exemple #7
def test_sct_embedding():
    if not os.environ.get('BOULDER_CONFIG_DIR', '').startswith("test/config-next"):
    certr, authzs = auth_and_issue([random_domain()])
    certBytes = urllib2.urlopen(certr.uri).read()
    cert = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(certBytes, default_backend())

    # make sure there is no poison extension
        raise Exception("certificate contains CT poison extension")
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # do nothing

    # make sure there is a SCT list extension
        sctList = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(x509.ObjectIdentifier(""))
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        raise Exception("certificate doesn't contain SCT list extension")
    if len(sctList.value) != 2:
        raise Exception("SCT list contains wrong number of SCTs")
    for sct in sctList.value:
        if sct.version != x509.certificate_transparency.Version.v1:
            raise Exception("SCT contains wrong version")
        if sct.entry_type != x509.certificate_transparency.LogEntryType.PRE_CERTIFICATE:
            raise Exception("SCT contains wrong entry type")
        delta = sct.timestamp - datetime.datetime.now()
        if abs(delta) > datetime.timedelta(hours=1):
            raise Exception("Delta between SCT timestamp and now was too great "
                "%s vs %s (%s)" % (sct.timestamp, datetime.datetime.now(), delta))
Exemple #8
def setup_seventy_days_ago():
    """Do any setup that needs to happen 70 days in the past, for tests that
       will run in the 'present'.
    # Issue a certificate with the clock set back, and save the authzs to check
    # later that they are expired (404).
    global old_authzs
    _, old_authzs = auth_and_issue([random_domain()])
Exemple #9
def test_revoke_by_account():
    cert_file_pem = os.path.join(tempdir, "revokeme.pem")
    client = chisel.make_client()
    cert, _ = auth_and_issue([random_domain()], client=client)

    wait_for_ocsp_revoked(cert_file_pem, "test/test-ca2.pem", ee_ocsp_url)
    return 0
Exemple #10
def setup_twenty_days_ago():
    """Do any setup that needs to happen 20 day in the past, for tests that
       will run in the 'present'.
    # Issue a certificate with the clock set back, and save the authzs to check
    # later that they are valid (200). They should however require rechecking for
    # CAA purposes.
    global caa_authzs
    _, caa_authzs = auth_and_issue(["recheck.good-caa-reserved.com"], client=caa_client)
def test_oversized_csr():
    # Number of names is chosen to be one greater than the configured RA/CA maxNames
    numNames = 101
    # Generate numNames subdomains of a random domain
    base_domain = random_domain()
    domains = ["{0}.{1}".format(str(n), base_domain) for n in range(numNames)]
    # We expect issuing for these domains to produce a malformed error because
    # there are too many names in the request.
                          lambda: auth_and_issue(domains))
Exemple #12
def test_admin_revoker_cert():
    cert_file_pem = os.path.join(tempdir, "ar-cert.pem")
    cert, _ = auth_and_issue([random_domain()], cert_output=cert_file_pem)
    serial = "%x" % cert.body.get_serial_number()
    # Revoke certificate by serial
    run("./bin/admin-revoker serial-revoke --config %s/admin-revoker.json %s %d"
        % (default_config_dir, serial, 1))
    # Wait for OCSP response to indicate revocation took place
    ee_ocsp_url = "http://localhost:4002"
    wait_for_ocsp_revoked(cert_file_pem, "test/test-ca2.pem", ee_ocsp_url)
Exemple #13
def setup_twenty_days_ago():
    """Do any setup that needs to happen 20 day in the past, for tests that
       will run in the 'present'.
    # Issue a certificate with the clock set back, and save the authzs to check
    # later that they are valid (200). They should however require rechecking for
    # CAA purposes.
    global caa_authzs
    _, caa_authzs = auth_and_issue(["recheck.good-caa-reserved.com"],
Exemple #14
def test_tls_alpn_challenge():
    # TODO(@mdebski): Once the tls-alpn-01 challenge is enabled in pa.challenges
    # by default, delete this early return.
    if not default_config_dir.startswith("test/config-next"):

    # Pick two random domains
    domains = [random_domain(), random_domain()]

    # Add A records for these domains to ensure the VA's requests are directed
    # to the interface that the challtestsrv has bound for TLS-ALPN-01 challenge
    # responses
    for host in domains:
        challSrv.add_a_record(host, [""])

    auth_and_issue(domains, chall_type="tls-alpn-01")

    for host in domains:
Exemple #15
def test_admin_revoker_cert():
    cert_file_pem = os.path.join(tempdir, "ar-cert.pem")
    cert, _ = auth_and_issue([random_domain()], cert_output=cert_file_pem)
    serial = "%x" % cert.body.get_serial_number()
    # Revoke certificate by serial
    run("./bin/admin-revoker serial-revoke --config %s/admin-revoker.json %s %d" % (
        default_config_dir, serial, 1))
    # Wait for OCSP response to indicate revocation took place
    ee_ocsp_url = "http://localhost:4002"
    wait_for_ocsp_revoked(cert_file_pem, "test/test-ca2.pem", ee_ocsp_url)
Exemple #16
def test_oversized_csr():
    # Number of names is chosen to be one greater than the configured RA/CA maxNames
    numNames = 101
    # Generate numNames subdomains of a random domain
    base_domain = random_domain()
    domains = [ "{0}.{1}".format(str(n),base_domain) for n in range(numNames) ]
    # We expect issuing for these domains to produce a malformed error because
    # there are too many names in the request.
            lambda: auth_and_issue(domains))
Exemple #17
def test_auth_deactivation():
    client = chisel.make_client(None)
    auth = client.request_domain_challenges(random_domain())
    resp = client.deactivate_authorization(auth)
    if resp.body.status is not messages.STATUS_DEACTIVATED:
        raise Exception("unexpected authorization status")

    _, auth = auth_and_issue([random_domain()], client=client)
    resp = client.deactivate_authorization(auth[0])
    if resp.body.status is not messages.STATUS_DEACTIVATED:
        raise Exception("unexpected authorization status")
Exemple #18
def test_tls_alpn_challenge():
    # TODO(@mdebski): Once the tls-alpn-01 challenge is enabled in pa.challenges
    # by default, delete this early return.
    if not default_config_dir.startswith("test/config-next"):

    # Pick two random domains
    domains = [random_domain(), random_domain()]

    # Add A records for these domains to ensure the VA's requests are directed
    # to the interface that the challtestsrv has bound for TLS-ALPN-01 challenge
    # responses
    for host in domains:
                            "host": host,
                            "addresses": [""],

    auth_and_issue(domains, chall_type="tls-alpn-01")
Exemple #19
def test_ct_submission():
    # When testing config-next we use a mismatching set of CT logs in the boulder-publisher
    # and ocsp-updater configuration files. The ocsp-updater config has an extra log which the
    # publisher does not. When the publisher does the initial submission it will only submit
    # the certificate to a single log, when the ocsp-updater then runs looking for missing SCTs
    # it will think we failed to retrieve an SCT for the extra log it is configured with and
    # attempt to submit it to just that log instead of all of the logs it knows about (which
    # is just the one it already has submitted to).
    url_a = "http://boulder:4500/submissions"
    url_b = "http://boulder:4501/submissions"
    submissions_a = urllib2.urlopen(url_a).read()
    submissions_b = urllib2.urlopen(url_b).read()
    expected_a_submissions = int(submissions_a) + 1
    expected_b_submissions = int(submissions_b) + 1
    submissions_a = urllib2.urlopen(url_a).read()
    # Presently the CA and the ocsp-updater can race on the initial submission
    # of a certificate to the configured logs. This results in over submitting
    # certificates. This is expected to be fixed in the future by a planned
    # redesign so for now we do not error when the number of submissions falls
    # between the expected value and two times the expected. See Boulder #2610
    # for more information: https://github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/issues/2610
    if (int(submissions_a) < expected_a_submissions
            or int(submissions_a) > 2 * expected_a_submissions):
        raise Exception(
            "Expected %d CT submissions to boulder:4500, found %s" %
            (expected_a_submissions, submissions_a))
    for _ in range(0, 10):
        submissions_a = urllib2.urlopen(url_a).read()
        submissions_b = urllib2.urlopen(url_b).read()
        if (int(submissions_a) < expected_a_submissions
                or int(submissions_a) > 2 * expected_a_submissions):
            raise Exception(
                "Expected no change in submissions to boulder:4500: expected %s, got %s"
                % (expected_a_submissions, submissions_a))
        if (int(submissions_b) >= expected_b_submissions
                and int(submissions_b) < 2 * expected_b_submissions + 1):
    raise Exception("Expected %d CT submissions to boulder:4501, found %s" %
                    (expected_b_submissions, submissions_b))
Exemple #20
def test_revoke_by_account():
    client = chisel.make_client()
    cert, _ = auth_and_issue([random_domain()], client=client)
    client.revoke(cert.body, 0)

    cert_file_pem = os.path.join(tempdir, "revokeme.pem")
    with open(cert_file_pem, "w") as f:
            OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert.body.wrapped).decode())
    ee_ocsp_url = "http://localhost:4002"
    wait_for_ocsp_revoked(cert_file_pem, "test/test-ca2.pem", ee_ocsp_url)
    return 0
Exemple #21
def test_revoke_by_account():
    client = chisel.make_client()
    cert, _ = auth_and_issue([random_domain()], client=client)
    client.revoke(cert.body, 0)

    cert_file_pem = os.path.join(tempdir, "revokeme.pem")
    with open(cert_file_pem, "w") as f:
            OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert.body.wrapped).decode())
    ee_ocsp_url = "http://localhost:4002"
    wait_for_ocsp_revoked(cert_file_pem, "test/test-ca2.pem", ee_ocsp_url)
    return 0
Exemple #22
def run_expired_authz_purger():
    # Note: This test must be run after all other tests that depend on
    # authorizations added to the database during setup
    # (e.g. test_expired_authzs_404).

    def expect(target_time, num, table):
        out = get_future_output(
            "./bin/expired-authz-purger --config cmd/expired-authz-purger/config.json",
        if 'via FAKECLOCK' not in out:
            raise Exception(
                "expired-authz-purger was not built with `integration` build tag"
        if num is None:
        expected_output = 'Deleted a total of %d expired authorizations from %s' % (
            num, table)
        if expected_output not in out:
            raise Exception(
                "expired-authz-purger did not print '%s'.  Output:\n%s" %
                (expected_output, out))

    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    # Run the purger once to clear out any backlog so we have a clean slate.
    expect(now + datetime.timedelta(days=+365), None, "")

    # Make an authz, but don't attempt its challenges.

    # Run the authz twice: Once immediate, expecting nothing to be purged, and
    # once as if it were the future, expecting one purged authz.
    after_grace_period = now + datetime.timedelta(days=+14, minutes=+3)
    expect(now, 0, "pendingAuthorizations")
    expect(after_grace_period, 1, "pendingAuthorizations")

    after_grace_period = now + datetime.timedelta(days=+67, minutes=+3)
    expect(now, 0, "authz")
    expect(after_grace_period, 1, "authz")
Exemple #23
def test_admin_revoker_cert():
    cert_file_pem = os.path.join(tempdir, "ar-cert.pem")
    cert, _ = auth_and_issue([random_domain()], cert_output=cert_file_pem)
    serial = "%x" % cert.body.get_serial_number()
    # Revoke certificate by serial
    run("./bin/admin-revoker serial-revoke --config %s/admin-revoker.json %s %d"
        % (config_dir, serial, 1))
    # Wait for OCSP response to indicate revocation took place
    ee_ocsp_url = "http://localhost:4002"
    verify_ocsp(cert_file_pem, "/tmp/intermediate-cert-rsa-a.pem", ee_ocsp_url,
Exemple #24
def test_ct_submission():
    # When testing config-next we use a mismatching set of CT logs in the boulder-publisher
    # and ocsp-updater configuration files. The ocsp-updater config has an extra log which the
    # publisher does not. When the publisher does the initial submission it will only submit
    # the certificate to a single log, when the ocsp-updater then runs looking for missing SCTs
    # it will think we failed to retrieve an SCT for the extra log it is configured with and
    # attempt to submit it to just that log instead of all of the logs it knows about (which
    # is just the one it already has submitted to).
    url_a = "http://boulder:4500/submissions"
    url_b = "http://boulder:4501/submissions"
    submissions_a = urllib2.urlopen(url_a).read()
    submissions_b = urllib2.urlopen(url_b).read()
    expected_a_submissions = int(submissions_a)+1
    expected_b_submissions = int(submissions_b)+1
    submissions_a = urllib2.urlopen(url_a).read()
    # Presently the CA and the ocsp-updater can race on the initial submission
    # of a certificate to the configured logs. This results in over submitting
    # certificates. This is expected to be fixed in the future by a planned
    # redesign so for now we do not error when the number of submissions falls
    # between the expected value and two times the expected. See Boulder #2610
    # for more information: https://github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/issues/2610
    if (int(submissions_a) < expected_a_submissions or
        int(submissions_a) > 2 * expected_a_submissions):
        raise Exception("Expected %d CT submissions to boulder:4500, found %s" % (expected_a_submissions, submissions_a))
    # Only test when ResubmitMissingSCTsOnly is enabled
    if not default_config_dir.startswith("test/config-next"):
    for _ in range(0, 10):
        submissions_a = urllib2.urlopen(url_a).read()
        submissions_b = urllib2.urlopen(url_b).read()
        if (int(submissions_a) < expected_a_submissions or
            int(submissions_a) > 2 * expected_a_submissions):
            raise Exception("Expected no change in submissions to boulder:4500: expected %s, got %s" % (expected_a_submissions, submissions_a))
        if (int(submissions_b) >= expected_b_submissions and
            int(submissions_b) < 2 * expected_b_submissions + 1):
    raise Exception("Expected %d CT submissions to boulder:4501, found %s" % (expected_b_submissions, submissions_b))
Exemple #25
def caa_recheck_setup():
    global caa_recheck_client
    caa_recheck_client = chisel.make_client()
    # Issue a certificate with the clock set back, and save the authzs to check
    # later that they are valid (200). They should however require rechecking for
    # CAA purposes.
    numNames = 10
    # Generate numNames subdomains of a random domain
    base_domain = random_domain()
    domains = ["{0}.{1}".format(str(n), base_domain) for n in range(numNames)]
    _, authzs = auth_and_issue(domains, client=caa_recheck_client)
    for a in authzs:
Exemple #26
def test_admin_revoker_cert():
    cert_file_pem = os.path.join(tempdir, "ar-cert.pem")
    cert = auth_and_issue([random_domain()], cert_output=cert_file_pem).body
    serial = "%x" % cert.get_serial_number()
    # Revoke certificate by serial
    if subprocess.Popen(
        "./bin/admin-revoker serial-revoke --config %s/admin-revoker.json %s %d" % (
                default_config_dir, serial, 1), shell=True).wait() != 0:
        print("Failed to revoke certificate")
    # Wait for OCSP response to indicate revocation took place
    ee_ocsp_url = "http://localhost:4002"
    wait_for_ocsp_revoked(cert_file_pem, "test/test-ca2.pem", ee_ocsp_url)
Exemple #27
def test_ct_submission():
    hostname = random_domain()

    # These should correspond to the configured logs in ra.json.
    log_groups = [
        ["http://boulder:4500/submissions", "http://boulder:4501/submissions"],
        ["http://boulder:4510/submissions", "http://boulder:4511/submissions"],
    def submissions(group):
        count = 0
        for log in group:
            count += int(urllib2.urlopen(log + "?hostnames=%s" % hostname).read())
        return count


    got = [ submissions(log_groups[0]), submissions(log_groups[1]) ]
    expected = [ 1, 2 ]

    for i in range(len(log_groups)):
        if got[i] < expected[i]:
            raise Exception("For log group %d, got %d submissions, expected %d." %
                (i, got[i], expected[i]))
Exemple #28
def test_gsb_lookups():
    """Attempt issuances for a GSB-blocked domain, and expect it to fail. Also
       check the gsb-test-srv's count of received queries to ensure it got a
    hostname = "honest.achmeds.discount.hosting.com"
        lambda: auth_and_issue([hostname]))

    hits_map = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen("http://localhost:6000/hits").read())

    # The GSB test server tracks hits with a trailing / on the URL
    hits = hits_map.get(hostname + "/", 0)
    if hits != 1:
        raise Exception("Expected %d Google Safe Browsing lookups for %s, found %d" % (1, url, actual))
Exemple #29
def test_http_challenge_https_redirect():
    client = chisel.make_client()

    # Create an authz for a random domain and get its HTTP-01 challenge token
    d, chall = rand_http_chall(client)
    token = chall.encode("token")

    # Create a HTTP redirect from the challenge's validation path to an HTTPS
    # address with the same path.
    challengePath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/{0}".format(token)
    add_http_redirect(challengePath, "https://{0}{1}".format(d, challengePath))

    # Also add an A record for the domain pointing to the interface that the
    # HTTPS HTTP-01 challtestsrv is bound.
                        "host": d,
                        "addresses": [""],

    auth_and_issue([d], client=client, chall_type="http-01")

Exemple #30
def test_revoke_by_account():
    client = chisel.make_client()
    cert_file = temppath('test_revoke_by_account.pem')
    cert, _ = auth_and_issue([random_domain()],

    client.revoke(cert.body, 0)

    verify_ocsp(cert_file.name, "/tmp/intermediate-cert-sm2-a.pem",
                "http://localhost:4002", "revoked")

Exemple #31
def test_gsb_lookups():
    """Attempt issuances for a GSB-blocked domain, and expect it to fail. Also
       check the gsb-test-srv's count of received queries to ensure it got a
    hostname = "honest.achmeds.discount.hosting.com"
        lambda: auth_and_issue([hostname]))

    hits_map = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen("http://localhost:6000/hits").read())

    # The GSB test server tracks hits with a trailing / on the URL
    hits = hits_map.get(hostname + "/", 0)
    if hits != 1:
        raise Exception("Expected %d Google Safe Browsing lookups for %s, found %d" % (1, url, actual))
Exemple #32
def test_ct_submission():
    hostname = random_domain()

    # These should correspond to the configured logs in ra.json.
    log_groups = [
        ["http://boulder:4500/submissions", "http://boulder:4501/submissions"],
        ["http://boulder:4510/submissions", "http://boulder:4511/submissions"],
    def submissions(group):
        count = 0
        for log in group:
            count += int(urllib2.urlopen(log + "?hostnames=%s" % hostname).read())
        return count


    got = [ submissions(log_groups[0]), submissions(log_groups[1]) ]
    expected = [ 1, 2 ]

    for i in range(len(log_groups)):
        if got[i] < expected[i]:
            raise Exception("For log group %d, got %d submissions, expected %d." %
                (i, got[i], expected[i]))
Exemple #33
def test_http_challenge_http_redirect():
    client = chisel.make_client()

    # Create an authz for a random domain and get its HTTP-01 challenge token
    d, chall = rand_http_chall(client)
    token = chall.encode("token")
    # Calculate its keyauth so we can add it in a special non-standard location
    # for the redirect result
    resp = chall.response(client.key)
    keyauth = resp.key_authorization
    add_http01_response("http-redirect", keyauth)

    # Create a HTTP redirect from the challenge's validation path to some other
    # token path where we have registered the key authorization.
    challengePath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/{0}".format(token)

    auth_and_issue([d], client=client, chall_type="http-01")

Exemple #34
def test_revoke_by_account():
    client = chisel.make_client()
    cert, _ = auth_and_issue([random_domain()], client=client)
    client.revoke(cert.body, 0)

    cert_file_pem = os.path.join(tempdir, "revokeme.pem")
    with open(cert_file_pem, "w") as f:
    ee_ocsp_url = "http://localhost:4002"
    verify_ocsp(cert_file_pem, "/tmp/intermediate-cert-rsa-a.pem", ee_ocsp_url,
    return 0
Exemple #35
def test_admin_revoker_cert():
    cert_file = temppath('test_admin_revoker_cert.pem')
    cert, _ = auth_and_issue([random_domain()], cert_output=cert_file.name)

    # Revoke certificate by serial
    serial = "%x" % cert.body.get_serial_number()
        "./bin/admin-revoker", "serial-revoke", "--config",
        "%s/admin-revoker.json" % config_dir, serial, '1'

    # Wait for OCSP response to indicate revocation took place
    verify_ocsp(cert_file.name, "/tmp/intermediate-cert-sm2-a.pem",
                "http://localhost:4002", "revoked")
Exemple #36
def test_revoke_by_account():
    client = chisel.make_client()
    cert, _ = auth_and_issue([random_domain()], client=client)
    client.revoke(cert.body, 0)

    cert_file_pem = os.path.join(tempdir, "revokeme.pem")
    with open(cert_file_pem, "w") as f:
            OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert.body.wrapped).decode())
    ee_ocsp_url = "http://localhost:4002"
    if default_config_dir.startswith("test/config-next"):
        verify_revocation(cert_file_pem, "test/test-ca2.pem", ee_ocsp_url)
        wait_for_ocsp_revoked(cert_file_pem, "test/test-ca2.pem", ee_ocsp_url)
    return 0
Exemple #37
def test_renewal_exemption():
    Under a single domain, issue one certificate, then two renewals of that
    certificate, then one more different certificate (with a different
    subdomain). Since the certificatesPerName rate limit in testing is 2 per 90
    days, and the renewals should be discounted under the renewal exemption,
    each of these issuances should succeed. Then do one last issuance that we
    expect to be rate limited, just to check that the rate limit is actually 2,
    and we are testing what we think we are testing. See
    https://letsencrypt.org/docs/rate-limits/ for more details.
    base_domain = random_domain()
    # First issuance
    auth_and_issue(["www." + base_domain])
    # First Renewal
    auth_and_issue(["www." + base_domain])
    # Second Renewal
    auth_and_issue(["www." + base_domain])
    # Issuance of a different cert
    auth_and_issue(["blog." + base_domain])
    # Final, failed issuance, for another different cert
                          lambda: auth_and_issue(["mail." + base_domain]))
Exemple #38
def test_http_challenge_loop_redirect():
    client = chisel.make_client()

    # Create an authz for a random domain and get its HTTP-01 challenge token
    d, chall = rand_http_chall(client)
    token = chall.encode("token")

    # Create a HTTP redirect from the challenge's validation path to itself
    challengePath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/{0}".format(token)
    add_http_redirect(challengePath, "http://{0}{1}".format(d, challengePath))

    # Issuing for the the name should fail because of the challenge domains's
    # redirect loop.
        lambda: auth_and_issue([d], client=client, chall_type="http-01"))

Exemple #39
def test_http_challenge_timeout():
    test_http_challenge_timeout tests that the VA times out challenge requests
    to a slow HTTP server appropriately.
    # Start a simple python HTTP server on port 5002 in its own thread.
    # NOTE(@cpu): The pebble-challtestsrv binds for HTTP-01
    # challenges so we must use the address for the throw away
    # server for this test and add a mock DNS entry that directs the VA to it.
    httpd = SlowHTTPServer(('', 5002), SlowHTTPRequestHandler)
    thread = threading.Thread(target=httpd.serve_forever)
    thread.daemon = False

    # Pick a random domain
    hostname = random_domain()

    # Add A record for the domains to ensure the VA's requests are directed
    # to the interface that we bound the HTTPServer to.
    challSrv.add_a_record(hostname, [""])

    start = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    end = 0

        # We expect a connection timeout error to occur
            lambda: auth_and_issue([hostname], chall_type="http-01"))
        end = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        # Shut down the HTTP server gracefully and join on its thread.

    delta = end - start
    # Expected duration should be the RA->VA timeout plus some padding (At
    # present the timeout is 20s so adding 2s of padding = 22s)
    expectedDuration = 22
    if delta.total_seconds() == 0 or delta.total_seconds() > expectedDuration:
        raise (Exception(
            "expected timeout to occur in under {0} seconds. Took {1}".format(
                expectedDuration, delta.total_seconds())))
Exemple #40
def test_http_challenge_loop_redirect():
    client = chisel.make_client()

    # Create an authz for a random domain and get its HTTP-01 challenge token
    d, chall = rand_http_chall(client)
    token = chall.encode("token")

    # Create a HTTP redirect from the challenge's validation path to itself
    challengePath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/{0}".format(token)
        "http://{0}{1}".format(d, challengePath))

    # Issuing for the the name should fail because of the challenge domains's
    # redirect loop.
        lambda: auth_and_issue([d], client=client, chall_type="http-01"))

Exemple #41
def test_gsb_lookups():
    """Attempt issuances for a GSB-blocked domain, and expect it to fail. Also
       check the gsb-test-srv's count of received queries to ensure it got a
    # TODO(jsha): Once gsbv4 is enabled in both config and config-next, remove
    # this early return.
    if not default_config_dir.startswith("test/config-next"):

    hostname = "honest.achmeds.discount.hosting.com"
        lambda: auth_and_issue([hostname]))

    hits_map = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen("http://localhost:6000/hits").read())

    # The GSB test server tracks hits with a trailing / on the URL
    hits = hits_map.get(hostname + "/", 0)
    if hits != 1:
        raise("Expected %d Google Safe Browsing lookups for %s, found %d" % (1, url, actual))
Exemple #42
def test_http_challenge_badproto_redirect():
    client = chisel.make_client()

    # Create an authz for a random domain and get its HTTP-01 challenge token
    d, chall = rand_http_chall(client)
    token = chall.encode("token")

    # Create a HTTP redirect from the challenge's validation path to whacky
    # non-http/https protocol URL.
    challengePath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/{0}".format(token)
        "gopher://{0}{1}".format(d, challengePath))

    # Issuing for the name should cause a connection error because the redirect
    # URL an invalid protocol scheme.
        lambda: auth_and_issue([d], client=client, chall_type="http-01"))

Exemple #43
def test_expiration_mailer():
    email_addr = "*****@*****.**" % random.randrange(2**16)
    cert, _ = auth_and_issue([random_domain()], email=email_addr)
    # Check that the expiration mailer sends a reminder
    expiry = datetime.datetime.strptime(cert.body.get_notAfter().decode(), '%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ')
    no_reminder = expiry + datetime.timedelta(days=-31)
    first_reminder = expiry + datetime.timedelta(days=-13)
    last_reminder = expiry + datetime.timedelta(days=-2)

    requests.post("http://localhost:9381/clear", data='')
    print(get_future_output('./bin/expiration-mailer --config %s/expiration-mailer.json' %
        config_dir, no_reminder))
    print(get_future_output('./bin/expiration-mailer --config %s/expiration-mailer.json' %
        config_dir, first_reminder))
    print(get_future_output('./bin/expiration-mailer --config %s/expiration-mailer.json' %
        config_dir, last_reminder))
    resp = requests.get("http://localhost:9381/count?to=%s" % email_addr)
    mailcount = int(resp.text)
    if mailcount != 2:
        raise(Exception("\nExpiry mailer failed: expected 2 emails, got %d" % mailcount))
Exemple #44
def test_http_challenge_badproto_redirect():
    client = chisel.make_client()

    # Create an authz for a random domain and get its HTTP-01 challenge token
    d, chall = rand_http_chall(client)
    token = chall.encode("token")

    # Create a HTTP redirect from the challenge's validation path to whacky
    # non-http/https protocol URL.
    challengePath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/{0}".format(token)
                      "gopher://{0}{1}".format(d, challengePath))

    # Issuing for the name should cause a connection error because the redirect
    # URL an invalid protocol scheme.
        lambda: auth_and_issue([d], client=client, chall_type="http-01"))

Exemple #45
def test_http_challenge_badhost_redirect():
    client = chisel.make_client()

    # Create an authz for a random domain and get its HTTP-01 challenge token
    d, chall = rand_http_chall(client)
    token = chall.encode("token")

    # Create a HTTP redirect from the challenge's validation path to a bare IP
    # hostname.
    challengePath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/{0}".format(token)

    # Issuing for the name should cause a connection error because the redirect
    # domain name is an IP address.
        lambda: auth_and_issue([d], client=client, chall_type="http-01"))

Exemple #46
def test_http_challenge_badhost_redirect():
    client = chisel.make_client()

    # Create an authz for a random domain and get its HTTP-01 challenge token
    d, chall = rand_http_chall(client)
    token = chall.encode("token")

    # Create a HTTP redirect from the challenge's validation path to a
    # non public hostname.
    challengePath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/{0}".format(token)

    # Issuing for the name should cause a connection error because the redirect
    # domain name is an not end in IANA registered TLD.
        lambda: auth_and_issue([d], client=client, chall_type="http-01"))

Exemple #47
def test_http_challenge_badhost_redirect():
    client = chisel.make_client()

    # Create an authz for a random domain and get its HTTP-01 challenge token
    d, chall = rand_http_chall(client)
    token = chall.encode("token")

    # Create a HTTP redirect from the challenge's validation path to a bare IP
    # hostname.
    challengePath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/{0}".format(token)

    # Issuing for the name should cause a connection error because the redirect
    # domain name is an IP address.
        lambda: auth_and_issue([d], client=client, chall_type="http-01"))

Exemple #48
def test_expiration_mailer():
    email_addr = "*****@*****.**" % random.randrange(2**16)
    cert, _ = auth_and_issue([random_domain()], email=email_addr)
    # Check that the expiration mailer sends a reminder
    expiry = datetime.datetime.strptime(cert.body.get_notAfter(), '%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ')
    no_reminder = expiry + datetime.timedelta(days=-31)
    first_reminder = expiry + datetime.timedelta(days=-13)
    last_reminder = expiry + datetime.timedelta(days=-2)

    urllib2.urlopen("http://localhost:9381/clear", data='')
    print get_future_output('./bin/expiration-mailer --config %s/expiration-mailer.json' %
        default_config_dir, no_reminder)
    print get_future_output('./bin/expiration-mailer --config %s/expiration-mailer.json' %
        default_config_dir, first_reminder)
    print get_future_output('./bin/expiration-mailer --config %s/expiration-mailer.json' %
        default_config_dir, last_reminder)
    resp = urllib2.urlopen("http://localhost:9381/count?to=%s" % email_addr)
    mailcount = int(resp.read())
    if mailcount != 2:
        raise Exception("\nExpiry mailer failed: expected 2 emails, got %d" % mailcount)
Exemple #49
def test_http_challenge_timeout():
    test_http_challenge_timeout tests that the VA times out challenge requests
    to a slow HTTP server appropriately.
    # Start a simple python HTTP server on port 5002 in its own thread.
    # NOTE(@cpu): The pebble-challtestsrv binds for HTTP-01
    # challenges so we must use the address for the throw away
    # server for this test and add a mock DNS entry that directs the VA to it.
    httpd = HTTPServer(('', 5002), SlowHTTPRequestHandler)
    thread = threading.Thread(target = httpd.serve_forever)
    thread.daemon = False

    # Pick a random domain
    hostname = random_domain()

    # Add A record for the domains to ensure the VA's requests are directed
    # to the interface that we bound the HTTPServer to.
    challSrv.add_a_record(hostname, [""])

    start = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    end = 0

        # We expect a connection timeout error to occur
            lambda: auth_and_issue([hostname], chall_type="http-01"))
        end = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        # Shut down the HTTP server gracefully and join on its thread.

    delta = end - start
    # Expected duration should be the RA->VA timeout plus some padding (At
    # present the timeout is 20s so adding 2s of padding = 22s)
    expectedDuration = 22
    if delta.total_seconds() == 0 or delta.total_seconds() > expectedDuration:
        raise Exception("expected timeout to occur in under {0} seconds. Took {1}".format(expectedDuration, delta.total_seconds()))
Exemple #50
def test_admin_revoker_batched():
    certs = []
    serials = []
    serialFile = os.path.join(tempdir, "serials.hex")
    f = open(serialFile, "w")

    for x in range(3):
        cert_file_pem = os.path.join(tempdir, "ar-cert-%d.pem" % x)
        cert, _ = auth_and_issue([random_domain()], cert_output=cert_file_pem)
        serial = "%x" % cert.body.get_serial_number()
        f.write("%s\n" % serial)

    run("./bin/admin-revoker batched-serial-revoke --config %s/admin-revoker.json %s %d %d" % (
        config_dir, serialFile, 0, 2))

    ee_ocsp_url = "http://localhost:4002"
    for cert in certs:
        verify_ocsp(cert, "test/test-ca2.pem", ee_ocsp_url, "revoked")
Exemple #51
def test_caa():
    """Request issuance for two CAA domains, one where we are permitted and one where we are not.
       Two further sub-domains have restricted validationmethods.
    if len(caa_authzs) == 0:
        raise Exception("CAA authzs not prepared for test_caa")
    for a in caa_authzs:
        response = requests.get(a.uri)
        if response.status_code != 200:
            raise Exception("Unexpected response for CAA authz: ",


    # Request issuance for recheck.good-caa-reserved.com, which should
    # now be denied due to CAA.
    chisel.expect_problem("urn:acme:error:caa", lambda: chisel.issue(caa_client, caa_authzs))

        lambda: auth_and_issue(["bad-caa-reserved.com"]))

    # TODO(@4a6f656c): Once the `CAAValidationMethods` feature flag is enabled by
    # default, remove this early return.
    if not default_config_dir.startswith("test/config-next"):

        lambda: auth_and_issue(["dns-01-only.good-caa-reserved.com"], chall_type="http-01"))

        lambda: auth_and_issue(["http-01-only.good-caa-reserved.com"], chall_type="dns-01"))

    # Note: the additional names are to avoid rate limiting...
    auth_and_issue(["dns-01-only.good-caa-reserved.com", "www.dns-01-only.good-caa-reserved.com"], chall_type="dns-01")
    auth_and_issue(["http-01-only.good-caa-reserved.com", "www.http-01-only.good-caa-reserved.com"], chall_type="http-01")
    auth_and_issue(["dns-01-or-http-01.good-caa-reserved.com", "dns-01-only.good-caa-reserved.com"], chall_type="dns-01")
    auth_and_issue(["dns-01-or-http-01.good-caa-reserved.com", "http-01-only.good-caa-reserved.com"], chall_type="http-01")

    # CAA should fail with an arbitrary account, but succeed with the caa_client.
    chisel.expect_problem("urn:acme:error:caa", lambda: auth_and_issue(["accounturi.good-caa-reserved.com"]))
    auth_and_issue(["accounturi.good-caa-reserved.com"], client=caa_client)
Exemple #52
def test_certificates_per_name():
        lambda: auth_and_issue(["lim.it"]))
Exemple #53
def test_http_challenge_https_redirect():
    client = chisel.make_client()

    # Create an authz for a random domain and get its HTTP-01 challenge token
    d, chall = rand_http_chall(client)
    token = chall.encode("token")
    # Calculate its keyauth so we can add it in a special non-standard location
    # for the redirect result
    resp = chall.response(client.key)
    keyauth = resp.key_authorization
    challSrv.add_http01_response("https-redirect", keyauth)

    # Create a HTTP redirect from the challenge's validation path to an HTTPS
    # path with some parameters
    challengePath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/{0}".format(token)
    redirectPath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/https-redirect?params=are&important=to&not=lose"
        "https://{0}{1}".format(d, redirectPath))

    # Also add an A record for the domain pointing to the interface that the
    # HTTPS HTTP-01 challtestsrv is bound.
    challSrv.add_a_record(d, [""])

    auth_and_issue([d], client=client, chall_type="http-01")


    history = challSrv.http_request_history(d)

    # There should have been at least two GET requests made to the challtestsrv by the VA
    if len(history) < 2:
        raise Exception("Expected 2 HTTP request events on challtestsrv, found {0}".format(len(history)))

    initialRequests = []
    redirectedRequests = []

    for request in history:
      # Initial requests should have the expected initial HTTP-01 URL for the challenge
      if request['URL'] == challengePath:
      # Redirected requests should have the expected redirect path URL with all
      # its parameters
      elif request['URL'] == redirectPath:
        raise Exception("Unexpected request URL {0} in challtestsrv history: {1}".format(request['URL'], request))

    # There should have been at least 1 initial HTTP-01 validation request.
    if len(initialRequests) < 1:
        raise Exception("Expected {0} initial HTTP-01 request events on challtestsrv, found {1}".format(validation_attempts, len(initialRequests)))
     # All initial requests should have been over HTTP
    for r in initialRequests:
      if r['HTTPS'] is True:
        raise Exception("Expected all initial requests to be HTTP")

    # There should have been at least 1 redirected HTTP request for each VA
    if len(redirectedRequests) < 1:
        raise Exception("Expected {0} redirected HTTP-01 request events on challtestsrv, found {1}".format(validation_attempts, len(redirectedRequests)))
    # All the redirected requests should have been over HTTPS with the correct
    # SNI value
    for r in redirectedRequests:
      if r['HTTPS'] is False:
        raise Exception("Expected all redirected requests to be HTTPS")
      elif r['ServerName'] != d:
        raise Exception("Expected all redirected requests to have ServerName {0} got \"{1}\"".format(d, r['ServerName']))
Exemple #54
def test_http_challenge():
    auth_and_issue([random_domain(), random_domain()], chall_type="http-01")
Exemple #55
def test_caa():
    """Request issuance for two CAA domains, one where we are permitted and one where we are not."""

        lambda: auth_and_issue(["bad-caa-reserved.com"]))
Exemple #56
def test_tls_alpn_challenge():
    # TODO(@mdebski): Once the tls-alpn-01 challenge is enabled in pa.challenges
    # by default, delete this early return.
    if not default_config_dir.startswith("test/config-next"):
    auth_and_issue([random_domain(), random_domain()], chall_type="tls-alpn-01")
Exemple #57
def setup_zero_days_ago():
    """Do any setup that needs to happen at the start of a test run."""
    # Issue a certificate and save the authzs to check that they still exist
    # at a later point.
    global new_authzs
    _, new_authzs = auth_and_issue([random_domain()])
Exemple #58
def test_multidomain():
    auth_and_issue([random_domain(), random_domain()])
Exemple #59
def test_dns_challenge():
    auth_and_issue([random_domain(), random_domain()], chall_type="dns-01")